Are you dealing with anger and irritability in your marriage?
Do you feel a need to connect deeply with your spouse, but don’t know how to get there?
Are you missing the fun times, playfulness, and joy you once had when you first met?
Do you and your spouse tend to shut down and use the silent treatment?
Would you like tools to communicate when you want to be alone, but also feel close at the same time?
Has there been secret keeping, an affair or infidelity in your marraige?
Has your spouse been hurt as a child, sexually abused, or sexually assaulted that impact your romantic relationship today?
Are you looking for holistic, somatic therapy in marriage counseling?

How does somatic therapy in marriage counseling work for lying and cheating?
Healing after an affair may feel challenging, sad, overwhelming and hard. However, with the help of a marriage therapist, who helps couples heal after affairs, you can do it. Furthermore, working with a marriage counselor can help in surviving, overcoming, and healing from infidelity. More so, holistic marriage counseling can be an effective and positive way to recover.

There are feelings of betrayal and hurt after an affair that are common. Sometimes, both partners experience deep hurt, anger, loss, shame, and need help releasing these. Your partner may have a history of trauma as well, and somatic therapy can be helpful. In couples therapy, you can talk about unresolved issues and build meaningful connection again. Holistic couples therapy can support both partners in regaining commitment and trust in one another again. At Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut, somatic therapy in marriage counseling supports trauma and affair recovery.

When should you begin holistic marriage and couples therapy after cheating and infidelity?
Many times, distant couples seek counseling after something negative develops. Often, an affair, cheating, and secret keeping around money play a role in trauma. In fact, cheating, affairs, and infidelity become a trauma experience for couples. When couples stay together, they learn to communicate better and talk about emotions. Often, holistic marriage counseling helps to repair relationships where things were missing from the start. Couples who end up with lying, cheating, and loss need help in holistic trauma counseling.

Can marriages survive infidelity? How can somatic therapy in marriage counseling help with the trauma of cheating?
Furthermore, marital problems like infidelity can cause as much anger, hurt, and heartache. It can feel devastating to learn your spouse has been unfaithful and cheating. Any lying and secret keeping, even talking to an ex on social media, undermines the foundation of a healthy marriage. However, when both spouses are committed to real connection, and fully invested in counseling, they can heal. To add, most marriages survive cheating when people stop cheating and get into marriage counseling.

Affair and infidelity counseling in couples therapy
Many marriages where there has been the pain of infidelity can become stronger than ever before with holistic couples therapy.
How can someone who has cheated heal and develop deeper commitment?
Also, you can learn how to validate your partner’s hurt, loss, loneliness, and pain in holistic couples therapy.
Furthermore, your couples therapist can understand triggers to the affair and infidelity. Maybe, you stopped having sex, or it was emotionless sex. There may have been aspect of a healthy marriage that were missing that lead to an affair. Losing passion and feeling sexual shame can lead to affairs and infidelity. Sometimes, affairs develop when you stop being attracted to your partner. At Wisdom Within Counseling, couples therapist is going to want to look at all sides.
How can marriage counseling help after an affair or infidelity?
In holistic marriage counseling, your couples therapist will ask you both questions about how the affair came to be. Also, your couples’s therapist will help you understand how both people can take responsibility. Sometimes, one person stops communicating, stops answering phone calls, or stops connecting and this pushes the other away. Your couples therapist will look into the past, almost 5-8 years before the affair. Your couples therapist will want to ask for a high level of commitment in this process.
More so, holistic marriage counseling can help couples heal from loss and infidelity and create deeper levels of sexual and emotional intimacy.
Past traumas like sexual abuse, rape, or sexual assault can leave a lasting impact. When we look at healing from trauma like an affair, your couples therapist is often ask about past abuse. Sometimes, couples do not realize how past sexual trauma and sexual abuse plays a role in fights and disconnection.
You and your spouse may have experienced anger, tension, anger, and loss at a young age. As well, any experiences of unwanted touch or sexual assault leave a negative impact on mental health. And, fights in your relationship re-trigger this sense of helplessness and confusion.

To begin, click the button below to book your free phone consult for holistic marriage counseling and somatic therapy.
Were you or your spouse sexually abused as a child and is this impacting your romantic relationship now?
Now, when you or your spouse have a history of trauma in childhood, this is a big part of couples therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut. Furthermore, any sexual trauma and sexual abuse experiences can cause fights to get more intense and angry.
So, if you or your spouse have a childhood that includes sexual abuse, this can negatively impact your romance, relationship, and sex life.
Furthermore, both partners feel the impact of lack of trust from childhood. And, couples therapy can help create a shared understanding of the impact of sexual trauma and abuse. A grandparent or caregiver may have touched you or your spouse. To note, being touched as a child in an unwanted way leads to PTSD in adulthood.
Working in couples therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut can help you and your spouse understand sexual abuse, sexual trauma, and trauma symptoms.
What does it mean when your spouse or romantic partner has a history of sexually abuse?
To add, sexual abuse is sexual behavior without consent. Consent is a huge part of healing from sexual abuse and molestation. Notably, in childhood, an estimated 20% of women and up to 5% of men in the United States were abused sexually. As a child, you or your spouse may not have been given safety around touch.
If you were sexually molested, your body felt like someone else’s. These feelings of low self-worth, anger, fear of touch, or hyper sexual behavior may play a role in your conflicts. On that note, surviving rape, molestation, incest, and sexual abuse impacts your marriage and sexual desire.

When your spouse has a history of rape, sexual trauma, or sexual abuse how can marriage counseling help?
Holistic marriage therapy helps you in having and developing sexual pleasure rather than performance. To add, sexual abuse changes a person’s perspective to be very performance based. Also, sex may be fear based after experiencing sexual assault or trauma. Instead, couples therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut can help increase sexual arousal, love, desire, security, and fun in the bedroom. Instead of fear, anxiety and performance, holistic couples therapy helps you build true intimacy.
Couples therapy can help you take steps to heal and enhance sexual intimacy in your marriage when your spouse was sexually abused.
Furthermore, when your spouse has experienced childhood sexual abuse or sexual assault, it is possible through marriage therapy to have joyful, passionate, intimate sexual relationships. Sexual abuse is an act of violence on a child, as they are weaker than them.
PTSD understanding in couples therapy helps building inner child nurturing skills. There may be anger, anxiety, and emotional dysregulation currently happening. Holistic marriage therapy can help you have a fulfilling sexual relationship, that also feels safe and consensual.

More so, somatic therapy in marriage counseling helps with being able to communicate more easily and verbally about sex needs.
Often, distant, fighting couples use passive aggressive comments or even criticize one another during sexual intercourse. This sexual criticism can be very damaging for a spouse who has a history of sexual trauma. After an affair or infidelity, having sex can be difficult and challenging. Any history of trauma can lead to low desire.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we offer couples tools for fulfillment and playfulness through somatic therapy in marriage counseling. Holistic marriage and couples therapy helps you increase emotional awareness and non-verbal communication around sex.

Does surviving sexual abuse and trauma lead to trauma and PTSD?
Also, when your romantic partner had a sexual act forced upon them as a child without their consent, they have trauma and PTSD now. Right now, you or your partner may be having meltdowns, anxiety, anger, tension, negativity, and conflict.
Also, there may be intense conflicts and the silent treatment, which leaves you both feeling hopeless. Likewise, learning to manage PTSD in your marriage can be part of holistic couples therapy work. So, sexual abuse includes abuse and unwanted touch of any kind. The symptoms of PTSD and trauma can be negative for your relationship.

To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for holistic, somatic therapy in marriage counseling for healing.
Surviving sexual abuse leaves a last impact that can be re-triggered by romantic, sexual interactions in your marriage.
Also, survivors of sexual abuse may use sex as a means of getting validation. Lastly, relationship troubles are common after your spouse has a history of trauma and sexual abuse. Sometimes, impulsive behavior stems from an unhealthy sexual self-image due to molestation and sexual abuse. As well, adult survivors are often shaped by the sexual trauma they went through during childhood. There was confusion, fear, dishonesty, anger, and maybe even suicidal thinking in teenage years.
Now, holistic couples therapy can help you heal together after sexual abuse.
What therapies are best for treating infidelity, affairs, sexual abuse, PTSD, and overall trauma symptoms?

Do you want a holistic, somatic therapist to help you overcome trauma and PTSD?
To add, treatment for PTSD with somatic experiencing has been proven to be an effective method for trauma recovery. When couples receive mind-body therapy, they can heal more effectively from a traumatic event. As well, somatic experiencing therapy is a holistic part of marriage counseling to create mind-body connection.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, in East Lyme, Connecticut, you can do in person sessions or video sessions. A mixture of art therapies, meditation, yoga therapies, music therapies and nature therapies support trauma healing. Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in holistic, somatic therapy in marriage counseling. When couples learn to understand trauma, they can heal together. Yoga therapy, art therapy, music therapy, drama therapy, and breathing skills are part of trauma therapy.

In holistic marriage therapy, couples discuss their problems, but also get to use art, yoga, music, and walking therapies.
To add, talking in combination with somatic therapies can help improve mental wellness holistically. No matter the pain, trauma, loss, or confusion, learning to ground yourself in the present moment is helpful. Rather than just talk about trauma, somatic therapists to focus on their underlying trauma in your body.
Essentially, your body is a container and holds on to trauma memories. Using mind-body, somatic therapies helps release trauma, so you can live a fulfilling life. To add, trauma symptoms can create unpleasant physical sensations. From there, the mind-body skills provide grounding in a panic attack.
Holistic somatic therapies may include breath work, yoga, art, painting, meditation, visualization, massage, grounding, dance, and sensation awareness work.

Is somatic therapy in marriage counseling good for trauma?
Yes, somatic, holistic therapies are very positive in trauma therapy and trauma recovery. Your couples therapist may guide you in grounding techniques. As well, there is a safe place meditation that can be beneficial for self-soothing. Often, people with trauma histories have panic attacks, anger, low self-esteem, trouble concentrating, and irritability.
How do I know if I need holistic, somatic marriage therapy?
You or your spouse may become tearful easily, or angered easily when you need somatic therapy. So, your holistic marriage therapist will encourage movement in session when you become dysregulated. For instance, if you have anger or panic in a session, you may use movement therapy such as a walk and talk therapy session. As well, somatic marriage counseling may including acting out of physical feelings in drama therapy. Overall, in somatic therapies for trauma, you can use your body to express and story tell.

Additionally, somatic therapy help you learn tools to calm yourself down and self-regulate.
Learning how to self-regulate helps you bring your best self to your marriage. Inside, we all have a hurt, insecure inner child, which can feel support from somatic therapy. Likewise, couples therapy helps you learn how to calm yourself and bring the best version on yourself to your relationship. For instance, sexual abuse in childhood or finding out your spouse is cheating are both traumatic events. Somatic therapy in marriage counseling can help support self-soothing, self-regulation, and self-care long term.
Therefore, treatment for PTSD with somatic experiencing helps couples reduce conflict and fighting, and heal from traumatic events.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for somatic therapy in marriage counseling.
Did you know adults who have active trauma and PTSD symptoms tend to self-harm and become suicidal when having a trauma flashback?
When having a PTSD flashback, you or your spouse may become impulsive. All over again, it may feel like the negative memories are coming back and you feel helpless. Therefore, trauma therapy with somatic experiencing can help with self-care skills. From there, you can build a meaningful, loving, passionate romantic relationship. So, in couples therapy, alternating focus between something stressful and something not stressful is a helpful skill.

Holistic marriage counseling helps couples learn to heal from PTSD and trauma together.
Holistic therapies like art, painting, drama, yoga, and music therapies to help release tension from trauma memories. For one, you can paint together and express emotions beyond words. Sometimes, with trauma, you may want to paint about it verses talk about it.
You or your spouse may feel stuck replaying past, negative situations and you can learn new somatic self-soothing tools. Yoga, meditation, breathing skills, and nature therapies are available at Wisdom Within Counseling. TO heal from PTSD, holistic, somatic therapy in couples counseling is very effective.
Overall, somatic therapy in marriage counseling helps you and your spouse better understand trauma and heal together.