When you are in a long-distance relationship, couples therapy can be the time that aside to bring you closer together. Learning how to say close across the miles takes time, positive intention, and effort. Katie Ziskind specializes in long distance relationship couples therapy from Melbourne Beach, Florida. If there are fights that happen while you are living apart, couples counseling can support conflict resolution. As well if you are fighting long-distance, this may cause you to feel even more divided and hopeless.

Did you know, long distance relationship couples therapy from Melbourne Beach, Florida can help teach you new connection skills.
Maybe, you don’t want the distance to be occurring. Or, your partner is moving for work. It is hard to accept this transition. So many feelings come to the surface when entering into a long distance relationship. Long distance relationship couples therapy from Melbourne Beach, Florida can teach you the keys to building a successful bond. Trust, communication, and making time for one another are parts of a healthy long-distance relationship.
Working with Katie Ziskind in long distance relationship couples therapy from Melbourne Beach, Florida can support playfulness and emotional intimacy
Intimacy is a major struggle that comes between long distance couples
Many couples go through different struggles all long distance such as stretches of time where they are not intimate. You or your partner may have quality touch as a love language when together. As well, the lack of touch because of being long-distance and your relationship can take a toll. You may need help through holistic long distance couples therapy finding other ways to express your love and passion for one another. You marriage therapist help help develop love languages in addition to touch.
Many times, couples need professional therapy and help understanding ways to hang on to one another.
Long distance relationship couples therapy from Melbourne Beach, Florida with Katie Ziskind supports new coping skills
In couples therapy, you can be in a toolbox of skills for staying in connection across the miles.
Long-distance couples who are not expressing love through sex, intimacy, or touch can learn how to stay passionate.
And, you can find more strength for each other in other ways beyond touch. Katie Ziskind, long distance relationship couples therapist from Melbourne Beach, Florida can help you strengthen your relationship even while you are miles apart.
Sometimes, one or both people will want to talk about values like trust due to past cheating, an affair, or betrayal.
To begin, book your phone consult for long distance relationship couples therapy for strength, emotional intimacy, and trust.

If you or your partner have a history of cheating, secret keeping, or an affair, this can put extra pressure on your long-distance relationship.
With a past history of cheating, it might be hard to feel a sense of trust in your partner. You want reassurance and long distance relationship couples therapy from Melbourne Beach, Florida can help.
Also, couples can reduce tension with emotional expression. You and your partner can share feelings about what trust means to both of you. Building trust is a process that takes time, emotional unity, and healthy communication.
Likewise, long distance relationship couples therapy from Melbourne Beach, Florida can be a place to talk about emotions more and build emotional intimacy. To add, talking about temptation, and what open communication means is essential. Additionally, talking regularly while apart is a beautiful part of building a healthy relationship.
What does trust have to do with a healthy, long-distance relationship anyway?
Trust and emotional intimacy go hand-in-hand. Your partner might share fears and worries that you didn’t know before entering into holistic marriage therapy.
Meeting on video and over telehealth, you and your partner can talk about feelings like anxiety and fear. What about your partner‘s fears and worries and nurturing them is a big part of building a healthy long distance relationship.
How can fears and worries be a part of long distance relationship couples therapy from Melbourne Beach, Florida with Katie Ziskind?
For one, your partner might be afraid that you were going to keep secrets without them being there in your day-to-day life. Your partner might be afraid that you’re going to have an affair or that you’ll find someone else more interesting. As well, your partner might be afraid that we will find them boring or find someone else more physically attractive.
Many times, couples do not talk about their fears enough which can lead to problems with communication.
Additionally, talking about your fears and insecurities creates a sense of emotional vulnerability that builds closeness. Video counseling is a really easy way for long-distance couples to learn healthy communication skills and build a meaningful relationship.
Lastly, couples therapy can be a safe place for long distance couples to build security and trust.
To begin, book your phone consult for long distance relationship couples therapy for strength, emotional intimacy, and trust.
Long-distance couples therapy can give you a place to overcome the stressors that you are facing individually but do it together.
A lot of times, couples don’t talk about stressors in an effort to be perceived as weak.
However, talking about your insecurities and fears does not make you weak. It actually makes you more of an open communicator. You might be afraid that sharing insecurities are fear is might lower your partners confidence in you. Instead, holistic couples counseling for long distance relationships builds confidence and clarity.

What are personal stressors that you can bring to long distance relationship couples therapy from Melbourne Beach, Florida?
You might have a stress from your job or from your extended family. Maybe, one of your parents is sick and dying. You deserve a safe space to share these losses, fears, and sadness as a couple.
Therefore, long distance relationship couples therapy from Melbourne Beach, Florida with Katie Ziskind supports intimate, emotional conversations.
And, couples therapy can be a safe place to share these personal worries with your partner.
You might be going through something hormonally, have digestive changes or changes in your appetite.
And, these may not be an immediate part of your relationship or romance, sharing this with your partner can help to build connection. Your partner can learn to encourage you through the different issues that you are facing personally.
Long distance relationship couples therapy from Melbourne Beach, Florida builds encouragement and praise
Maybe, you have a new job interview coming up and your partner can boost your confidence in the morning of.
Or, you are having a scary doctors appointment coming up, and your partner can meet with you on FaceTime or on video before hand to ease her nerves.
Talking about your personal life and different things going on at work or with your children can help to deep in your connection.
Often, distant couples don’t share much of their lives with each other.

Unfortunately, what can happen to log distance couples without therapy?
Many times, and distant couples who are at risk for having an affair due to a long distance relationship may not even care about sharing their lives with each other anymore. Couples start to become distant and like roommates.
Unfortunately, roommate syndrome is something that can happen to any long-distance couple.
To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for marriage therapy on video to support your long distance bond.
Whether you are one hour apart or 10,000 miles apart, roommate syndrome is is some thing that affects couples in person and long-distance.
Simply, stopping communication and not sharing what’s going on in your life is a symptom of roommate syndrome. Additionally, you might be ignoring your partners calls or are not making time for them.
If you don’t make time for talking about your day or sharing about the happenings in your life, this creates emotional distance.
Long distance relationship couples therapy can help close this distance and make time for sharing the simple activities of your day together.
Asking questions and giving quality time to each other is a big part of a healthy relationship.

What are ways to connect if you are in a long-distance relationship outside of couples therapy?
Making time for each other support a healthy long distance bond
Making time for each other is an important part of your day. So, structuring in quality time together will help improve your relationship especially if your long distance.
More so, spend the first hour of your day and the last hour of your day on a video chat with your partner.
This may be difficult for those of you and different time zones, but try your best to set your alarm early or later to accommodate your partner. You might need to FaceTime or video chat during a break at work.
Why try hand written letters to give love in your long distance relationship?
Additionally, you can write handwritten notes to each other and mail them. Mailing may seem old fashion, but it is a great way to build emotional intimacy. For one, you get to see your partner‘s handwriting which can add an extra sense of meaning to the communication.

What can you add in a letter to make it more special and meaningful?
As well, a handwritten letter can include a photo or some thing that made you think of your partner. Getting a surprise letter in the mail can also be heartwarming and field romance.
If you are a long distance relationship, writing letters maybe one of the things you do to stay connected. And, if you are looking for an even deeper connection working with a couples therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can teach you mind-body therapies.
As well, marriage therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling use holistic, creative therapies to support your relationship even more.
Yoga therapy, music therapy, art therapy, and drama therapy camp can support spiritual unity.
These mind body, holistic, somatic therapies help long distance couples in therapy communicate. In a holistic way, you can improve your relationship.
To begin, click below to book your phone consult to start in long distance marriage therapy today.
As well, at Wisdom Within Counseling over video, long distance couples therapy can incorporate somatic, mind-body, holistic therapies.
For instance, you can do mindfulness meditation, mindfulness, yoga therapy, creative art and painting, and even nature therapies.
A holistic and mind-body approach to therapy helps couples who are long-distance find ways to connect beyond words. Plus, painting in counseling offers creativity and a language beyond words. As well, holistic therapies heal trauma and PTSD, and bring spiritual connection from self-love.

To begin, book your phone consult for long distance relationship couples therapy for strength, emotional intimacy, and trust.
The benefits of long distance couples doing yoga therapy together
The actual meaning for the word “yoga” is “to unite.” Though the practice of yoga means to control breathing and practice simple meditation through specific body postures, the word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root “Yuj.” As well, yoga therapy is a deep way to connecting together abd “to unite or join.”
It only makes sense that yoga is done with a partner — especially if that partner is your spouse. Hopefully, the goal in your relationship is to unite and help one another reach common goals in life.
No matter your long- and short-term goals, couples yoga therapy with Katie Ziskind is a way for partners to grow closer in many ways.
Performing postures and flow sequences together is an excellent way to nurture strength and communication. As well, couples in long distance therapy can rebuild trust, laughter, and joy within your relationship. Yoga therapy is available over video and on Telehealth to provide relaxation and playfulness.

Physical and Emotional Support In Relationships
Physical and emotional trauma are factors that can make bonding in a relationship challenging, and yoga is a direct cure for that struggle. Trauma bonding in yoga therapy can be resolved by partners learning how to be gentle while helping each other move in and out of yoga positions.
During couples yoga, both partners have to engage in the experience wholly and rely on one another to complete specific postures, maintain balance, and control focus.
The trust that you have to give your partner during physical movement heightens the bond you have with your spouse.
To begin, click the button below to with with couples therapist and yoga therapist, Katie Ziskind.
The connection builds with one another because you need to trust one another enough to complete these physical postures. Plus, partner yoga poses with couples in person can support connection too.
You have to let go of all fear, communicate effectively, and extend a level of faith that you may not have allowed yourself to experience before.

How can yoga therapy help long distance couples relax together?
Yoga therapy with Katie Ziskind is also a great workout to release stress. As well, yoga therapy and doing meditation together can help to strengthen the bond in your relationship.
As a bonus to physical and emotional support, you learn forgiveness while working to support one another physically. At some moments during the yoga session, your partner may lose their balance or slip, causing you to do the same. And, there are mirror neurons that get activated in couples yoga therapy sessions. Essentially, yoga therapy supports laughter, play, and spiritual connection.
Yoga therapy can help release of emotions that are difficult.
Also, yoga therapy helps relieve trauma, fear, and worry and release untapped emotions. Yoga therapy supports holistic outlets for stress and emotional expression. And, any emotion may reveal itself in the yoga therapy session. You get to release and exchange feelings through poses ad breathing.

Long Distance Couples Therapy Helps Create New Memories Together
As you grow more comfortable with the flow of yoga, the sessions become more fun and exciting. For couples in therapy, this creates room for you and your partner to make new memories together. Yoga is all about receiving and giving to one another at an equal level. Yoga therapy for long distance couples leads to more meaningful memories off the mat.
Improve Trust and Self-Awareness Through Holistic Couples Counseling
To begin, book your phone consult for long distance relationship couples therapy for strength, emotional intimacy, and trust.
As mentioned above, supporting one another physically and emotionally during yoga creates a stronger sense of trust with your spouse. Improving your romance and communication through yoga is an excellent way to stay close. Over the miles, you can connect with your spouse throughout yoga therapy. As well in yoga therapy, you are learning to trust yourself. You can learn to let go of judgment that leads to self-awareness with your daily actions. And, you can take time to appreciate your partner more from yoga therapy.

Believing in yourself brings joy into you and your partner’s life, and it can make decision-making 10 times easier.
Create a Balance in the Relationship
Yoga therapy teaches spouses how to balance their romantic and intimate long distance relationship off the mat.

Within a relationship, it would be ideal for both parties to give 100 percent all of the time, but that is unrealistic. At some points in life, one partner may only be able to give 20 percent while the other gives 80 percent in an effort relationship.
Plus, inner balance supports balance in a relationship.
Yoga therapy helps each partner give to themselves first and then the relationship. As well, yoga therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling teaches self-awareness. From self-care, couples can put maximum effort into their relationship.

Build Intimacy and Sexual Compatibility
Building intimacy and sexual compatibility after an affair in a relationship can be challenging. Yoga can be a way for couples in long-term marriages to heal after betrayal. Even if infidelity or betrayal is not causing intimacy issues, yoga can still help with it. As well, yoga therapy builds trust and honesty together, and new experiences.
Yoga is a playground for intimacy because you are exposing yourself to the other in vulnerable positions. Some of those positions are ones that you may actually be able to have sex in.
Yoga creates a sense of fun while teaching you how to let go and enjoy the moment. You learn how to let go of everything else outside of that exact moment, which needs to happen for intimacy in the bedroom.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, can gain holistic insight on ways to develop intimacy in your relationship.