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Fighting like lawyers in your marriage? Marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut

If you are fighting like lawyers in your marriage, you might want guidance around gaining closeness and hope. As well, fighting like lawyers means that you are in conflict all the time and hurting emotionally. You may feel afraid, like you are walking on eggshells, angry, and hopeless. Deep down, you know you want to stay together, but the fighting is just so hard to keep dealing with. No matter what brings you to therapy, marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut helps you foster love, playfulness, trust, and commitment.

Wanting marital guidance and support staying together?

Your relationship and romance has been pushed to the side with the busyness of parenting, your career, and your life. It’s really hard to manage your full-time career while also figuring out your romance. As well, you feel pressure and worry around LGBTQIA+ topics in your marriage. Maybe, you are wanting to talk to your spouse about your non-binary identity, or your sexual orientation.

Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in holistic, marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut.

premarital counseling in Mystic, Connecticut, sound relationship house in Gottman marriage counseling, If you feel that divorce is inevitable, know that it is not going to be easy process. Military couples report that it is much more complicated than they expected, especially if children are involved. Going through the process of marriage counseling and doing the work you and your partner need to do to make the marriage move forward may be much easier than the process of divorce. However, it’s you’ve exhausted all efforts to reconcile, be prepared for what happens next. Knowing your rights as a military spouse is CRITICAL before you consider divorce. There are many laws that protect military spouses’ rights as well active members. However, they are rich with complicated details and exceptions. The process can take longer than civilian marriages because of the unique circumstances of being military. It is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. You need to be prepared before you start. military marriage therapy, military couples counseling, military specialist, couples therapy, east lyme, connecticut, couples cousneling, holistic marriage counseling, holistic couples counseling, holistic marriage therapy southeastern connecticut, distance holistic couples therapy for anger

To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for meaningful connection in marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut.

Deep down, you want to stay together, but there is increasing conflict and friction.

Every day, you feel overwhelmed about your marriage, the fighting, and feel like you are walking on eggshells. You want a stable, secure attachment to your spouse more than anything. One moment, your spouse is mad at you and you are confused. There are so many blow ups. And, you feel you need help communicating your needs and wants. You want marital mediator and someone that is an expert with high conflict couples. If you feel stuck in frustrating fights, our team of therapists can help you. Wisdom Within Counseling is a group of marriage and family therapists who love helping couples thrive. Lastly, you have come to the right place if you are looking for a high conflict couples therapist.

Marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut can help you understand why you want to stay together and help you bring gentleness.

We seek high conflict fights as a mixture of complex trauma and unhealed abandonment fears. Many times, traditional talk therapies do not actually help high conflict couples. Traditional therapies do not teach couples coping skills. So, at Wisdom Within Counseling, you and your spouse can learn skills for communication. Couples who are in high conflict fights get stuck defensing themselves and criticizing their spouse. So, our team of marriage and family therapists also offer you Gottman marriage counseling for high conflict couples.

What does relationship and marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut help couples do?

Wisdom Within Counseling help couples learn how to use feelings statements. Maybe, your partner is a yeller or puts you down. From couples therapy, you can learn to reflect a boundary. As well, you and your spouse can learn to use “I feel” verses a put down. Criticism is often how high conflict fights start. Many fighting couples start their statements with “You didn’t…” This creates a high conflict fight. So, marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut helps you learn how fights start in order to make positive changes.

How do couples effectively communicate to promote passion and gentleness?

A lot of times, fighting couples do not understand how they are escalating their conflicts. Fighting couples often are enacting dysfunction childhood patterns in their marriage. Maybe, you or your spouse had parents who were neglectful or abandoned them or you. Fears of abandonment play a huge role in high conflict marital fights. So, couples tend to put unnecessary pressure on each other. As well, fighting couples do not know how to talk about the guilt that they are carrying or the fears of abandonment they have.

Fears of abandonment are one of the biggest triggers for high conflict fights.

Marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut can help you talk about your fears of abandonment. Maybe, you worry your spouse will leave you for someone better. Or, you were cheated on in past relationships and you want to feel you can trust your partner now. Abandonment plays a large role in fear responses, yelling, and patterns of negative communication.

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LGBTQIA+ affirming relationship counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut

Are you or your spouse questioning your gender? Is your spouse now transitioning genders and transgender? Are you questioning your sexual orientation? LGBTQIA+ and queer affirming couples therapy helps you communicate about your identity. For many couples, anger, fear, loss, grief, and joy can all come up in these conversations. So, holistic, queer, LGBTQIA+ affirming marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut helps you talk about your sexual identity in a safe way. Maybe, fears of abandonment with your spouse come up around LGBTQIA+ topic as well.  Your relationship therapist can help you understand how to be LGBTQIA+ affirming, supportive, and spark your passion again. 

Does your spouse have alcoholism, addiction, DUI’s, substance and drug problems, or is unstable emotionally?

Drugs or alcohol may be a challenge in your relationship. Maybe, you and your spouse have been in recovery and sober. Alcohol and drinking problems often make marriage fights and conflicts worse. Now, you are at a point where your spouse is using drugs or binge drinking alcohol again. If you want to have an alcohol free, sober marriage, couples therapy can help you do so.

Having a sober marriage is one a great conversation and goal to bring to marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut.

Your marriage counselor can help you find self-care practices. You can learn to manage stress and anxiety in healthy ways. There are healthy options besides using alcohol, drugs, and substances. Overall, your relationship therapist will encourage you both to make healthier choices. You can learn to cope with stress in positive ways. These positive coping tools on a personal level impact your marriage, children, and family in healthy ways. Your marriage counselor can help you both take positive steps to live sober lives and in recovery. Also, you can talk about the emotional triggers and challenges. Sometimes, alcoholism and addiction issues can come from adult ADHD or complex post traumatic stress disorder. Your marriage therapist can help you both understand if you have ADHD or complex post traumatic stress disorder which might be playing into your high conflict fight cycle. 

Holistic marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut supports healthy communication when feeling isolated

Plus, the stress of the pandemic, social isolation, and romance challenges can leave you feeling lonely and depressed. Marriage counseling can help you build a positive coping toolbox for depression and isolation. For a healthy marriage, both people need to be centered, grounded, balanced, and calm. So, couples therapy can help you mentally feel strong no matter what is going on in your personal and work life. Depression can lead to low sex drive, low motivation, problems working, and issues with sleep. Sometimes, these can be symptoms of trauma and PTSD. From holistic therapy, you can learn how to cope with depression and stress and healthy ways. In general, you can learn to take great care of yourself and extend that care to your spouse.

To begin, book a phone consult for a loving bond through marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut.

As well, in your marriage you may need help dealing with sexual challenges like pornography addiction.

You can work around these challenging topics with the support of your holistic marriage therapist. As well, you can talk about issues you might not be talking about at home such as sex addiction or frequency of pornography use. A lot of times, couples have very intense conflicts about pornography. Each person in a marriage has their own reactions related to gender, culture, and betrayal. So, couples therapy is a safe place to have conversations around pornography and problem sexual behaviors. If there are sexual issues or a pornography addiction in your marriage, couples therapy can help you talk about these feelings. As well, you can talk about goals and where you want your marriage to go in the future. You can develop positive coping tools and build better self-esteem through holistic, Old Saybrook, CT marriage counseling. 

sexless marriage , working with a relationship therapist in Mystic, Connecticut can help you and your spouse heal and recover after infidelity., relationship and couples therapy in Madison, Connecticut, Frequently, we work with premarital couples and couples who really want coping tools for emotional intimacy. We teach skills for connection so you can use them for the rest of your life to maintain the foundation of love. There are always going to be things that could cause a crack in your relationship, if you and your spouse let them. Maybe, your ex partner from 10 years ago reached out. Or, your spouses parent wants to move into the house with you. Maybe, your young adult is developing alcoholism and has addiction struggles. No matter how severe, there will always be stressors that can create a wedge between you and your spouse. Over time, Couples Therapy and Mystic, Connecticut gives you a toolbox of intimacy and connection tools to identify potential things that could hurt your marriage., Marriage counseling in Waterford, Connecticut , same sex couples, Darien, CT sex and marriage therapy, Pre-marital counseling in Fairfield, Ct, Norwalk, CT marriage therapy, Marriage counseling in Southeastern Connecticut, PTSD treatment and marriage therapy in Old Lyme, CT, BDSM marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut, trauma bonding in couples therapy and yoga therapy, marriage counselor in New London, Ct, To begin, book a phone consultation for marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Ct at 860-451-9364 today.

Trauma focused care in marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut

As well, looking at childhood trauma can help understand if you have unresolved trauma. Many times, couples both have unresolved trauma. Any stifled emotions from your childhood or from past painful experiences. Different protective factors such as numbing out may be a problem. You can talk about this painful part of your marriage. As well, current pain connects to past pain from childhood. So, your holistic marriage counselor can help you identify what you were feeling when the trauma occurred. As well, you can learn to noticed trauma and PTSD symptoms. Then, you can express your trauma response in a way your partner can understand. You can also learn to build tolerance and self acceptance. Marriage counseling helps you reduce anger and build impulse control.

Do you have a major life decision coming up and want a safe place to slow down and talk?

As well, Old Saybrook, CT marriage counseling can help you if you have a major life choice or a big transition coming up. Maybe, you want to buy a new home or you want to move to a new state. Or, you want to change careers or jobs. As well, marriage counseling can help you talk about the emotions behind these decisions.

For instance, you can talk about the meaning of moving to a bigger home and fears you have.

Also, you can talk about the stressors that occur with moving, or excitements for your family. A big decision could be deciding to cremate or bury a parent who has recently passed away. Another major decision could be deciding to switch your child from public school to private school or deciding to homeschool. Maybe, deciding to add a child to your family is a very heated topic. The decision to have more children can bring up tensions, fears, worries, and start a fight.

To begin, click the button below to start in Old Saybrook, CT couples therapy for calm, loving communication today.

Having a mediator or marital guide can help you slow down these decisions and deeply understand the needs that each person in the relationship has.

Your spouse might be depressed because they feel unimportant and therapy can help them have a voice. You also might feel anxious or overwhelmed and want a safe place to talk about your past. Making big life decisions is not something that couples should not do with haste or urgency.

Working with a marital counselor can help you handle life transitions and big decisions with ease and all while feeling connected to each other.

You can feel like a team again and build shared meaning while going through big life changes. 

At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can take part in a variety of traditional therapies. As well, you can choose from creative expressive arts to build mindset shifts. Why options beyond just sitting and talking? As experts with couples and families, we find that couples get stuck in traditional talking. Couples can be quick to fight when sitting and talking. Talking alone quickly leads to arguing way too much and couples don’t learn skills to stop arguing. So, many couples come to Wisdom Within Counseling because they didn’t have a good fit in therapy.

A lot of couples find us because they want something holistic and playful.

You receive out-of-the-box therapies for PTSD and can work with a complex trauma specialist.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, you get a positive experience together. It can consist of laughter and love right in marital counseling. You can talk anytime you want. However, we also offer you art, yoga, music and walking therapies. Wisdom Within Counseling is a group of therapists who specialize in and truly understand complex trauma and the high conflict cycle of couples.

Wisdom Within Counseling offers a holistic version of Gottman marriage counseling in Connecticut, holistic marriage counseling in Southeastern Connecticut, LGBTQ same sex couples therapist in CT, polyfriendly therapist, poly affirming therapist couples, relationship therapist Waterford, CT, East Lyme, CT couples therapy, marriage counseling in New London Connecticut

At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help you share intense feelings like anger, loss, sadness, or jealousy using expressive arts.

As well, you can try fun therapies like drama therapy, improvisation, yoga therapy, music therapy, art therapy, and outdoor nature therapies. What this means is that you and your spouse can have a positive experience every single time you come in for couple therapy. Yes, you can talk about the painful emotions you are experiencing. However, your therapist will guide you in a mind-body techniques such as mindfulness breathing or a meditation.

Why creative, expressive arts in marriage therapy?

We deeply believe that these are positive coping tools of art, yoga, music, and nature therapies support distant couples outside of therapy. If talking is frustrating, you can use painting and art to talk it out. Each holistic, marriage counseling session, you can use clay or paint to share your feelings with your spouse. Art therapies help couples and build inner peace to communicate calmly.

Yelling? At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can use creative therapies learn to talk about the things you may not have the words for.

Many times, couples might not be able to verbalize or put feelings into words. Therefore, by painting or using their body to act it out, couples can find playfulness in learning healthy communication. If you would like a unique and holistic form of couples therapy where you can truly feel emotionally validated and heard by a trauma specialist, you are in the right place. Our team of marriage and family therapists are Gottman marital counseling level two trained. As well, our team has extensive training in incorporating creative and expressive arts into your marriage counseling experience. If you are fighting like lawyers, our team at Wisdom Within Counseling would love to help you thrive. Fighting doesn’t have to be painful and hurtful.

To begin, click the button below for a phone consult to get started building a loving, trusting bond together.

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