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Drama Therapy for Couples- Couples Therapy in Connecticut

Are you feeling more distance between you and your partner? Maybe you’ve been struggling to communicate with one another. Also, you may feel like you and your partner can’t see eye to eye. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we use creative, holistic, and playful approaches to strengthen your relationship. We offer drama therapy for couples who are looking to reconnect with one another.

As life changes, your relationships will too.

You may notice that when you move or get a new job, your relationships with friends and siblings change. It is only natural that your romantic relationship will change too. Also, with life changes come changes in who we are as people. This can affect the relationship in many ways. You and your partner may have new dreams and goals. Additionally, you may have different expectations of one another. Finally, you may want to connect in new and different ways.

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Wisdom Within Counseling has therapists who specialize in helping you and your partner connect again.

Sometimes these changes in your relationship can feel overwhelming and can’t be fixed.

When things have changed between you and your partner, it may feel like a shock to the system. It can seem like all of a sudden, out of nowhere, you and your partner are no longer on the same page. Maybe you feel more tension in the relationship. Also, you may struggle to see the positive qualities in your partner. Finally, you and your partner may struggle to be intimate with one another.

Couples Therapy in Connecticut can help!

Working with a couples therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, CT can help you and your partner connect again! We specialize in bringing couples back together. Our couples therapists work with you and your partner to identify your relationship strengths and places where you can grow together. Additionally, we work to clarify your individual and collective dreams, so you can help one another grow. Also, we help you and your partner to communicate in healthy ways. Often, this leads to less tension and more intimacy in the relationship.

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Couples therapy in Connecticut for distant couples.

To begin, click the button below to schedule a phone consult for Couples Therapy in Connecticut.

When should you and your partner consider starting couples therapy?

If you and your partner are considering couples therapy, that’s a perfect time to start! If your relationship feels different than it use to, you may want to consider working with a therapist. Also, if you and your partner are experiencing life transitions, this is a great time to consider coming to therapy. Moving, losing a job, changing professions, and becoming parents are all times when you may notice your relationship changing. In general, most couples can benefit from working with a couples therapist to improve communication skills, understand their partner’s life dreams, and enhance the intimacy in their relationship.

Drama therapy can help bring distant couples back together.

Drama therapy is an embodied approach to therapy. Using dramatic elements like role play, storytelling, and improvisation, we can help couples to connect again. These playful techniques keep therapy fun and approachable, making it easier to help you and your partner to connect again.

Why should we consider drama therapy to help our relationship?

By using a dramatic approach to couples therapy in Connecticut, we can reenact difficult situations. By playing out these moments of conflict and stress, we are able to see things from another perspective. Also, we can practice changing the way you and your partner approach one another. In this way, we can actively build relationship skills in session. Often, couples enjoy this active, hands-on approach. Furthermore, skills actively practiced in session are likely to be easier to use outside the therapy office.

To begin, click the button below to schedule a phone consult for drama therapy for couples.

What does a drama therapy session for couples look like?

Drama therapy for couples can look like many things. We may use role play and role reversal to explore a conflict that came up. In this way, we can examine what happened and try different ways of approaching the situation. Also, we can try on different roles in the relationship, finding new and different ways to be with your partner.

We often use improvisation when working with couples in drama therapy.

Improvising experiences and potential moments of conflict give you and your partner the chance to practice new skills. Furthermore, it promotes flexibility in the relationship. By learning to take a gentle, flexible approach, you and your partner can reduce the amount of conflict in your relationship. Additionally, improvised scenes between you and your partner help to increase your level of confidence. It gives you the opportunity to show one another that you are both able to apply the skills you are learning. It can show you and your partner that you are capable of learning and growing together.

couples therapy in connecticut
Drama therapy for couples is a playful way to bring you and your partner together again.

Drama therapy keeps the experience of therapy fun!

While we do talk about difficult issues in therapy, it should be an enjoyable experience! In drama therapy, we use elements of play to keep the therapy enjoyable. If you and your partner don’t enjoy the experience of coming to couples therapy in Connecticut, it will be hard to improve your relationship. Often, couples find drama therapy to be fun and laughter-filled, bringing you and your partner together in a joyful, positive way.

To begin, click the button below to schedule a phone consult for counseling to help you and your partner connect again.

You don’t need to be an actor or have theatre experience to gain benefits from drama therapy.

There is no need to have experience in acting or theatre to take part in a drama therapy session. Drama therapy is not about how good of an actor you can be. Rather, it’s about having the chance to step into a past or future moment and explore. Plus, it can be a new, fun adventure for you and your partner! Taking on a new challenge together can bring you together in a fun and playful way.

Drama therapy for couples and couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling.

The therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in taking a creative, holistic approach to working with couples. We love bringing fun and play into our therapy for couples! Also, we welcome all couples in our practice. Same-sex couples, LGBTQIA+ bisexual, gay, and all types of couples welcome at Wisdom Within Counseling.

To begin, click the button below to schedule a phone consult and get connected to one of our couples therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling!

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