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Trauma bond couples therapist in Florida

Florida marriage therapy supports couples post affair and those are who find themselves getting into high conflict fights. There are many reasons for choosing marriage and couples therapy. In general, working with a trauma bond couples therapist in Florida can help your relationship improve. Many times, fighting, angry, tearful, hurt, distant couples are stuck in a trauma bond cycle. Perhaps, for a few weeks your marriage and connection feels loving, positive, safe, and intimate. Then, you find your spouse lying, betraying you, yelling, pulling their emotions away, or starts numbing out by cheating.

In your childhood, did you feel torn between your parents who got into intense conflicts? We often don’t learn how to build the best partnerships in childhood from our parents.

You and your partner may also benefit from counseling if you have experiences of trauma like having an alcoholic parent.

You may have experiences of loss of loved ones or loss of a parent. Receiving life altering, devastating news is another reason couples benefit from having a safe place in therapy.

Maybe you feel hopeless after an argument and you sleep separately.

There may be a deep hurt and betrayal behind your anger. Therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling supports calm communication and emotional connection.

Right now, it might feel like you are walking on eggshells and living on edge.

Negative communication and problematic behaviors create a trauma bond and high conflict fight cycle in your marriage. Furthermore, in a trauma bond, fighting couples often do not understand how irritability, frustration, and tension begins to build up. At Wisdom Within Counseling, working with a PTSD and trauma bond couples therapist in Florida can help your relationship thrive.

If you really want your marriage to work out, and love each other deeply at the end of the day, but find yourself stuck in hurtful, angry arguments, you are in the right place.

To begin, book a free phone consult using the pink button below specialized trauma bond therapy in Florida for connection, trust, and better communication.

What is a trauma bond? And, how can Florida marriage counseling help?

For one, you may be stuck yelling or feeling hurt. A trauma bond is a very good reason to get into Florida marriage counseling. As well, if you have a history of trauma, emotional abuse, or you feel afraid to talk to your spouse about your emotions, you may be in a trauma bond. In your marriage, these are all great reasons to get started in couples counseling.

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You might ask yourself, what is going on in my marriage that is causing us to feel so out of control?

And, how do we break the cycle of this intense emotional bond and the yelling?

It might feel like one moment, you are very close and intimate. Then, the next moment, you feel distant, angry, hurt and may even feel jealous.

How does childhood trauma play a role in needing a trauma bond couples therapist in Florida?

Was one of your parents an alcoholic? Did a parent have a mental illness in your childhood? Was your parent a pathological liar? Did you parent physically, emotionally, or sexually abuse you? Growing up in childhood, your parent may have been emotionally immature. Was crying or tears seen as weakness? If you parents didn’t listen to you, or even treated you in an abusive way, this contributes to high conflict couples fights. Perhaps, your parent forced you to be a caregiver at a young age. You felt like you had to keep it all together. You didn’t want to make life worse for your parent by burdening them.

To begin, book a free phone consult using the pink button below to work with a trauma bond marriage therapist in Florida to overcome high conflict fights and rekindle love and hope.

Working with a trauma bond couples therapist in Florida can support you in nurturing yourself after you had an emotionally unstable parent.

Maybe, your emotionally unstable parent told you that you were a burden to them. Your parent may have lied to you regularly, or was an alcoholic. Mental health issues like depression in a parent can lead to trauma bonds in adulthood. Even if your parent has mental health issues and was in an out of the hospital, this is a childhood trauma.

You may be suffering from PTSD or trauma symptoms as an adult from childhood pain.

Perhaps, in your childhood home, you learn to act like an adult to survive. In childhood, as humans, we are taught was treatment is normal. Unfortunately, in childhood, it is sad to feel that your parents made you stuff your emotions inside. Marriage therapy in Florida can help you change your negative family patterns.

Children that are abused emotionally, sexually, or physically often need help in romantic relationships feeling safe.

Perhaps, you need a marital therapist who specializes with trauma bond therapy to help you understand childhood trauma experiences. As well, many couples both have childhood trauma experiences that cause a high conflict cycle. For you or your partner, your child hood homes may have felt unsafe or unloving. At Wisdom Within Counseling, our Florida marital and couples therapists specialize with helping couples break a trauma bond. Without professional marriage therapy in Florida, hurt romantic partners never really learn to step away from emotionally abusive patterns. These abusive patterns often began in childhood due to emotionally immature parents.

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Trauma bond couples therapists in Florida help couples rebuild security and playfulness.

Marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in Florida focuses on healing from trauma bonds and abuse.

Working with a trauma bond specialist and a high conflict couples therapy specialist can help you and your partner communicate feelings calmly. Right now, it may feel tense, hurtful, and confusing. From marriage therapy in Florida, you can navigate and heal from angry, intense emotional explosion better. Wisdom Within Counseling offers expertise with high conflict couples who need help overcoming past, painful, hurtful experiences. The team of trauma bond couples therapists in Florida at believe that couples can heal from PTSD together through meaningful connection.

Why work with a specialist and trauma bond couples therapist in Florida?

Many times, high conflict couples do not receive expert care. You might’ve been to a few couples therapists before getting here. And, you have found marriage counseling to be a waste of your time. Maybe, you just find that your therapist becomes complacent or bored with you after a while. Instead, a Wisdom Within Counseling, our team specializes in understanding the cycle of emotional abuse in marriage situations. Without expert training in trauma bonds, a general therapist may blame you as the victim.

At Wisdom Within Counseling in Florida, our team is passionate about helping couples who want to stay together after abusive cycles of fighting.

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We specialize in same sex, LGBTQIA+, and gender as well as trauma bond in couples therapy in Florida.

How do childhood patterns of abuse impact fighting in your marriage?

In an abusive relationship, who one person will often assume the role of victim. Playing small, or not having a voice often comes from childhood relationships with neglectful or abusive parents. Was your parent two-faced? Did they never mean it when they said “sorry”? And, playing small can mimic a childhood pattern of caring for a mental ill parent. In childhood, you may have taken on a victim role and stayed quiet. As well, perfectionism is a trait of childhood trauma.

To begin, book a free phone consult using the pink button below for Florida marriage therapy for recreating passion, desire, and security.

Did you have to take care of one of your emotionally immature or absuive parents?

Was a parent lying, betraying, or unable to care for you in a stable way?

Taking care of an abusive parent means that you are more likely to attract an abusive partner. Feeling like you have to be perfect or pressure is on your shoulders all the time is stressful. Maybe, your emotionally immature parent had a high level of anxiety. Or, in your childhood, you wanted a confident parent, but they had very low moods and depression. Having a parent with a mental illness makes childhood much less enjoyable. Lastly, having a parent who was emotionally immature in some way means you will benefit from working with a trauma bond couples therapist in Florida.

Now, in your marriage, you might feel like the victim all over again. Just like a little child being yelled at by angry parents.

Is your spouse might be angry, defensive, lying to you or cheating on you?

Was your parent an alcoholic and now, your spouse is too?

Mental illness, depression, drug use or alcoholism in a parent makes them dependent on their child. And, to this day, you might be making excuses for your parent’s bad treatment of you. Now, in your marriage, as a victim in a trauma bond, you may try to make excuses for your spouse’s abusive behavior. When people want to heal after a traumatic abuse, it is really only possible with the help of an expert in this area. When your spouse does something that causes you to feel hurt, angry, or jealous, you get angry all over again. And, these are emotions from childhood that never had a voice.

Now, when your spouse shuts you out, they don’t seem to understand what you feel emotionally. It hurts very deeply because you want them to love ad accept you, all parts of you.

Working with a marital therapist in Florida who specializes with trauma bond and high conflict couples can help your partner thrive.

Marriage therapy in Florida helps you and your spouse truly understand each other.

A PTSD and trauma bond therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Florida, understands emotional abuse. As well, you can learn about the cycle of childhood trauma and how it impacts romance. You can learn how to set boundaries, love yourself, and know your worth. Working with a marriage therapist in Florida can help both of you communicate your needs and your desires more effectively.

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Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in Florida couples and marriage therapy.

What are trauma bond symptoms and how can trauma bond therapy help my marriage?

Many times, a person or both person in a trauma bond may develop post traumatic stress disorder or trauma symptoms. Now, trauma symptoms include hopeless, intrusive thoughts. As well, trauma symptoms do not go away on their own. Nightmares, panic, fear, and intrusive thoughts are some of the the best-known symptoms of PTSD. With nightmares, you may have a horrible dream about something bad happening all over again. When suffering from trauma symptoms, you may take part in sabotaging behaviors. For instance, trauma behaviors include alcoholism, drug use, gambling, over spending, getting into debt, cheating, lying, and more.

To begin, book a free phone consult using the pink button below for high conflict couples therapy and trauma bond therapy in Florida.

Do you avoid situations or feel afraid of bad things happening all over again?

In all of your behaviors, you may try to avoid bad things from happening. Also, you may be avoiding reminders of the fight or event. If you had a PTSD experience or trauma bond fight while apart, you may be afraid of being apart. Fear tends to rule many decision in PTSD. AS well, if you fight at airports or at weddings, you may have a fear of airports or weddings. Negative members may come up every time someone mentions one of these places. In addition, survivors of trauma suffer from memory loss. It is natural to want to shut out bad memories, so your brain forgets.

After trauma, you may have negative thoughts about your self and the world.

Additionally, people with trauma from childhood grow up with low self-worth. Being talked down to, criticized, or emotionally neglected by a parent creates low self-worth. You do not deserve that treatment, but it feels normal. As an adult, couples stuck in a trauma bond often feel low in self-worth too. With PTSD, you may isolate, withdraw or be embarrassed to go out and socialize. The things you once enjoyed may no longer be interesting. Self-Isolation and feeling distant are common in PTSD.

What are trauma bond symptoms and how can trauma bond therapy help my marriage?, ptsd, marriage therapy in Fairfield, Connecticut, In a good relationship or marriage, couples can regulate their emotions in calm ways. Essentially, healthy couples know conflicts will happen. Also, a healthy couple can tune into a frustrated, distant couple over time and after stressors. And, these conflicts can be managed in calm and relaxed ways. Essentially, healthy couples deal with conflicts in calm ways. On the other hand, some couples avoid conflict. Sometimes, both partners avoid conflict. Other times, some couples a volatile and high conflict fights. Essentially, these couples have a high level of yelling and less regulation emotionally. Oftentimes, these couples show intense reactivity and intense emotional conversations. At Wisdom Within a counseling, we find that happy couples have a sense of forgiveness. Essentially, problems develop when couples a mismatched in their conflict styles. At first, in the beginning of the relation, both people my be avoiding an issue or conflict. But, as time goes on, one person wants to talk about an issue and want to discuss it. So, marriage counselors can help when it comes to mismatched communication styles around conflict avoidance. Furthermore, healthy marriages and relationships have calm and respectful dialogue in an intense conversation. Also, the repair attempts like humor or hand holding stop mattering to couples who are in a really negative direction in their relationship. What is the sound relationship house? On level one, couples learn to build love maps. Furthermore, this is about knowing one another’s world and qualities about them. Sometimes, love maps can be knowing where your partner likes to sit on the couch or their favorite author. As well, level two of the sound relationship house, is about sharing fondness and admiration. So, your couples therapist can guide you in sharing fondness and admiration. Many times, couples miss out and brush over sharing fondness and admiration. As well, when a couple is having difficult staying emotionally connected, there are usually challenges with expressing physical intimacy too. So, having good sex is all about turning towards instead of away. Essentially, the third floor of the house is turning towards, which can be grabbing their hard in they put it our for you first. Also, the fourth level is all about the positive perspective of the relationship. Now, positive perspective is all about looking back on memories with a positive lenses. Sometimes, couples in negative conflict will look back and view or perceive the relationship as “all bad,” which a marriage therapist can help with changing. So, couples who are healthy have a bigger positive perspective about the whole of their relationship. Furthermore, the fifth level is about man against conflict. Now, the last two levels of the sound relationship house are making life dreams come true and creating shared meaning. Often, these last two levels are about individual goals and how their partner encourages them. Sometimes, this has to do with one partner’s gift or interest. In satisfying relationships, each partner finds ways to support the dreams of the other person. Now, this doesn’t meaning having to do it together. But, happy couples find ways to support eh dreams and goals of their partner. On the other level, creating shared meaning is about building “we-ness,” and togetherness. Essentially, this is about family values, how children are raised, shared goals let’s say buying a second home, or how to be as a parent unit. Overall, shared meaning can be very deep and purposeful in a couple’s identity as a unit and couples. In the lower levels of the sounds relationship house, they are about emotional validation and a foundation of security in a friendship. In addition, trust and commitment are load bearing walls. So, if trust and commitment are broken, every level is broken too. So, affair recovery and infidelity starts with trust and commitment as the walls verses with the level of the house. Essentially, trust and commitment are significant foundations for understanding healthy, loving, positive communication in couples. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Connecticut, we teach you how to use the Gottman Repair Checklist. Couples who have negative emotional conversations have trouble repairing after a conflict. Now, when there is an overwhelming negative perspective and hurt within the relationship, working on conflict repairs can be really helpful. Frequently, couples that lack repair cycles and start to learn them from marriage therapy, then start to feel closer and more calm. Examples of repairs simply can include apologizing and taking ownership. Or, a repair after a conflict could be listening, holding space, playing a board game, and talking softly. Unfortunately, couples who don’t accept repairs from each other, end up in a high level of ongoing conflict. Now, all satisfied, loving, nurturing couples have a tool box of repairs to rebuild connection, trust and calmness. Often, a repair can be an apology or saying, “I’m sorry.” Essentially, saying, “I need to slow down this conversation.” How is friendship an important role in marriage counseling? Friendship is a foundational element in reducing conflict. So, by increasing friendship, conflict will reduce. Oftentimes, couples who have frequent arguments may also experienced childhood trauma. Many times, trauma in childhood, sexual abuse, and emotional neglect play a large role in marital fights. Sometimes, trauma from childhood like loss of a parent or moving multiple times a impactful life events. Also, having parent who is an alcoholic or a parent who has mental health issues impacts romantic relationships in adulthood. Trauma can be coming out and your parents not believing you. Sometimes, trauma in childhood can be suddenly having something unexpected happen. So, your marriage counselor can help you heal from past trauma with your spouse’s support. Often, trauma counseling is only individual, but doing it in couples therapy is much more beneficial. Furthermore, your marriage therapist can get a glimpse into your relationship and the cycle of fighting. Your therapist will learn when your friendship was easy and when it was once strong. And, your marriage therapist can help you develop skills to draw out a loving friendship. As well, at first, learning these skills for relationship friendship can be challenging after a painful fight. However, shifting into a friendship can be a healthy coping strategy for less fights. The more couples fight and fight, the more they feel less productive and more hopeless. Often, marriage counselors will ask their couples to save their fights for the therapy room. Essentially, a marriage therapist can make conflict communication more productive and effective in couples therapy. Gottman marriage therapy supports couples in reducing painful rights and building a sense of strength, commitment and love. I’m a good relationship, couples use a gentle start up technique. For instance, healthy couples don’t blame each other. Instead, they intentionally reinforce good qualities in each other. Healthy couples who feel enjoyment from their romantic relationship speak in a soft, gentle tone of voice. As well, couples have to practice a soft and gentle tone of voice if they are not accustomed to using the gentle start up skill. Therefore, working with a holistic Gottman marriage counseling can help you learn skills to apply to your marriage. 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Likewise, Niantic child and teen therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling includes holistic coping skills for releasing anger, anxiety and negative feelings in healthy ways. , couples therapy in Niantic, Connecticut, marriage family therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut, holistic, Wisdom Within Counseling, PTSD therapay, Trauma bond couples therapist in Florida, PTSD therapist, ptsd symptoms list, couples therapy for PTSD, trauma bond specialist, high conflict couples therapist, marriage counseling for fighting couples, relationship counseling Florida, Florida marriage counselor, PTSD specialist in Florida, holistic help for narcissistic abuse, marriage therapist in Florida
Couples Therapy For Trauma Bonding and PTSD in Florida

Understanding fears of abandonment are part of a working with a holistic, trauma bond therapist.

Notably, anger and irritability significantly increase in victims of PTSD and in couples in trauma bonds.

In addition, for many couples who are stuck in a trauma bond or high conflict cycle, fears of abandonment are real. On one hand, you might feel a sense of security when things are good. At times, days and memories are happy. Then, your partner will cause a painful memory. For instance, your spouse may threaten to leave your marriage or relationship triggering a fear of abandonment in you. This then creates a high conflict cycle of emotional intensity. Ini a trauma bond, it can feel like emotional abuse propels your marriage.

Often times, in a high conflict cycle and in a trauma bond cycle, a couple goes through waves of good moments and bad moments.

Parents are often emotionally immature. Your trauma bond couples therapist in Florida can help you give love and acceptance to yourself.

Working with a Florida marriage counselor can help you truly understand different types of abusive relationships from the past. Often, you may have been in an abusive relationship with your parent in your childhood before you even got into this marriage and romance. Frequently, people are trained from childhood that emotional abuse and neglect is normal. However, from working with a trauma bond specialist in Florida, you can learn to accept your past and create a better future. From having abusive, neglectful parents, you learned really well how to put your feelings last and instead care take of your parents. Marriage counseling helps you learn to put your emotions first and know that sharing feelings is normal.

You don’t have to take care of other people and feel exhausted any longer.

So, from Florida marriage counseling, you can learn how to step outside of being the victim. From couples therapy specialized for PTSD, you can truly build a meaningful, genuine relationship romantically. As well, being in a high conflict couple cycle is really common for people who have a history of alcoholism. Maybe, you had an emotionally abusive parent who was an alcoholic. They slammed doors in your face and yelled at each other in front of you. Perhaps, you identify as an adult child alcoholics. In childhood, you did not deserve this abusive and neglectful treatment. The fear of living in your childhood home still lives in your physical body. When your spouse hurts your feelings, these wounded parts get re-triggered.

The team at Wisdom Within Counseling in Florida specialize with couples who have PTSD from childhood, and deeply want a playful, healthy marriage. , What are trauma bond symptoms and how can trauma bond therapy help my marriage?, You don't have to take care of other people and feel exhausted any longer. sex therapy in CT intimacy counseling in Southeastern CT

The team at Wisdom Within Counseling in Florida specialize with couples who have PTSD from childhood, and deeply want a playful, healthy marriage.

Overcoming the trauma bond cycle and a high conflict couples therapy experience can help you step away from intense, painful emotions. Instead, you and your spouse can communicate better. Rather than having very high moments and then very low moments, you can have more balance in your marriage.

To begin, book a free phone consult using the pink button below to work with a trauma bond therapist in Florida to truly heal together.

Many angry couples who are in a high conflict cycle gets stuck in the addictive feelings of the trauma bond.

In every trauma bond, there is a phase called reconciliation. Did you feel like love hurt as a child? Let’s say you a child, and your angry, drunk parent criticizes you. Your feelings are hurt immediately. Then, your emotionally abusive parent might come to you a few days later and give you a new toy. In addition, your parent may verbally tell you they wish they didn’t act as they did and tell you they will change. Or, your abusive parent may offer you quality time with them. As a little child, you feel confusion around what love really means. These are reconciliations in a trauma bond.

Marriage counseling in Florida

Now, in your high conflict marriage, your partner might yell at you, lie, or you might uncover betrayal. Then, they might try to buy you a piece of jewelry. As well, your spouse may verbally promise to improve their behavior. Then, you start to feel in love again. Marriage conflict and high conflict fights often mirror patterns of childhood emotional abuse. Marriage counseling in Florida can help you develop positive, meaningful connections instead of the highs and lows.

Why work with a Florida marriage counseling specialist in trauma bonds and high conflict fights for couples?

Working with a marriage therapist who specializes with trauma bonds in Florida can help you build the marriage you desire. Your marriage therapist will assess your marriage from a few angles. One problem many high conflict couples run into is putting too much focus on their spouse’s behavior. Today, you can try focusing on yourself and practicing good self-care. It is really easy for partners to spend too much time focusing on their marriage and partner.

Often, you may want to change your spouse’s behavior so deeply that this takes away from yourself.

Focusing on their relationship, rather than on yourself can create a high conflict fight. The team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling teach that the only way to build a healthy, loving, and safe romance is by having strong self-care practices. 

In a trauma bond and a high conflict couple cycle, you may feel stuck trying to convince your spouse that what you feel is valid or right.

Unfortunately, this cycle of negative communication creates a high conflict fight in your marriage. Feeling stuck trying to convince your partner causes both people to feel upset, hurt, and angry. Couples get stuck wishing their partner will change. By using our expertise in PTSD and trauma bond marital therapy, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling helps you express your feelings calmly. At the same time, you can feel support and gain understanding your partner’s emotions.

How does holistic marriage therapy for overcoming trauma bonds work?

You don’t have to defend your emotions any longer. As well, you don’t have to convince your partner that they are lying. Your marriage therapist in Florida can help you both break the cycle of high conflict fighting.

Instead of yelling, emotionally shutting down, you can learn to heal your trauma bond through marriage counseling in Florida.

Do you give or receive the silent treatment for days?

From marriage counseling in Florida, you can learn to create positive moments of connection. For instance, building intimacy begins with sharing emotions. If you or your partner grew up in a childhood environment where you were not allowed or permitted to share your emotions, this means that your marriage is probably the first time you are speak about your feelings. Learning to talk about your feelings for the first time in your life as an adult can lead to feelings of anger, insecurity and fear. Especially, if you feel your spouse rejects you or criticizes you, you may feel hurt and angry. Your trauma bond couples therapist in Florida supports letting go of these intense emotions in calm, self-loving ways.

Working with a trauma bond couples therapist can help you rebuild your marriage in a loving, calm, and safe way.

Instead of being filled with fear of abandonment, yelling, crying, or feeling hopeless, you can feel confident about your connection. Often, high conflict couples live in fear about fights happening all over again. Maybe, you are afraid that your partner cheating on you, or lying. Or, you can start to talk about what you want, and you are afraid your spouse will not care like your emotionally abusive parent. Your marriage therapist, who understand trauma bonds, can help you talk about your boundaries. 

To begin, book a free phone consult using the pink button below for high conflict couples therapy in Florida for calm communication and a loving connection.

Why work with a marriage counseling specialist when it comes to breaking your trauma bond?

Many times, the general couples therapist will not truly understand the depth of a high conflict cycle. Many times, couples fight, argue, yell, and say hurtful things when they are stuck in a high conflict cycle. Working with a team of high conflict couples therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn to communicate calmly. You can be your authentic self, practice grounding techniques, and truly understand the feelings you are experiencing. 

PTSD couples therapy, trauma bond marriage counselor Florida, Florida marriage counseling, couples therapist for high conflict fights in Florida, Did you feel like love hurt as a child? In Florida, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling help distant, fighting couples thrive passionately.

In Florida, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling help distant, fighting couples thrive passionately.

Couples who are distant and fighting develop can healthy, sustainable, and meaningful romance by working with the team at Wisdom Within Counseling. It can feel really scary entering into couples therapy again if you have had a bad experience in the past. Sometimes, couples come to us because their last therapist didn’t really understand them. Working with a specialist in trauma bonding for couples can help your marriage improve.

Not many therapists know how to specialize with emotional abuse, attachment, or fears of abandonment.  

At Wisdom Within Counseling, we give you and your partner lifelong coping strategies to express emotions in healthy ways.

In a high conflict fight and trauma bond, your brain may be telling you that your partner is your enemy. In a trauma bond, it might feel like you are angry all of the time. As well, you feel you are constantly being ignored. Working with a specialist for trauma bonds can help you deeply. At Wisdom Within Counseling, one of our Florida marriage therapists can help you communicate how love feels positive to you. Your marriage therapist in Florida can help you process trauma and painful experiences from your childhood.

Overcome abuse and neglect from childhood through trauma bond couples therapy in Florida.

You and your partner no longer deserve to deal with abuse and neglect. Living in an abusive childhood may have taught you or your partner that you didn’t deserve love. Also, an abusive childhood makes you feel you deserve to be treated in a bad way. So, by working with a trauma bond couples therapist in Florida, you can feel nurturing and understanding.

The team of marriage therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling truly understand trauma bonding

Our team of therapists can help you stop repeating the cycle of low self-worth.

When couples are stuck in a high conflict fight or a trauma bond, they live in fight, flight, freeze, and retreat. These are trauma symptoms. And, you may feel on edge or easily angry from trauma. Living in this state of trauma and fear only leads to more anger, fear, insecurity, and tearfulness. As well, it feels like a cycle that you never can stop on your own. Working with a marriage counseling can help you know when you are having trauma symptoms. Your trauma bond couples therapist in Florida can help you slow down, build self-compassion, and nurture yourself to understand the root of your trauma symptoms. We teach positive coping tools for letting go of trauma memories in healthy ways.

How does a high conflict couples therapist and specialist reduce yelling, blaming, screaming, door slamming, the silent treatment, or storming off?

Well, high conflict couples need a therapist who will teach positive coping tools. In these intense fights, couples do not have the coping tools to express emotions or practice self-care. So, your therapist will help you know what to do when in the flight phase of the trauma cycle.

To begin, book a free phone consultation using the pink button below for high conflict couples counseling and trauma bond therapy in Florida.

What is a high conflict fight like?

When someone runs away, squeals their car out of the driveway, or even doesn’t speak to the other person, this is a fight. Sometimes, high conflict couples may get stuck in the silent treatment for days at a time. Nothing ever good comes from the silent treatment. Often, both people are withholding emotions like loss, sadness, hurt, and betrayal. Your marriage counselor in Florida can help you better and calmly communicate. Rather than feeling close or intimate, you and your spouse end up not knowing how to overcome a high conflict fight.

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After a high conflict fight, you might be feeling hopeless or like you wanna quit your marriage.

However, with the help of a Florida marriage therapist, at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can start to understand your trauma responses. PTSD and trauma symptoms are common in high conflict cycles. Your high conflict couples therapist can help you find positive coping tools like gaining perspective. Instead of feeling like you are stuck in between or confused about what to do next, your marital therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling going to help you gain coping strategies and hope.

What is a freeze trauma response when working with a trauma bond counseling specialist?

Sometimes, couples will also freeze, which means that you may remain very quiet or essentially keep the peace. This is also an unhealthy coping mechanism. Keeping the peace means is not healthy. Often, from childhood patterns with emotionally immature parents, it means that you’re walking on eggshells. When you are keeping the peace, you never actually get emotionally vulnerable together.

Marital therapy in Florida helps couples get on the same page and feel a sense of togetherness.

Marriage therapy in Florida helps you and your spouse to truly become emotionally intimate. As well, emotional intimacy is not something parents or school teaches. You might learn about math and science in school, but not trauma bonds or emotional abuse. Stepping into emotional intimacy and emotional vulnerability can be really scary without professional marriage help. For one, you may feel afraid to say some thing your partner doesn’t like. Working with a trauma bond couples therapist in Florida can help you feel safe sharing your deepest emotions.

Why doesn’t individual therapy work for high conflict couples in a trauma bond?

Many times, people in a marriage receive months of individual therapy. Unfortunately, couples in individual therapy never deal with relationship issues. It is easy to stay calm when your spouse, who triggers your anger, loss, and jealousy is not in the counseling session. When romantic partners attend trauma bond couples counseling together, they start to work on their negative interactions. Often, it is these negative communication skills from childhood, that lead to such intense fights. If you start fighting in the counseling session, your therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling, in Florida, will pause and give you positive coping tools.

The team of counselors specialize in high conflict couples therapy and with couples who may have a history of abuse or trauma.

Now, the trauma and loss you went through in your childhood may have led you to feel like you deserve poor treatment. You might feel helpless without positive communication tools. So, working with a Florida marriage therapist who specializes with trauma bond, you can learn to rekindle desire, all from beginning with emotional vulnerability. You can learn what helps your self calm down in an intense, high conflict fight moment.

To begin, book a free phone consult using the pink button below for overcoming your trauma bond in counseling in Florida and building playfulness.

What is trauma bond marriage counseling in Florida like?

For one, you can learn that you don’t have to take care of your partner. You don’t have to fix or change them. Instead, we begin by focusing on self-care and nurturing yourself. That way, you can bring your best self to your marriage. As well, Wisdom Within Counseling offers creative therapies to help high conflict couples communicate better. Sometimes, couples in a trauma bond struggle with talking. Wisdom Within Counseling offers art therapies, music therapies, yoga therapies, and nature therapies to couples overcoming trauma bonds.

Wisdom Within Counseling, Marital therapy in Florida helps couples get on the same page and feel a sense of togetherness. Florida high conflict couples therapy, LGBTQ couples therapist, queer couples therapist, trauma bond marriage counselor in Florida, trauma bonding expert, trauma bond couples specialist, PTSD in couples therapy, Florida marriage therapist for PTSD, Florida couples therapist for trauma bonding, high conflict couples counselor in Florida,

Wisdom Within Counseling specializes with couples who need alternatives and creative options for intimate communication beyond talking.

You and your spouse can use alternatives to talking, like art and painting to better communicate. As well, our team helps couples reconnect as spouses through music, yoga, meditation, art, and painting. Sometimes, playing music together can be healing from trauma with your spouse. Or, doing a mediation and feeling relaxation together can be sharing healing from trauma. Making a playlist of your favorite songs together can be all about sharing new connection. Or, going for a walk together outdoors on the beach can be sharing healing after painful trauma memories. At Wisdom Within Counseling, in Florida, our marriage counselors offer you holistic, creative, lifestyle coping tools for healing from trauma. Our team of therapists want you to have a coping tool box for self-soothing and relaxation. These support you and your spouse for years into the future.

The team at Wisdom Within Counseling in Florida, love helping distant couples understand and break the cycle of a fight.

From marriage counseling in Florida, you can build meaningful desire, playfulness, and true emotional intimacy.

Your couples therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Florida can help your marriage improve by giving you homework. Emotional rituals help you feel closer throughout your day and the month. By giving you relationship skills outside of session, you can better and more quickly build a loving marriage. Your new way of connecting has safety, meaning, and playfulness. Just because you are getting into high conflict fights, you are not alone. As well, if you feel like you’re stuck in a trauma bond, our team specializes with couples just like you. Being in a trauma bond doesn’t mean you have to divorce or separate. Wisdom Within Counseling is transgender affirming, LGBTQIA+ affirming, and queer affirming. We are affirming to same non-binary couples and sex couples.

mindfulness meditation, East Lyme yoga therapy, PTSD yoga therapy
Relaxation, meditation, yoga, and art therapies help couples reconnect and feel safe together.

By working with a marriage therapist, you can build meaningful desire.

Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in trauma bonds in couples therapy.

We teach you how to build a long-term, meaningful connection with your spouse. And, you can connect playfully in a way that you have never done before through art. Creative therapies and holistic options include meditation, yoga therapy, music therapy, and nature therapy. Holistic therapy supports couples in rebuilding hope and healing from trauma together.

Art therapies, yoga therapies, music therapies, and nature therapies help your trauma response reset.

These holistic, self-care therapies are mind and body connecting. That way, you and your spouse can learn to live in the present moment together. In Florida trauma bond couples counseling, you can learn about self-care, and better communication. You can develop creative outlets for intense emotions like anger and jealousy in your marriage. Lastly, you and your spouse can communicate in loving ways to get your needs met in your marriage. Wisdom Within Counseling is a group of holistic marriage and family therapists who have a PTSD and trauma speciality. 

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To begin, book a free phone consultation using the pink button below for high conflict couples counseling and trauma bond therapy in Florida.

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