First, teenagers with special needs don’t often know how to ask for help. Rarely, will a teenager who is very depressed come out and talk about it. Frequently, teenagers with special needs need help from a professional outside of their school and family systems. Sometimes, school can be a trigger for emotional meltdowns. To add, teenagers struggle with behavior problems, emotional issues, and substance abuse problems. Counseling for adolescents with special needs in East Haddam, Connecticut is available at Wisdom Within Counseling.
How do adolescents with special needs interpret emotions?
Adolescents with special needs feel triggered by certain emotions. And, positive coping skills are important. As well, adolescents with special needs have challenges reading body language. Sometimes, a teen with special needs will not understand hand gestures. Other times, a teenager with special needs might not know how to keep a conversation flowing while on a first date. In creative therapy, we help anxious adolescents with special needs learn to interpret body language. And, our counselors teach social cues.
Over time, we help adolescents with special needs develop healthy friendships and a positive sense of self.
Building up self-esteem is one of the most important aspects for a child with special needs. And, holistic counseling in East Haddam, Connecticut can do just that. Further, lifelong coping skills help with anxiety and positive self-esteem. Overall, holistic counseling can set up a teenager for success in adulthood emotionally. Lastly, creative counseling for adolescents with special needs in East Haddam, Connecticut boosts lifelong self-worth tools.
What happens without professional therapy?
Many times, teenagers with special needs who have drinking problems keep take negative coping skills into adulthood. Sadly, without adolescent therapy, mental health issues are not treated at a critical stage. As therapists with teens with special needs, we help parents understand the warning signs that indicate teen depression and anxiety. As well, teenagers with special needs also develop more complex mental health issues.
What mental health challenges impact teenagers with special needs?
For example, loss of a sibling or death of a parent impact teens. And, those teens with special needs need a creative expressive approach. Further, adolescents with with special needs may need options beyond just talking in counseling. Many times, parents want to be able to help their teenagers. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we offer art, yoga, music, and animal therapies. Our therapists have the professional training to help adolescents with special needs. Therefore, a professional therapist can help your adolescent or teenager learn positive coping tools.
Creative therapy can help teens with eating disorders or anxiety problems.
If your teenager’s behavior is concerning, seek professional therapy right away. For one, a warning sign is that your teenager with special needs needs therapy is they are withdrawn. On this note, if you notice your teenager is not coming down to join family meal times, this is a problem. As well, if your teenager has stopped telling you what is going on in their life, that’s a red flag.
If your teenager’s grades have dropped dramatically at school, that is a concern.
Or, if your teenager’s pediatrician has given them a depression questionnaire and has recommended therapy, reach out today. So, if you notice changes or concerns and your teenagers eating habits or disordered eating, seek professional therapy. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help adolescents and young adults with special needs express emotions. Using art, clay, music, and walking outdoors, we offer a creative arts approach in counseling. For teens with special needs, we provide options beyond just talk counseling.
To begin, learn more about holistic counseling for adolescents with special needs in East Haddam, Connecticut.
If your teenager no longer has friends and doesn’t want to socialize, this could be signs of depression.
As well, do not wait to see if these mental health problems go away on their own. Often times, for teenagers with special needs, emotions are challenging to manage. In therapy, our counselors help adolescents with with special needs express big, intense feelings. We teach a lifestyle based approach for self-care. As well, these emotional problems get much worse in adulthood without professional help.
Anger outlets in teen therapy
Teenagers with special needs also show that they need therapy through defiance and anger. Sometimes, angry feelings towards parents and teachers can indicate a teenager needs coping strategies. At times, teenagers develop eating disorders. Control, rigid behaviors, and fears around food are signs to ask for help. Additionally, purging, throwing up, or refusing to eat are signs that your teenager could have an eating disorder. Our therapist help adolescents learn to identify and verbalize their emotions. In therapy, your adolescent can learn self-love and self-esteem tools. To conclude, holistic counseling for adolescents with special needs in East Haddam, Connecticut includes art, yoga, music and animals.

To begin, click the button below to learn more about creative counseling for adolescents with special needs in East Haddam, Connecticut
How is counseling for adolescents with special needs in East Haddam, Connecticut different?
If you notice long sleeves in the summertime, this could mean your teenager has started cutting or self harming. Remember, teenagers show how they are feeling through their poor choices and bad behavior. So, we help teenagers with special needs who take part in illegal activities, use drugs, steel, or run away.
It is important to seek counseling for your teenager if you notice any significant changes in mood or behavior.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our therapist step into an anxious teenager’s world. Often times, the reason why teenagers do not get help sooner than later is because there is a stigma around therapy. Sometimes, parents might not know how to get their teenager to see a therapist. Other times, parents feel ashamed or blame themselves for their teenager’s bad behavior. Teenagers are showing you what they need through their behavior. So, as therapists, we help parents to let go of regret and guilt. If your teenager has been through divorces or a lot of attachment challenges, counseling can help them learn to build meaningful relationships.