Do you feel insecure in your marriage or relationship?
Or, do you wonder if your spouse has a mental health issues like PTSD, bi-polar disorder, anxiety, depression, or gender dysphoria?
Do you wish you had your best friend back, to be your teammate in life again?
We help distant couples who have a long-term friendship recreate a nurturing, loving, happy marriage through playfulness.

Gottman couples therapy in Old Saybrook, Ct can help you take back your friendship, and create a beautiful marriage! One moment, you feel in love and hopeful. But, most of the time you are feeling doubtful and questioning if you should get divorced. Maybe, you are awake at 2am with thoughts of your marriage. At times, you feel unloved, unheard, and such intense, challenging emotions. Counseling provides you with tools and skills to release and communicate those intense emotions.
To begin, use the pink button below to book your free 30-min phone call for Gottman couples therapy to build playfulness, emotional intimacy, and meaningful connection while thinking as a team creatively.
In holistic, LGBTQIA+ affirming marriage counseling, you can talk about how your family and your partner’s family feels about your gender and sexuality.
Further, in marital counseling topics include friendship, intimacy, conflict, finances, children, trust, affairs, commitment, drug and alcohol screenings, and individual issues. Not talking all together or yelling in high conflict ways, both, can put a relationship at risk.
At times, couples go through life without discussing these topics fully.
Jealousy, anger, contempt, sadness, and loss all play into married life and frustrating communication styles. Triggers for divorce and separation may include a decrease in fun, decrease in passion, decrease in kindness, and decrease in friendship. At Wisdom Within Counseling, our marriage and family therapists work with couples who had affairs, infidelity, and betrayal. Some couples talk here and there, while others never speak. Maybe, you learned that it was easy to not talk, and not go there. Maybe, as a child, you learned that it was not okay to show a specific emotion. For some children, they learn never to show sadness or to cry. However, being emotionally vulnerable is required for a healthy, caring marriage. Not talking may be a conflict avoidant pattern in your marriage that counseling can help change.
Often, even if you may think things will be alright as they are, things get worse.
If there is chaos or betrayal in your relationship, these naturally impact little ones and children too. In time, children will learn negative conversational skills. Unfortunately, children in high conflict homes learn that it is okay to be angry, hit, throw, and yell.
To begin, use the pink button below to book your free 30-min phone call for Gottman couples therapy in Old Saybrook, Ct, to build playfulness, emotional intimacy, and meaningful connection while thinking as a team creatively.
Couples therapy can help you make your communication positive for your whole family unit to thrive.
Do you feel like you’ve lost your partner?
Maybe, you are the one putting in all the work and effort right now. Perhaps, you experience a shutdown cycle. Does your spouse stop talking all together? Maybe, they sleep in a separate bed from you, and you want to sleep together again. And, you may wonder if your spouse is having an affair. Maybe, your spouse has been out late at night, working, but it seems confusing. Let our team of holistic marriage and family therapists in Old Saybrook, Ct help you gain emotional confidence and clarity.

Gottman couples therapy in Old Saybrook, Ct can support clarity, needs, desires, and playfulness to really talk about the things they avoid.
What if I have never been to Gottman couples therapy in Old Saybrook, Ct before?
We accept first timers! For Gottman’s couple therapy to be successful, it is important that your therapist knows about your childhood, history, and sex life. Yes, your therapist will want to know briefly about the bedroom. At times, you and your spouse may have different sex desires.
Therapy can be a calm place to understand each other in a curious way, even when you may also feel confused or hurt.
Frequently, at Wisdom Within Counseling, the therapists in in Old Saybrook, Ct support people who have never been to therapy before.
What happens on the first couples therapy session?
Also, in marriage therapy, you can improve your goal-setting abilities as a couple. Often, people can easily do this individually. But, working together and collaborating on a sensitive subject is more difficult.
In marriage counseling, goal-setting improves team-building, positive connection, and coping skills.
Goal-setting in couples therapy will be part of your first session. And, not only does it unite you as partners in love and life, but goals also help you both start on the right foot. In therapy, goals help your therapist prioritize what you want to change and the direction you want to go.
What are relationship goals all about?
For instance, your first goal may be reducing conflict. But, another couples seeking counseling may want to work on transgender feelings. Overall, marriage counseling helps schedule time for you and your spouse to fulfill common purposes and realize shared dreams. Your therapist will help you articulate your marriage goals, which can be about anything. Some include, finances, health, sex, touch, time together, work balance, fitness, spirituality.
To begin, use the pink button below to book your free 30-min phone call for Gottman couples therapy to build a healthy marriage and positive emotional moments.

But, for many couples, therapy is that safe place to unload and talk openly.
Using Gottman’s couple therapy, in Old Saybrook, Ct, your therapist assesses your trauma history and attachment style. For instance, some people have an anxious attachment style. Now, this means that when attachment is threatened, they will get anxious. So, in a high conflict marital argument, this person would feel fear and anxiety.
What is another negative communication style?
On the other hand, other people are quick to show anger. In a situation of anger, resentment, jealously, hurt, and sadness all go alongside anger. Gottman’s couple therapy in Old Saybrook, Ct helps couples look at their attachment styles, and where attachment was hurt. To note, attachment can be hurt in childhood as well as by the partner in the current marriage. For instance, experiencing bullying as a child and experiencing an affair are forms of betrayal.
In childhood, children who don’t receive attachment from a parent, or have to grow up too soon, have attachment challenges in their marriage.
Therefore, Gottman’s couple therapy supports positive coping tools for self-care in the present moment. Then, your marriage therapist invites an integrative approach offering yoga therapy, mindfulness, and meditation for connection. In your marriage, positive moments may feel far away right now.
To begin, use the pink button below to book your free 30-min phone call for Gottman couples therapy in Old Saybrook, Ct to build playfulness, emotional intimacy, and meaningful connection while thinking as a team creatively.
Each marriage counseling session is an opportunity to rebuild desire, love, and playfulness.
Wisdom Within Counseling in Connecticut is LGBTQIA+ affirming. The marriage and family therapists support In high school, when working with LGBTQIA+ teenagers, we support them being part of the gay-straight alliance club. In addition, we help couples create safe spaces such as through in person and virtual forms of connection. Books and movies are recommended as part of LGBTQIA+ counseling too.
We help LGBTQIA+ couples stay together and strong against the intense struggles and judgment they face
At times, couples part of the LGBTQIA+ community face judgment from family or from one another. At Wisdom Within Counseling, the marriage and family therapists help monogamous couples, polyamorous couples and are accepting of bisexuals, lesbians, gays, transgender people. Also, we help couples where a male has a desire for more feminine gender expression or for cross-dressing. We also help couples where a female has an interest in masculine gender expression or for cross-dressing.
Let’s help you gain closeness, true intimacy, and emotional connection, while building playfulness in your marriage.
All couples counseling services start with couples therapy intake, with all parties in the couple unit present.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our therapists consider couples therapy in Old Saybrook, Ct as an amazing investment in getting to re-creating safe, calm conversations around sex, finances, and marriage values.
Your therapist can help you develop a secure bubble around healthy communication, which helps your next generation and children communicate in calm, clear ways too. Also, weekly routines are the best for couples and marriage counseling in Waterford, CT. In your first session, you can discuss goals for intimacy, overcoming betrayal, closeness, trust, and meaningful connection with your therapist.