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Quick Recipe! Bread Machine Pizza Dough

Why Cooking With Kids is Great for Family Bonding

First, cooking all together is fun family bonding! But, with the dress of work and rushing around, it is hard to have fun. As a parent, you may be concerned that your child is gaining weight. But, losing weight is all about making food fun. Usually, when children and teenagers have food issues, this is a sign. Overall, children and teenagers need a variety of positive coping skills, not just food or sweets. But, on occasion, it is totally okay to snack! Also, as a holistic family counselor in East Lyme, Connecticut, I help family gain closeness and connection! Overall, holistic, creative family counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut is a journey of self-care and love!

How could a better relationship with food alongside family counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut, help develop closeness?

Well, eating together is a time of bonding and safety. As cave people, eating together provided nourishment. Now, eating as a family, you can also use this as a time of connection and safety. Really, its about getting to know where your food comes from! For instance, making the pizza dough recipe below, boosts family connectedness. And, cooking together improves the mutual feeling of being on the same team. Now, get a little messy and learn to be flexible! In general, you can each work together to accomplish the goal of a hearty and delicious homemade dinner!

family counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut, holistic, art

In family counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut, how is hands-on, sensory stimulation positive?

Additionally, your child’s senses are stimulated in a positive way. Moreover, as they get their hands in dough, its presenting. Instantly, you and your family will be present and laughing. And, rolling out the pizza dough is an experience. Then, feeling the elastic, warm texture, and smelling the yeast as it rises is a memory to share. On a side note, have a fun conversation about the chemical process of yeast and how it works! Overall, in your journey of holistic family counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut, you’ll gain deeper connection.

Call or text for a phone consultation 860-451-9364 for holistic family counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut.

family counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut

Economic and Fun: Family Pizza Night

Plus, making your own pizza saves you money. Instead of delivery, you and your family can have a memory to remember! By making the dough yourself, you can laugh and smile! This whole wheat pizza dough may be a new favorite!

Homemade pizza turns out of be a fun family bonding activity and economic! 

An Opportunity For Creativity and Leadership

Now, for the make-your-own-mini-pizza night, have your children each make a mini pizza. Then, offer a dozen choices in toppings. On their own pizza, your children have the freedom to put any toppings they desire. Now, this provides independence and self-esteem. Then, allow them to openly explore flavors. And, let them express themselves! To note, holistic family counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut can provide you with positive coping skills to stay close even in conflict.

What does making pizza together do that is similar to family counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut?

Until children have found a good choice in toppings by doing this over time, always continue to make a large family pizza, such as cheese. This is because sometimes children are developing their pallet of flavors and will pick toppings that don’t mesh well. Then, once their pizza is cooked, they don’t like it. Overall, doing this as a family is teaches your child, “It is okay to make mistakes, and we will always be here for you.” Thus, by allowing them to make a mistake and perhaps have a less tasty pizza occasionally, you’re also teaching, “a flexible mind.” Also, this helps with picky eating. Lastly, your child can also have the family cheese anytime!


First, put all the ingredients in your bread machine in the order listed. Feel free to substitute honey measuring at half the amount of the amount of sugar called for above. Also, substitute out all the whole wheat flour and instead feel free to use all white flour. To note, there are so many fun ways to use this recipe to engage your children and spouse in a family pizza night!

Hearty Bread Machine Pizza Dough Recipe!!

Water: one and a third cups

White Sugar: 2 teaspoons

Salt: 2 teaspoons

Extra-Virgin Olive Oil: 2 tablespoons

Organic Whole Wheat Flour: three and a fourth cups cups

White Flour: 3 ⁄4 cup

Yeast: two and a fourth teaspoons

family counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut, marriage therapy, creative counseling, holistic yoga therapist, PTSD specialist, family divorce therapist, East Lyme, Niantic, Shoreline CT

Written By Katie Ziskind, LMFT, RYT500, holistic family counselor in East Lyme, Connecticut

Katie Ziskind, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, RTY500 provides experiential therapy in Niantic, Connecticut. At Wisdom Within Counseling, Katie helps frustrated children and teens build confidence, and feel worthy enough to belong by integrating art, yoga, music, and animal therapy with traditional talk therapy- so they can live a life they LOVE! Furthermore, the animal therapy groups teach skills such as self-regulation, trust, and social emotional learning.

Call Katie for a free consultation to talk about how she can help you build confidence today (860) 451-9364 or email

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