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3 Ways To Help Your Teen Be Confident

Considering seeing a creative adolescent therapist in Niantic, Connecticut?

First, it is no easy task to raise a teenager. But, teenagers are still childlike in some ways. For one, teenagers won’t talk directly like adults can. So, as an adolescent therapist in Niantic, Connecticut, I offer ways beyond just talking to promote communication. Plus, teenagers enjoy walking outside by the movie theater or doing art in session for trust and connection. Overall, teenagers develop better self-esteem, more self-confidence, and a healthier relationship with food from working with an adolescent therapist in Niantic, Connecticut. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation to work with an adolescent therapist in Niantic, Connecticut today.

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Right now, is your teenager impulsive, frustrated, anxious, and angry? Upset frequently?

Well, this is because teenagers just don’t know how to be assertive yet.

As you may know, helping your teen be assertive is no easy task. Typically, teenagers s often have a difficult time being assertive. In the beginning, learning to set boundaries and be confident can be hard. For middle schoolers, peer drama and friendship issues are very real. Really, confidence comes from self-love skills. Therefore, as an adolescent therapist in Niantic, Connecticut, my team and I help teenagers develop self-esteem and confidence skills. Plus, as a holistic, creative therapist, I offer art, yoga, music, and outdoor walking therapies for self-growth. Lastly, as a adolescent therapist in Niantic, Connecticut, I know finding the right fit therapist is important. Call/Text us for a 20 min phone consultation today 860-451-9364.

Is your teenager needing self-confidence, social skills, and is your teenager depressed?

Well, helping your teenager learn to be assertive can help depression. Oftentimes, teenagers in counseling learn self-confidence, a healthy self-love skills. From better communication skills from therapy, your teenager can make good, lasting friendships. It is challenging to teach a teen to be assertive, but a worthwhile skill. From therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut, your angry child, preschooler, or teenager can receive counseling and thus confidence. Overall, as a creative, holistic adolescent therapist in Niantic, Connecticut, I like to help pre-teens and high schoolers through painting and art. As well, I bring yoga, meditation, anxiety management tips, and relaxation skills into sessions.

Confidence in Children and Teenagers From Assertiveness

Often, preschoolers in counseling and teens in therapy need skills to release difficult feelings. From Niantic therapy, your teenager will have a foundation of mental wellness and good communication skills. Lastly, East Lyme therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling offer art, yoga, music, animals, and outdoor sessions for confidence.

Does your adolescent or teenager talk disrespectfully to you?

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Empower Your Teen To Be Their Best Self

How To Help Your Teen Be Assertive Tips and Skills

First, we hope you enjoy this blog post for a simple step-by-step guide to help teach assertive tips. At first, learning how to help your teen be assertive is a slow process. Below, find tips to help your adolescent or teen how to ask for what they want using a respectful, positive tone of voice.

Call Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, in the East Lyme, Connecticut area, to learn more about teen confidence. 860-451-9364

Many Niantic Teenagers Say:

“I feel like I always have to say, ‘Yes,’ to my friends.”

“Even though I think I’m being assertive, I still feel pushed aside and not heard.”

“I have a difficult time saying, ‘No,’ and feel guilty when I do.”

“I shouldn’t even ask. Even if I do ask for what I want, everyone will say ‘no,’ anyway.”

For A Adolescent Therapist in Niantic, Connecticut, How Can Yoga Be A Powerful Life Skill For Teenagers?

To start, when we teach teenager how to do yoga, breathe, and be present, you may see their self-esteem and confidence increase. As well, as therapists, we are supporting self-loving behaviors and therefore confident body language. Plus, we are teaching your middle schooler or teenager how to set healthy boundaries, all form self-care. Moreover, yoga teaches emotional regulation and self-relaxation skills for lifelong wellness. Often, I use yoga for strength, inner peace, and playfulness as an adolescent therapist in Niantic, Connecticut. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help teach teenagers how to say no to peer pressure from feeling connection within.

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Adolescent therapist in Niantic, Connecticut

Further, our team of adolescent therapists help teenagers understand behaviors make them feel uncomfortable, scared, and anxious.

Therapy Helps Your Teenager Learn Better Communication Skills For Lasting, Caring, Adult Relationships

Even our closest friends, family members, parents, and siblings cannot read our thoughts. Occasionally, you and your teen may be so connected that you finish each other’s sentences and know exactly what each other is thinking. However, at other times, your teen may show their distance, refuse to talk, and feel misunderstood. During these times, it is helpfully to teach your teen how to take responsibility for their lack of communication.

Mind Reading and Assuming = More Confusion

Next, gently remind your teenager that no one can read their mind or know all of their thoughts. For instance, you can say, “Since others cannot read your mind, it is really important to you directly tell me, as your parent, and your friends how you are feeling and exactly what you want or need to feel supported and loved. I love you and care about you. What do you need from me in this moment?”

Talk openly to your teenager to model positive communication

Furthermore, effective communication for some may take different forms from talking. That is why, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, we offer creative therapies. In general, we offer art, yoga, music, animals, and outdoor therapies. For one, think about writing a note or letter to your teenager in counseling. Or, even drawing a picture to express your feelings and process emotions. Then, give your painting to your teenager as a gift. Emotional expression, a healing art, means being vulnerable and modeling letting go.

Niantic Therapists For Adolescents Recommend Setting Measurable Goals With Your Teenager

To start, helping your teen be assertive can be challenging if they don’t know what they want. Often, teenagers know that they want to feel better. However, teenagers and adolescents don’t know how to get there. In the process of learning to be assertive, measurable goals matter. Overall, when learning get to directly gain respect in the world, set measurable goals. For example, “I want to eat one more apple a day.” Now, create a measurable goal about positive self-care or self-love.

Visualize The Ideal Outcome

Help your teen to visualize what they want from a challenging situation. For instance, next time your teen is upset, spend time sitting down. Together, write out their wildest dreams and what their fantasy perfect scenario would look like if everything went as planned.

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Make a Road Map of a Success Plan For Self-Awareness

For one, if your teenager is feeling stress, try writing out a list of goals. By helping your teen be mindful, you can tackle the list together. And being aware of their goals by having them of paper makes them manageable. Overall, you are teaching your teenager how to create a calm space rather than feel overwhelm. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut, we help your teenager see their bright future and manifest positive energy. And, in each therapy session, your teenager can learn life long skills to be emotionally successful rather than feel helpless and frustrated. Call/Text for a phone consultation for teen confidence and self-esteem today 860-451-9364.

Notes From An Adolescent Therapist in Southeastern Connecticut

Often, as an adolescent therapists in Connecticut, we work to help a frustrated adolescent feel self-love. To start, we connect with angry teenagers and children as adolescent therapists. From building trust, we use art, yoga, music, and animal therapies to boost confidence. Niantic adolescent therapists often bring children and teenagers outside for therapy sessions. Nature naturally calms the mind. Overall, we specialize in offering more than talk counseling and use art, yoga and nature.

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Niantic adolescent therapists offer out-of-the-box therapies and creative outlets

Overall, as adolescent therapists we offer positive outlets and anxiety skills. For instance, just like your adolescent would learn math or science, a Niantic adolescent therapist acts as an emotions teacher. We help children, teens, and young adults in therapy creative a healthy life.

Let’s Seek To Understand Each Other

Overall, being confident and understanding others feelings and opinions is important. Now, through counseling, your teenager can learn to negotiate healthy boundaries.

Looking for an artsy, creative, relatable adolescent therapist in Niantic, Connecticut?

At Wisdom Within Counseling, the team of marriage and family therapists offer a plethora of creative outlets from clay, glitter, gel pens, drawing, yoga, outdoor walking, and even music. Furthermore, these are positive skills that help your adolescent learn to be confident and assertive. Painting, clay, and outdoor nature walks teach your teenager that all emotions are manageable. Further, being creative can help your teen to feel a sense of accomplishment. To conclude, having your anxious adolescent, worried child, or young adult in counseling sets a foundation of emotional outlets for adulthood.

Would you like your child or teen to learn positive coping skills from an adolescent therapist?

What your teenager or child learns in therapy will have a positive impact into adult years. In Niantic, Connecticut, Katie Ziskind and her team of marriage and family therapists offer art, yoga, music, animals, and outdoor therapies. Confidence, a skill, can easily be learned through holistic weekly therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic.

Call Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, in the East Lyme, Connecticut area, to learn more about teen confidence. 860-451-9364

How To Help Your Teen Be Assertive, Katie Ziskind, Katherine Ziskind, licensed marriage and family therapist, teen therapist southeastern connecticut, child therapist

About The Author, Katie Ziskind, LMFT, RYT500, child, couples, and holistic adolescent therapist in Niantic, Connecticut

First, this article is written by Katie Ziskind, LMFT, RYT500. Katie Ziskind, a licensed marriage and family therapist, and yoga therapist, lives in Southeastern Connecticut. In 2017, Katie graduated from CCSU with her master’s in marriage and family therapy. Now, at Wisdom Within Counseling, in Niantic, CT, Katie Ziskind helps challenged families develop social connection. And, she helps all ages heal from trauma as a PTSD specialist in Niantic. Katie Ziskind’s missions is to help boost self-confidence for life-long wellness.

What do we do at Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut that is unique, out of the box, and different? How do we go beyond talk counseling?

At Wisdom Within Counseling, we are child, marriage, and family therapists. Also, Katie Ziskind and her team of therapists integrate outdoor experiential therapies. Creative therapies are a strength based approach. Creative art, yoga, music, and animal therapy groups help children and teens. Lastly, these holistic therapies in Niantic, Connecticut help can build positive skills. We help children, couples, and teenagers in counseling live a life they LOVE! Read more at

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