When Talking Isn’t Enough In Counseling and Therapy in Niantic, CT

Benefits of Art-Inspired Therapy in Niantic, CT
Are you a parent searching for the very best answers and techniques to help your frustrated, angry child or teen? Are longing for positive growth for your teen grappling with anxiety? Art therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling is a positive, constructive remedy to ease discomfort and help your child or teen process challenging feelings. Also, art therapy takes fear, worry, and intimidation out of the room. Therefore, promoting a sense of personal independence in your child or adolescent, empowerment, self-reliance, and self-sufficiency.

Narrative Art Therapy Group at East Lyme High School
Below is a photo taken on May 21, 2018 when I volunteered at East Lyme High School with a Life Skills class. I guided a narrative therapy Tree of Life exercise in an effort to bring art therapy into the classroom and share different approaches to therapy.

How Do I Do Holistic Therapy? A Narrative Therapy Tree of Life For You To Try!
The Tree of Life goes as follows:
Roots- Where you come from, places you’ve lived, your ancestors
Trunk- Your strengths, your great qualities
Branches- Your goals, where you want to go in life, your hopes and dreams
Leaves- People who have inspired you, include pets and people who have passed away
Fruit- The gifts you have for the world, the talents you bring to your community

Adolescent Art as a Healing Technique
Art therapy, an evidence-based technique, is one of many healing modalities I use. I use art, therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling for frustrated children and angry teens to feel nurtured without the pressure of talking through difficult feelings. In time, talking becomes easier as trust builds in the therapy room.
Call/text 860-451-9364 for creative, alternatives to talk therapy using art therapy in Niantic, Connecticut.

Art therapy in Southeastern Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling
It is capable of helping your child develop self-regulation, express tough emotions of guilt, sadness, shame, and grief, and guide your child to wellness and happiness. Art therapy is a universal and expressive language that helps to release deep emotions and memories held in the conscious and the unconscious mind.
Call/text 860-451-9364 for creative, alternatives to talk therapy using art therapy in Niantic, Connecticut.
Request Appointment with Katie Ziskind LMFT, RYT500
Why Art Therapy for Children and Teens in Southeastern Connecticut?
And, if you are getting divorced, often your child or teen feels pulled between both separating parents, especially when there is high conflict. Often, words can be difficult. Therefore, holistic, art therapy with Katie Ziskind, LMFT, RYT500 plays a vital role in expressing emotions, releasing feelings, and asking for specific needs to be met by your family members. Overall, art therapy is fundamental and an essential part of Wisdom Within Counseling.

How can art help go beyond words?
And, art is part of the holistic model because it is instrumental in assessing and treating a variety of psychological and behavioral issues. For one, art can help people on the autism spectrum communicate in ways beyond talking. Also, art and painting can help teenagers with eating disorders talk without using words. And, children and teenagers do better when art and creative outlets are available in counseling. Furthermore, alternatives to talk therapy using art therapy in Niantic, Connecticut are available only at Wisdom Within Counseling. Overall, the team of holistic marriage and family therapists help your teenager go beyond talking and build confidence with art. Lastly, art can support self-esteem skills and emotional expression. Call/text 860-451-9364 for counseling using creative alternatives to talk therapy using art therapy in Niantic, CT.

“Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.” ~ Pablo Picasso
Creative Therapy in Niantic For Children, Adolescents, and Teens
First, art therapy is used with children, adolescents, adults, older adults, groups. Secondly, art therapy is often used with families, veterans, and people with chronic health issues. Third, art is the eye into the soul. Therefore, I use it to assess and treat the following: anxiety, depression, and other mental and emotional problems; substance abuse and addictions; eating disorders, family and relationship issues. did you know, art therapy has been used to heal abuse and domestic violence, social and emotional issues, trauma and loss, and more.

A Complimentary Technique To Traditional Talking: Holistic Therapy
First, art therapy, nor any one approach, is the end-all for a mental health issue. If you teen has developed an eating disorder, art therapy can help him/her understand self-compassion. And, through guided meditations, your teen with an eating disorder, can learn to love themselves again. Further, eating disorders affect men and teenage girls the same. Body shame increases and the eating disorder takes over. Instead, holistic art, therapy, yoga therapy, and music can provide positive coping skills. Call/text 860-451-9364 for creative alternatives to talk therapy using art therapy in Niantic, Connecticut. Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern CT is a group of therapists who love helping couples, teenagers, and individuals thrive.
Easting Disorder Help and Art Therapy
Eating disorders are very much helped through art therapy in Niantic. With that said, art can be incredibly beneficial for all mental health challenges from anxiety to depression. Read more about anxiety support at Wisdom Within Counseling, here. For instance, art can be a vehicle for expression and change when a teen doesn’t feel like talking in therapy sessions. Perhaps, a child doesn’t have words for the emotions being felt or a teen is severely depressed and chooses not to speak as a form of control.
Family Art Therapy Sessions For Troubled, Stressed Families and Distant Couples
Additionally, family counseling sessions in East Lyme are another are where art can be added into counseling. Neither art inspired therapy in Niantic or any therapy for that matter is going to cure, 100% fix, or treat your child. However, art therapy can be a technique that facilitates growth, helps your child or teen feel capable in the world again. And, art therapy brings your family together in deeper ways than words can covey, and boost self-confidence. Now, nothing we do will cure your child or teen because they are not broken. So, art therapy is helpful for when she/he is going through a very rough and difficult time.
Call or text for your phone consultation with, holistic therapist, Katie Ziskind! 860-451-9364

Now, what does an art therapy session look like?
First, in art therapy sessions in Niantic, CT, your child or teen can express themselves. Further, you or your child can use a variety clays and play doughs. As well, drawing with crayons, glitter, markers, pencils, and gel pens are available. Moreover, painting with acrylics, yoga and music are part of counseling in Southeastern Connecticut. Additionally, a creative art therapy session at Wisdom Within Counseling is similar to a talk session. But, talking may happen alongside the art and painting. Overall, art can help calm anxiety, lower stress, and help promote a restful sleep. And, art therapy is an instrument that can help guide and promote psychological health and wellbeing for all ages. So, call/text 860-451-9364 for more information on how Wisdom Within Counseling can help you thrive confidently.
In The Media: Mindfulness
At times, news reporters ask experts for their opinions and experience. Katie Ziskind, LMFT, RYT500 child psychotherapist in Niantic is featured in the article below. Topics Katie Ziskind, holistic therapist, has been mentioned in variety including, exercise, nutrition, family life, wellness, self-care, couples therapy, children, and connection. Enjoy reading about Katie’s recommendation of Mindfulness Books.
A Note From Katie Ziskind LMFT, Child Psychotherapist, as to why she uses alternatives to talk therapy using art therapy in Niantic, Connecticut
Now, when it comes to alternatives to medication, positive coping skills are something we teach. To note, these skills help all ages learn that emotions are safe. For instance, as a child, did you learn it was unsafe to cry? If so, art in therapy can help you open up and feel again. Often, medication is an offering in American culture. Instead, you can learn methods for releasing anger and managing depression. Or, your child with ADHD can learn ways to let go of anger about a recent divorce or loss of a pet.
Creative art promotes self-regulation and emotional release. A reason to choose alternatives to talk therapy using art therapy in Niantic, Connecticut
Overall, marriage counseling using art helps couples get beneath the cycle of anger and hurtful jabs. Furthermore, therapy in general is a process that takes commitment, time, patience, and perseverance. Positive change takes time. So, your child or teen has taken their whole life to arrive where they are now. Therefore, it will take time to rebuild positive skills, develop confidence, and a healthy sense of self. Wisdom Within Counseling, in Niantic, Connecticut, is a one of a kind therapy practice. Call/text 860-451-9364 for creative, alternatives to talk therapy using art therapy in Niantic, Connecticut.

How long does art therapy in East Lyme take?
Every child, adolescent, youth, and family has their own process. For instance, it takes many months for a flower to root, sprout, grow, and bloom. As well, there are many factors including air, water, sunlight, energy, climate, and time of year. Therefore, the length of your child’s therapy in Niantic, CT really depends upon their specific needs.
Why does Wisdom Within Counseling offer alternatives to talk therapy using art therapy in Niantic, CT?
Really, working with a Niantic, CT therapist is a long-term growth process! And, we offer art in counseling as a means to promote emotioanl expression. Form anger, to anxiety, to depression, art can help you let go. As well, child therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling will include your parenting desires, therapy goals, social learning abilities and consistency. Overall, art can help you or your family member connect in ways beyond talking. In addition, couples therapy session can include art and painting. Furthermore, Wisdom Within Counseling offers holistic alternatives to talk therapy using art therapy in Niantic, Connecticut. Of course, you can always talk in your counseling session. But, Wisdom Within Counseling provides art, yoga, music, animals, and outdoor walking therapies too. Call/text 860-451-9364 to learn more about holistic alternatives to talk therapy using art therapy in Niantic, CT.
Let’s start with a phone consultation to learn more about holistic, alternatives to talk therapy using art therapy in Niantic, CT. Call/text 860-451-9364.

Call Katie at Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme for your 15-minute consultation (860) 451-9364 to talk about how art therapy can help you.

Wisdom Within Counseling Are Your Local Creative, East Lyme Therapists.

Find Us
Wisdom Within Counseling, LLC. Holistic Marriage and Family Therapy in East Lyme. 8 West Main St. Niantic, CT 06357. 860- 451-9364. KatieZiskindMft@gmail.com. www.WisdomWithinCT.com