Why Start Mystic, Ct Adolescent Therapy?
To start, anxious adolescents need therapy to process anxiety that they don’t know how do identify or release intense emotions. Often times, and adolescents will avoid going to school or cry before going to school. Essentially, frequent crying is a sign that your adolescent would benefit from anxiety counseling. In addition, adolescents and teenagers show anxiety in different ways than adults. Maybe, your adolescent has begun picking their skin, biting their nails or even self harming. Mystic, Ct adolescent therapy help to teach friendship skills and holistic coping tools for releasing feelings.
Also, working with a therapist that specializes with adolescents and teenagers means that you’re going to have a good fit.
Often times, teenagers will not want to talk with a therapist right away. So, working with a specialist for adolescents can be exactly what your teen needs to feel connection in their first session. As well, Wisdom Within Counseling is happy to work with parents who need help setting boundaries and healthy limits for their teenagers.
Is your adolescent showing anger at home and at school?
Maybe, your teenager is struggling academically or having anger at someone in your family. Or, are they skipping school classes and falling behind academically? Essentially, your adolescent counselor in Mystic, Ct can understand what your teenager is trying to communicate through their problem behaviors. Also, teenagers need someone outside of their parents and school to help teach them about living a healthy lifestyle. Maybe, your teenager doesn’t want to talk with you or is keeping a secret. Or, you were a teenager is having a tough time talking about what is troubling them with you. Mystic, Ct adolescent therapy can help bring positivity and trust to the parent child relationship.
To begin, book a phone consult below for Mystic, Ct adolescent therapy.
In addition, when offer Mystic, Ct adolescent therapy, we teach self-care tools such as healthy friends, better sleep, exercise, and nutrition.

We specialize in working with self harming adolescents and teenagers who need healthier coping strategies.
As well as working with self harm, we work with adolescents who have developed eating disorders which is another form of self injury. Essentially, your adolescent can work with a therapist to gain support for self-harm. Sometimes, teens self-harm out of emotional pain. From adolescent counseling, your adolescent can process what stressors they are facing at home. At times, pressure and anxiety with family and at school feels overwhelming causing self-harm.
In adolescent therapy in Mystic, Ct, we teach teens how to communicate emotions calmly with family and ask for help.
A lot of times, teenagers don’t know how to open up or communicate with parents. So, family therapy can help your teenager feel encouraged to share their sense of anxiety and panic. And, as parents, it may feel exhausting parenting a self-harming teenager. In addition, parents can learn to support their teenagers in a variety of ways from counseling. And, parents can do parent-only sessions to have a safe place to address their fears about self-harm.
In addition, working with a therapist that specializes with teenagers helps a teenager develop alternative to self-harm and better self-esteem faster.
To begin, book a phone consult below for holistic, creative Mystic, Ct adolescent therapy.
Is Your Teen Struggling with Depression and Withdraws Socially?
Often times, a reluctant teenager will not want to go to therapy and needs a relatable therapist. At Wisdom Within Counseling, our adolescent therapists in Mystic, Connecticut specialize in engaging depressed teenagers. Maybe, your adolescent has been staying up in their bedroom all day and sleeping all day. Often times, when a team is sleeping they are experiencing depression. And, your teen therapist in Mystic, Connecticut can help you understand ways to help your teenager with their depression.
Is your teenager using substances, alcohol, and vaping?
Perhaps, your adolescent has begun vaping, using marijuana or drinking. often, teen drug and alcohol use will escalate into legal problems. Sometimes, teenagers take part in teen drinking and vaping in the school bathroom. Essentially, these behaviors are because they don’t know how to express emotions they are feeling.
Is your teenager needing Mystic, Ct adolescent counseling to process a break up, loss, or feeling heart broken?
As well, going through a first break up and feeling heartbroken can leave a teenager feeling anxious and depressed. Maybe, that is where some of the school avoidance and depression comes from. In Mystic, Ct adolescent counseling, we help teenagers connect to their breath and use meditation to remember their own inner power. In addition, your teenager can choose to go for an outdoor walk and talk session by the beach and the Niantic Bay Boardwalk.
Maybe, your adolescent is feeling grief and loss.
Your adolescent may be going through pet loss, the loss of a grandparent, or struggling with the loss of a friendship. To add, Mystic, Ct adolescent counseling helps teens learn to process losses and grief friendships. And, teens can do so while building self-worth tools too.
Often times, these negative and impulsive behaviors around him drinking, vaping, and eating disorders are a cry for professional help.
Right now, your teenager may have negative, impulsive behaviors to cope. Frequently, our team at Wisdom Within Counseling works with teenagers who are struggling with substance abuse and alcohol use. And, it is much better to have a teenager get therapy in their teenage years for these issues than late adulthood. In counseling, we teach adolescents healthier coping tools and holistic strategies.
To begin, click the button below for art, yoga, and creative options for self-esteem in Mystic, Ct adolescent therapy.
In addition, you’re a teenager might be dealing with gender and sexuality concerns.
Right now, is your teenager asking for a different name or wants to change their name? Your a teenager may be asking to have you use different pronouns like they or them. For some parents, switching to a new name or pronouns is concerning. Frequently, we work with gender questioning teenagers. In addition, we help teenagers who are transgender and their parents learn more about what this means and how to be LGBTQIA+ affirming. Also, your a teenager may be saying they’re bisexual or pansexual. And, we would be happy to talk with them about their gender identity and their sexual orientation.
Often times, teenagers make impulsive decisions and negative choices because they have low self-esteem.
Through Mystic, Ct adolescent counseling, we can teach your adolescent how to reduce anxiety and build self-confidence. For instance, they might want to do art or creative painting in session. As well, your adolescent can learn to meditate in therapy for mindfulness skills. And, we help teenagers build a caring and loving long-term relationship with her mind, body, and spirit. Overall, adolescent therapy in Mystic, Ct supports healthy coping strategies.
Through holistic counseling, we can teach your adolescent how to express anxiety and build self-esteem.

Blending of families after divorce
Frequently, we work with adolescents who are struggling because of parental divorce or blending families. Sometimes, teenagers don’t accept a stepparent and feel frustration about the change of homes. Or, your adolescent may be projecting anger at a stepparent. And, this impacts your whole family. So, we work with teenagers who need help processing divorce and blending families. Maybe, your teenager is struggling with sibling conflict and disliking one of their step siblings. Wisdom Within Counseling can help through family counseling too.
Furthermore, adolescent therapy in Mystic, Ct helps teach your teenager how to release intense emotions and healthy ways.
So, if you are looking for creative, holistic expressive therapies, our team would love to help your adolescent or teenager thrive. To add, talking in a traditional sense does not work for all teenagers. In a tough moment, in adolescent therapy in Mystic, Ct, your teen can paint, draw, use clay, and be outdoors in nature. So, over video and in person, your teenager can choose from art therapies, yoga therapy or painting. Also, if you adolescent wants calming tools, they can learn meditation. And, outdoor walking sessions release anxiety and promote better self-esteem.
You might want your teenager to have a safe place outside of their school environment to process.
Well, adolescent therapy in Mystic, Ct in helps provide a place of self-reflection around school bullying. And, your adolescent can talk about challenging school experiences with peers and teachers.
If your teenager has low self-confidence, they might hang out with the wrong crowd and be influenced in a negative way.
Furthermore, adolescents and teenagers with low self-confidence need a safe place to develop a sense of belonging.
As well, when a teenager doesn’t know how to process what they have been feeling, they will resort to hanging with the wrong crowd. Maybe, your teenager has to take care of their friends emotionally. Or, your adolescent has a friend who has boundary issues. Or, you don’t like the person your adolescent has begun dating because of their impulsive, drinking behaviors.
Wisdom Within Counseling specializes with treating middle schoolers and adolescents.
When an adolescent gets therapy sooner than later, their emotional needs feel heard and they develop self-confidence. Often, Wisdom Within Counseling helps prepare teenagers emotionally for college life. In addition, Wisdom Within Counseling offer unique, creative options like drama therapy, yoga therapy, and painting. Overall, painting, clay, and creative therapies like art help teenagers reduce negative behaviors like self-harm and substance use.
So, if your anxious adolescent or teenager needs a creative approach to build self-worth, book a phone consult below today!
Also, art therapy is powerful to help teenagers express themselves. Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in expressive arts like drama therapy. Sometimes, creative therapies can be exactly what an anxious adolescent needs to feel hope.
To add, therapy for teenagers is all about empowerment, leadership skills, and self-confidence.
Many times, teenagers feel a variety of new emotions. For one, they are dating, they are coming out in their sexuality, and learning to drive. Also, a teenager’s friend group may be rejecting them. To add, an adolescent may be struggling with sibling conflict and feeling oppression at school and home. Then, your adolescent moves to a new home, has to make new friends, and their body is changing. Plus, you notice that your adolescent is critical to themselves about their body. Adding on, an adolescent may be trying to manage toxic friendships that may not be so good for them.
With adolescent therapy in Mystic, Ct, your adolescent doesn’t have to do it alone.
Essentially, bringing your adolescent to counseling can give them a safe place to reflect. And, your adolescent can have a chance to attract nurturing friendships instead of negative friends.
DBT is a treatment that many therapists that work with adolescents use.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we layer on DBT therapy with creative, expressive arts for teenagers. Essentially, a teenager can bring their family and siblings to session and learn DBT skills. In addition, an adolescent can use DBT skills to learn how to respond to relationships. So, if your adolescent is impulsive, DBT can help them learn to build healthy relationships. In addition, we teach parents DBT therapy skills so that they can be more supportive and less reactive.
Family Therapy for Adolescents in Mystic, Ct
In family therapy, you and your adolescent can learn communication skills to share emotions calmly. Often times, when a teenager has concerning behaviors, parents need support to prevent burnout. Having a therapist on your adolescents team can help them develop communication with their family around intense emotions. Many times, teenagers are diagnosed with ADHD when really they have a diagnosis of PTSD. Overall, our team of adolescent therapists in Mystic, Connecticut can help your teenager if they are struggling with alcohol and substance abuse, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and loss and grief.