Would you like positive coping tools to rebuild connection and emotional intimacy? Have you found your partner cheating or would you like to repair the trust in your relationship after an affair? Has your spouse come out to you as part of the LGBTQIA+ community as gay, bisexual, or gender questioning? Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in couples who struggle with infidelity need help rebuilding trust. Mystic, CT couples therapy can be exactly what you need to feel close, support, emotional connection, and fall in love again.
Perhaps, your spouse used to give you a big hug before you left for work in the morning. And, now, they seem distant and you feel lonely.
First, if you were considering starting marriage counseling, you might be a disconnection. At one time, did you and your spouse feel passion and desire for one another physically and sexually? But now, does it feel like you are the last person on your spouses priority list.
Have you been feeling unimportant in your marriage?
To start, click the button below for Mystic, CT couples therapy to start feeling significant and important again.

Premarital couples therapy in Mystic, Connecticut
As well, we help premarital couples prepare for a healthy, holistic marriage. Premarital couples counseling in Mystic, Ct is a great way to set your marriage with a good foundation. Often times, couples jump right into marriage, don’t understand their childhood trauma. And, from fighting, they end up divorcing shortly there after. Therefore, slowing down your conflicts can be a great benefit of pre-marital counseling. As well, premarital couples are a great fit for counseling because of the stage they are in. Lastly, it is best to learn emotional connection skills to set your marriage up for success. Mystic, CT couples therapy helps distant couples rebuild confident in their togetherness and romantic relationship.
If you are in a premarital relationship and are engaged, marriage tools are best learned now.
In premarital counseling in Mystic, Ct, you can develop positive coping strategies such as a gentle start up. For example, a gentle start up is learning how to speak gently when you feel angry. Often, when a partner feels angry, they will jump to a reaction, or loudly yell. But, through premarital counseling in Mystic, Ct, if you can learn to communicate better.
So, if find yourself an aggressive or hurtful arguments, you can learn how to slow things down.
As well, the gentle start up is just one of many premarital counseling skills and tools that you can learn. From premarital counseling in Mystic, Ct, you can develop tools to learn how to let go of your past pain. Sometimes, premarital couples need help setting boundaries with exes. Lastly, premarital couples need help learning about commitments and what the meaning of marriage truly is.
To begin, click the pink button below for marriage counseling in Mystic, Ct.
Therefore, working with a premarital therapist can help you feel playful going into your marriage versus anxious or stressed.
Sometimes, with losses and grief such as loss of a sibling or loss of a parent, getting married can feel sad and stressful. Right now, marriage may have many complex emotions with it. Sometimes, one partner is more excited and the other partner is anxious. As well, if a parent has died or become ill, it might feel hard to celebrate your marriage. Maybe, you feel left out or jealous than all of your friends who have their parents alive and healthy at their wedding. So, working with a premarital therapist can help you uncover any fears you have about getting married.
You can build a foundation of confidence in your relationship from premarital therapy in Mystic, Ct.

What is it like to goto marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut?
As well, from marital therapy, you can become more vulnerable emotionally with your spouse. And, you can learn to have truly meaningful intimate conversations. Learning positive coping and communication skills sooner than later will help you in your marriage and for your children.
Essentially, working with a marital therapist in Mystic, CT sets you up for success to handle any challenge as a team.
As well, marriage counseling and bring playfulness and you can use techniques like drama therapy for distant couples. Maybe, talking just doesn’t work for either of you when you were fighting because you are aggressive.
Do you want a unique and creative holistic couples therapy experience?
Or, have you tried talking before with no success? Your are in the right place for creative, holistic marriage therapy. Therefore, Wisdom Within Counseling can give you creative skits, role-plays, and drama therapy such as Rehearsals For Growth in counseling. As well, you can do art, yoga, music, or outdoor therapies in your session.
Essentially, you can talk, but your therapist has a specialized toolkit of marriage techniques to help you step out of negativity and stuck energy.
Essentially, you can talk anytime, but your therapist has a specialized skill set of techniques to help you pause, and step out of your cycle of conflictual energy.
Also, going to marriage counseling can be a new experience. For example, if you were to go to the gym for the first time, your muscles may be sore for the next few days. So, when you go to marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut, you are developing new emotional skills. In school, you learned about math and science. But, you did not learn about how to be empathetic to your spouse. Essentially, you didn’t take a class in school about loving your spouse the best you can.
So, your marriage counselor will teach you how to read your partner’s body language, and how to understand their childhood trauma.
Essentially, going to holistic, creative marriage counseling is a great way to get to know your spouse better. As well, your spouse may have had traumatic childhood experiences or C-PTSD that they did not tell you about. Or, you may have experiences of sexual abuse or physical abuse that you want to talk about with your spouse. With a marriage counselor in Mystic, CT, you can feel closer than ever before. To add, talking about past trauma (PTSD) is something that your marriage counselor can help you do together. Many people feel that they have to deal with trauma alone. But, couples therapy is about sharing that part and bringing in elements of togetherness.
A lot of times, couples struggle with expressing emotions such as anger, jealousy, betrayal, or hurt.
Frequently, all of these emotions come out as yelling and cause emotional shut down. So, going to Mystic, Connecticut marriage counseling and help you bring back the creativity. And, it is this sense of creativity that distant couples need to overcome emotional challenges in their relationship. As well, you can also develop healthy self-care practices such as developing new hobbies and a healthy social circle.

In marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut, you can develop holistic strategies for connection physically and emotionally.
How do our marriage therapists help couples who miss playfulness and desire?
Now, a lot of couples counseling because they have lost their sex life and sexual desire. Frequently, after parenting all day, it might be hard to think about sex. As well, being in a job that you don’t like can lead to depression. If your spouse does not like their job, it is normal for sexual energy to decrease. Mystic, CT couples therapy is a safe place to talk about what your body likes and needs in touch.
However, when there is no desire, a feeling of rejection and sadness that’s in.
Maybe, you are a person that feels lonely when there is no touch in the relationship. As well, with the stresses of finances and money and running a household, playfulness can quickly be fleeting. Therefore, your marriage therapist in Mystic, Connecticut can help you rebuild playfulness. Maybe, you feel bogged down by the stresses of childbearing and parenting. As well, there may have been different loss and grief experiences that you went through such as a miscarriage or loss of a child or sibling. Essentially, marital therapy can help you rebuild your sex life.
We help you develop playfulness and rekindle desire within your marriage.
What is sex positive marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut?
So, if you are looking for a therapist to help you talk about sex openly, we would love to do that with you. Wisdom Within Counseling is a sex positive marriage counseling group in Mystic, Connecticut. Overall, sex positive marriage counseling gives you a safe place to talk about your body, and your partners body. Perhaps, you want to talk about foreplay and what it means to have a good sex.
Often times, a more general marriage counselor will not have the specialized training needed to talk about sex, BDSM, and LGBTQIA+ topics.
Essentially, you can talk about sex with your marriage counselor and feel positive doing so. You can talk about vaginal wetness as well as sexual trauma and abuse and how that plays into your sex life. Maybe, you or your spouse were raped or sexually abuse in childhood or in college. Mystic, CT couples therapy gives you a safe place and time to process the traumatic, painful sexual experiences in your past.
In marriage counseling with a sex positive approach, you can talk about past sexual experiences that did not feel good.
And, you can talk about what it feels like to build a positive, safe, secure, sexual experience with your partner. In sex positive marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut, you can feel a sense of empowerment to reach sexual goals. And, you can feel like you have someone on your team. Your marriage counselor cheers you and your spouse on when it comes to trying new things sexually.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for Mystic, CT couples therapy.
How does high conflict couples therapy in Mystic, Ct different than general marriage counseling?
Overall, high conflict couples are stuck in a cycle of yelling, tension, and emotional shut down. However, not all couples are stuck in a high conflict cycle. For instance, a high conflict cycle has a variety of intense, angry emotions with it. Often, high conflict couples will want to stay together, even with these intense fights. And, if you want to stay together as a goal, high conflict couples therapy can help. Mystic, CT couples therapy can teach you conflict resolution tools and communication skills.
Maybe, you have a great friendship when things are good, but you fight horribly when its bad.
You would be a great fit for the team at Wisdom Within Counseling. So, in a high conflict fight, you will feel a variety of complex emotions. Often, some intense emotions are from childhood trauma and neglect. Let’s say one of you had a mother who was emotionally neglectful or emotionally abusive. Now, in fights in your marriage, you feel hurt. Maybe, you both intentionally say things to hurt each other to one up each other. Next, you feel afraid, but you are still yelling.
You are both fighting and yelling at the top of your lungs one moment and the next you’re afraid of walking on egg shells around your spouse.
Essentially, this is a high conflict cycle and marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut can be very helpful. Wisdom Within Counseling specializes with high conflict couples who feel like they walk on egg shells around each other. Essentially, the place to start is with a specialist for high conflict couples at Wisdom Within Counseling. Now, there is no shame in reaching out for a specialist especially when it comes to high conflict couples therapy. Lastly, you can start healing from past experiences of trauma in childhood with your spouse.
So, if you are both feeling hurt after a fight and there is no conflict resolution, reach out today.

What is Mystic, CT couples therapy with holistic, creative options?
Also, we offer creative and holistic marriage counseling. Frequently, couples are only given talk counseling. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can take part in art therapy for couples. For example, you and your spouse can paint, use clay, or creative expressive art to express emotions. Your therapist teaches you a positive skill each session to use at home. As well, we offer drama therapy, role-playing, and creative experiences to help you level up your love life.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for Mystic, CT couples therapy.
Why do we specialize in going beyond talking with couples in counseling?
Often times, couples just go to therapy and fight over and over in front of their therapist. However, at Wisdom Within Counseling, we specialize with marriage therapy and know how to pause you when you both are going down a negative road in session. As well, your marital therapist can offer art as well as yoga therapy for a couples to provide a positive experience. Also, we offer creative and holistic marriage counseling because talking can get couples stuck again.
Overall, yoga therapy, drama therapy, and expressive arts for couples as part if martial therapy can be very helpful for improving emotional intimacy.
How can drama therapy help distant couples rekindle playfulness?
To add, drama therapy allows couples who are stuck in their survival mindset to take a new perspective. For example, you might feel stress and anxiety regarding parenting responsibilities. Or, you are feeling tense now caring for your aging parents. Essentially, when you are in your survival mindset, you are in fight, flight, or freeze. And, in that state, you can not give or receive love or affection. Therefore, drama therapy can allow you to be creative and expressive in your couples therapy session.
In couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can start to shift from distance and loneliness to positive connection and playfulness.
Overall, role plays and Rehearsals For Growth in drama therapy provide a sense of playfulness in your mind again. Most times, couples go into therapy angry and they leave therapy angry when they do not work with a specialist in creative, holistic, marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut. But, when working with one of our specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling, you have a counselor who is highly specialized with couples. And, your therapist can teach you how to rebuild desire and emotional intimacy.
We would love to help you develop a healthy, confident relationship where there is security and trust.
In general, Mystic, Connecticut couples therapy is an amazing investment in re-creating safe, calm conversations. And, you can do so while sharing intense feelings calmly. Also, you may notice patterns in your romantic relationship that resemble negative family dynamics you saw in growing up. In marital counseling, you can share topics like sex, finances, sexuality, and parenting values. Wisdom Within Counseling helps you learn skills to manage conflict, build a loving, long-term relationship, and rekindle trust.
From counseling, you can learn lifelong tools create a positive, playful dialogue about marital goals.
Your therapist can help you develop a secure couple bubble around healthy communication using Gottman Method couples therapy. To add, marital therapy helps your children communicate in calm, clear ways too. By being in couples therapy, your children grow in positive aspects too.

What is Gottman Marriage Therapy?
Gottman couples therapy helps couples who experience frequent fights and arguments, bad communication, and emotional disconnection. Also, Gottman marital therapy couples considering separation or divorce. And, we help couples who experience sexual difficulties, infidelity, money, and parenting issues. Your Gottman marriage therapist provides a thorough assessment of your relationship using interventions. We also teach you about the Sound Relationship House theory. As well, your martial therapist teaches skills for reducing conflict and improving verbal communication. Manytimes, couples can’t do this on their own due to emotional barriers.
Overall, your marital therapist in Mystic, CT can help you increase sex, intimacy, nurturing, compassion, respect, and affection.
\Your holistic, Gottman marital therapist helps you remove barriers that create a feeling of stagnation. And, you can build empathy with your spouse and understanding within your romantic relationship. Wisdom Within Counseling provides specific recommendations for your relationship and couples therapy homework. We specialize in helping lonely couples learn to replace negative conflict patterns with positive interactions. Lastly, marital therapy helps to repair past hurts while creating a sense of connection and supports positive romantic goals.