Couples may benefit from therapy for a variety of reasons. For one, if you feel like your fights gotten to a point of pushing and shoving, couples therapy will be important for you. You can learn healthy communication skills for calm conversations. Right now, it might feel like everything that you do starts a fight. Your emotions are intense, angry, hurt, and sad. No matter what you say, it feels like you can never be good enough in your spouses eyes. Relationship therapy and marriage counseling helps distant couples who have losses, trauma, resentment, and conflict. Couples can learn how to create inner peace and build a loving, playful relationship. Darien, CT couples therapy supports lifelong playfulness together.

How can Darien, CT couples therapy support togetherness?
As well, it might feel like you are emotionally distant and you want closeness. In relationship counseling, you can build a marriage you’ve always wanted. Your Darien, CT couples therapist can be a guide to help you improve communication and a sense of togetherness. Plus, physical and emotional intimacy go together. So, marriage therapy can give you an understanding of how to rebuild both of these back up. Did you know, loss and trauma plays a huge role in fights? Couples who have been through different traumas like loss of a parent, miscarriage, infertility, or abandonment in childhood, may have more high conflict fights. If you or your partner are stuck in a conflict cycle or trauma bond, our team at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you.

What is trauma bonding in holistic couples therapy in Darien, Connecticut?
In your marriage, you might not realize you are in a trauma bond. Trauma bond couples counseling help you understand abusive situations. If you grew up in an abusive family, you might be more familiar to be in an abusive marriage. Just because your marriage is emotionally or physically abusive, doesn’t mean that you are the problem. What a trauma bond means is that couples often get into harmful conflicts. And, in Darien, CT couples therapy, you can learn to stop away from intense hurtful words. It can be very sad when couples get in a severely negative communication state. And, couples who are stuck in a trauma bond often do not know how to stop this cycle.
In a trauma bond, high conflict couples will get into intense arguments and even have silent treatment for days at a time.
Those couples in a trauma bond do not know how to break free of the conflict cycle. Also, a conflict might last for days without getting resolution. Furthermore, it is possible for people in a trauma bond to break the cycle. From Darien, CT couples therapy, you can build a healthy relationship. There is no reason that you need to feel mentally, emotionally, or physically hurt in your marriage. But, you might feel hopeless about your fight right now.

Darien, CT couples therapy can help determine if you are in fact in a trauma bond and give you the tools to break it.
Couples who have been through trauma may get into more intense conflicts because childhood was so emotionally abusive. Furthermore, if you or your spouse don’t want to leave each other, but feel really hurt, marriage counseling in Darien, Connecticut would be beneficial. A lot of times, couples blame each other, and do not know how to apologize or show appreciation. Couples therapy can help you build appreciation and love in your marriage. As well, couples counseling in Darien, Connecticut can help you build a sense of closeness. Now, let’s talk about how closeness grows.

How can holistic couples therapy in Darien, CT help us feel closer?
In your marriage, you may have felt more distance and boredom. In the last five years, you can see that you have grown apart. Emotional intimacy builds from daily, monthly, and yearly rituals. You or your spouse might have stopped celebrating each others birthdays or work promotions. Essentially, distance occurs over time. Now though, you want to create love, passion, and closeness. That is possible with marriage counseling. Through couples therapy and Darien, Connecticut, you can learn techniques to rebuild emotional intimacy.
What is emotional intimacy in Darien, CT marriage counseling?
Well, that is a great question and a big part of your marriage counseling experience. Emotional intimacy means being able to be vulnerable emotionally. It means being able to listen to your partner. But, also emotional connection is being able to feel calm when expressing your emotions. A lot of couples don’t even know the emotions that they are feeling. Right now, you feel so angry and hurtful. Essentially, marriage counseling helps you slow down and break down the argument so that you can feel a sense of closeness. Even though you might be in conflict, you can still share values and dreams. Darien, CT couples therapy promotes skills for lifelong healthy communication and emotional intimacy.

In what ways can holistic couples therapy in Darien, Connecticut help if we stopped having sex?
Holistic couples therapy in Darien, Connecticut can help you if you have stopped having sex. A lot of couples begin the cycle of distance by getting into arguments. Then, the physical distance occurs and grows. Has resentment been building? Couples start sleeping in separate bedrooms and feel content with this level of distance. Rather than living in boredom or distance, Darien, CT couples therapy builds playfulness. Instead of distance, relationship counseling and marriage therapy helps you feel loved when you’ve stopped having sex. More so, in marriage counseling, you can talk about emotional limitations to sex. Maybe, there are hurt feelings lingering. Or, sex has been stopped to prove a point. You might feel a sense of betrayal because you are suspicious that partner is cheating on you. If your partner is cheating, it is normal to not want to open up or have sex.
What are the many other reasons why couples stop having sex?
Sometimes, people stop liking sex. Or, one person’s body changes or their libido changes. Another person might be on medication and have side effects of the depression medication. As well, some couples no longer want to have sex because of medication side effects. If you have stopped having sex, but you would like to rekindle physical intimacy, Darien, CT couples therapy is a great start. As well, your marriage therapist can help you understand emotional intimacy to create a foundation for an amazing sex life. Learning to talk about your feelings will build physical intimacy. Essentially, when couples stop having emotional intimacy, physical intimacy decreases drastically. Marriage counseling in Darien, Connecticut and help you rebuild skills or emotional intimacy. Then, you can truly have a strong, loving, passionate foundation for amazing physical sex.

How can holistic couples therapy in Darien, CT support healthy communication?
What about healthy communication? In any relationship, healthy communication will help you solve problems. However, in your marriage, it might feel like all of your past issues have never been resolved. Sometimes, in current fight, past issues get brought up. It feels like the fight is starting all over again. So, with healthy communication skills, you can learn to use, “I feel,” statements. Additionally, instead of blaming your partner, or being defensive, you can ask curious questions.
Your Darien, CT couples therapist can teach you how to use emotional validation tools.
Essentially, your counselor can help to model how to validate your partners feelings too. Additionally, you can learn about the importance of small talk about the little things on a daily basis. Additionally, you can talk about making mini moments of your day. Taking the time for a hug or a kiss to make the world of difference in rebuilding your marriage. Additionally, learning learning to talk with a calm tone of voice will be helpful for improving conflict and communication.

A lot of times, partners don’t even realize it but they are talking down or belittling their partner.
Furthermore, you can learn how to give your partner of your full attention. A lot of times, couples are on their cell phones or have listening. These things can lead to loneliness in your marriage.
How can I start today in building connection and love again before starting in Darien, CT couples therapy?
Learning to give your partner your presence and your full attention takes practice. But, presence can work wonders before your Darien, CT couples therapy appointment. As well, making eye contact and even holding hands are big steps in the right direction. Try to make eye contact when talking. Many different affective communication skills are effective in building a loving, passionate, and healthy marriage. Couples counseling in Darien, Connecticut can help you integrate more of these emotional coping tools and better communication skills. This way, you can have the marriage you’ve always desired.

What are some major losses couples go through regarding infertility?
Additionally, couples go through a series of losses that may lead to trauma symptoms. Losses and grief can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder.
Sometimes, when going through miscarriage, infidelity and loss, couples will isolate.
They will turn away from each other and instead to friends and family. Sometimes, partners might make insensitive comments at each other or hurtful jabs.
Couples counseling in Darien, Connecticut can help you overcome infertility, miscarriage and child loss with a sense of holistic support.
For instance, couples who experience infertility can have PTSD and trauma around sex. Sex can feel heavy and like an obligation. Trying to get pregnant makes sex feel less fun. Any sense of perinatal loss, miscarriage, or still births are huge traumas couples go through. It can be hard to find the courage and hope to get through this raw heartbreak. Additionally, realizing your baby or infant died, may lead to self blame and self criticism.

Distant, conflictual couples in distress and anger may turn on each other or blame each other.
In times of infertility and child loss, Darien, CT couples therapy promotes positive coping tools and trauma healing. Couples can learn to heal from trauma and loss together instead of separately. Essentially, working with a holistic marriage therapist in Darien, Connecticut can help you learn how to process trauma holistically and relieve some sadness.
Healing through loss and trauma together can help you overcome child loss, miscarriage, and infertility.
It might take time for one of you to process the grief more so than the other. Couples therapy in Darien, Connecticut can help you understand the process of grief, anger, loss, and sadness. Your therapist can help you find a sense of acceptance and spirituality in this uncertain time.
Sudden loss and infertility can be a big stressor for a couples.
Couples therapy can help distant couples rebuild their sense of connection and emotional intimacy. You can learn to build healthy communication during this time and express emotions calmly. Infertility, child loss, and experiencing miscarriage can harm and damage your relationship. Your partner might not know how to comfort you during this sad time.
Couples counseling in Darien, Connecticut can help you feel a sense of togetherness through this emotional experience.