First, has your spouse been cheating, having an affair, or keeping secrets?
Is pornography addiction, and betrayal, and trust a constant issue that causes fighting?
Also, do you feel unwanted, taken for granted, unloved, and lonely in your marriage after finding out about an affair?
As well, are you tired of arguing, constant conflict, and frustrating fights due to trust issues and dishonesty?
Are you and your spouse struggling to stay together after infidelity and wanting hope for the future?
Katie Ziskind and the team at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in helping fighting, distant couples who want to stay together reconnect. If you are committed to staying together, but know you want to work on your marriage, you’re in the right place. Marriage and couples therapy in Melbourne, Florida helps couples who feel hurt, angry, or alone have a safe place to talk.

To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for marriage counseling and Melbourne, Florida couples therapy.

How can Melbourne, Florida couples therapy help me and my spouse heal after an affair, infidelity, or cheating?
Right now, you might be wondering if you can even stay in this marriage because you feel so overwhelmed, lonely, and hopeless. Maybe, you found your spouse cheating, looking at pornography, or lying about talking to someone else. And, you may have just gotten into a hurtful fight and you are feeling angry and unloved. Katie Ziskind and the team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling help you can work on your relationship and get the affair and betrayal support you need.
Melbourne, Florida couples therapy can help you understand how infidelity and affairs develop
Often times, couples separate emotionally over time because they lack the skills to share emotions. Essentially, parenting, career development, in law’s, and more make life stressful. As well, couples who do not know how to repair a conflict effectively may be susceptible to affairs. Many times, distant couples use yelling, name-calling, or even the silent treatment. These are negative communication tactics that only lead to more hopelessness and hurt. Learning about what causes affairs to occur is part of Melbourne, Florida couples therapy. As well, affairs and infidelity occurs due to lack of quality time together.
Many times, marriage therapy in Melbourne, Florida helps couples who are struggling with issues like secret keeping, lying, infidelity, and an affair.
Couples therapy in Melbourne, Florida can help you and your partner make intimate, meaningful, and amazing changes in your marriage. You can learn to understand how an affair occurred in the first place. Usually, affairs build up over a number of distant, painful years. Additionally, in Melbourne, Florida couples therapy, you can also learn that happy couples don’t have affairs. You can understand what you need to develop happiness together.
To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for marriage counseling and Melbourne, Florida couples therapy.
You might feel strained, you feel like you’ve drifted apart.
And, you might even be keeping secrets from your partner. Cracks in your trust have been building over time. Maybe, you caught your partner keeping secrets from you and lying too. On that note, Melbourne, Florida couples therapy can help you understand why and how in affair occurs. As well, your Melbourne couples therapist can also analyze your marriage to understand the cracks and areas of growth. Often, when couples do not deal with issues that are happening, affairs develop. Marriage therapy helps you and your spouse can be happier and create safety together.
In the future, you can use the skills from Melbourne, Florida couples therapy to stay in connection for affair and infidelity prevention.
An affair creates a massive amount of trust issues. Therefore, Melbourne, Florida couples therapy is all about helping the partner who cheated take responsibility. Additionally, marriage counseling helps you and your spouse to communicate your needs in a different way instead of having an affair. Essentially, an affair communicates that a marriage is in severe pain and turmoil. Any secret keeping, lying, or trust issues are a major sign to start in Melbourne, Florida couples therapy. Marriage counseling can be very helpful for gaining affair recovery tools and skills.
When two people are committed to growing together, couples can learn how to survive an affair and improve their marriage.
As painful as an affair is, you and your partner can also understand around PTSD. On that note, a person who was cheated on develops PTSD, or post traumatic stress disorder. Sometimes, PTSD can cause eating issues, appetite changes, or even an eating disorder to develop. Additionally, post traumatic stress disorder may include flashbacks, negative memories, anger, anxiety, and even confusion.

Essentially, a person with PTSD lives in a state of fear, anxiety, worry, and anger.
Likewise, PTSD due to an affair or infidelity creates severe physical and mental stress. Additionally, experiencing an affair can be a wound that comes back for many months. Therefore, working with a PTSD specialist can help you and your partner understand PTSD healing. You can have a toolbox of skills for a meaningful marriage and future. Essentially, a partner may have fear is that their spouse is continuing to cheat on them or having another affair. At Wisdom Within Counseling, Katie Ziskind and her team specialize in holistic PTSD recovery.
To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for marriage counseling and Melbourne, Florida couples therapy.
Couples counseling in Melbourne, Florida can be a safe place to talk about fears and worries due to PTSD symptoms.
Living with PTSD means having fears of bad things, like being cheated on, happening all over again. In Melbourne, Florida couples therapy, couples can learn to understand the process of healing from PTSD too. Learning how to deal with the PTSD symptoms that occur after infidelity is part of marriage counseling. Helping the partner who cheated and lied learn about taking accountability is a big part of Melbourne, Florida couples therapy. PTSD healing and awareness is essential the affair and infidelity recovery process.
Marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida helps the betrayed partner understand the red flags in the future.
After finding out your spouse has been cheating, you feel anxiety, hurt, confusion, anger, and more. And, therapy can be a safe place to talk about all these big, intense emotions together. Also, a betrayed partner can learn red flags to prevent affairs and cheating behaviors in the future. You can learn to notice how you feel and communicate that to your partner in a healthy way. Affairs also happen because couples stop sharing emotions together. So, affair and infidelity recovery counseling helps couples talk about past issues and repair.
Additionally, Melbourne, Florida couples therapy is a safe place to talk about the issues that have not been discussed for many months and years.
Often times, an affair begins because people slowly stop sharing emotions with each other and drift apart. Melbourne, Florida couples therapy can be the place to regain emotional connection.
You and your spouse can laugh together again and team up. As well, couples therapy allows for more intimacy and emotional conversations. And, your partner can learn to validate your betrayal.
As well, working with a couples therapist in Melbourne, Florida can allow you to have many skills sad that you did not have before.
This way, you and your partner can prevent an affair or infidelity in the future. Your marriage counselor in Melbourne, Florida can give you intimacy homework and skills to help improve connection.
You can have a tool box to reduce conflict and feel in spiritual alignment together again.

Additionally, affair recovery and infidelity counseling helps couples deep in their intimacy.
What are examples for childhood emotional pain, neglect, and trauma?
Deepening intimacy can look like an emotional conversation about childhood pain. In marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida, talking about childhood experiences supports a better relationship.
Sometimes, parents are neglectful, or your spouse was raised by alcoholics. Likewise, experiencing sexual abuse, molestation, rape, or trauma are examples of childhood trauma. And, these play a role in marital conflicts.
Did you or your spouse have a parent who was a compulsive liar, neglectful, critical, or angry?
Or, you or your spouse had a parent who kept secrets and was a compulsive liar. To note, these are painful childhood traumas that play a role in adulthood. As well, having a parent who came home from work late and ignored you is emotional neglect.
And, growing up with a parent who was irrational, angry, and domestically violent leads to wounding.
To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for marriage counseling and Melbourne, Florida couples therapy.

If you had a parent who was emotionally wounding in someway, you are note alone.
And, these are important discussions to bring to couples therapy in Melbourne, Florida. Therapy can be a safe place to talk about emotional and share them together.
To add, talking with your spouse about your childhood pain in the safe place of marriage counseling leads to a closer marriage. Sharing these past painful experiences can be very difficult especially if there are current trust issues.
In marriage counseling in Melbourne Florida, you and your spouse can have deeply emotional conversations.
These conversations rebuild trust, intimacy, hope, and passion. Notably, talking about about childhood wounds supports intimacy. Many couples don’t talk about childhood fears, worries, or memories together. So, instead of avoiding these topics, you can confident share emotions and develop intimacy. In time, your partner can become a friend and someone that you turn to.
Learning about childhood pain is a part of affair and infidelity prevention. So, with the help of your couples therapist in Melbourne, Florida, you can learn to prevent an affair from developing in the future.
You can share emotions like betrayal, insecurity, and fears with the help of your marriage therapist.

In Melbourne, Florida, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling guide couples into intimacy after an affir.
As well, when emotions come up, you get to slow down and feel heard and validated. Your therapist can help teach your partner how to emotionally validate you and understand your needs.

The team up at Wisdom Within Counseling and Katie Ziskind offer holistic therapies.
Looking for a unique, creative approach to getting your relationship back on track?
Notably, PTSD healing after an affair and infidelity includes mind-body therapies. Holistic counseling can include painting, yoga, meditation, and outdoor walking sessions for couples.
Essentially, these holistic therapies help couples gain positive experiences together right in session. Lastly, Katie Ziskind and her team of marriage therapists at Gottman trained to specifically help couples after an affair and cheating. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling would love to help you regain trust and meaningful connection.