Sometimes, couples feel easily triggered or angered from conversations with their spouse. In addition, Wisdom Within Counseling helps distant couples who no longer touch each other and feel angry all the time. High conflict marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut is a unique speciality. Big emotions like loss, anger, jealousy, and resentment impact all marriages at time. High conflict marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut can teach positive communication tools for true intimacy.
Do you want your partner to emotionally validate you, hear your feelings, and truly understand your needs?
As well, do your fights become escalated, angry, and very intense? Are you wanting a therapist to help you think about sex in a positive and holistic way? Do you feel like two ships passing in the night or like roommates?
Well, holistic marriage counseling can be a great place to overcome difficulties in communicating and develop healthy touch. Often, when a relationship is not going well, couples stop touching each other. A long time ago, you had passion and seductive glances. However, now, those gentle touches are no longer a fleeting thought. Overall, high conflict marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut is a speciality at Wisdom Within Counseling. The team helps couples communicate calmly and clearly.

To start, click the button below for a phone consult for high conflict marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut.
Do you feel like you are worn out and exhausted from having the same fights over and over?
Do you want help learning how to have a passionate, trusting, meaningful, and loving marriage?
With the help of couples therapy, you can work through these problems and replace your frustration with true connection.
In this article, you will find a few tips on how to confidently express your emotions when you are feeling flooded. As well, you can learn about what causes couples to get in such high conflict arguments. As well, you can learn about building a safe and secure attachment with your partner through this article. If you are looking for more support, we would love to help you through the process of holistic marriage therapy.
The first step is to acknowledge the anxiety and emotional pain you might be in right now in your marriage.
Is the simplicity of bickering escalating into yelling and door slamming fights?
Currently, notice how often you are fighting and bickering. And, are these fights getting worse and worse? Describing the relationship right now can help you understand the goals and where you want to go. Think about what is missing right now from your unhappy marriage. For some couples, having a good sex life is really important. But, for other couples, have a social life is more valuable to them. Some people value time together, where some people like praise and compliments. If you don’t have any sex life and feel unwanted by your partner, it can make your marriage feel very lonely. Right now, think about the things that faded away.
If you have lost your spark and passion, holistic marriage counseling can help you turn your relationship around.
Right now, you and your partner might be stuck in a process of negative communication. You might be trying to compete with each other. Or, you may be trying to get the last word in out of anger and power. As well, you may also be suppressing your feelings rather than talking about what’s going on. A lot of couples have conflict avoidant communication patterns. To note, keeping the peace is not always a positive thing. And, suppressing your feelings only creates more disconnection. A lot of couples do not know of the tools for communication.

To start, click the button below for a phone consult for high conflict marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help couples who do not know where to start when it comes to expressing feelings.
Frequently, when distant couples try to express feelings with out calm tools, it just creates another more intense, disagreements and conflict. So, couples tend to become afraid of any communication and put their defenses up. In high conflict marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut, you can truly resolve deep emotional challenges, losses, and feel supported. Once you look at the defensiveness, criticism, and lack of sex in your relationship, you can look at relationship goals. Looking at the future can help you understand the past to head there.
For one, in marriage counseling, we know that you want to understand the deeper issues around your communication.
With your marriage counselor, you can talk about if these are coming from your childhood and past painful experiences before this marriage. As well, trauma from the past may be impacting other aspects of your life too. Some unhappy couples need help understanding deeper issues as a unit. Couples tend to tackle these trauma separately, but couples therapy is so effective. Marriage counseling help couples understand the process of how they got to where they are.
If you were having the same fight over and over, we know that you want to feel a sense of progress, closeness, and resolution in your marriage.
It might feel exhausting feeling like you are in the same place and stuck. So, marriage counseling can help you feel desired by your partner. And, you can learn to build and create passion in your marriage again. You can have intimacy on a regular basis and feel positive about your body from counseling.
As well, holistic marriage counseling is a place for you to develop a relationship security.
Attachment is not something that is often secure in an early marriage. People usually don’t know how to go deeper, so they shy away from vulnerability. So, by gaining the foundation of communication skills, you can make sure you are a priority to your partner, and your partner is a priority to you. Intimacy regularly can be a great benefit of expressing emotions and feeling connected. Feeling safe is the beginning of having a beautiful sex life. Past trauma and sexual abuse plays a large role in couples therapy sessions. So, learning how to communicate in a healthy way without feeling or worry about judgment, can be really beneficial.
As well, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling help unhappy couples who need help with specific communication and intimacy tools.
Just like you would have a tool kit to work on your garage, or a part of your house, you need a toolkit to work on your marriage. Therefore, in holistic couples therapy, you can learn how to effectively manage and overcome conflicts. Many times, all couples have the same core negative issues at the heart of their unhappy relationship. For many couples, communication, anger issues, emotional intimacy, physical touch, and money and finances play a big role. Perhaps, you feel resentment towards your partner because they keep spending money. You try talking to them about it and asking them to spend less. However, it seems like they compulsively keep spending money. So, when couples that fight about money, you are really talking about feeling secure, fear, loss, and attachment.

If you find yourself fighting like you are in the military with your spouse, working with a couple therapist can give you tools to communicate about intense emotions and healthy ways.
Working with the team of holistic marriage therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling provide you with a marriage roadmap. Yes, just like you would use your GPS to get from point a to point B and follow a set of directions to get there, we do the same. Marriage counseling gives you step-by-step directions to resolve conflict. In high conflict marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut, you can understand the root cause of anger. To add, marriage counseling teaches you how to build true intimacy, and feel a sense of connection. Often times, couples do not think of their emotional challenges or conflicts like needing a map.
Just like you would have a first aid kit and pull out a Band-Aid if you scan your knee, marriage and couples therapy is healing.
Think of your emotional self as hurt, just like your skinned knee. And, going to couples therapy can help your emotionally skinned knee, so to speak, start to scab over and heal. By learning a variety of different relationship tools, you can learn a step-by-step guide to resolving conflict. From holistic marriage counseling, you can learn to work through problems and overcome triggers. In addition, you can confidently and calmly talk about intense emotions. From emotional support, you can open a path to passionate love.
Think of marriage counseling as the skills that you did not get in grade school or life.
Now, you may have learned about math and science. But, you did not learn about emotional communication or how to talk about finances with your romantic partner. A lot of times, couples focus on big life goals like having children.
To start, click the button below for a phone consult for high conflict marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut.
Sexual trauma and childhood PTSD experiences are something to talk about in high conflict marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut
Couples push aside past trauma and it never gets resolved. In childhood, it was not safe to share emotions or express feelings. Maybe, you parents made fun of you for being a baby and crying. Or, told you that you could not show an emotion. Maybe, trauma was feeling unloved, emotionally neglected or growing up as a child of alcoholics or drug users. For others, trauma can be bullying, loss of a parent or sibling, or having a parent with bipolar disorder. Marriage therapist help to address and heal trauma that continues to cause high conflict fights to this day. Couples do not know how to talk about these majorly stressful conversations calmly.
If you are a person that wants to have a more satisfying marriage and feel a sense of shared commitment, our team would love to help you thrive.
Remember, to have a better marriage, your partner does not necessarily need to attend every single marriage counseling session with you. However, when couples attend therapy together, they start tackling issues as a unit and a team. From there, the responsibilities and chores of driving children around, managing finances, and talking to in-laws do not seem as overwhelming.
There is a newfound sense of bonding and sharing life together from couples counseling in Southeastern Connecticut.
By creating more quality time together and rituals of connection, you can deeply benefit from holistic couples counseling. As well, many couples are struggling with long distance jobs and living apart. Couples counseling can be that time to be together, to talk, endure struggles together, and build a healthy relationship. Learn about the unique speciality of high conflict marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut at Wisdom Within.
Do I have the time to prioritize my marriage?
Many people do not think they have time to go to counseling with long work hours. However, when their marriage starts to fail or their partner files for divorce, people immediately begin finding time to prioritize couples therapy. Wisdom Within Counseling wants to help you in being committed and strengthening your trusting marriage. And, you can do so before you get to this point on the brink of divorce.
To start, click the button below for a phone consult for high conflict marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut.
How do expressive arts and creative marriage therapies help?
As well, creative therapies and holistic counseling options provide couples with out-of-the-box strategies for communicating when flooded or triggered. A lot of our communication is beyond words. Often times, traditional talk counseling does not teach self-regulation, positive coping strategies, or tools to specifically communicate. Therefore, you can build a toolbox of calm communication. Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut is excited to offer expressive arts therapy is to help couples renew their love, rebuild passion, and delve into their creative side.
Couples that take part in yoga therapy, painting, drawing, use of clay, and drama therapies get more effective powerful strategies for communication.

Why expressive arts for couples therapy sessions?
So, in order to truly transform your romantic relationship from the negative to the positive, having a therapist that can help you in a holistic and creative way will make a big difference.
During the times of your counseling session where you and your partner do not feel like you can talk, or too angry to talk, or are saying hurtful things, your holistic therapist can offer an experiential, expressive arts therapy to promote better communication. To note, many couples therapists do not know how to step in or understand complicated trauma within relationships and marriages. If we find that you are criticizing each other or blaming each other in session, your therapist will pause you. And, your therapist will help you learn how to share what you are feeling in a healthier way.
Therefore, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling offers you a variety of creative outlets to manage frustrations.
You can feel confident in your marriage having toolbox to manage overwhelming feelings. No longer do you have to feel stuck in an unhealthy, just satisfying marriage.