First, the biggest impact on boys who don’t like sports is feeling shameful. For many boys, sports are a normalized part of American culture. Unfortunately, non competitive activities are not embraced enough. Often, in marriage and family therapy sessions at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut this topic comes up a lot. Should my son play football? What if he doesn’t want to? Do sports keep teenagers off drugs? Well, these are good questions. Sometimes, parents very fearful and anxious. And, that is totally okay. At times, parents who may have missed out playing sports project these fears onto their sons. Also, parents who loved sports can also project these fears onto their children. So, that is where marriage and family therapists help!

What do we do in holistic marriage and family therapy in Niantic, CT?
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help adolescent boys develop self-confidence and self-esteem. Really, sports are not the only way to feel stronger. Yes, sports are a great outlet for stress. But, not every boy needs that intense of an outlet. Perhaps, non competitive activities can be a supplement instead of sports. For one, therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling helps boys express emotions and love themselves exactly as they are. Overall, counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut teaches boys that crying is totally okay. Rather, competitive sports can shame boys for having emotions. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation.
How can non competitive activities like creative therapy in Niantic, Connecticut build strength and confidence?
Through individual therapy, art, therapy, and walk and talk therapy at the Niantic Bay Boardwalk, adolescent boys are helped to develop a layer of internal strength. Plus, expressing emotions can help your son communicate his feelings in preparation for teenage years. Plus, counseling can help your son get clear on his sexual orientation, gender identity, and gain LGBTQ support. Also, in counseling, boys learn anxiety reduction skills, anger management skills, and gain a healthy sense of self. Call/text 860-451-9364 for counseling for creative boys in Niantic, Connecticut.
What are some other benefits of bringing your adolescent son to see a therapist?
Plus, your son can learn ways to get better grades and have good behavior at school. From art, yoga, music, animals, and outdoor therapies, your son can learn positive self-care skills for mental stability. Teenage years a right around the corner, so learning emotional regulation skills now can help a lot. Call/text 860-451-8364 for more information on creative, artsy counseling in Southeastern Connecticut.

Why is counseling for creative boys in Niantic, CT so helpful?
Well, doing art, painting, and learning holistic coping skills can provide inner peace and calmness. Further, doing art and painting can provide relaxation skills for lifelong success. Overall, creative outlets provide stress relief and self-care skills for years into the future. Call/text 860-451-9364 for counseling for creative boys in Niantic, CT.
Where Does Shame Come From?
Internalized shame is a result of not fitting in. At times, adolescent boys talk about not fitting into the sports clicks when they come to therapy. Also, therapy can be a safe place for your son to talk about the shame he feels for not playing sports. Perhaps, if you played sports, there is a legacy burden to live up to. Also, you may have the best intentions of helping your son be more like a man. Yes, sports can help develop muscle, and he can get athletic friends. However, if your son is not competitive, this will be shame provoking.
How can non competitive activities like seeing a Niantic therapist promote emotional expression?
Also, some boys need a nurturing, gentle father figure, which can be hard to do if as a parent you grew up in a harsh environment. As a parent, if you had to play sports and stuff your emotions away, it can be hard to show emotion. So, therapy can also help you learn to be gentle with yourself and feel good enough. In family therapy, our therapists often work with multiple members of the same family. Plus, theater and art can be great outlets for boys trying on different roles. Forcing a boy to play sports is unfortunately counter productive for self-esteem. Sometimes, boys who are gay or gender non confirming feel fulfilled by doing theater and drama club instead. Call/text 860-451-9364 for an appointment for holistic confidence in counseling.
Why You Should Back Off and Let Your Child Explore?
At times, parents push children to play sports when children don’t want to because they have an unfilled legacy. So, seeing a therapist can help you let go of the past and love your son for who he is. Overall, family therapist helps you and your son get closer and connected. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for your son’s self-esteem, self-confidence, and coping skills.
Developing Self-Confidence in Boys Through Holistic Family Therapy in Niantic, CT
If your child does not want to play sports, that is OK. And, they can still have a great life in chess club or art club! If your child is not good at sports, help them feel strong in other areas such as through art or music or theater.
What is counseling for creative boys (one of the many non competitive activities) in Niantic, CT all about?
Embrace your child’s natural hobbies and strains because that will help them feel self-confident. Further, exploring non competitive activities in can help your son grow at his own pace. For non binary youth, non competitive activities are more gender neutral also. So, don’t force your child or middle schooler to do a competitive sport that would only leave them feeling insecure. Rather, enroll your son in counseling or a non competitive activity. Lastly, teenage boys on the autism spectrum require non competitive activities in Niantic, CT to go at their own pace. In terms of non competitive activities, try painting pottery, playing a board game, going to the ropes course in Mystic, Connecticut.

Often, boys may not be able to directly ask to do non competitive activities. Really, there is a lot of shame for wanting to do non competitive activities like dance, hip hop, ceramics, or yoga. So, offering a safe space with painting, art, yoga, and options to go for a walk can help your son gain direction. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for counseling for creative boys in Niantic, CT.
How Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic Can Help You
Katie Ziskind of East Lyme, Connecticut specializes with a variety of issues including depression in couples therapy, anger management relationship counseling, marriage counseling, and anxiety therapy. She also enjoys working with individuals, children, and adolescents. Further, at Wisdom Within Counseling, near East Lyme, Connecticut, is a practice that uses art, yoga, music, and outdoor therapies woven together with talk therapy. Additionally, Wisdom Within Counseling, a practice for marriage and family therapy in Connecticut is an LGBTQIA+ friendly and advocates for youth and adults. Call/text 860-451-9364 to schedule a phone consultation with Katie Ziskind, LMFT, RYT500.