Holistic Young Adult Therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut
For one, stress with having to be perfect all the time is tough. Plus, getting good grades academically is stressful. Then, struggles with relationships, breakups, heartbreak, and drama add more stress. For some young adults, pressures to drink alcohol, use drugs, and addictions are very real. For other young adults, loss of a parent, sibling, or grandparent leaves a big hole of grief. It can feel easy to turn to drinking, reckless sex, or the bottom of a bottle. And, it might be easier to just cheat on your boyfriend or girlfriend, rather than having a difficult, mature conversation. Lastly, young adult therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut helps you get confident, self-aware, and create a healthy, purposeful life for yourself. We support alternatives to psychiatric mediation through art, yoga, walking, and nature therapies.
We help you replace negative behaviors that only lead to more suffering, pain, and loss, with positive, healthy lifestyle choices for self-love. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for young adult anxiety support.
Or, if you feel like you were sexually abused in college, but just aren’t sure, you therapist can help you get clear. Also, therapy can help you step into your personal power, and live a life of balance. No matter your struggle, creative, holistic East Lyme, CT therapy can help you cope in positive ways. Stress, anger, anxiety, jealously, and resentment doesn’t have to get the best of you anymore. Overall, young adult therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut helps emerging adults develop healthy self-care and self-love skills.
Soothing Relaxation In Your Session at Wisdom Within Counseling, Family Therapy in Niantic, Connecticut
For comfort and warmth, the Wisdom Within Counseling team offers heated relaxing herbal pillows. And, relaxing aromatherapy in session soothes your tight muscles and mind. In this article, you can learn ways to soothe your anxiety naturally. Plus, you can learn about some of the unique and different counseling services in East Lyme, Connecticut.
A Note From Katie Ziskind, the owner of Wisdom Within Counseling
I LOVE going to Cafe Sol in Niantic, Connecticut. I saw lavender growing the other morning when I was walking down Main Street. Lavender is such an amazing and healing herb. It can be used in oil form too to help with anxiety!
What Can You Do Today Before Coming In For Young Adult Therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut? Lavender Benefits Your Mental Health
Therefore, significant mental health benefits of lavender combined with the supportive warmth. And, for teenagers with ADHD, the weight in these pillows allow for concentration and relaxation. Likewise, with creative, holistic therapies, you or your loved one can delve even deeper. Overall, art, yoga, music, and animal therapies, help young adults open up and build trust. In therapy, young adults can also go for a walk and talk sessions along the shoreline. Further, young adult therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut teaches positive coping skills for anxiety and panic attacks.
From breathing and mindfulness meditation in counseling, you can gain control back again.
Likewise, young adults can learn skills to create work and life balance. In East Lyme, Connecticut, in your talk therapy session at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn to create healthy relationships. From self-worth and self-esteem skills, the team of marriage and family therapists in Niantic, Connecticut support your growth. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for creative, holistic, alternative young adult therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut.
Holistic Coping Skills in Young Adult Therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut
Likewise, lavender has been shown to reduce anxiety, calm mood, and improve sleep. Inside each pillow, there is dried lavender, red rose petals, chamomile, lemon balm, and rice. On a side note, I save the brown rice for eating! Further, rose petals offer balance and emotional support for your heart energy. Also, in therapy, having a warm pillow can sooth a broken heart and offer healing energy. Overall, chamomile is fabulous for calming anxiety and soothing nerves. Having anxiety and panic? Instead of coffee, go for chamomile tea for relaxation. Also, holistic young adult counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut can help with depression, bi-polar and depression on a professional level.
Call or Text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for young adult therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Looking for something beyond traditional medication? Well, Wisdom Within counseling offers art, yoga, music and animal therapies. Also, aromatherapy helps reduce anxiety and uplifts melancholy. Furthermore, counseling can help you gain skills to balance your emotions. So, with these warmed pillows in counseling, you help you let go. Also, you can feel like you are at a calming spa for your hour therapy session. For anxiety, depression, and trauma, young adult therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut, can be empowering. And, therapy can help you be your best self. Call or Text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for counseling.
Why and when is mental health treatment necessary for young adults?
First, psychological factors like anger, and frustration tolerance issues are areas of concern. Furthermore, being in a depressive place is another sign your teenager needs help. Likewise, people with mental illnesses like bi-polar disorder or borderline personality disorder need weekly therapy long-term. Further, serve childhood trauma, sexual abuse, sexual trauma, and psychological trauma are good reasons to seek counseling. Moreover, trauma suffered as a child, such as emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, can cause trust issues, attachment issues in relationships. Also, when a child experiences an important early loss, such as the loss of a sibling or parent, child therapy is essential. Call/text 860-451-9364 for information on child therapy and trauma counseling in Niantic, Connecticut.
Why Mental Health Treatment Is Necessary? Wisdom Within Counseling Offers Anxiety and Young Adult Therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut
Furthermore, getting help for mental health disorders is a sign of growth and intelligence. Secondly, seeking therapy is a sign of strength. Overall, anxiety and depression can create a variety of problems in your family, love, and work life. For one, we help you create positive, healthy outlets for stress and anxiety. So, you don’t have to unload your stress on your loved ones. Maybe, you are stressing out about the future or regretting the past. Now, it is normal for young people to feel out of balance and out of control. And, therapy regularly can help you gain confidence, self-esteem, and positive communication skills. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a counseling session in East Lyme, Connecticut.
Often, you may feel like your emotions are out of control.
So, counseling can give young adults a new mentality for believing in themselves. Also, if you ever feel hopeless and truly out of control, always call a suicide hotline like this one. Call, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255. Or, call Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut to get a counseling session on your calendar. To often, less than half of young adults don’t get the help they need with mental health disorders like anxiety, trauma, or depression. So, don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed about having anxiety or feeling lack of motivation. Our team of professional therapists are here to help. It is a brave thing to reach out for help.
Call or Text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for specialized child, teen, or young adult counseling.
The Therapists Heat Your Lavender Pillow In The Microwave For Three Minutes For Your Young Adult Therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut
Before you or your teenager comes into session, your therapist will heat up a large lavender. Then, it is warm on your body and relaxes anxiety. And, you can rest it on your legs or thighs as we talk for a headache. Also, yoga therapy, meditation, and art in counseling is known for relaxing. Mindfulness meditation skills from Niantic counseling can help you create calming energy in life transitions and grief. Anxiety counseling in young adult therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut is all about nurturing and comfort!
Call/ Text 860-451-9364 for creative, holistic young adult therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut.
Therapy in Niantic isn’t the only place where you can use these relaxing rose and lavender pillows. These pillows have helped children learn to sleep in their own beds. The warmth after being microwaved provides a supportive transition as they fall asleep in their own beds.
Also, at Wisdom Within Counseling near East Lyme, Connecticut, you get to use these pillows in session as a positive coping skill.
Then, outside of session, getting you or your teen into a calm and peaceful place is easier! Therapy in Niantic has never been more rejuvenating. Temperature can make a huge difference! These pillows have also provides digestive support for children, teens, and adults who get constipated or tummy pain. Heat up your large pillow and rest it on your belly for 15-20 minutes to naturally help you have a movement.
Young adult therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut

Without help, substance abuse, eating disorders, depression, and anxiety impact young adults. Likewise, teenagers drug use, alcoholism, and substance abuse can lead to negative relationships. Furthermore, young adults may have eating disorders. Read more, holistic therapies help young adults move into eating disorder recovery. Anxiety, depression, and trauma feelings can be pushed aside by drug use, alcoholism, and eating disorders. For one, you may wonder if your teenager has an eating disorder.
Does your college student have body image issues or an eating disorder? Teen and young adult years can be stressful and overwhelming. Young Adult Therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut Supports Healthy Self-Worth.
Pain, emotional pain, and physical pain are all the same. So, your young adult may have anxiety or an eating disorder as a result of a major loss of a grandparent. For one, restrictive and binge eating disorders can affect men and women, boys and girls. Actually, many people only think eating disorders impact women and girls. But, many boys and men develop eating disorders. So, you can help your teenager with early interventions and treatment for drug use or eating disorders. Really, eating disorders impact all ages too.
Below, Here Are Parenting Skills For Identifying Eating Disorders: Young Adult Therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut
Identifying Anorexia: A Restrictive, Starvation Disorder
Does your teenager eat very little, avoid certain foods, and intentionally skip meals? Have you noticed a huge amount of weight loss?
Or, has your teenager been excessively exercising or dieting to the point of starvation?
Also, does your young adult have a preoccupation with weight and obsess about food?
In general, our Niantic therapists help children, teens, and young adults struggling with anorexia who have a distorted body image. With anorexia, they think are overweight when in fact they are very underweight. In counseling in East Lyme, we help teenagers gain a healthy relationship with their body, mind, and spirit through creative counseling.
Call or Text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for eating disorder support for young adults in East Lyme, Connecticut.
Identifying Binge Eating Disorder: A Compulsive Disorder
Does your young adult have cycles of extreme overeating, or bingeing? Or, does your teenager purge, throw up? And, do they over exercise to compensate for overeating? Well, these are eating disorder signs that treatment is essential. Without help, young adults with eating disorders can end up starving themselves to death.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help teens and young adults who have feelings of loss of control around food.
As well, we help young adults let go of shame and guilt about overeating. And, if your teenager fears of certain foods, our creative therapists can help teach positive coping skills. Over time, with counseling, it is possible to have a healthy relationship with food. We teach young adults essential skills to love themselves.
Text Us at 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for eating disorder support for young adults at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Read more at www.WisdomWithinCt.com
Call or Text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for young adult therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Written By Katie Ziskind
This article was written by Katie Ziskind, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, 500-hour Registered Yoga Therapist, is the owner and clinical director at Wisdom Within Counseling. Also, Katie Ziskind and her team of therapists offer art in therapy in Niantic, Connecticut. To add, finding a family therapist in Niantic has been very difficult until now.
Katie also offers teletherapy and distance counseling.
To begin, Katie Ziskind LMFT, RYT500 and her team of creative therapists in Niantic, Connecticut combine specialties of art, yoga, music, and animal therapy with talk counseling. The Wisdom Within Counseling team in East Lyme, CT are experts with children, adolescents, teenagers, and young adults. Overall, Katie Ziskind offers art, yoga, and meditation in therapy for teens in Niantic, Connecticut. Parenting sessions and couples therapy for parents challenged by their children, are also part of her practice. She is affirming and open to the LGBT community. She specializes in yoga therapy for athletic individuals who have a sports injury and have been through trauma.