Seeking couples counseling when you are looking to open your marriage or build a consensual non-monogamous relationship is helpful. Often times, consensual non-monogamous couples therapy in Melbourne Beach Florida helps couples talk about anxiety and jealousy. couples seek polyamory friendly therapy because one person may be less familiar with consensual non-monogamy. A person may develop anxiety or insecurity about an open relationship.

To begin, click the button below to book a phone consult for consensually and ethically non-monogamous marriage therapy today.
What is consensual non-monogamous couples therapy in Melbourne Beach Florida all about?
In a consensual non-monogamous relationship, one or both people may engage in romantic, physically intimate, and sexual relationships with other people. A couple talks about what this looks like. Some couples even create a written contract with boundaries. Commonly, couples need professional consensually non-monogamous couples therapy in Melbourne Beach Florida because of intense emotions.
Being with other people can lead a primary partner to experience jealousy, anxiety, and anger. These are important feelings that can be a part of couples therapy and polyamory friendly couples counseling.
How can consensually non-monogamous couples therapy in Melbourne Beach, Florida help my relationship improve?
The most important component in a consensual non-monogamous relationship or polyamorous relationship is trust. Trust is built in the foundation of communication and consent. Now, an ethically non-monogamous relationship is not to be confused with infidelity or cheating. An affair is lying and deceitful.
On that note, unethical non-monogamy is going behind your partner’s back and cheating. In an open or polyamorous relationship, both partners and all partners involved, talk and consent to an open relationship before actions take place. Couples therapy can be a safe place to learn to talk about intense feelings calmly.

Better communication, less tension, and reducing yelling can improve trust in your polyamorous relationship.
The thing that makes polyamory different is the consent and knowledge of all parties. All parties agree on a set of boundaries and maintain honesty. Poly means “many,” and amory means “love.”
Therefore, when a person identifies as polyamorous, they desire many loves. For some who are polyamorous, sexual activities are essential. But, for others, there is an emotional need or emotional connection that is essential.

Couples therapy in Melbourne Beach, Florida can improve trust and communication.
There needs to be a strong, healthy foundation of communication before opening a relationship. If you are on shaky ground, opening your marriage will cause negative fights and emotions to escalate.
Couples in polyamorous relationships show greater levels of relationship satisfaction when there is a higher level of trust among partners. Distrust is build from dishonesty and unhealthy communication skills. Any sort of name-calling, put downs, or yelling leads to less trust in a relationship.
To begin, click the button below to book a phone consult for consensually and ethically non-monogamous marriage therapy today.
Couples therapy in Melbourne Beach, Florida can help you overcome negative communication skills.
These may include slamming doors, yelling, or not being able to stop an argument. Right now, it might feel like you are walking on eggshells or at each other in a negative way all the time. If you experience yelling or feel hurt after a fight, polyamory friendly couples therapy can help you build healthy communication skills.
From better communication, all people involved can feel like they are entering and evolving a healthy, consensual non-monogamous relationship.
Working with a polyamory friendly or consensual non-monogamous marriage therapist can help improve the communication in your open relationship.
You can talk about jealousy, insecurity, and fears openly.
One issue that comes up frequently in consensual non-monogamous relationships or polyamory is dealing with jealousy. A person might be going out on a date, with a new partner, and their primary partner at home feels jealous. A primary partner may need help in therapy to process where their fears are coming from.
Working with a Melbourne, Florida couples therapist who is educated in polyamory and consensual non-monogamy can help you and your partner deal with anxiety and jealousy. It can be difficult to identify and release jealousy at first. However, with positive coping tools from your marriage therapist, jealousy and other emotions like anxiety or insecurity can be dealt with in healthy ways.
Getting new hobbies, talking about what feels safe, and coping in healthy ways can be part of Melbourne Beach, Florida couples therapy.
In couples counseling, you can talk about compersion.
Compersion means being joyful and happy for someone else’s happiness. In many ways, compersion is the opposite of jealousy. In the poly and consensual non-monogamous community, compersion refers to feeling happy when a partner is excited about their metamour. At times, being happy for your primary partner and their metamour can help ease jealousy and insecurity.

To begin, click the button below to book a phone consult for consensually and ethically non-monogamous marriage therapy today.
How do polyamorous or consensual non-monogamous relationships look?
A non-monogamous relationship or polyamorous relationship can look very different. There is no one correct way to do it besides consent. The most important part is to ethically open a relationship by talking about needs upfront.
Each person can express their relationship boundaries and needs in couples therapy sessions.
Couples who are polyamorous may date other couples together. A couple may want to bring in a third person to form a triad. Or, couples may individually date other people or engage in multiple, emotional, or sexual relationships. Sometimes, in an open marriage, you may or may not meet your partner’s partner.
Your partner’s partner is referred to as a metamour, who you are not dating. Good communication helps set up boundaries in advance. So, whether or not you know or meet your your partner’s partner is up to the boundaries you and your partner decide upon.
What is a primary partner in consensual non-monogamous couples therapy in Melbourne Beach, Florida?
There is one primary partner, who the person is committed to that has precedence over other partners. For instance, a primary partner may be the rock of your life. And, they may come before your other partners. For someone else who is poly, they may feel all partners are equal in value in their mind. You and your partner can talk about being each other‘s primary partners in couples therapy.
In couples therapy, you can discuss what that means to you and looks like for each of you. There might be certain days of the week set aside for your primary partner. Then, there may be specific dates set aside for dating other people. Creating a sense of structure can help when there are multiple romantic relationships involved.
Is an anchor partner different from a primary partner in consensual non-monogamous relationships?
An anchor partner can either mean a partner you are practically or emotionally enmeshed with. At times, an anchor partner can be the same as a primary partner. But, for other poly couples, an anchor partner is different from a primary partner. In general, an anchor partner is a person you are living with, in a marriage with, or have children with. You might want children one day with your anchor partner, but not have then yet.

To begin, click the button below to book a phone consult for consensually and ethically non-monogamous marriage therapy today.
An anchor partner is someone who emotionally grounds you and you hope to build a long-term, loving relationship with. Consensual non-monogamous couples therapy in Melbourne Beach, Florida helps couples talk about what they mean to one another.

Sexual needs and boundaries are parts of consensual non-monogamous couples therapy in Melbourne Beach, Florida
Consensual non-monogamous couples therapy in Melbourne Beach, Florida helps couples talk about different sexual activities. Talking about sexual activities, sexual pleasure, and boundaries is an important step in polyamory. Fluid bonding is an important boundary and topic in polyamory friendly couples counseling at Wisdom Within. Some consensually non-monogamous couples choose to use protection like a condom with partners.
Couples may want to have boundaries around STD and STI safety and testing frequency.
It is common in some poly relationships, after STI and STD testing result are negative, to fluid bond. This means having unprotected sexual intercourse. STI and STD testing along with honest communication are essential for a healthy polyamorous relationship. Without healthy communication or knowledge, STIs and STDs can be passed. If one person has an STI or STD, this can be contracted by all partners. Wether or not you consent to fluid bonding is a part of poly friendly couples counseling.

In addition to polyamory and consensual non-monogamy, couples therapy in Melbourne Beach, Florida can offer a safe place to deal with different life stressors.
For instance, loss of a parent can be devastating. As well, realizing your parent has a new terminal illness can put opening a marriage on hold. Dealing with a sibling who has a substance or alcohol use addiction can put stress on all of your relationships. Even happy responsibilities like moving in together, buying a home, or getting pregnant and having a baby can bring unexpected stress.
Talking about life stressors are important parts of couples therapy as a whole. In addition to wanting to talk about opening a relationship or being in a polyamorous relationship, you might have chronic health issues or fibromyalgia. You may desire a safe place in counseling to talk about a new diagnosis.
Marriage counseling is a safe place to talk about life stress and how it impacts you.
You might also have a history of sexual or physical trauma from childhood that you would like to share with your partner or spouse in marriage therapy.
You can share a number of different topics that impact your relationship in marriage counseling in addition to ethical non-monogamy and consensual non-monogamy.

To begin, click the button below to book a phone consult for consensually and ethically non-monogamous marriage therapy today.
Working with a Melbourne Beach, Florida couples therapist can help you open and form multiple romantic relationships with other people in a healthy way.
And, you can learn to do so while maintaining a meaningful connection with your primary partner. As well, at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can have a safe place to talk about your sexual identity, sexual orientation, and sexual expression.

Consensual non-monogamous couples therapy in Melbourne Beach, Florida can be a safe place to talk about your sex life
If you experience challenges orgasming, couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can help. Sexual education can go a long way when it comes to supporting female sexual pleasure. There may be issues with a low sex drive or no sex drive at all in your body.
Talking about sexual activities and building a healthy sex life are important parts of a healthy relationship. Also, you may feel like you need a safe place to talk about sexual dysfunctions or sexual anxieties. Couples counseling can be the place to overcome religious shame. You can also learn how to have multiple orgasms.
There can be a lot of societal and internal anxiety and pressure around sexual performance. Marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida can be that safe place to talk about lubricants, sex toys, and kinks as well.
At Wisdom Within Counseling in Florida, we help couples talk about and explore ethical non-monogamy, consensual non-monogamy, and polyamory in marriage counseling.
Whether you are looking to embark on a polyamorous relationship for the first time, your primary partner is new to an open marriage, or you want to have sexual partners outside of your primary relationship, our team at Wisdom Within counseling can help.

Learning to talk about your needs and wants in a relationship is a huge benefit of couples counseling as well.
We offer video counseling in in person therapy in Southeastern Connecticut.
As well, throughout Florida, we offer video counseling. Wisdom Within Counseling offers consensual non-monogamous couples therapy in Melbourne Beach, Port Canaveral, West Melbourne, Cocoa Beach, Viera, Palm Bay, Orlando, Cape Canaveral, Rockledge, Mims, Merritt Island, Florida.