Have you been a victim of gaslighting?
Highly sensitive people are more prone to being with narcissists. As well, highly sensitive people are more creative, empathetic, and can easily be taken advantage of. In relationships, highly sensitive people are natural caregivers, but other can take, take, and take too much. On that note, gaslighting is a form of verbal abuse. Without realizing it, a highly sensitive person attracts a charismatic narcissist who then can be emotionally draining.
Highly sensitive people tend to experience gaslighting in relationships with narcissists.
If you’ve felt like your partner was manipulating you or trying to make you feel insecure, you may be a victim of gaslighting. Highly sensitive person therapy can help you understand if you are experiencing gaslighting. If you are a highly sensitive person, you may feel more hurt, upset, sad, or in distress than your partner. Your partner may not be a highly sensitive person, and may not be sensitive at all to your feelings.
So, since highly sensitive people are more likely to become victims of gaslighting, counseling with a gaslighting and highly sensitive person specialist is important.
What is gaslighting in relationships where narcissists and a highly sensitive person are together?
Gaslighting, a poor fighting tactic, is what happens when your partner manipulates you. And, when you’re in a relationship with gaslighting, you feel like you are walking on eggshells all the time. Sometimes, your partner is kind and warm. At other times, gaslighting you, your partner leads you to believe you are the problem. A highly sensitive person may develop low self-worth, insecurities, self-doubt, and more sensitivities.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for highly sensitive person therapy.
Highly sensitive person therapy supports breaking trauma cycles of caretaking. So, you partner often gaslights you to gain power and control. Now, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, the holistic counselors offer therapy for gaslighting.
Do You Experience:
- Feeling more overwhelmed than others or easily feeling overwhelmed
- Sensitivity to touch, pain, and loud sounds such as yelling
- Sensitivity to strong smells such as perfumes
- More sensitive to caffeine, medication, food dye, and sugar
- Passionate or moved by music, theater, or the arts
- Hyper at times and low energy at other times
- Itchiness wearing wool and the need to cut all tags out of clothing
Or any of these?
- Trouble making decisions and indecisiveness with choices
- Increase in performance anxiety (feeling riled nerves or shaky when being watched)
- Irritability and crankiness when over stimulated
- Deeply empathetic to others’ emotions
- Hard time with transitions and changing activities
- Struggles handling change, stress, and crowded events
- Very picky eating and food issues/sensitivities
- Elements such as wind and rain are aggravating
What does therapy for gaslighting along the Southeastern shoreline of Connecticut help you do?
Highly sensitive people may have some or all of the sensitivities above. If tags bother you, you may also be more empathetic to other peoples’ emotions. When someone, like a romantic partner is angry, that is very intense for a highly sensitive person. When it is rainy, and a highly sensitive person doesn’t like rain, it can dampen the mood for the romance. Highly sensitive people benefit from couples therapy to truly gain better communication.
In romantic relationships, highly sensitive people are more likely to become the caretaker.
What that means is, if you are highly sensitive, you are more likely to be a victim of verbal abuse in your romantic relationship too. Negative memories can play a major role in relationship tension for a highly sensitive person. You may wonder if you are experiencing gaslighting. Highly sensitive people are more aware of hurtful words, anger, and yelling. For a person who is not highly sensitive, they may not care about yelling or loud noise. However, for a person who is highly sensitive, they will feel very afraid, scared, and have negative memories from the experience.

Therefore, a highly sensitive person may feel they are experiencing gaslighting and want a highly sensitive person couples therapy.
Yelling, anger, and emotional abuse leaves a lasting impact on a highly sensitive person. After verbal abuse in relationships, a highly sensitive person may feel hurt, shame, anxiety, and fear. So, holistic therapy for gaslighting helps you feel empowerment, self-love and rebuild you self-worth as a highly sensitive person. Working together in a couples therapy setting at Wisdom Within Counseling supports growth and togetherness. Also, holistic, creative couples therapy for highly sensitive people who experience gaslighting helps you feel safe again as a couple.
Holistic couples counseling uses your own inner wisdom to help you feel stronger and more resilient.
Likewise, art, yoga, music, animals, and outdoor therapies teach positive coping skills that use can use to respect yourself and know our own value. Lastly, holistic, creative therapy for gaslighting in Southeastern Connecticut, help you reconnect with your mind, body and spirit. Overall, we help you develop awareness of your highly sensitive needs, develop accommodations, and understand your emotional strengths.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for highly sensitive person therapy.
Creative therapy for gaslighting and developing self-worth and self-love
And, therapy for gaslighting helps you value yourself rather than our others before yourself. Commonly, highly sensitive person therapy helps you be confident in your voice again. We help you know your empathetic traits are positive part of you.
From counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, we help you learn how to be courageous asking for your needs to be met in relationships.

Holistic gaslighting therapy to rebuild your self confidence and self esteem back
And, being a victim of gaslighting, this cycle leads you to feel inferior. At times, you doubt yourself. So, therapy for gaslighting helps you trust yourself again. Therefore, as a victim of gaslighting, you question their reality and your own sanity. Instead, take back your personal power and develop strong mental health through Niantic holistic counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling. For instance, art therapy is a holistic therapy for gaslighting in Niantic, Connecticut. Further, Niantic art therapy helps you feel like a leader in your own life. Plus, therapy for gaslighting can include art, yoga, and outdoor therapies.

Holistic therapy for gaslighting recovery
Furthermore, gaslighting is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders. And, gaslighting is done slowly. So, you do not realize how much you your partner is manypulatinng you. Over time, as a victim of gaslighting, you feel a grooming process. Now, with the support of holistic mental health professionals at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, you’ll connect with your creativity. And, in creative therapy for gaslighting recovery, you’ll gain your inner strength and self-esteem back. Also, through therapy for gaslighting in Niantic, Connecticut, you’ll learn positive coping skills to stand up for yourself confidently. Highly sensitive person therapy supports you in celebrating your sensitivities and empathetic traits.
Gaslighting in relationships is no longer healthy for you
Often, under the influence of gaslighting, you feel like you’re losing your mind. Highly sensitive person therapy for couples can support you both in gaining healthy communication tools. You may be more sensitive and a natural caretaker. On the other hand, your romantic partner never seems to fully understand your sensitivities. Now, narcissistic people will often gaslight their partners because it helps them feel powerful and in control. This can be exceptionally hurtful for a highly sensitive person.
Also, highly sensitive person therapy can be part of healing in couples therapy and support a narcissist partner.
Working with your holistic counselor takes courage, but you gain more confidence from the process. As well, the expert mental health professionals at Wisdom Within Counseling are on your team. On that note, holistic therapy for gaslighting helps you know your self-worth and value yourself. And, your narcissistic partner may resist your positive changes.
What happens in highly sensitive person therapy?
Your holistic therapy for gaslighting sessions will build upon positive relationship skills each week. When it comes to getting out of a relationship where gaslighting is present, unfortunately, without professional therapy, you may find yourself in the same abusive tendencies in your next narcissistic partner. So, to make sure you attract a healthy, genuine partner, start learning healthy dating skills in Niantic therapy for gaslighting victims today.
To begin, click the button below to start in highly sensitive person therapy for couples.

Niantic, Connecticut creative, empowering therapy for gaslighting
And, if you are a victim of gaslighting, the professional therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you in couples counseling. Highly Highly sensitive person therapy helps you take communication at your own pace. Sometimes, lights seem too bright. Or, noise seems too loud. Maybe, it feels like your romantic partner is talking too fast or too loud. Many times, highly sensitive person therapy can be a safe place to slow down conversations and truly embrace the journey. Furthermore, in East Lyme, Connecticut, therapy for gaslighting helps you strengthen your mind, body and spirit. From self-care, your romantic relationship deepens, grows, and gets stronger. You and your spouse can walk away from couples therapy feeling more understanding for one another.
Wisdom Within Counseling also offers holistic, creative options in highly sensitive person therapy.
From outdoor walk and talk therapy along the Niantic Bay Boardwalk, you can gain free thinking, clear your mind, and connect with your heart. Also, from yoga therapy, you can take back your flexibility and physical strength and build a healthy relationship with yourself. Lastly, from creative art therapy for self esteem, you can thrive, feel balanced, and love yourself.
What does it meant to be an empath or highly sensitive in relationships?
If you are a highly sensitive person, you will relate to most of the following. Being highly sensitive can also mean that you are more empathetic than the average person. And, people who are empathetic often tend to be victims of gaslighting. At times, victims of gaslighting have learned from old family patterns to people-please and to be good caretakers. From childhood, you learned how to play small and keep the peace. However, your care taking abilities and empathetic strengths have been taken advantage of through gaslighting. Thus, being more empathetic or an Empath means that you are more deeply hurt and manipulated when with an abusive partner too.
Gaslighting counseling to restore your personal strength and help you attract long-term, healthy relationships
You’re more susceptible to manipulation because you are so genuine. And, if you are with a narcissistic partner, you may feel like they are emotionally neglecting you. Sometimes, your partner can learn from couples therapy new ways of communicating. Healthy communication skills for couples are essential to a better relationship. To note, being highly emotional is you’re strength. For one, you’re great at connecting with others. Sometimes, you cry because music is so beautiful or a movie is so touching. But, your narcissistic partner only thinks your genuine feelings are too much.
To begin in highly sensitive person therapy and couples therapy, click the button below for a phone consult.
Holistic therapy for gaslighting in Southeastern Connecticut
So, holistic therapy for gaslighting and couples counseling can help you have a healthy communication pattern. And, because you are an empath, you are a natural caretaker.
To note, being a good caretaker means that you are more likely to end up in a relationship with a narcissist or abuser because you are so caring and nurturing.
Simply put, because you are so open emotionally, you end up being taken advantage of without even realizing it. And, often you realize you are with a narcissistic partner after you’ve been in many fights and after many negative, circular conversations. Also, highly sensitive person therapy can help you gain self-confidence again and rebuild the romanic life you desire.
Sensitive to itchy tags? Have you been told that you are empathetic? Bright lights bother you?
Some people are more sensitive to touch, smells, and pressure. The holistic, experiential therapists, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, help highly sensitive people harness their positive qualities and strengths. Your romantic partner may not understand you because they are not a highly sensitive person.
Many of these empathetic strengths can be dimmed after being with a narcissistic partner too. From living with a partner who is verbally abusive, you may feel low in self-esteem. And, like you’re being misunderstood. Abusive partners tend to use your past pain, trauma, and insecurities against you in arguments.
How we help you recover after gaslighting and being with a narcissist?
Likewise, our team of professional therapists help you recovery from a verbally abusive relationship. Additionally, we can help you and your partner learn better ways of communicating. Often, if you have a partner who is committed, they may not understand how their words negatively impact you.
Relationship growth in highly sensitive person therapy
Therefore, your therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic will teach you and your partner positive coping skills to communicate feelings better in order to prevent gaslighting. And, therapy for highly sensitive people can be so beneficial for the whole family unit, couples, and children.

To begin in highly sensitive person therapy and couples therapy, click the button below for a phone consult.
A relevant article on highly sensitive people
Specialists in their fields are asked to add information into news articles. Katie Ziskind, holistic marriage and family therapist and yoga teacher in Niantic often was asked for her expert opinion by a journalist writing about empaths and highly sensitive people. Read more about Empaths and Highly Sensitive People in a recent article where Katie Ziskind LMFT, RYT500, was featured, here.

Sensory processing sensitivity in highly sensitive person therapy
After reading this list you may be thinking of yourself or your loved one. Whether you are a highly sensitive person or your loved one is, you aren’t alone. So, the therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic use an integrative, holistic, and gentle approach to therapy to accommodate and support your sensitivities. And, we get what you are feeling.

What Does It Mean To Be Highly Sensitive In A Family?
Historically, highly sensitive people were expected to toughen up or misdiagnosed. Therefore, long ago, therapy for highly sensitive people was once not even an option. Further, our team of professional mental health therapists help family members of highly sensitive people become aware of and understand needed supports.
Also, an empathetic person who is more highly sensitive will be more impacted by negative words.
Now, any hurtful phrases, jabs , and disrespect leave a lasting impact and negative memory. To note, gaslighting therapy is supportive for highly sensitive people. Unfortunately, highly sensitive people are often victims of gaslighting.
Recovery from abuse, gaslighting therapy in Niantic, Connecticut
Furthermore, family members can play a big role in helping a highly sensitive person feel comforted and accommodated. After experiencing gaslighting, you may feel sad all the time. Likewise, you may feel like you don’t deserve good things and play small. But, the essential way to overcome your past is to learn positive coping skills and techniques to heal and be confident. And, these essential skills are best learned through the help of a professional therapist auch as one of our team members at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic.
As well, if you are a highly sensitive person, you can benefit from seeing a therapist who can help teach communication skills to advocate for yourself.
Setting boundaries and letting go of negative friends may be more difficult for an empathetic person. You may be a natural caretaker. Your therapist can help you set boundaries so you don’t feel so emotionally exhausted anymore. Lastly, by creating and environment that is supportive, you, as a highly sensitive person can feel safe and strong. Call/text us to get started in holistic Niantic therapy for highly sensitive people today (860)-451-9364.

Strengths of Highly Sensitive People & Empaths
Further, highly sensitive people have many strengths that often are overlooked. In romantic relationships, a person who is not highly sensitive may not see your sensitivity as a strength. Without understanding, your romantic partner may become bothered or annoyed by your needs. Moreover, highly sensitive people tend to be more caring and aware of others’ feelings. In couples therapy, your counselor can help you talk about your needs calmly.
We help distant couples care for each other in a deeper, more meaningful way than every before.

Unfortunately, if you are extra generous, you may find yourself in a romantic relationship with a taker.
Couples therapy can help improve communication and empathy. Therefore, holistic couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can support equality in giving. As couples therapists, we help you grow an emotionally empathetic romance where you feel loved, closer, and connection. Art therapies, yoga therapies, music therapies, and walking therapies by the beach help you grow together from a place of inner confidence.
To begin, click the button below for your phone consult for couples counseling for highly sensitive people and empaths.
Niantic, Connecticut gaslighting therapy
Moreover, in a relationship with a narcissistic person, they can take all of your energy and kindness without giving back what you need. And, highly sensitive people feel with all of their senses together. And, rather than just seeing, only hearing a sound, or feeling the sensation of a touch, you feel it all. So, gaslighting therapy can help you heal after a break up. Or, gaslighting therapy can involve your partner and help you both understand each other better. Read more about couples therapy, here.
Holistic coping skills in gaslighting therapy in Niantic, Connecticut
Now, if your partner is narcissistic and gaslighting you, they will be upset by your emotions. And, your gaslighting partner will even shame you for having feelings. Instead of being loving and sensitive, your partner leaves you unsupported and emotionally abandoned.
Further, continually being emotionally neglected leads to low self worth and doubting yourself.
Now, when a narcissist is annoyed by an your sensitivities, it is normal to feel overwhelmed, used, belittled, disrespected, hurt, rejected, and emotionally crumpled.
To feel empowerment and a healthy and strong sense of self after being a victim of gaslighting, work with a therapist at Wisdom Within today.

Extra Awareness For Feelings and Therefore, Tears
For instance, when a highly sensitive person hears beautiful music echoing from a church or sees an inspiring musical production, they may begin crying. Naturally, they allow a sense of emotional vulnerability others don’t and exemplify extraordinary emotional connection. But, if you are in a relationship with a controlling person, he or she may have emotional blockages to helping you when you are crying.
Skills for emotional expression in couples therapy
Crying is always okay, but if your romantic partner doesn’t support you when you cry in the way you want or need, couples therapy can be helpful. Also, couples therapy for emapths allows you and your partner to break the frustrating cycle of gaslighting, controlling, and fear. Couples therapy in Niantic helps your partner learn about your needs and then your therapist will teach techniques and skills to meet them.
To begin, click the button below for your phone consult for couples counseling for highly sensitive people and empaths.

Highly Sensitive People May Say:
There is too much jelly on my peanut butter and jelly, I can’t eat. And, I have lost my appetite.
I feel more empathetic than the average person. So, I want to learn more about being an empath.
This mint toothpaste is too minty. It stings my mouth. It is unbearable.
I stubbed my toe. It hurts so much and I feel a lot of pain right now. Maybe, I broke my foot.
This wool sweater is very itchy and I can’t wear it. It is so itchy. Instead, I need something soft.
That musical play was so beautiful. The actors did such a fabulous job. It was so moving.
Being an empath is your strength! The professional couple therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling help you and your partner understand each other, feel connected, and step into trust.

Managing Overwhelm At Social Gatherings
Additionally, gaslighting therapy in Niantic helps you feel confident socially. If your partner used to make fun of your clothing choices, it may be hard to believe your taste in clothes is stylish. But, through professional gaslighting therapy in Niantic, you can develop skills to embrace your emotions. Further, as a highly sensitive person, you may enjoy the idea in theory of going to a social gathering, sleepover, or party. However, an hour or two into a social event, you feel yourself moving to a quiet corner, and may even want to go home. Overwhelmed, you feel a rush of your past memories and a combination of being highly sensitive. In holistic counseling and gaslighting therapy, you’ll learn skills to create stable, reliable relationships and meaningful friendships.
What do the highly sensitive parts of you feel?
Also, as a highly sensitive person, you can experience too much stimulation. At times, loud places feel “too noisy,” overloaded by external stimuli. Through therapy for sensory processing, a highly sensitive person can learn positive coping skills. Further, gaslighting therapy help support you gain your confidence back.
Plus, gaslighting therapy in Southeastern Connecticut involves art therapy, yoga therapy, music, and animal therapies. Lastly, these holistic therapies in Niantic help you better manage anxiety, manage depression, heal from PTSD, and make positive lifestyle changes.

How To Support A Highly Sensitive Person
Highly sensitive people need support and understanding from friends and family when it comes to group gatherings. Therefore, rather than assuming their highly sensitive family member is being anti-social or rude, counseling helps family members better understand the needs of their highly sensitive family member. Further, empathetic or highly sensitive people are often in relationships that invole verbal abuse. Sometimes, empathetic people end up needing therapy for gaslighting. So, it is important that highly sensitive people learn how to set healthy relationship boundaries in therapy for gaslighting and empathetic people.
To begin, click the button below for your phone consult for couples counseling for highly sensitive people and empaths.

Katie Ziskind: In The Media
At times, news reporters ask experts for their opinions and experience. Katie Ziskind, LMFT, RYT500 is featured in the article below. Topics Katie Ziskind has been mentioned in vary including, exercise, nutrition, family life, wellness, self-care, couples therapy, children, and connection. Enjoy reading about the: 8 Tips For Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions
Benefits of Holistic Therapy For Highly Sensitive People at Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme
Therapy for highly sensitive people can help to develop a healthy level of self-confidence and self-esteem in a highly sensitive person. When it comes to relationships and marriages, empaths are often at risk of being overly care-taking. Likewise, from being so generous, emotionally available, and open hearted, highly sensitive people and empaths tend to be taken advantage of in relationships and dating. Your genuineness means that you are more vulnerable to verbal abuse, manipulation, and narcissism. And, you might even attract selfish, alcoholic, takers, or narcissistic partners in relationships because you are so caring naturally.
How can couples therapy for empaths help you?
Additionally, therapy can help a highly sensitive person embrace their unique strengths and feel good about their capabilities. Working with a therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling helps you feel confident being you. Your partner can also learn to embrace your unique talents and sensitivities. Also, sensitive people tend to be more perceptive and empathetic. So, people who are highly sensitive may need more down time and relaxation. You might need help vocalizing your needs and wants in couples therapy. Maybe, you need more touch, or you need more time socializing together.
Also, scheduling couples therapy into your week can help improve your communication and connection. Many times, empaths find themselves tired, hurt, and emotionally shut down. Your partner may not fully understand your needs. Working with a therapist who specializes with highly sensitive people can help you and your spouse feel a sense of togetherness. As well, from counseling, you can learn to release others’ negative feelings that you are carrying.
Guilt, shame, blame, and anger may be emotions you are holding on to from the past.
Therapy can help you release those in healthy ways through art therapies, yoga therapies, drama therapies, and music therapies. Specifically, yoga therapy, breathing techniques, and relaxation can be a great supplement to your talk therapy sessions in Niantic. Overall, therapy for gaslighting help you develop strength, healthy outlets, self-confidence, and inner connection to your true self. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling specializes with highly sensitive people in therapy and loves helping couples join together on this topic.

Sensitivity To Medications and Chemicals
Additionally, from a clinical medical perspective, highly sensitive people are impacted more by medication, caffeine, and stimulants. Therefore, I advocate for you and your loved one and coordinate treatment with prescribers. It is important to inform your prescribing physician as a highly sensitive person may need a lower dose and a more gradual increase/decrease. Often, highly sensitive people experience more intense side effects as well.

Natural Eating Can Help Highly Sensitive People
At times, people who are highly sensitive can benefit from more natural eating and less chemicals. Various scented products may be bothersome. As well, processed foods may have a more negative impact causing digestive pain in highly sensitive people. Read more about nutrition for mental health at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, here.

Learn about gaslighting, narcissism, and how to feel heard in your relationship.
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