Is there avoidance, silence and fighting in your romantic relationship?
Are you walking on eggshells around your spouse or avoiding topics?
Right now, do you both get into a fight trying to win, on up the other, or be right?
At one time did you have a loving and playful relationship with your spouse, but that has since faded away?
Frequently, couples that seek marriage counseling struggle with healthy communication. Maybe, you feel stuck in a cycle of conflict and cannot resolve your problems alone. As well, you might be in a period of transition such as moving homes or moving to a new state. Or, you are looking to talk about LGBTQIA+ exploration, opening your marriage, or learning your spouse is transgender. After having children, being in a job you don’t like, and even watching your own parents get divorced, working on having a healthy marriage can be difficult. In marriage counseling, Wisdom Within Counseling helps couples who are in same-sex relationships and heterosexual relationships. Often, couples do not have the communication skills to start changing their unhealthy behaviors. Many times, couples know that they need a professional to help them improve their romantic relationship.

To begin, book a phone consult below for Mystic, Ct marriage therapy.
Therefore, we help couples who have developed resentment and need help turning negative behaviors into positive ones.
In addition, going to marriage counseling in Mystic, Ct can improve your relationship. For one, in couples therapy you are focusing time and energy on your couple unit. Sometimes, we find that from working with a couple, one partner needs individual therapy. Maybe, one person has limitations or mental blocks to focusing energy on the marriage.
In couples therapy in Mystic, Ct, you can learn to prioritize your relationship over all else.
Therefore, your therapist can expand upon the couples therapy framework and offer individual counseling. Perhaps, you want to talk about some thing you are feeling with your couples therapist before sharing it with your spouse. Couples therapy can be a mixture of individual therapy and marriage counseling in Mystic, CT. Lastly, we are a group of marriage and family therapists who specialize with distant couples.
Well, marriage therapy in Mystic, CT can help you improve your communication and your understanding of each other.
In addition, holistic, creative marriage counseling helps distant couples strengthen their emotional connection to each other. Yes, you might be sharing finances, but the emotional connection may need repair. Manytimes, couples do not tend to their spouse’s emotional needs enough. But, with marriage therapy, you can learn techniques to foster connection.
Frequently, our marriage therapists in Mystic, CT help couples who feel tension, conflict and emotional pain.
In addition, we help couples who have communication problems learn how to share their feelings in calmer ways. Maybe, you want help learning to speak about intense emotions or your triggers. In Mystic, CT marriage counseling, we help couples with sexual difficulties.
LGBTQIA+ Affirming Marriage Therapist in Mystic, Connecticut
And, you receive an LGBTQIA+ affirming and sex positive counseling approach. Maybe, your spouse told you they are bisexual or that they want an open marriage. Perhaps, you are currently in a polyamorous open relationship and want a therapist to help you all develop healthy communication. Or, you are in a marriage to someone who just came out to you as gay. Or, your adolescent just came out as non binary and gender non conforming. And, your spouse is rigid in their religious views and not affirming. As well, perhaps your spouse is struggling with their gender expression. Maybe, your spouse enjoys cross dressing in feminine clothes and this feels scary to you.

Wisdom Within Counseling specializes with queer LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy in Mystic, Ct.
LGBTQIA+ affirming couples therapy includes kind friendly, BDSM friendly, and polyamorous friendly counseling. So, if you spouse is gender questioning, LGBTQIA+ marriage therapy is a speciality of ours. Frequently, couples come in for LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy to understand their gender and sexuality. Essentially, sexual orientation can be fluid across the lifespan. Plus, gender questioning feelings impact the whole family. Your marriage therapist can help with supportive book recommendations too. So, Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in with transgender affirming counseling.
Parenting challenges splitting you apart?
As well, when you are having conflicts around child rearing, parenting, or parenting styles, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling is happy to help with a positive parenting approach. Manytimes, blending of families after divorce can lead to intense emotions. We work with blended families and families who have come together after a challenging experience. Maybe, it triggers you when you said, “No,” and your spouse gives in to your child.
And, if you were raised differently than your spouse, these differences can cause intense marital conflicts.
Maybe, you parents had different religious and cultural values than your spouse’s family. Or, you want your child to be raised the way you grew up with the same religious views. However, your spouse wants your child to be a different religion and offers a contradictory influence. Well, your marriage therapist helps you develop positive meaning together that is shared. And, you can talk about differences and similarities in religious and cultural views. Manytimes, couples do not have knowledge of how culture and religion play a role. In addition, Wisdom Within Counseling teaches tools for positive parenting. So, with positive parenting skills, you can feel like a team again.
Marriage therapy in Mystic, CT helps you become positive parents and a united front.
Do you want special time for you and your spouse again?
Many times, couples fall into stagnation because they work long hours and don’t make time for each other. Sometimes, pressure and anxiety to make money and establish a career is all consuming. Maybe, you get home from work and immediately open your laptop to start working again. Right now, being a work-a-holic may be helping you cope. However, in the long run, being a work-a-holic can be damaging for romance, sex, and playfulness.
In holistic marriage counseling, there are no distractions such as cell phones or TVs to take your focus away from your spouse.

Frequently, in holistic marriage therapy in Mystic, CT, couples learn to refocus on each other. And, relationship therapy helps couples truly make each other a priority again. Essentially, you get a safe place to reflect and slow down the conflict. And, you therapist can help you both process and release anger, sadness, loss, and jealousy in your marriage.
Childhood trauma and substance abuse – Do you identify as an adult child of alcoholics?
Sometimes, couples come to counseling because one or both people deal with alcoholism or substance-abuse issue.
Right now, yelling and high conflict fights might be arising. Maybe, you feel up and down with your spouse. As well, your spouse may be saying hurtful comments in your conflicts. Frequently, substance abuse and alcoholism issues in marriage counseling are from childhood trauma. Maybe, you or your spouse grew up with a parent who was an alcoholic.
PTSD Marriage Therapy Specialty
Or, you identify as an adult child of alcoholic parents. To add, childhood abuse and neglect plays a role in your marriage conflicts today. So, by working with a marriage counselor, who specializes in trauma, you can learn about setting boundaries. As well, you can learn about alcoholism, being an adult child of alcoholic parents, and your spouse’s alcoholism. In additional, you can talk about how your spouse’s alcohol and substance abuse impacts your mental health.
In Mystic, Connecticut marriage therapy, you can also learn how to have fun together without needing to drink alcohol or using substances.
As well, we help couples overcome and heal from childhood trauma and relationship trauma.
Sometimes, couples who grew up in childhood trauma have a feeling of inadequacy. Maybe, as a child your parents rejected you emotionally. So, in couples therapy in Mystic, CT, you can talk about your fears of inadequacy. To add, when your spouse sees you as incapable, you develop frustration and anger. Or, if you had parents who abandoned you, you may have fears of abandonment regarding your spouse.
In addition, we help couples who have experiences of cheating and infidelity.
For some couples, cheating and infidelity is an ongoing problem. Right now, when you ask what is wrong or going on, you may get a shrug or a defensive, angry reply. Or, your spouse is showing less intimacy than usual. As well, if your spouse has stopped sharing about their day and talking, you may feel hurt and confused. Maybe, your spouse stopped caring about you all together. Perhaps, you sense something that doesn’t quite feel right in your relationship to you.
However, now that you found out about the affair, you feel intense betrayal and anger.
Often, holistic marriage therapy can help couples understand what lead to the affair. Then, couples can learn to prevent infidelity in the future through accepting bids for connection. Understandably, some couples are afraid to talk about these issues together. Often, there is deep emotional pain from experiencing an affair and broken trust.
So, if you experience anger as a result of your partners infidelity or cheating, marriage therapy in Mystic, CT can help you build clarity and emotional closeness again.
Manytimes, when couples try to talk on their own, it turns into yelling or emotional shutdown. So, Wisdom Within Counseling is happy to be a professional guide. Working with a marital therapist in Mystic, CT can help you level up your passion and love. Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in helping couples who have had high conflict fights. Maybe, you have fights that feel like verbal abuse. Frequently, Wisdom Within Counseling works on helping couples rebuild their relationship after betrayal.
Wisdom Within Counseling offers a holistic, sex positive LGBTQIA+ affirming approach
When you go to marriage counseling, a different therapists will offer you different tools. And, each therapist will have different approaches. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you and your spouse can choose from couple’s yoga, art, music, and walk and talk therapy outdoors. For couples trying to bond, talking easily leads to more anger and hurtful words. However, your therapist may invite you to do a drama therapy role play. And, from there, you can feel different roles and try on characters. Essentially, drama therapy is a positive experience couples can partake in for coping tools. Then, you can apply the playfulness from drama therapy into your marriage outside of the session. And, from holistic, creative couples counseling in Mystic, CT, you can feel emotional connection again. Lastly, Wisdom Within Counseling offers creative, holistic options, to help you open your communication.
Maybe, your area of weakness is calm problem-solving.
Right now, do you both get into a fight trying to win or be right? Does it feel like you are two lawyers trying to win or explain over and over? Well, talking in a traditional counseling sense does not work for all couples. So, you can pick from art therapies, yoga therapies, music, and walking therapies. Yes, couples deeply benefit from having options beyond words for emotional expression. As well, Wisdom Within Counseling helps couples in Mystic, Connecticut who yell. Maybe, you need a creative approach to help you pause the trauma response.
Frequently, we offer distant couples, art, clay, painting, yoga, breathing, and mediation as coping tools.
Deep down, you may be feeling sad, lost, hurt, abandonment, or neglect. Underneath the yelling are deep childhood needs. So, by understanding those needs, your marriage counselor can help you discuss your differences in calm and rational ways.
To begin, book a phone consultation for holistic, creative marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut.
If you feel like your relationship is not as healthy or is less exciting, Mystic, CT marriage counseling can help you learn skills to bring back playfulness.
Perhaps, you both have grown apart because you are so focused on work, parenting, or caring for ill friends. Essentially, you don’t have to suffer in silence. Couples therapy in Mystic, Connecticut is an empowering experience of intimacy. In addition, many times couples stay married and feel unhappy for much longer than they really need to. After your children go off to college, getting a new diagnosis, and even watching your own parents develop chronic illness, working on having a loving marriage can be difficult. However, your Mystic, Ct couples therapist can pinpoint areas of weakness. And, you can learn skills for those specific areas of connection.
For one, it might be hard to talk about your problems are your emotions at first with your marriage counselor.
For some, growing up talking about emotions was easy. But, for others, they did not grow up in a home where talking about emotions was okay. And, you may have ben rejected for showing tears as a sign of weakness. Maybe, your parents were intense and angry themselves. Or, the only emotion that you saw your parents demonstrate was anger and yelling. So, you only saw anger being expressed in your home growing up as a child. Childhood trauma and neglect plays a big role in a healthy romantic relationship today. Well, your holistic, Mystic, CT marriage counselor can help you creatively express your needs and desires.
Does one of you shutdown emotionally?
Frequently, one person in a couple unit will be afraid to argue and will often remain silent. Therefore, feelings of sadness, hurt, and resentment are needing to be released. Right now, it may not feel safe to talk about them with your spouse. Maybe, the trust issues feel overwhelming. But, you can start by opening up to your marriage therapist in Mystic, CT. With your holistic couples therapist, you can realize that you are both allowed to have your own feelings. But, you can learn to share them calmly and in a caring way. So, sharing your feelings with your marriage therapist in Mystic, Connecticut can help your partner understand your emotions better.
Wisdom Within Counseling help couples who feel resentment and anger regarding the past and want to work through it together to build a brighter future.
Remember, marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut can be both short-term and long-term. However, at Wisdom Within Counseling, we help couples mostly long-term. And, you can rebuild the strength and give meaning to your couple bubble. Sometimes, couples need a few years of counseling to repair trust. And, as different issues evolve across the lifespan, Wisdom Within Counseling can support you.
Frequently, couples go through new emotional experiences year after year.
Maybe, one year you are engaged and the next year of couples therapy you are married. Then, the next year of couples therapy you are trying to get pregnant and grieving a miscarriage together. When couples don’t have a therapist to meet with weekly, couples forget how to nurture and validate each other.
And, busy couples forget to pay attention to each other when their spouse needs them the most.
Often, major losses like infertility or a miscarriage can cause spouses to blame each other and quickly separate. So, Wisdom Within Counseling helps couples rediscover themselves, build romantic security, and one another. Lastly, Mystic, Connecticut marriage counseling provides a safe place to express loss and heal together as a couple.
Would you like couples therapy homework?
As well, your couples therapist may suggest communication homework and to use a skill outside of session. Overall, holistic marriage counseling homework and help you integrate what you are learning in your Mystic, CT couples therapy sessions. For example, a homework assignment might be to give your partner a back rub for 10 minutes. And, then it might be to receive a 10 minute back rub one night this week. Essentially, homework is personalized for your relationship.
What is Holistic Marriage and Family Therapy in Mystic, Connecticut?
And, you can also have access to holistic therapies for couples like yoga, music, walking, meditation, and art therapy. Maybe, the last time you painted or used clay was in art class. But, our therapists enjoy using experiential therapies like drama therapy, art therapy and yoga therapy to support positive change. Plus, these holistic therapies can help reduce trauma responses, anxiety, and promote self-soothing. Essentially, your Mystic, CT marriage therapist can give you homework to build upon your marriage counseling skills.
To begin, click the button below for Mystic, CT marriage therapy and to rekindle trust, love, and passion.
Is your spouse less excited to see you?
For one, your spouse may have looked forward to seeing you in the old days. And, you may have felt excited to see them too. Now, does it seem like your spouse is spending all of their extra time alone? Is your spouse asking for more time by themselves? And, do you feel a sense of rejection or abandonment? So, is your spouse may be spending all of their free time with their work friends? If your relationship feels lonely, Wisdom Within Counseling can help teach tools for emotional security, intimacy, and bonding.

From marriage counseling, you can understand what has brought you both to where you are now and gain positive coping tools.
In addition, your marriage counselor in Mystic, CT can help you gain wisdom and compassion to help your relationship thrive. Often, marriage counseling is about learning to relate and connect in new ways. Essentially, the past was not working well. Maybe, you used to think your partner was attractive and fabulous. However, after past hurt and betrayal, you see them in a different light.
Moreover, marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut can help you build a meaningful, loving, nurturing relationship all from holistic coping tools.