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Behavior therapy and seeking a toddler therapist in Niantic, Connecticut

First, going to behavior therapy and seeking a toddler therapist Niantic, Connecticut is a great thing for your whole family.

Here are some red flag signs that your toddler or child may need play therapy and psychological counseling include:

  • Frequent crying, meltdowns, persistent feelings of sadness, loss, or hopelessness.
  • Constant aggression, frustration, anger and a tendency to overreact to situations.
  • Refusal to goto school or get in the car.
  • Persistent obsessive behaviors, worry, anxiety, or fearfulness.
  • Preoccupation with physical illness, self-harm, head banging or their own appearance.

Here are some red flag signs that your family may benefit from holistic, creative psychological counseling include:

  • Loss of a sibling, parent, friend, grandparent, or pet.
  • Divorce, separation, remarriages, blended families
  • Adoption and abandonment feelings
  • Constant stress from siblings, peers, and extended family members moving in.
  • Recent move to a new place, new town, school.
behavior therapy toddler therapist Niantic, Connecticut, creative holistic marriage and family therapist in Southeastern Connecticut, Niantic, katie Ziskind
Music In Therapy Promotes Healthy Emotional Expression

Trouble in preschool? Behavior issues with parents? Is your child not listening?

First, behavior therapy with a toddler therapist can help your family in a few ways. For some child, divorce and parental separation is a challenge. And, in behavior therapy toddlers often need help understanding emotions. Often, parents need assistance if children can’t hear. Therefore, as a specialized toddler therapist Niantic, Connecticut, pediatric services can help sensory processing disorder. Therefore, a combination of in-home therapy and in-office therapy can help. Usually, disruptive behavior disorders can impact relationships with other siblings.

Why does my toddler need therapy? He is only four years old.

Child therapy, through holistic counseling, can help you child with sensory processing disorder let go of emotions in healthy ways. Having a therapist teach your child these behavior skills helps your child do better in school too. Often, anger, worry, and fear cause children to act in disruptive ways. Further, as a parent, you feel emotionally exhausted. Moreover, our team at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic loves helping children heal from loss of a sibling or loss of a parent. Creative art, yoga, music, and outdoor nature sessions are used to promote healing beyond words. Call/text 860-451-9364 for more info on holistic counseling for grieving children.

Looking for parenting resources and support around sensory processing disorder and oppositional defiant disorder?

The team at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut offers some strategies for parenting a child through some of the more challenging times. Lastly, behavior therapy with a toddler therapist Niantic, Connecticut can help you feel confident as a parent. And, preschool therapy sessions help your frustrated child express emotions in healthy ways. So, call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for behavior therapy with a toddler therapist Niantic, Connecticut.

behavior therapy toddler therapist Niantic, Connecticut

Notes on the importance of holistic behavior therapy and seeking a toddler therapist Niantic, Connecticut

Now, children need boundaries and structure. And, a big reason to disruptive behavior is lack of important boundaries. Therefore, when we work with parents, we help them learn how to set boundaries. It is hard not to yell! But, it is not effective to yell. So, child therapy in Niantic, Connecticut commonly includes parent-only sessions and family therapy. Instead of getting into negotiating with your child, we help you take back your power as a parent. It can be a positive thing to get support and resources! Furthermore, your child may want to argue. But, don’t let them in. Call/text 860-451-9364 to begin in behavior therapy and give your child emotional tools to behave better in Niantic, Connecticut.

How do boundaries work in a family and why are they important in toddler therapy?

For one, boundaries need to be firm and consistent. So, if your child has no idea what consequence will come after a disruptive behavior, you’ve lost control. So, family therapy sessions in Niantic, Connecticut help give you power back as a parent. And, this power helps your children feel calmer, because they know there are rules. It is silly, but children crave rules and boundaries. Call/text 860-451-9364 to learn more about toddler therapy and how to step back into setting boundaries as a parent. Call/text 860-451-9364 to begin in behavior therapy and see a child/toddler therapist Niantic, Connecticut.

If my child isn’t talking, how can therapy work?

Well, holistic counseling helps your child behave in positive ways. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, we offer toddlers music, play dough, and art. Furthermore, play therapy is a way to help you whole family function better. Overall, play therapy in Niantic, Connecticut helps your toddler have better behaviors. From sensory processing disorder to oppositional defiant disorder, our team of behavior therapists can help. We help children process anger, loss, and frustration, so do the right thing in peer interaction. And, our team of therapists help parents get stronger. So, if there is yelling daily in your home, we can help you family get closer. Or, if you ramble and yell as a parent, we help you get clear and defined in your instruction. Call/text 860-451-9364 to begin in behavior therapy and see a child/toddler therapist Niantic, Connecticut.

How does behavior therapy as a toddler therapist Niantic, Connecticut work if they can’t talk like adults?

To start, behavior therapy helps your whole family. For example, your toddler or child may be acting out. And, it is exhausting. But, as a family therapist in East Lyme, Connecticut, everything is connected. So, your child may be angry and defiant. But, could it be because grandma just passed away or there was another family death? Or, could one parent be stressing about work and it trickle down to the child? Additionally, could the defiance be from a recent birth of a new sibling, and sibling jealously? Overall, we use creative art, yoga, music, and animals therapies to promote a connected, loving family life. Call/text 860-451-9364 to get started in holistic, alternative behavior therapy and to work with a toddler therapist Niantic, Connecticut.

What does a toddler need in therapy in Niantic, Connecticut?

For one, a frustrated, angry, anxious toddler needs to play and use their imagination. Really, play therapy allows a toddler to process stress. And, there are not many specialists with children who are toddlers or non-verbal. In Southeastern Connecticut, Wisdom Within Counseling offers unique and special services to families. Therefore, in therapy, toddlers need miniature toys, music, animals, and puppets. Therefore, there are art materials, clay, glitter, and painting available for emotional expression in all of our offices. Also, at Wisdom Within Counseling, we offer toddlers a variety of music instruments to play for goin beyond words. Lastly, toddlers and parents can gain closeness through guided play therapy. Call/text 860-451-9364 for better behavior at home and at school.

Call/Text 860-451-9364 for better behavior through positive behavior therapy with a creative toddler therapist Niantic, Connecticut

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