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Family Counseling in Westport, CT

Reasons For Seeking Family Counseling in Westport, CT

Divorce counseling is a specialty in family counseling in Westport, CT

Many times, families seek counseling online and in person when going through divorce, separation and remarriages. When families go through divorce, children can have a variety of different reactions. Some develop anxiety, sadness, conduct disorders, or disruptive behaviors in school. Therapy can help children and parents alike share feelings in calm ways around divorce. Family counseling can help with managing conflict around loss related to divorce and blending families.

Behavioral or emotional issues in child therapy

If your child or teenager is struggling to behave, holistic family counseling in Westport, CT can be helpful. At Wisdom Within Counseling, the therapists help teens reduce self-harm and eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and purging. Attending family therapy can help children identify and express a variety of feelings underneath anger. For instance, video therapy may include children’s yoga poses for self-awareness. Also, art therapy and painting is incorporated into holistic family counseling in Westport, CT. Using clay, play therapy, and the outdoors, our therapists help children and teenagers learn self-love and acceptance. Finally, struggling with parenting problems is a great reason to seek family therapy.

Trouble establishing roles and boundaries between children and adults.

Additionally, holistic family counseling in Westport, CT can help support healthy boundaries between children and adults. Often, challenges arise where there is an Inability to communicate. Intense emotions like anger, frustration, anxiety, and betrayal can cause conflicts in families. Boundaries can take time to establish. And, it can be challenging to establish boundaries with family members. In counseling, talking with your therapist about healthy boundaries can allow you to feel nurtured, rather than depleted. From the help of a family therapist, spouses can develop a strong, loving bond.

Going through grief or loss is another reason to seek family therapy

To add, when it comes to loss and grief counseling, a spiritual connection and healing is often part of the process. Loss of a child, loss of a sibling, or loss of a spouse are very difficult events. Holistic family therapies such as art therapy, trauma-sensitive yoga therapy, and video therapy can be healing after loss.

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Wisdom Within Counseling offers family counseling online to residents of Westport, CT.

In addition to holistic marriage counseling, the team of counselors offer counseling for children, teens, and adults. Often, marriage and family therapy with issues such as anxiety, depression, ADD, post-traumatic stress, parenting concerns, and marriage and relationship issues.

Wisdom Within Counseling also provides support for issues that are unique to new mothers.

Furthermore, family members that have difficulty functioning in their normal capacity can challenge a whole family. For instance, if you have a spouse or child with alcoholism, addiction, and substance abuse, therapy can help. Even family members who are not alcoholics need a safe place to process intense feelings like sadness and loss. Many times, substance abuse and alcoholism therapy involves parents, children, teenagers, and grandparents.

Addiction in family therapy

Even without alcohol or drugs, family members may still have anger management issues. In family therapy, parents can begin to think about how they can be supportive of their teenagers. In some ways, teenagers need independence, while also needing supervision. Family counseling helps you attract nurturing relationships and create a positive communication shift. Overall, therapists help parents better support their teen who is struggling with substance use.

Also, do you feel an “energy drain” in your family or like you are in a “rough place?”

And, with family chaos, like having a child with special needs, or having a child who was hospitalized, can add up. Sometimes, teenagers go to the hospital for one or many nights for self-harm and suicidal thinking. Furthermore, family therapy in substance abuse treatment can help promote healthy emotional expression. A therapist can help focus on strengths and resources to support the member who abuses alcohol or drugs to live sober. At times, a whole family becomes sober in and effort to reduce relapses in others. A holistic therapist supports a curious family life without substances to ameliorate the impact of chemical dependency on both children and the family. Finally, holistic family therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can help families become aware of their own needs, hopes, and dreams. Your counselor can help you in keeping substance abuse from moving from one generation to another.

Wisdom Within Counseling helps anxious children, depressed teens, and distant couples build meaningful, playful connections.

In addition, have things that used to be routine and normal are now overwhelming?

Different family members tend to have extreme emotional reactions. 

Do you have a family member with bi-polar disorder, a mood disorder, or borderline personalisty disorder?

Overall, family therapy helps families express excessive anger, fear, sadness, ​depression or other emotional reactions in healthy, calm ways.

So, when there is a significant breakdown in communication between family members, chaos evolves And, if you find it harder to communicate than usual, family counseling can really help your whole family feel secure and safe.

From your teenager or form your spouse, are you experiencing the “silent treatment” more often than usual?

The team of marriage and family therapists help when one member is withdrawing from family life. Social withdrawal, frequent crying, fearfulness, frequent arguments, and anger are reasons to get into family counseling. What impacts one member of a family naturally impacts all members of a family. So, when one member of a family goes to college, leaves the house, or even gets married, family counseling can be supportive. Through life adjustments, family counseling provides a safe place to open up. Depression can impact children, spouses, and in-laws a like. As well, if your spouse lost their job, family counseling can help with regaining direction

Also, the holistic family therapists help blended families, and adoptive parents, foster parents, and teens and adults dealing with eating disorders. 

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What Is Holistic, Creative Family Counseling in Westport, CT?

At times, in addition to DBT and CBT, creative therapies are available. In family counseling, creative art, yoga therapy, music therapy, and eating disorder therapy. Over video therapy, even meditation skills can help lower anxiety, decrease panic, and improve relaxation. From there, conflict resolution skills can develop. Therefore, the holistic therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling offer traditional therapy as well as alternative therapies. Thus, including trauma-sensitive yoga therapy, a powerful intervention used for trauma. In addition, art therapy supports PostTraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), panic, phobias, somatic disorders, eating disorders, and trauma bond healing.

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