Fighting? Frustrated? Struggling with you partner emotionally neglecting you when you cry? Niantic, Connecticut holistic marriage counseling can help you get clear and turn things around!
All couples have patterns of fighting
Niantic, Connecticut marriage counseling can help you and your partner communicate better. From better sex, to better connection, Niantic, Connecticut marriage counseling is a method for getting closer. Often, couples are stuck in a pattern. And, even if you are your partner split up, you will recreate this pattern. Really, families feed off each other and there is a cycle. Also, this pattern is really a dance. So, in order to break a bad pattern, we give you marriage tools. And, Niantic, Connecticut marriage counseling can help you observe your fight cycle and patterns.

Not talking is just as bad as yelling and screaming
Now, don’t think that you are do any good for your relationship if you keep the peace. Sometimes, it can help to not fuel the fire. But, other times, staying quiet can be very negative. East Lyme, Connecticut marriage counseling can help you and your partner learn to talk. Yes, not talking and never fighting is just as negative as high conflict. Talking can be hard if you never learned how to do it calmly. Further, if you don’t talk, you still end up holding all that resentment and anger inside.
How can couples therapy help if you have been through trauma or loss?
Well, you may not realize it. But, loss and childhood trauma plays into current arguments. Couples therapy can help you learn skills to holistically feel safe. For instance, when you and your partner fight, you feel like you have to protect yourself. Really, you trauma response is being triggered. You don’t need anxiety medication necessarily. Instead, of team of therapists help you step into your inner peace and power. Also, we help your partner understand what trauma does to a child. Therefore, Niantic, Connecticut marriage counseling can help you feel confident talking about your trauma, anxiety, and stress. And, East Lyme, Connecticut marriage counseling can help you partner learn to emotionally receive you and comfort you.

How is Niantic, Connecticut marriage counseling different?
Not all marriage counseling is the same. Sometimes, you’ll be asked to talk about your childhood. Other times, you’ll be asked to talk about your marriage. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we are very different. In addition to talking, we offer you and your partner a holistic experience using movement, yoga, and art to increase connection. We go beyond just words! Overall, East Lyme, Connecticut holistic marriage counseling helps you gain a stronger sense of self. Also, we offer non-binary support and are LGBTQ educated. From there, you can speak calmly to your partner. And, you can return refreshed to your marriage and children.
How can your career impact your couple bubble? Niantic, Connecticut marriage counseling
For example, you may feel angry and depression because you don’t like your job. So, East Lyme, Connecticut couples counseling can help you get clear on how your career impacts family life. Further, creative art, painting, yoga, and even meditation can help you feel closer to your partner. Naturally, without medication, we use creative alternatives to help you be your best. Creative art, yoga, music, and outdoor therapies can be just what you need. Sometimes, in-laws can cause marital and relationship stress. So, one of our marriage and family therapists can help you set healthy boundaries to protect your couple bubble. Overall, we can help you reconnect, help mediate issues, and get clear on your goals!
Looking for ways to know if you need marriage counseling? Read this article.