First, is your little one angry? As a parent, do you feel exhaustion at only 10am after a chaotic morning? Also, do you feel sad, doing yourself, and want a calmer family life? Well, when it comes to anger management in Southeastern Connecticut, our team specialize with anger. From angry children, to teenagers, our team of therapists enhance your child’s ability to let go of anger. Lastly, anger management in Southeastern Connecticut supports leadership, self-confidence, emotional expression, and relaxation. Read more below to learn about the unique and different holistic therapies we teach children and teens for a coping skill toolbox!
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How do we help frustration and teach anger management skill to children?
Yes, you’re exhausted, burned out as a parent, and tired of these negative behaviors. Your six-year-old can get really out of control. Some days, you just want to cry. Because, you don’t know what else you can do to help him or her. To add, your little one gets angry, cries, and has a really hard time with transitions. And, when you try to transition from one activity to another, he or she starts kicking and screaming. Your child gets angry, and says really mean things to you. Now, anger management skills are of utmost importance for your whole family unit. At Wisdom Within Counseling, in Southeastern Connecticut, we specialize with frustrated children, adolescents, and young adults.
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Art therapy in child therapy for anger and frustration

Play therapy to promote emotional expression of anger
Typically, children can not talk and put feeling words to their experiences. On the other hand, adult can easily go to coffee and talk bout their anxieties and frustrations for hours. However, through play therapy, children will tell their child therapist what they are feeling and worried about. As a team of child specialists, we have play therapy toys and toys for children in each therapy office. In Niantic, Connecticut, we use play therapy to help children develop communication skills around anger. Overall, as child specialist sin Southeastern Connecticut, we help angry children feel safe, feel leadership in their lives again, and help your family life be calmer.
Holistic guided healing touch in parent and child therapy for bonding
Sometimes, in session we have taught parents how to connect with their frustrating children with foot rubs. So, at times, we teach foot subs to parents in the session. And, we guide parents on how to rub their children’s feet. Then, we guide Your child how to relax in that moment. You can learn how to create a deep connection within for calmness. So, from rubbing your little one’s feet, you can soothe. Often, nurturing eases pain and anger. Plus, this is a relaxing technique that helps you too! On that note, studies show that the massager gets calming, immune system benefits too.
Read an article about how cuddling helped babies: Here
Southeastern Connecticut holistic and creative therapy for angry children
From play therapy, children with anger and worry can explain their deeper emotional needs and wishes. Often, when children and teens have trouble talking, art therapy and play therapy can be healing and safe. Further, we provide children with a safe play to play and express themselves. Lastly, in Southeastern Connecticut, play therapy is combined with art, yoga, music, and outdoor therapies for childhood resilience.
Frustration and anger management in children
So, when the team at Wisdom Within Counseling looks at frustration and anger management in children, we see that your child needs a safe place. Further, evidence-based research supports the efficacy of holistic, creative play therapy with helping ease a variety of childhood issues. For example, anger can often be the result of divorce, loss, and grief. Or, if your child looses their pet, anger outbursts can be their way to let you know they are sad. Often, play therapists use play therapy with children dealing with chronic illness, life stressors, depression, anxiety, and school problems. Also, in more severe physical and sexual abuse cases, play therapy can offer a calm way to play out their story. social skills issues, domestic violence, and natural disasters. Overall, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, frustration and anger management in children is greatly helped through play therapy.
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What is going on with childhood anger and frustration?
First, when a child, even a small child, becomes angry, as a therapist, there is more to it. Often, when a young child is angry, there are a variety of other emotions that are so overwhelming, anger is the only emotion released. Further, aggressive behavior in children can pose a risk to family members, peers, and siblings. So, when a child expresses anger, your child needs emotional skills to process and let go of their deeper feelings. Further, children can’t talk about it. Likewise, play is a child’s language, just as adults talk together.

Anger management for children helps to create other outlets for letting go
And, it is common for children to lose control at times. But, not on a daily basis and not many times a day. Also, when children present with anger and frustration, this is because they don’t know how to let go of their feelings. Likewise, children resort to hitting, biting, kicking, cursing, throwing, and ripping up art. Furthermore, angry children tend to feel sorry after they can process and reflect on how they impact others.

When your child is angry, it is a red flag, that there is internal conflict
Further, imaging an iceberg, where you can only see the top. With anger, this is also what you can see. But, the largest part of the iceberg, you can’t see, because it is under the water. So, children may be experiencing guilt, anxiety, worry, loss, feel bored. And, all you really see is the top of the iceberg, the anger. In order to feel strong and resilient in therapy, children need many different alternatives to talk counseling. By learning coping skills from art, yoga, music, animals, and outdoor therapies, children transform their anger and frustration in to positive energy.
Anger is your child trying to communicate some deeper need with you
First, it can be helpful to work with a professional child specialist. Likewise, your child’s therapist can help your whole family work better together. To start, your child will learn ways to self-soothe and communicate their feelings. So, instead of kicking and being angry, your child can feel a sense of leadership through communication techniques.
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If you are tired of getting emails and calls from your child’s principal, we can create a plan for better behavior.
To start, children often show anger due to loss and grief. Also, child need anger management skills due to frustration. Unfortunately, this anger gets projected on parents, teachers, and at school. And, these negative behaviors can make learning to read, learning to write, and making friends at school very hard. Now, anger management for children needs to be taught by a child specialist such as by one of our team members at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Why do child not like therapy in the first place?
Often, children have poor experiences in therapy because they are brought to an adult therapist, not a specialist child therapist. For one, children can not developmentally do talk counseling. But, adults can! Furthermore, an adult therapist will try to talk about anxiety and anger with a child, which only causes more anxiety and anger. As a result, your child may be more disruptive. Instead, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, our team of child therapists know how to step into a child’s world, build trust, and therapeutic rapport.
Why is a child specialist so paramount when it comes to frustration and anger management in children?
So, it is essential to find a therapist that specializes with angry children. In conclusion, the child therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut help angry, frustrated children learn other ways through art, yoga, music, animals, and play to let go. And, we help children who are explosive feel confident expressing feelings in healthy ways.

Giving your child with anger positive coping skills
At the same time, from parent support sessions, your child’s therapist can help you have outlets for parent self-care. And, when raising an angry child, it is normal to feel at your end because it is exhausting. Therefore, through anger management skills for children at Wisdom Within Counseling, you child can communicate their distress in healthy ways. Moreover, when working with a child in distress, art therapy can offer peaceful, relaxing energy. As child specialists, we teach children how to release frustration through positive coping skills. Some children lack the language skills, where as other children tend to be impulsive, where other have social and emotional development needs.

Music therapy for turning frustration into communication skills
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Are you wondering how music therapy works for child anger management? Well, read more about that in Katie Ziskind’s blog, here.
Sometimes, child therapy for anger management skills can help parents and children build a connection that is closer. At times, if your child is kicking you, it is normal to become afraid of your child’s anger outbursts. So, we help children who lash out curiously explore other options that being explosive. And, children feel really good about themselves by talking with their therapist and figuring out how to achieve what they want. The video above, with Katie Ziskind, shows a music therapy example. Further, music can be a universal language that allows a child with a communication disorder to use sounds to vocalize.

Why play therapy for child anger management and frustration?
To start, play is the language of a child, and it is how your child and their child therapist will communicate. Further, a child’s language is play, so it how your angry child will “talk.” Likewise, play is how your child will talk about and act out feeling words and their past experiences. To note, play therapy for child anger management builds upon the normal communication and developmental learning style of children. Furthermore, as a play therapist group, we help children process emotions feelings and let go. Often, fostering play, we stock with therapeutic toys.
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How do children express their inner emotions, the source of anger, in child therapy in Southeastern Connecticut?
More, Niantic child therapy is about helping your child feel safe in order to express their emotional lives. In conclusion, therapeutic toys are to children what words are to adults. So, at Wisdom Within Counseling, in Southeastern Connecticut, we help angry children feel understood. And, then we help children let go of the confusing feelings underneath the anger in a calm, safe way.
Holistic anger management in Southeastern Connecticut through child centered play therapy and creativity
To effectively help children, adolescents, and teens, the team of creative therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling provide art, yoga, music, outdoor therapies to boost self-confidence and teach positive coping skills.