Are you sick of diet culture dictating how you feed your body?
First, diet culture puts pressure and stress on people to look a certain way. And, you may be feeling guilty, ashamed, sad, or like you don’t fit. Maybe, you have a family member who is struggling with food issues. As well, a trademark of an eating disorder is fear of certain foods, rigid eating patterns, and emotional stress. If you loved one isn’t eating much or is eating a lot more, it is normal to be concerned. Eating disorders can look different for each person. Working with an eating disorder therapist in Old Saybrook, CT supports a healing relationship with your mind, body, and spirit.
To begin, connect with an eating disorder specialist, book a free 30-minute phone consultation by clicking the pink button below.
Eating disorder therapy in Old Saybrook helps you gain a positive body image and confidence.
Does it feel like a fat phobia prevents you from enjoying food? Do you want to take your control back and love who you are, inside and out?
Being told you or your loved one has an eating disorder can bring up a variety of feelings. Anger, anxiety, fear, and worry may surface for you. As a group of marriage and family therapists, let us help guide you. At Wisdom Within Counseling, the eating disorder therapists in Old Saybrook, CT help all ages. For example, we help children, teenagers, couples, and adults build a loving relationship with food.
Many times, negative body image and self-criticism go hand in hand.
For one, your parents may have used food to look a certain way, rather than enjoy and appreciate food and their body. Calorie tracking apps can lead to self-criticism and eating disorders when a person is lacking other positive coping tools. Under stress, a person may develop strange, unusual food behaviors. Some people develop hoarding of food. Other people may develop more food restricting and over controlling themselves. And, in severe cases, some people need to be put into the hospital because they do not permit themselves to eat food all together. Sometimes, eating disorders are learned behaviors of coping with stress. With an eating disorder therapist in Old Saybrook, Ct, you can gain self-love skills and acceptance. From there, art therapy, yoga therapy, and even meditation are available to you.
To begin, connect with an eating disorder specialist, book a free 30-minute phone consultation by clicking the pink button below.
An eating disorder therapist in Old Saybrook accepts every size and picks apart fat phobia and diet culture so that you can begin to love your body again.

As well, fat phobia and diet culture is at large in our society. And, you find toxic messages everywhere. From magazines to your favorite movies and Netflix series, body shaming is real. Fat phobia is disempowering to many across the country. As well, fat phobia advertisements prey on our vulnerabilities and pain points.
And, therapy helps you learn to feel the messages the body gives through creative art or walking on the beach or on the Niantic Boardwalk.
An eating disorder therapist in old Saybrook will support you in honoring your hunger. As well, you can learn self-awareness skills for listening to what your body needs. Holistic therapy for eating issues is about building a healthy relationship with food. Plus, your eating disorder therapist in Old Saybrook, Ct can discuss gender roles and sexuality in rejecting the diet culture. We help people say “No,” to dieting and, “Yes,” to loving your body.
An eating disorder therapist in Old Saybrook, CT will help you honor your body by rejecting the food police
Often, a negative voice may demand that you don’t eat anything off of the plate in front of you while you are at a restaurant with your friends. This voice shows up everywhere when food is present and yells over your friends’ voices. You can learn to deny the negative voice in your head that demands extremes. For one, some times you hear not eat another bite, or eat everything in front of you. One of our holistic therapists can help you develop the positive tools to combat negative self-talk. From anxiety coping tools, you can love your body despite how loud the food police gets.
To begin, connect with an eating disorder specialist, book a free 30-minute phone consultation by clicking the pink button below.
Overall, working with an eating disorder therapist in Old Saybrook, Ct can help you talk positively to yourself.
From there, you can remember food is fuel. Eventually, you can develop the holistic coping skills to quiet your inner critic while exercising the inner power needed to accept yourself. No matter your shape, size, gender, sexuality, or orientation, Wisdom Within Counseling would love to help you build body confidence.
Move your body to love and reconnect with our body with walk and talk therapy, yoga, and somatic awareness
Often, behaviors seen in eating disorders are used to cope by running away from the present moment and the body. Being aware of our body and listening to its desires and needs is a big step towards healing.
An eating disorder therapist in Old Saybrook, Connecticut can help you reconnect with your body in a loving way, rather than hurtful way.
Connecting and moving our body through mindful yoga and movement therapies with a trauma-informed therapist that can support you. As well, yoga therapy for PTSD supports through the process of mindfulness and relaxation. For instance, yoga therapy for trauma can include mindfulness meditation, poses, breathing, healing touch, and self-care. After trauma, or a big event, you can drift you onto a path of wellness and deep self-love.
An eating disorder therapist in old Saybrook will help you identify what the eating disorder is covering and address it
Often, an eating disorder is used to numb or purge the feelings and thoughts that are too upsetting. Especially, it is hard when you feel you have to tackle it all alone, by yourself. An eating disorder can be from a number of things. For example, past traumatic events and a negative self-image play a role. As well, negative self-criticism taught to us growing up plays a big role. But you don’t have to work through the hard stuff alone! Our therapists will assist you in working through your traumas and pain points at your pace. And, you can have someone professional to walk along your path of healing with you.
An eating disorder therapist in Old Saybrook will help you cope with your emotions through kindness, not violence
Unintentionally, an eating disorder is a war we wage against ourselves. And, our bodies suffer. Often, an eating disorder develops as a way for us to develop a sense of control. In your first session, one of our therapists will walk you through how to cope with negative thoughts. So, by learning positive coping skills using art and yoga, you can be kind to yourself. This kindness will take the place of the eating disorder. As you begin to heal, we offer you a safe holding space at Wisdom Within Counseling.
In addition, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling offer eating disorder help to children, teenagers, and adults. For children, we offer play therapy, play food, art, and nature therapies. As well, for adolescents and teenagers with eating issues, we offer creative therapies. Many times, adults enjoy talking counseling in a traditional sense. But, many adults recovering from eating disorders elect for trauma sensitive yoga therapy for inner peace.

Trauma sensitive yoga therapy supports skills for creating a calm and healthy life.
Moving your body and being mindful of your needs and cravings are a balance. From therapy and participating in positive self-talk, your therapists helps you love yourself again. Taking care of yourself is a big job! From counseling specialized eating disorders, you can build healthy control over you and your life.
At Wisdom Within Counseling you can heal your scars and thrive.

Wisdom Within Counseling is here to walk along your path of healing with you
To add, at Wisdom Within Counseling we will create a safe holding space for you. Additionally, your mind and your body can reconnect through creative art, movement therapy, walking along the beach, and yoga. Our holistic and integrative therapists will support you on your journey to loving and accepting your body and yourself. At Wisdom Within Counseling you can learn to love your body during the storms. Lastly, we help people wanting a creative approach to reconnect with themselves.

Overall, the holistic marriage and family therapists help people build body confidence and self-acceptance for lifelong wellness.
Wisdom Within Counseling supports families, children, and couples, and we would love to connect with you!