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Healing Plantar Fasciitis Through Yoga Therapy

First, if you have been athletic since your adolescence, you may have, at some point, had an injury. Also, you may have pushed yourself a little too far past your edge playing sports, in hot yoga, being athletic, or running. As a remedy, you’ve tried physical therapy and medication. But, nothing seems to alleviate the chronic, dull pain from your sports injury. Therefore, when healing from a sports injury, you may find solace knowing that yoga therapy may be perfect for your needs in body, mind, and spirit. Also, yoga therapy can be a way to help you get back on top of your game! Overall, yoga therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut can help you feel balance and calm. Call/text 860-451-9364 for private yoga lessons and yoga therapy in East Lyme, Ct.

Some holistic, long-term goals of yoga therapy for your physical body and personal life

  • Increasing positive mood, mental health, and reducing source of suffering
  • Gaining and managing the symptoms, both physical and emotional
  • Understanding self-awareness and root causes
  • Improving life function, ie, gaining flexibility to begin playing with grandchildren on the floor again
  • Positively shift attitude to acceptance and perspective and gain self-compassion in relationship to life’s challenges.

Call or text 860-451-9364 to begin with a phone consult for yoga therapy.

yoga therapy in East Lyme, Ct

Here, find some pointers around plantar fasciitis and supportive yoga poses to promote flexibility and healing! Read more about yoga therapy for sports injuries, here. Plus, plantar Fasciitis is a common injury that is a fancy name for pain around the heel and at times, the arch of your foot.

Holistic Yoga Therapy in East Lyme, CT and Healing Plantar Fasciitis – Pain Point

Also, when you first walk in the morning, you may feel a burst of pain on the sole of your foot near your heel and mid-arch. Therefore, by increasing calf flexibility, you will feel better and help heal you plantar fasciitis. Overall, yoga therapy in East Lyme, Ct can help with healing this pain naturally. So, by building up muscles in your foot through yoga, you gain better foot alignment. Call or text 860-451-9364 to get started in a yoga therapy counseling session, online or in person.

yoga therapy in East Lyme, Ct

Pose: Warrior One (as seen above, with heart opening variation). To add, warrior one is a yoga pose. Also, warrior one will stretch your back calf. Start, and breathe. To begin, your right foot is front. Then, your right foot is parallel to the long edges of your yoga mat. And, your back foot (left foot) is facing the front left corner of your mat. Therefore, take three to five deep breaths and switch sides. Overall, yoga therapy in East Lyme, Ct can help you go beyond just warrior one pose and heal your body. Call or text 860-451-9364 for holistic healing and yoga therapy in East Lyme, CT.

Healing Your Body – Yoga Therapy in Niantic, Connecticut

Additionally, plantar fasciitis leads to pain in the heal and arch of your foot as a result of too much exercise. Yes, over working is possible. Sometimes, people end up with foot issues due to heavy lifting, body building, hard walking and running. So, if you run or marathons and other weight bearing activities, you are more prone to plantar fasciitis. To conclude, yoga therapy in East Lyme, CT can help you mentally overcome a sports injury also. Call or text 860-451-9364 for yoga therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut. Therefore, a no/low impact activity such as yoga will help heal your plantar fasciitis related pain in your foot. To add, yoga can also help anxiety, mild depression, and general panic related disorders.

yoga therapy in East Lyme, Ct

Pose For Helping Improve Your Hip Flexibility, and Arches of Your Feet

 Half-Pigeon (as seen above, with head to toe heart opening variation). Half-Pigeon is a heart opener and hip opener. Your right leg will be at the front of your mat. Frame your knee with both hands with you right knee off to the right slightly. Your right shin will be diagonal to the front of your yoga mat. Take three to five deep breaths and then switch sides. If you experience knee pain, modify with the figure four stretch on your back.

Yoga therapy supports you on your unique and beautiful journey to self-love and self-acceptance alongside gaining greater flexibility and range of motion again. Healing after a sports injury takes patience and time. Remember when you first started playing sports, how long it took you to learn and grow. Give yourself time to heal. In addition to the physical healing that needs to take place, I use yoga therapy to help your mind cope and heal with your new identity, your change in abilities, possible anxiety, depression, loss, and grief, and overall, support you. Let’s connect!

I would love to help you on your journey through yoga therapy with personalized sessions just for your needs. 

Written By Katie Ziskind, Offering Holistic Yoga Therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut

First, Katie Ziskind, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, RTY500 provides experiential therapy in Niantic, CT. Also, at Wisdom Within Counseling, Katie helps frustrated teens and young adults build confidence by integrating art, yoga, music, and animal therapy with traditional talk therapy. Overall, yoga therapy in East Lyme, Ct can help all ages holistically manage anger, anxiety, and depression. We also help teenagers who are non binary, transgender, and LGBTQIA+ they can love themselves! Furthermore, the animal therapy groups teach skills such as self-regulation, trust, and social emotional learning. Call Katie for a free consultation to talk about how she can help your teen or young adult build confidence today (860) 451-9364 or email

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