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Top 3 Happy Marriage Tips? Intimacy counseling, separation, and divorce

First, if you are reading this article, it may be because you are struggling. For one, you marriage has been good at times, but this is a real rough patch. Often, marriage and couples therapy is helpful when wanting more emotional connection, trust, and communication. Further, marriage and intimacy counseling includes talking about family changes such as separation, and divorce. In this article, you will learn three important elements to every marriage. No matter if you are gay, bisexual, lesbian, or straight, these can apply. Also, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, we welcome polyamorous couples. To add, this article is written By Katie Ziskind LMFT, RYT500, owner of Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic

What Is Different About Marriage Therapy In Niantic, Connecticut?

New Year’s has come and gone, which means your self-care plan is either working or now you feel crappy. But, just like self-care goals, your marriage needs goals too! Furthermore, marriage therapy Niantic can help you and your partner feel closer and in love again. Instead of getting the love and support you long for from your marriage, you are now feeling uncared for.

The average couple often waits until problems become vicious and severe before seeking marriage counseling. Unfortunately, unaddressed relationship problems often get worse with time.

And, while many resolutions have a tendency to be forgotten, you can pick up a new positive habit like knitting or yoga for yourself easily. Marriage therapy in Niantic focuses on bringing out your best self. And, we are professionals in helping you rekindle desire, safety, and love. However, your marriage needs lots of tender loving care to grow. Because, your marriage involves two or more people, there is a lot more at stake when your marriage goals slip! Therefore, when you look for intimacy counseling and want to discuss separation, and divorce, call us at 860-451-9364 today.

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1. Understand Your Marriage Fights And Your Cycle

So, you and your partner need to work to understand your cycle. Now, each couple has a cycle of aggression and distance that leads to separation and divorce. And, a couple’s therapy session can help you and your partner improve communication for co-parenting.

Do you feeling like you are walking on eggshells around your partner in your marriage?

I know you are sad and disconnected. You may have gotten a divorce thinking that it will make your life less dramatic. However, now your ex partner threats your children, which only makes your life worse. When two people have a child together, the vicious cycle of couples fights can continue even after partners have separated. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, you learn positive coping skills to let go of frustration. Plus, you and your children’s other parent can learn to communicate calmly and get on the same page. Call/Text 860-451-9364 for more information on marital and family therapy.

Looking for intimacy counseling, or are you considering sharing separation and divorce with your children?

Well, you don’t want to tell your child you and your partner are getting a divorce without a therapist’s help. For one, your therapist can help ensure the meeting goes smoothly. And, your Niantic, Connecticut creative therapist can offer resources. For example, you may want to meet other parents and children going through separation and divorce. Also, having your child in therapy can remedy bed behaviors in school. Your child can learn ways to let go of anger, sadness, and loss through art, yoga, music, and outdoor walking therapies. It is okay if your children don’t want to talk. Additionally, couples therapy and co parenting therapy can help the divorce go smoother. Overall, marital and family therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut can help you family move through and heal after divorce and loss. Call/Text for a phone consultation 860-451-9364.

2. Identify The Challenges Within Your Marriage

Secondly, another very important aspect of a marriage is to identify challenges. When you are aware of the challenges you and your partner face, you get vulnerable. Instead of continuing the cycle of hurt, when you look at challenges within your marriage, you gain self-awareness. Also, instead of blaming your partner as a narcissist, focus on teaming up against the challenges as a unit. Read about four things to watch out for in a marriage, here. So, next time you feel a fight coming on, focus on how you can team up against the issue.

What Is One Specific Challenge Your Marriage May Face? Raising Challenging Children

If you partner has turned to alcohol and given up on your marriage, that is a major issue and big challenge. However, just like alcoholism, raising challenging children can put a strain on your marriage, family, couple unit, and love life. First, even the most well behaved children and adolescents have struggles. And, your children might be professionals at weaving their way in between you and your partner.

Looking for parenting support, intimacy counseling, or professional help talking about separation, and divorce?

Furthermore, the number one casualty of getting up in middle of the night with your crying, newborn baby is always the relationship between two parents. So, Niantic marriage counseling and couples therapy helps you remember that your marriage comes first. We love help LGBTQ, bisexual, lesbian, gay, lesbian, queer, transgender, poly, kink, and all types of couples. In a busy schedule, it is hard to nurture your relationship. So, through holistic, alternative marital therapy, we help you stay focused with healthy communication. Read more about parenting support sessions as a part of marriage therapy in Niantic, here.

What Does Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic Do To Help Marriages Get A Fresh Start?

Katie Ziskind, licensed marriage and family therapist, in Niantic helps couples identify precise problem areas and begins therapy with a full relationship assessment. Your relationship assessment will help you and your partner rebuild trust, communicate more effectively, and then resolve conflicts. Read more about help for couples and Niantic marriage therapy, here. In couples counseling and marriage therapy in Niantic, you and your partner will learn how to connect and love more deeply. You can create the relationship you have always wanted.

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In intimacy counseling, marital therapy, and couples counseling, no matter if you are considering with loss, separation, and divorce, our team would love to help you!

Listen and understand each other

Effectively communicate

Resolve conflict with win/win solutions

Set healthy boundaries

Improve trust

Have fun and enjoy time together

Reignite the passion in your relationship

3. Create A Common Goals For Your Marriage Including Honesty

So, most couples and marriages fail because partners are not honest. Over 70% of couples break up due to issues with honesty, infidelity, and unhealthy fights related to honesty. And, as much as you love amazing, passionate, great sex, the foundation of sex is honesty. Furthermore, marriage therapy Niantic can teach you and your partner the education behind how to have great sex. Similarly, emotional honesty is about being vulnerable with your partner about your emotions. Rather than numbing out on your cell phone, turn towards your partner. Through therapy, you can learn to share your fears, what you’re scared of, and let go of keeping your feelings inside. Lastly, if you have always wanted a partner who emotionally is there for you, therapy can help your partner gain empathy and emotional connection too!

Honesty Vs. Secrets, Niantic Marriage Therapy

To note, secrets are stressful and eat away at your core. Secrets are not sustainable and play into the vicious cycle of mistrust. Read about some struggle interracial couples have when dating, here. And, your marriage and children will suffer if you keep secrets. Further, it is okay if you have trouble being honest. Moreover, you may feel like you are a chronic cheater, or have blockages that prevent you from being emotionally vulnerable, call or text to get started (860)-451-9364.

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How are the holistic, creative approaches of Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut in marriage and intimacy counseling, or separation, and divorce different?

First, creative art and music therapies promote a universal language beyond words. So, if you and your partner are stuck fighting or can’t find words, that is our speciality. And, we have an art table, paints, gel pens, watercolors, clay, and more. With work and children, you may not get time to paint at home. Therefore, you and your partner are guided in a couples art painting for intimacy and connection. Furthermore, creative art helps promotes anxiety coping skills, self-love, and letting go of negative emotions in healthy ways. Also, outdoor walking therapies help mild depression and can be a lifelong coping skill.

intimacy counseling, separation, and divorce, marriage counseling, marriage therapy,, couples therapy East Lyme, connecticut

How is yoga therapy used in couples therapy, intimacy counseling, and separation, and divorce counseling?

We are all about helping you clear your mind, creating a calm life, and helping you feel confident in your marriage. Therefore, yoga, mediation, and breathing therapies can also help with emotional confidence. So, yoga and breathing can help you manage panic attacks and anxiety. And, yoga therapy for couples is all about building a playful, meaningful, healthy relationship, all from self-care. These holistic marriage and family therapy experiences, positive coping outlets, and holistic skills help you love yourself. From there, then you can be open hearted to talk, and love another openly. Likewise, yoga helps you in amazing ways if you have been through trauma or have PTSD. Lastly, we help you lay a foundation for emotional development and healthy relationships, so you can be the best you can be in your couple bubble.

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counseling, gay and lesbian couples counseling, couples communication issues,
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marriage problems, how to save a marriage, Niantic, Connecticut, Shoreline, East Lyme, marriage therapy, art, painting, yoga, music, family counseling, walking outdoors, holistic, creative, alternative

Get Started In Marriage Counseling and Couples Therapy Today!

Qualified marriage and family therapists in Niantic at Wisdom Within Counseling are specifically trained to help you and your partner. We help married couples create a set of specific shared goals to put into practice in everyday life. If you feel disconnected now, don’t worry any longer.

There is hope for your marriage – Contact (860) 984-1205 to make a fresh start.

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