Have you been feeling a sense of disconnection from your fiancé, partner, or spouse? And, do you miss having safe, nurturing, genuine, living, intimate communication? As well, are you worried that you are growing away from each other instead of together? Many times, couples struggle to reconnect after growing apart from each other. Now, if you feel like you’ve been walking on eggshells with your marriage, seek counseling with our experienced team. Do you want to improve your sex life? Couples struggle with having less sex or no sex at all. Marriage counseling in Norwalk, CT can help you if you don’t know how to create physical intimacy again. Maybe, you have a feeling of rejection or anxiety.
Well, working with a Norwalk, CT marriage counselor can help you feel confident unifying the physical and emotional gap.
Just like learning to play basketball, learning to improve your marriage takes time. For instance, your marriage therapist teaches you how to change tone of voice to create more connection. Maybe, the next marital therapy session, you are learning about touch in your relationship. Then, the week after you can talk about your gender and sexuality within your marriage. Each week, in marriage counseling, you can explore topics like finances, money, and security. As well, you can bridge sensitive topics like childhood trauma and learn more about each other’s triggers.
On that note, Norwalk, CT marriage therapy can help you build self-regulation tools.
Now, what is self regulation? Do you feel unsettling emotions, frustration, anger, or high and low feelings? Sometimes, do you feel very angry, more so than other people? Does your level of anger and frustration cause anxiety and scare friends and family?

Norwalk, CT marriage therapy helps with anger management issues and high conflict cycles
Do you identify as an adult child of alcoholics and feel anxious all the time? Hard to trust in your romantic relationship? Want to live a more confident life? Trauma experiences may be holding you back.
Emotional intimacy counseling
First, when you feel something intense, it can come out as harsh, anger. So, when you feel betrayed, guilty, or ashamed, finding the right words may be challenging right now. Therefore, marriage counseling in Norwalk, Connecticut can help you describe feelings that are hard to talk about. Now, many couples fight about tiny issues because of childhood trauma wounds. Essentially, an old wound like fear of abandonment gets triggered by a conflict.
Right now, do you feel hurt by each other?
Well, the emotional hurt you feel today is from an old wound. For instance, what your partner says or does hits an old sore spot from years ago. Maybe, it hits some need for nurturing your parents never met for you. When in a hurt place, couples will say mean things to each other. In counseling, we help couples develop a positive repair cycle after a conflict. Plus, we can help you identify when you spouse can be there to meet your needs and when they can’t.
To begin, book a phone consult using the pink button below for Norwalk, Ct holistic marriage therapy.
So, if you experience the cycle of emotional distance, yelling, and shut down, relationship therapy in Norwalk can help.
You may feel like you were raised by alcoholic parents. Maybe, you had to be perfect all the time as a child. Or, maybe your spouse had an emotionally distant mother who is now your in law. Trauma of all kinds plays a role in how you feel and communicate today. So, if you had any experiences in your past including parental divorce or watch your parents fight as a child, this is a trauma.
As well, if your spouse has cheated and been unfaithful, that can be trauma.
Within your marriage, infidelity can create an emotional and physical wall to intimacy. Additionally, Wisdom Within Counseling helps partners build shared meaning. Frequently, couples have different meanings due to different childhoods. Marriage counseling helps couples develop boundaries for security and trust. We help couples create a definition of fidelity in their relationship
As well, experiencing bullying is a trauma experience. In addition, experiencing physical, mental, or emotional or abuse is trauma. Therefore, it is important to work with a trauma informed marriage counselor such as one at Wisdom Within Counseling.

Inner peace and self-regulation in relationship therapy in Norwalk, Connecticut
Essentially, you can understand when you need a break from your spouse. And, you can verbalize when you feel anxious instead of being aggressive or angry. Likewise, attending holistic couples therapy is great for couples who feel like they live on different planets.
Many times, couples spend most of their days with children, parenting, or with the responsibilities of work. And, they forget about each other’s love needs.
Yes, these responsibilities are important. Many couples don’t prioritize their romantic relationship. Unfortunately, a couples these days fall into a frustrating high conflict cycle of emotional shut down. If you experience emotional distance, Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in teaching couples to reconnect emotionally.
To begin, reach out today for marriage counseling in Norwalk, Connecticut by clicking the link button below.
As well, in the past, did you feel like there was a betrayal?
Sometimes, when there has been a affair emotionally or physically in the past, it is hard to rebuild trust. As well, it might be hard to think about rebuilding that trust again. Maybe, your definition of cheating and infidelity differs from your partner’s viewpoints. And, you keep getting into disagreements and tense conflicts. For some couples, both same sex and straight couples, one spouse may think that talking to other people on dating apps is not cheating. Where as, the other person feels it is cheating as is seen as a breach of commitment. In marriage therapy, you can talk about what infidelity and fidelity means to you. And, you can share about how these betrayals relate to what you saw in your upbringing and childhood.
Therefore, working with marriage counseling professional can help you and your spouse rebuild trust in playful ways.
As well, in marriage counseling, you can have a safe place to discuss fears, worries, and anxieties. You can talk about what triggers you and what helps you feel safe. Essentially, couples get a safe place to slow down and understand emotional intimacy.
And, Norwalk, CT marriage counseling gives you a tool box of coping tools to communicate better.
Anxiety can keep you away from living in the present moment. And, that can prevent you from truly enjoying your romantic relationship.
Are you in a romantic relationship, and do you need help re-joining?
Essentially, emotional distance is negative in relationships. Moreover, Norwalk, CT marriage therapy is about helping each of you focus on the togetherness and unite. Many times, fighting couples experience differences in libido. For example, one person has a low libido and the other person has a high libido. Frequently, high and low sex drive differences play a role in arguments and frustration. Marriage counseling can support emotional growth and sex positive conversations.
Norwalk, CT marriage therapy Is LGBTQIA+ affirming and transgender affirming
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team offers LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy. Or, it could be that one has a desire for an open relationship. For some couples, an open relationship is the reason they start in marital therapy. If no matter what you try to do to fix your relationship stressors and conflicts, nothing works, holistic marriage therapy can help.
In marriage therapy in Norwalk, Connecticut, our team helps LGBTQIA, same sex, and queer couples develop good communication.
And, our marriage therapists find that positive, calm communication is necessary for a healthy relationship. So, with a foundation on learning about calm communication, your therapist can help you explore gender. And, you can talk about your gender expression, sexuality, and sexual orientation in relationship therapy.
Often, our team works with lesbian, gay, and same sex couples who want a positive foundation for their family.
Maybe, you want to talk about getting pregnant and looking into that. In addition, we help couples who are transitioning genders or transgender. Many times, transgender issues can help a couple and family grow close when they have the right fit therapist. At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team of therapists specialize in gender issues, sexuality, and sex therapy. We offer you a sex positive approach to marriage therapy.
Transgender affirming marital therapy
We are transgender affirming marriage therapists. Sometimes, a child’s gender and coming out process can impact a marriage. Let’s say, you have a great foundation in your marriage, but your child just came out as transgender. Now, new conflicts and arguments on your child’s gender are rising up in your marriage. As well, if you spouse has come out as transgender, we specialize with gender transitions in marriage therapy. For you, does talking about LGBTQIA+ and gender expression bring up conflicts in your marriage? Do you and your spouse share different political views?
Did you spouse come out to you as non binary or transgender? Right now, you may feel concerned about your spouse’s gender identity.
Maybe, your spouse said they want to go by they/them pronouns. Or, your spouse shared that they are bigender or two spirited. Maybe, your spouse is non binary identifies as gender fluid or gender non conforming. So, you have some lingering questions about LGBTQIA+ and what gender fluid means. Well, our marriage therapists help educate in LGBTQIA+. And, your holistic marriage therapist can help you bridge conversations around gender. For many couples, gender and sexuality play into culture and cultural expectations of gender. But, with Norwalk, CT marriage therapy that is LGBTQIA+ affirming, you can have a safe place to talk about gender and sexual orientation with confidence.