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Creative therapy for self-harm and eating disorders

What causes self-harm, eating disorders, and negative, impulsive behaviors in teenagers?

For example, cutting, burning, head banging, picking, piercing are forms of self-injury. Also, self-harm and cutting is an effort to self-soothe emotional pain. For example, divorce, sexual abuse, trauma, a move, drastic life changes impact teen life and cutting. Additionally, self-injury is a negative way to cope with or relieve painful or hard-to-express feelings. Sometimes, depressed teens who self-harm often wear long pants and long sleeve shirts. We offer holistic, alternatives in therapy for self-harm and eating disorders. For help, call or text 860-451-9364 for creative, holistic young adult therapy for self-harm and eating disorder recovery. At Wisdom Within Counseling, in Niantic, Connecticut, we help children and young adults with negative behaviors develop a healthy body image and self-love.

loving kindness meditations in anxiety counseling, Outdoor walk and talk therapy by the beach in Niantic supports positive body image. Likewise, Niantic child and teen therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling includes holistic coping skills for releasing anger, anxiety and negative feelings in healthy ways. , couples therapy in Niantic, Connecticut, marriage family therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut, holistic, Wisdom Within Counseling, PTSD therap
Couples Therapy Helps Create A Meaningful, Positive Connection

Why Do Teen and Young Adults Cut Themselves and Self-Harm?

To add, teenagers will self-harm to escape intolerable, unmanageable emotions. Starting off, self-harm and cutting provides pleasant feelings. Likewise, self-harm communicates beyond words with others. Really, self-harm and cutting is a sign of professional counseling. At Wisdom Within Counseling, holistic therapy for self-harm and eating disorders helps teach positive coping skills. Now, self-care skills promote self-nurturing and healthy outlets. East Lyme, CT therapy for self-harm and eating disorders helps teach self-control within a changing life. In Niantic, Connecticut, we help adolescents and depressed teenagers stop the cycle of self punishment of guilt and shame. So, call or Text 860-451-9364 counseling for cutting, self-harm and eating disorders.

What Increases Risk of Self-Injury and Cutting in LGBTQ Teens and Non-Binary Teens

Additionally, lack of family acceptance is a very important factor in positive self-growth. For instance, feelings of shame can increase self-harm and eating disorder behaviors. Therefore, in therapy for self-harm and eating disorders, our team of therapists teach positive coping skills. Furthermore, creative art, private yoga, music, animal therapy and walking therapies promote self-love. So, if you notice your teen doing things in secrecy, call a therapist. Other contributing factors to self-harm include, poor body image, low self-esteem, abuse history, poor support system, and limited coping outlets. To build your positive coping skill tool box for depression and stress, work with one of our creative therapists. Therefore, call or text 860-451-9364 for creative, holistic young adult therapy for self-harm and eating disorder recovery.

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What is borderline personality disorder? How does it begin? Why do PTSD and BPD overlap? Is it Borderline Personality (BPD) or PTSD (Trauma)?

Have you experienced a frightening event? Did you go through a dangerous or life threatening experience? Or, have you been through violent event recently? Lastly, have you witnessed a violent event? If you answer yes to any of the above, they may have post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) rather than borderline personality disorder or bi-polar. Overall, you can learn skills to manage PTSD, negative flashbacks, and trauma. Letting go of self-harm and an eating disorder takes time and attention. Therefore, call or text 860-451-9364 for creative, holistic young adult therapy for self-harm and eating disorder recovery.

What Is Fight, Flight, and Freeze When It Comes To Trauma and Self-Harm and Eating Disorder Treatment?

  • Danger is present
  • Trigger response
  • Alert
  • Less blood to digest
  • Only meant to work for an hour at a time

What Is Rest and Digest?

Well, rest and digest corresponds to your parasympathetic nervous system. Also, this part of your body focuses on calming, relaxing energy. Likewise, this part of your nervous system permanently turns off after experiencing overwhelming trauma. Therefore, call or text 860-451-9364 for creative, holistic young adult therapy for self-harm and eating disorder recovery.

Tips To Help Parents With A Self-Harming Teen

For one, ask directly, “Are you thinking of suicide? Have you been self-harming?” Also, read nonverbal cues, it can “talk” much louder than words. Your teen is really saying that they need a professional outside the family for support. Likewise, create rituals, before school or in the morning. Also, you can create rituals like eating meals together. Furthermore, create a routine for exercise and at bedtimes. In East Lyme, Connecticut, holistic therapy for self-harm and eating disorders build a healthy coping skills toolbox. Counseling for healthy coping skills, distance or in person, can help build healthy relationships and better self-esteem.

Therefore, call or text 860-451-9364 for creative, holistic young adult therapy for stopping self-harm and eating disorder recovery.

Really, regular therapy is proactive intervention. With creative, therapy for self-harm and eating disorders helps teach positive coping skills for a healthy body image. To add, maintain balance in mental health by seeking regular, professional mental health counseling. Lastly, create a plan for safety and self-love. And, make a list of trusted family members. Lastly, have your teenager call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Creative growth and emotional support through animal therapy in Southeastern Connecticut

Also, animal therapy supports oxytocin release. Plus, animal therapy is an instant “feel good,” distraction and reboots nurture instincts. Therefore, when it comes to self-harm, animal therapy can be very healing. Overall, we teach children and teenagers in counseling positive self-talk skills. In general, East Lyme, adolescent and young adult counseling builds self-worth and communication skills. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help self-harming teens stop cutting themselves. Now, anxious children and depressed teenagers who have been through trauma understand that animals can recover from hard times too. For instance, an owl may have recovered from a broken wing. Also, animal therapy can help you or your loved one get present and focus on breathing in a hands-on experience.

Therefore, call or text 860-451-9364 for creative, holistic young adult therapy for self-harm and eating disorder recovery.

How Does Fresh Air Scientifically Help Stop Self-Harm? Walk and talk therapy to stop self-harm and treat eating disorders in teenagers

First, walking therapies reboot the nervous system. Furthermore, new brain patterns develop through walking and talking. From walking in Niantic, CT builds new, positive neural pathways. So, by getting in a new environment, your teenager develops new thoughts. From walking outdoors and movement therapy, your ears hear present sounds. Walking can help with sensory overload.

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Written By Katie Ziskind, BS, MA, LMFT, RTY500, ERTY200

Holistic marriage and family therapy in Niantic, Connecticut, Southeastern Shoreline. In Niantic, CT, Wisdom Within Counseling offers creative, alternative, holistic teen therapy.

Call/Text 860-451-9364 for creative, alternative therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut for self-harm and eating disorders.

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