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Healing Touch in Counseling

Wisdom Within Counseling, LLC, Holistic East Lyme Marriage and Family Therapy. Healing touch in Southeastern Connecticut. 8 West Main St. Niantic, CT 06357. 860- 451-9364.

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Are you feeling in the need of emotional support?

Are you looking to feel calmer, nurtured, and deeply cared for? Well, healing touch in Southeastern Connecticut can be a lovely way to feel supported. Now, you get to choose from soothing and nurturing healing touch. Alongside marriage and family therapy sessions, you can elect to have healing touch from your mental health therapist. Further, this type of healing touch is therapeutic, evidence-based. And, healing touch allows you to feel supported on the deepest levels. If you’re feeling out of balance in life, we are happy to help! First, it is your choose to do a guided meditation with head rubs and foot rubs in your Niantic yoga therapy session.

Healing touch in Southeastern Connecticut Is a wonderful and relaxing compliment to traditional talk therapy. As a result of Healing touch in Southeastern Connecticut, you may feel calmer, rejuvenated, and ready for anything life throws your way!

What are other holistic therapies that can help me in addition to healing touch in Southeastern Connecticut?

Moreover, you can also do art, yoga, music, and animal therapies. So, relaxing, meditations can be a part of your weekly holistic counseling session and Niantic, Connecticut. Further, you might also enjoy a gentle foot rub from your therapist. During your meditation, you can choose to receive healing touch for even more relaxation. To add, foot rubs and head rubs are so comforting. In conclusion, you may want to end all of your sessions with soothing, therapeutic touch. Yoga therapy is deeply relaxing.

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Therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut are holistic and creative.

Therefore, the creative counselors in Southeastern Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling allow you to elect a healing touch. So, as part of your therapy journey, you get to do art, yoga, music, outdoor and animal therapies. Anytime, you can ask for a hug and be held. For instance, getting a hug after crying and letting go can be really supportive and nurturing. Maybe no one will hug you later, so you want a hug from your Niantic therapist. So, if you do desire a comforting hug, your holistic therapist will always be happy to give you one. Now, healing touch in a Southeastern Connecticut is something you can choose to add into your transitional talk counseling session. Lastly, nurturing, holistic healing touch in Southeastern Connecticut can leave you feeling healthy, supported, and rejuvenated on a deep level. Healing touch in Southeastern Connecticut is a natural stress reliever and positive coping skill.

Are you looking for out of the box therapy that supports you holistically?

Healing touch is a part of holistic counseling to help you relax and feel present. And, you get to receive a soothing guided meditation with lavender essential oil foot rubs. Talk counseling is a baseline. But you get to choose yoga therapy, art therapy, music therapy, animal therapy as well. On the note of yoga therapy, you deserve to feel this level of comfort. After a long day and a busy family life, you can finally released through a laying down, resting pose. Further, smell a lavender eye pillow over your eyes and listen to a guided relaxation.

Holistic counseling and healing touch in Southeastern Connecticut

Now, healing touch can offer spiritual relaxation. Right now, it feels like your mind is racing a million miles a minute. And, you’re worried about your loved one. So, sleeping had been really difficult. Recently, you’ve been waking up in the middle of he night and can’t get back to sleep. Further, your doctor recently told you that you need to loose weight. And, it is all so overwhelming. Not to mention, you feel like you’ve lost your self in all the recent drama. So, healing touch in Southeastern Connecticut can be the relaxation and stillness that you’ve been desperately wanting. And, healing touch alongside counseling can be time for you where you make your needs and self a priority again. From connecting to your feminine goddess energy though healing touch sessions, you can reconnect with your true, authentic self.

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What are the benefits of healing touch in counseling?

To add, healing touch allows your negative energy to be fully released out of your physical body. And, mediation with healing touch allows you to sleep better at night. So, if are looking to better handle anxiety, healing touch can model healthy coping mechanisms. And, healing touch can help you feel self confidence around touch outside of session. Also, healing touch is also positive coping skill as it teaches self-worth, self-respect, and self-esteem.

What are some samples of healing touch when combined with talk counseling?

In Niantic, Connecticut, healing touch and be combined with traditional talk therapy or psychotherapy. First, you lay down on a yoga mat on the floor. Then, you get a blanket placed gently on top of you. Next, you have a lavender and rose petal eye pillow rest on your forehead or over your closed eyes. An eye pillow is calming and covers your eyes. And, it helps keep the light out for even deeper relaxation. Plus, the aromatherapy of lavender and rose petals are calming and soothing. Further, aromatherapy passes your blood brain barrier instantly calming your mood. For spiritual connection, you can also choose to hold a crystal corresponding to your chakras and positive intention. Then, your therapist guides a deep relaxation practice while rubbing the soles of your feet.

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Holistic therapy in Southeastern Connecticut

From these highly specialized therapeutic types of nurturing meditations, you will feel restored. And, you will be ready to take on any new challenge live through your way! Also, you will return to your family rejuvenated in mind, body, and spirit. In addition, meditations like this are you positive coping skills for panic attacks, flashbacks, and overall anger management. So, you’ll learn positive coping skills for learning to connect with in yourself and relax from the inside out. Therefore, you can feel more powerful and in control of what touch you want tin your life. From there, you will feel confident, at ease in life, and calmer even when you’re in the midst of stress. To get started in holistic counseling call 860-451-9364. In addition to healing touch, you get to choose from art therapy, yoga therapy, music therapy, animal therapy. In conclusion, you can also do walk and talk beach therapy along the Niantic bay boardwalk.

Healing Touch in Southeastern Connecticut

To add, healing touch in Southeastern Connecticut is supportive and soothing. And, it allows victims of sexual and physical abuse to choose healthy touch in a safe environment. Furthermore, the healing that is combined alongside talk counseling. So, healing touch in Southeastern Connecticut is about helping you become clear on your goals for your life. And, healing touch is about understanding of what you want healthy touch to look like outside of Niantic counseling sessions. In relationships, often touch can be unwanted, too rough, or not enough. Therefore, from experiencing healing touch in your holistic therapy session in Southeastern Connecticut, you’ll feel confident speaking up in life. Finally, healing touch in therapy can help you create firm, healthy boundaries. Especiallly, boundaries around what touch you want and don’t want within your romantic and personal relationships.

What’s unique and different about Niantic creative counseling combined with mind-body skills?

To start, you get to choose from holistic art, yoga, music, animals, and outdoor therapies at Wisdom Within Counseling. In East Lyme, Connecticut, the team of creative artsy therapists support you through personalized and out-of-the-box approaches. We go beyond traditional talk therapy. Especially when it comes to PTSD therapy in Southeastern Connecticut, we support you through mind, body, and spirit coping skills. Further, healing touch can be very empowering if you are a survivor of abuse.

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Empowering healing touch in Southeastern Connecticut

And, you can say “yes, I’d like healing touch today.” Or, “No, I’d rather not be touched,” you get to powerfully vocalize your feelings. By speaking up, it helps you be stronger in your voice, speak with power, and feel healthy about words. Note to mention, you will develop courage to speak more clearly through therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme. Lastly, healing touch alongside therapy will help you feel comfort and relief when nothing else helps.

To get started in holistic counseling that includes healing touch for soothing comfort, call/text us today. 860-451-9364.

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