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What Is The Best Anxiety Medication? By Katie Ziskind

Looking for alternative anxiety medication in Niantic, Connecticut?

Well, many people are just like you, looking for inner balance. They too, want alternatives and a holistic choice! Look no further for alternative anxiety medication in Niantic, Connecticut. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we offer creative art and painting, yoga for all ages, and outdoor walking therapies. Furthermore, these outlets build confidence, emotional confidence, and self-esteem skills. From creative, art, yoga, outdoor walk and talk therapy you will have a toolbox for the rest of your life to stay calm. So, when thinking about alternative anxiety medication in Niantic, Connecticut, we are glad to help!

Call/Text for a phone consultation for calming holistic alternatives to traditional anxiety medication in Niantic, Connecticut 860-451-9364.

When thinking about alternative anxiety medication in Niantic, Connecticut, we use art, yoga, and outdoor walking sessions.

From there, we help your family through individual counseling or couples therapy. At one time, you may have been prescribed medication and didn’t like how it made you feel. Or, you may be on medication and looking for more positive coping outlets. Either way, we are happy to help you feel calmer and grounded. To add, when thinking about alternative anxiety medication in Niantic, Connecticut, we offer a variety. Often, we can work along with your naturopath, chiropractor, and other natural doctors. If you are looking for support when it comes to lifestyle changes like sleep, nutrition, and exercise, our team id happy to help!

Holistic marriage and family therapy offers positive coping skills for anxiety

Now, alternative anxiety medication in Niantic, Connecticut doesn’t have to be permanent. So, if you choose to go back on medication, that is completely fine. Really, your therapist will help you get clear on your goals and help you reach them. Also, before trying medication, try holistic marriage and family therapy. First, we help develop trust, connection, and playfulness. Then, you gain positive coping skills for calming anxiety and managing panic.

How can art and yoga help when considering alternative anxiety medication in Niantic, Connecticut?

Further, these self-love and self-care skills develop over time through using creative art, painting, yoga, and outdoor walking therapies. From emotional expression, to processing loss and grief, you and your loved ones can heal holistically. Often, the American culture shames people for having too many feelings.

Why choose alternatives to anxiety medication in Niantic, Connecticut?

Well, anxiety medication can get you through a divorce. Or, it can help you occasionally when you have a panic attack. But, really if you only take medication, you have’t learned any different coping mechanisms. For adolescents and teenagers, they need positive coping skills for aggression and anger. So, if you just take medication and don’t do therapy, you will repeat old, negative patterns. Maybe, you cheated on your spouse to find affection from someone else. So, you may need to learn to speak up and be assertive. Medication can’t help you do that! Or, you binge eat to feel better. Even if these two people take medication, the anxiety will be less, but no positive behaviors have been gained. So, therapy can help you develop positive, healthy ways of letting go. Call/Text 860-451-9364 for positive skills and alternatives to anxiety medication in Niantic, Connecticut.

What do we do when we teach alternatives to anxiety medication in Niantic, Connecticut?

But, at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn to feel safe expressing your deep feelings. And, you can have a safe place to let go, be yourself, and unload stress. For instance, going to the beach and collecting shells is an alternative to anxiety medication. Or, doing a yoga flow privately can manage anxiety.

alternative anxiety medication in Niantic, Connecticut , Niantic, Connecticut marriage counseling , couples therapy, niantic, ct

Looking to learn more in-person? Read more below about two of Katie Ziskind’s upcoming talks in October and November 2019.

Katie Ziskind is the owner of Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, CT. She is offering two of my upcoming educational and confidence-focused presentations in the local community in Southeastern Connecticut.

alternative anxiety medication in Niantic, Connecticut

Want to learn about Food and Mood?

The first is Food and Mood, Your Gut and Brain Connection on Wednesday, Oct. 23th 6:30pm at the Ledyard Bill Library. You’ll learn about how your gut is your second brain, how food impacts mood, and playful, simple ways to choose foods to help holistically manage, ADHD, anxiety and depression.

Want to learn about LGBTQIA+?

The second presentation is LGBTQIA+ 101, which is Wed, Nov. 13th at 6:30pm at the Right Path Cafe in New London, CT. You’ll learn how to advocate for transgender children and teenagers, LGBTQIA key terms of understanding, and ways to to be an ally. Teens are welcome. I hope you can make both for deeper knowledge, self-awareness, and holistic skills for emotional balance. Read more about these in detail at

food and mood, Katie Ziskind, licensed holistic, marriage and family therapist, connecticut, nutritional counseling, food and emotions, eating disorder treatment, binge eating issues, restricting food, eating disorder help, teen therapy, lgbtq

Description fo Food and Mood w/ Katie Ziskind

Feeling tired, sluggish, craving sugar, and can’t sleep?

Hippocrates once said, “The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.” Also, you’ll learn about interactions in your gut, your mind, and your body. And, you’ll learn how food impacts mood and behavior. You will learn ways in which emotional, mental, social, and spiritual ways can directly affect mood. In addition, you will learn mind body modalities. Also, Katie Ziskind will teach about various types of integrative therapies.

Katie Ziskind

Looking for holistic alternatives for calming anxiety, panic, and depression?

Likewise, you’ll understand how you can change your mood through nutrition. Also, you will learn about inflammation and your nervous system. Now, you’ll learn how your vagus nerve impacts anxiety and depression. Moreover, you’ll learn how nutrition and hydration impact overall wellness. You will gain an understanding in how the standard American diet increases anxiety and depression.

Additional Details About “Your Gut And Brain Connection” Training with Katie Ziskind LMFT

Additionally, you will have a chance to learn about the current state of food quality, how it is less rich in nutrients that it used to be, and how to support and correct malabsorption of nutrients issues due to stress. You will learn tips and remedies for regulating mood, creating balanced, long-term energy and a routine for creating healthy sleep patterns. In conclusion, you will learn how your gut is truly your second brain. Further, this presentation is for teenagers and older.

Katie Ziskind, lgbtq therapy, lgbtq couples, gay couples, lesbian couples, Teenagers (14 to 19) Support Groups in Connecticut, LGBTQ teen girl therapist, niantic, connecticut, east lyme, connecticut, adolescent psychotherapist, child therapist, play, art therapy, yoga therapy, counseling

Description of LGBTQIA+ training in Niantic, Connecticut with Katie Ziskind

First, this LGBTQ presentation includes information and education to how to advocate for transgender youth. Also, this LGBTQ training in Niantic, Connecticut helps you be more aware and be an ally. Also, you will learn important key terms when it comes to the LGBTQIA+ community. For example, queer, polygamoustransgender, gender fluid, non-binary, and more. Also, you will bette understand the shame faced on a daily basis by LGBTQ people as well as bullying.

Non-binary, transgender, bi-sexual, lesbian, gay, asexual, and all humans welcome

At this LGBTQ presentation, you’ll learn the importance of effective communication within a family system and among providers. Also, you’ll learn about transgender case studies and hormone treatments. And, you” understand how to creative a safe space for the physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing of LGBT people. You will learn how to provide affirming support to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender children, adolescents, teens, and parents. In this module, you will learn ways to use inclusive language for people in the LGBT community.

Katie Ziskind, poly friendly therapist ct

Additional Details About Katie Ziskind’s LGBTQIA+ advocacy training

Additionally, you will have an opportunity in this safe space to ask questions. With Katie Ziskind, you can better understand the needs of your LGBTQIA+ community. Now, this presentation is for medical providers, pediatric offices, and mental health therapists. In addition, school counselors, social workers, and school teachers would benefit. Likewise, those who want to create a safe space for LGBTQIA+ parents, families and youth like a PTA would benefit.

Save The Dates!

Food and Mood is Wednesday, Oct. 23th 6:30pm at the Ledyard Bill Library.

LGBTQIA+ 101, which is Wed, Nov. 13th at 6:30pm at the Right Path Cafe in New London, CT

Looking for a safe place to develop self-esteem, learn positive coping outlets for depression, and help being confident and overcoming social anxiety? The team at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut helps holistically!

What is unique about Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut?

First, the marriage and family therapists focus on families, couples, children, adolescents, and teenagers. Then, we help teach confidence, holistic calming skills, and self-worth skills for lifelong self-esteem. You can choose from creative art, yoga, music, and outdoor therapies. Holistic, alternative therapies offer positive coping skills for releasing negative feelings in healthy ways. From anxiety, to trauma, to depression, we would love to help. Wisdom Within Counseling supports a mindful family life now and healthy relationships. Call/Text for a phone consultation 860-451-9364.

Overall, if you are considering alternative anxiety medication in Niantic, Connecticut, look no further.

At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, the marriage and family therapists offer creative art, yoga, music, and animals to bring our your best. Now, this isn’t traditional. But, the owner, Katie Ziskind, loves being out of the box and holistic with her approach. In her free time, she teaches yoga at Zen and Now and Jul Yoga, as well as privately. Every office at Wisdom Within Counseling is full of art and craft materials, yoga mats, essential oils, and musical instruments.

Call us for a phone consultation to work with Katie Ziskind’s team of creative, holistic therapists in Niantic, Connecticut 860-451-9364

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