Trouble sleeping at night can be the worst. At first, you couldn’t sleep. But, now you have body pain all over.
Often, CPA’s, entrepreneurs, and leaders have trouble sleeping at night. As a therapist for sleep disorders in Niantic, Connecticut, I help all types of people sleep better. Also, just because you have trouble sleeping doesn’t mean something is wrong. Essentially, your body is giving you signals and signs. Perhaps, you may need to slow down. Or, you had the wrong food and your belly hurts. However, not being able can sleep can negatively impact your marriage and your family life. As a marriage and family therapist for sleep disorders, I wanted you to have some resources. In general, this article will provide ways to relax your mind. So, if you have trouble sleeping at night, insomnia, or wake up, keep reading! Below, you will learn ways to soothe your anxiety and prepare of deep sleep. First, we will talk about ways to use relaxing lavender pillows for comfort at night.
For Sleeping Better At Night and Get Deep Sleep
Notably, lavender is an herb that is medicinal. Overall, lavender is in essential oil blends, counseling offices, and yoga studios. But, if you have trouble sleeping, it can help you! As a marriage and family therapist for sleep disorders, I help teach you skills to love the feelings under the trouble sleeping.
Often, in session there is anger, or tough memories play on repeat in your mind.
As a therapist for sleep disorders, what do I offer you?
In the pillows, I use a combination of lavender, rose petals, chamomile, and lemon balm. Then, I mix the dried organic herbs into the rice. On a side note, I love searching for cute and colorful fabrics for the large lavender pillows. When it comes to holistic counseling, I try to make letting go of stress as easy as possible. And, these pillows offer just that. At night, when you can’t sleep, warm your pillow. Then, feel your whole body get heavy and relaxed for a good night of sleep. Often, sleeping medication will only make you drowsy. Or, for others, sleeping medication doesn’t even work. And, prescription sleep medication can be hard to ween off.
What does it mean when you have trouble sleeping?
From an Ayurvedic perspective, your body, mind, and spirit will be balanced organically, without medication. And, your mind being restless at night is giving you a sign. Essentially, when you are awake at night, this is a sign to seek restoring balance naturally. Often, you may have too much caffeine too late in the day. Or, you may have trouble sleeping because you are worried. Sometimes, people have trouble sleeping when they are madly in love. But, herbs can help promotes relaxation before bed.
1) Use Lavender and Relaxing Rose Pillows On Your Face and Eyes
First off, trouble sleeping can be from worries. Often, adolescents will develop worries about the first day of school. Next time, grab a warm lavender pillow. And, they are heavy with rice making the weight grounding. Further, weighted blankets can help feeling grounded and earth energy. So, snuggle in for comfort and relaxation with your lavender and relaxing rose pillow. As the owner of Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, I make them with positive energy. Or, for a fun project, you can easily make them on your own! Moreover, they are hypoallergenic and microwaving them is great for warmth!
So, if you have trouble sleeping at night, microwave your lavender pillow and drift off.
Also, the microwave offers extra warmth. Lastly, lavender pillow can soothes sore muscles and offer back support. So, if you have trouble sleeping at night, slow down your mind. Lay down, and put a pillow on your eyes. Then, notice how it gets dark. And, the darkness is soothing to your eyes. And, now your eye lids are relaxing, and your breathing is getting slower. By turning your gaze inside, your focus on relaxation rather than doing.
#2) Trouble sleeping at night? Use Pillows Over Your Eyes
In conclusion, frozen lavender eye pillows even help migraines and are great for airplanes.
Furthermore, your eye pillow is the perfect amount of acupressure needed. On that note, it helps you get drowsy and relax before bed. Therefore, place it on your by your eyes to revitalize and freshen vision. Sometimes, as a therapist for sleep disorders, people cry at night. Other times, as a therapist for sleep disorders, I have seen people who never could sleep since being a child. For some, sleeping has always been a dreaded time of day. For others, sleeping has been the only stable comfort. So, as a holistic marriage and family therapist for sleep disorders, I help you process and let go of the feelings under the worries, fear, and loss.
For Easing and Relaxing Neck Pain and For Neck Relief:
Rest your hot pillow on your upper back and shoulders, draping over your chest thus relieving neck tension.

For Helping Back Pain and a More Flexible Spine:
Line your pillow parallel to your spine for warming back support. Lay on top of it and relax as it supports your back.
Hot or Cold: Heat your large pillow (rest over your belly for digestive support) for three minutes in the microwave and place it over your body.
For Eye Pillows, Rest 5 minutes
Place over your eyes for 5 minutes to soothe and relax.

#3 Get it hot! Hot Pillows Help You Sleep Better At Night Because They Are Grounding
Now, find your microwave. Then, heat your eye pillow in the micro for 30 seconds for warmth. Lonely at night? Going through a break up? Getting out of a negative relationship and going through a break up is hard. Remember, practice self-care. So, to feel warmth and relax your mind, heat a larger body pillow for 3-4 minutes. As a therapist for sleep disorders, I often show people how to use these pillows in sessions at Wisdom Within Counseling. In Niantic, Connecticut, I offer holistic therapy for sleep disorders. From trust and connection, then you can finally sleep well. So, as a holistic marriage and family therapist for sleep disorders, I teach you skills that you can use right away.
Cold Pillows Soothe Migraines and Headaches
Freeze your pillow for relief of irritated, itchy, and burning eyes caused by overexposure to television and sitting in front of computer screens. Know someone going through radiation treatments- a cold pillow is very supportive with that heat.
As a holistic marriage and family therapist for sleep disorders, I work with all ages to restore inner balance and relaxation.
As a therapist for sleep disorders, sometimes trouble sleeping is related to digestions. Now, your gut and brain connection is very important in your sleep. So, if you goto bed after eating junk food and fried food, you’ll sleep poorly. Often, nutrition is not even addressed in traditional sleep therapy. However, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, as therapist for sleep disorders, I offer you positive techniques. And, simple changes, like loving yourself more, can make a huge difference in better sleep.
For Belly Aches and Digestion:
When you have a stomach ache or belly cramp, heat your pillow and rest it on your belly for ten minutes, adjusting as needed. If you need to take a bowel movement, this method is a gentle way to encourage your body to do that. After doing this for ten minutes, it will be easy to go. This method is also beneficial for grounding energy before bed to prepare for a nourishing sleep.
For Grief Care and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:
The warmth and weight of your pillow are supportive to your nervous system when stressed, sad, or going through a life transition.
Would you like to sleep better at night and use your lavender pillow for other remedies too?
All sizes of pillows sedate your nerves, relax and rejuvenate your mind, and balance your body. Particularly therapeutic, try freezing your eye pillow helps reduce tension headaches, migraines, and hot flashes. Other benefits include calming riled nerves, and melancholy. Also, here is a list of other herbs that can be relaxing before bed.
Looking for a way to alleviate depression and feel confident socially?
Well, these lavender pillows help mild depression, relieving headaches, aching muscles, inflammation, and balancing and uplifting mood. Our eye pillows have antibacterial properties as well.
Eye pillows may be placed over the eyes for five to ten minutes or moved to the forehead when longer periods of time are desired. Being made of rice and herbs, your eye pillows cannot be machine-washed, so simply spot clean if needed.
Make At Home with a Sewing Machine
Lavender Pillow Ingredients: Dried Lavender, lavender essential oil, dried chamomile, dried rose pedals, and rice. I make an herbal blend with the rice and fill the pillow about 1/2 way, then sew it up! Enjoy!
What does a therapist for sleep disorders in Niantic, Connecticut do?
Well, a sleep disorder specialist focuses on the root cause. Or, in other words, the source of the problem. So, as a therapist for sleep disorders, I teach people how to create routines around sleep. Essentially, I teach people skills to have a better relationships with the night.
As a marriage and family therapist for sleep disorders, what do you teach?
And, I teach people how to have a better relationship with sleep and themselves. As a therapist for sleep disorders, I know that trauma and PTSD flashbacks can occur at night. Often, worries and anxieties spike higher when going to bed because your main may not be as busy. So, it takes practice to learn to sleep through the night.
And, as a therapist for sleep disorders, who is to blame for insomnia?
Partly, the culture in America is so go-go-go, that people grow up learn they aren’t good enough. Sometimes, there is a stigma about being a work-a-holic. Often, working too much is seen as a good thing. Right in your therapy session, you get to practice relaxation, meditation, and yoga nidra. As a therapist for sleep disorders, I help people remember they are worthy of love and good enough. These feelings help people sleep through the night.
Looking for a holistic marriage and family therapist for sleep disorders in Niantic, Connecticut?

About The Author, Katie Ziskind
Owner of Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut
Holistic Marriage and Family Therapist in Southeastern Connecticut
Child, Teen, and Young Adult Therapist
PTSD Specialist
Yoga Therapist
Katie Ziskind is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, RTY500 provides experiential therapy in Niantic, CT. She offers distance counseling, video therapy, phone therapy, and TeleTherapy from any location. At Wisdom Within Counseling, Katie Ziskind and her team of clinicians help frustrated children and teens build confidence. Overall, the team of therapist for children and therapists for teenagers are creative.
The Niantic therapists help teenagers feel worthy enough to belong by integrating art, yoga, music, and animal therapy with traditional talk therapy.
So, adolescents and young adults in counseling can live a life they LOVE! Furthermore, the animal therapy groups teach children in counseling skills. In general, animal therapy groups in Southeastern Connecticut help self-regulation, trust, and social emotional learning. Call Katie Ziskind for a consultation to talk about how she can help your child or teen build confidence today (860) 451-9364 or email Tons of free resources and booking online at