Wisdom Within Counseling, LLC, Holistic East Lyme Marriage and Family Therapy. Adolescent counseling. 8 West Main St. Niantic, CT 06357. 860- 451-9364. KatieZiskindMft@gmail.com. WisdomWithinCt.com
First, we help anxious adolescents in counseling learn healthy ways to let go of anxiety. And, creative therapies boost self-esteem to emotionally prepare middle schoolers for high school. And, we help anxious middle schoolers who self-harm, with depression, school avoidance, divorce, low self-esteem, and with peer issues. So, in Southeastern Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic offers expertise in adolescent therapy.
What is adolescent therapy in Niantic, Connecticut all about?
There are a few concerns you are having that are leading you to research adolescent counseling in Niantic. We are a team of creative adolescent therapy experts who work with adolescents all day long. First, your child isn’t acting as they should. And, being bullied in elementary school is hard enough to think about. Now, your middle schooler, shares how much bullying really is bothering her. And, bullying left a lasting impact on his or her self-esteem, self-confidence, and body image. And, the bullying was emotional and physical. To make matters worse, your son’s or daughter’s elementary school was completely unsupportive about your concerns. You are seriously considering adolescent counseling for her self-esteem. Even though bullying was a few years ago, your adolescent has serious anxieties and worries now. And, in Niantic adolescent counseling, your adolescent can learn healthy coping skills for self-confidence and self-esteem.
Creative adolescent counseling in Niantic
Right now, through adolescent counseling, you want your middle schooler to be able to stand up for him or herself. And, from creative adolescent counseling, your tween can feel strong using words to share his or her feelings. Because we offer out of the box therapies, your adolescent can use art, music, animal therapies and going outside. Through holistic adolescent counseling, self-confidence skills are part of the healing therapeutic relationship. And, our holistic family therapy practice is the only office within 50 miles that offer adolescents coping skills through art, yoga, music, animals, and outdoor therapies.

What about help for 8th grade boys?
Is your middle school boy bring disrespectful? Is he fresh when he speak? Well, with 8th grade boys, this can be the beginning of moodiness and rebellion. Or, with therapy now, and professional mental health support for your son, he can turn himself around. Your son needs an adult outside of your family to feel safe. From creative adolescent therapy using art, yoga, music, he can finally feel belonging in adolescent counseling. And, with animal therapies, he can remember that he doesn’t have to be cool or popular.
Instead, animal therapies teach acceptance, present-moment thinking, and positive social interactions.
Does your adolescent need to learn healthy self-esteem for high school years?
Also, with a strong moral compass and connection to mind, body, and spirit, he can thrive again academically. And, with the recent testing, PPT’s, you know he needs professional therapeutic support and guidance managing his emotions. At times, he feels other peers are annoying. In school, with his teachers, frustration quickly becomes aggravation. And, these outbursts are holding him back. So, you want him to learn coping skills to let go, self-regulate, and be calm. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, we specialize in helping adolescents and middle schoolers. In preparing emotionally for high school, we teach social and emotional skills!

If your middle schooler is getting sent to the principal, we can help implement a plan for better behavior at school and at home.
Are you looking for your adolescent son to feel nurtured, receive emotional guidance, and learn social skills for self-confidence?
Right now, the very nice boy you know, no one else can see. Sadly, his teachers see him as a problem. Deep down, you want the world for him, but his negative behaviors are getting in the way. From trying to hang with the popular group at school, pretending to be a tough boy, and the raging hormones, you want extra support. As specialists with anxious adolescents, we know how to connect with your distant adolescent to teach positive coping skills. From creative adolescent therapy, your adolescent boy can take his session outside, go for a walk, and be active.
Is your adolescent showing frustration? There are many other important emotions underneath that we can help your adolescent identity and express in healthy ways
At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, we are a team of therapists who specialize with anxious, frustrated adolescents. Yes, we know that moodiness, bad behavior, and disrespect, are red flags. Further, these bad behaviors are signs that your anxious adolescent needs counseling. Finally, from holistic therapy in Niantic, you adolescent can learn positive coping skills, receive professional guidance, and gain self-confidence for success in high school years.

What is happening with your middle school daughter now? Adolescent therapy
Now, your daughter is in middle school and needing help socially. To add, she is extra sensitive to other people, smells, sensations, and feelings. At times, she jumps to the worst possible conclusions. Likewise, your adolescent is isn’t her bubbly self anymore. Currently, her anxiety gets the best of her. And, you want her to be able to smoothly work through negative and positive feelings alike in healthy ways. Adolescent anxiety is released in positive ways through creative, holistic adolescent counseling. So, in adolescent counseling art, yoga, music, and animal therapies are available. Also, these creative ways help build self-esteem, coping skills, and confidence for high school success.

Does your son or daughter want to fit in, and need a safe place to talk and let go?
Adolescent counseling begins with many emotional layers. Right now, your adolescent is struggling with deep issues of self-confidence and not liking school. Add in, feeling upset with teachers and feeling like an outcast at middle school. Furthermore, toss in family changes, divorce, and new siblings. Seriously, your son or daughter could really use a therapist’s office. And, their therapist’s office becomes a trusted, safe place. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, we are a team of therapists that specializes with anxious adolescents and help support self-confidence. To get your adolescent started in holistic, creative counseling, call/text 860-451-9364.

Is your adolescent daughter struggling with “looking fat?” Body image issues?
Often, adolescent girls benefit from holistic, creative counseling because of body image issues, self-esteem, and family changes. And, not being happy at school, family changes, and peer pressure, can lead an adolescent to feel fat. To make matters worse, our Americanized society doesn’t help. Furthermore adolescent counseling teaches sustainable, self-care skills. Instead of turning to self harm or vaping in the bathroom, your adolescent will be prepared for high school years. With a positive coping skill toolbox to handle all of life’s anxieties, losses, and sadness, you were adolescent will learn emotional skills in counseling.
Adolescent counseling using art therapy
To add, adolescent counseling in Niantic using art therapy is empowering. And, art therapy in Niantic gives adolescents a sense of creative leadership within their own lives. From holistic adolescent counseling, your middle schooler will have a professional with whom to process family issues, sibling jealously, and peer drama. And, when your adolescent gets one on one attention from their East Lyme therapist, your home life will be more calm and smooth. To move forward, we begin with a phone consultation. Call or text us today to get your adolescent started in therapy to learn self-confidence 860-451-9364.
Niantic adolescent counseling helps support a healthy body image and self esteem
So, if your adolescent daughter is trying to control her food intake, the team of highly specialized adolescent therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic can help. Before her food issues become an eating disorder, we can tach positive self-care strategies to help her love and accept herself. And, if your middle school daughter is counting calories in an effort to “be skinnier,” she can learn, from holistic adolescent counseling, that her beauty comes from the inside out. Lastly, our team of East Lyme adolescent counselors can help her feel authentic being herself. So, to get your son or daughter started in at holistic adolescent counseling in Niantic, call or text us 860-451-9364.

What is unique and different about holistic therapy that helps your adolescent feel stronger and more resilient?
Further, through creative adolescent therapy, your frustrated adolescent can use art, yoga, music, and animal therapies to feel good about him or herself. Further, if you adolescent craves attention, having the attention of his or her therapist can make school and home life improve dramatically.
To get started with a phone consultation for adolescent counseling in Niantic, call 860-451-9364.
Does your adolescent need support before the teenage years?
From creative art therapy and animal therapies, your adolescent son or daughter can learn self-acceptance. From learning coping skills, adolescents learn self-love. We are a group of mental health professionals for adolescents. Likewise, we help adolescents develop self-care and self-confidence skills. And, these skills will help him or her in high school years make long lasting friendships.
Why do adolescents in counseling need positive coping skills?
Also, these healthy coping skills help with navigate dating, and eventually living independently in college. And, when it comes to Niantic adolescent therapy, your anxious daughter or son with ADHD can use art therapy. In addition, in counseling, your middle schooler can learn self esteem skills through yoga. Or, your adolescent can use music to express deep emotional in interactive ways. Plus, adolescent counseling in Niantic can include a walking outdoor therapy session. Lastly, adolescents feel healthier and resilient from animal therapies. Also, these creative therapies help anxious adolescents feel positive about themselves. So, next time a peer accuses her of being “mean,” she can bounce back. And, next time your son is asked to sit still by a teacher, he can calm down then. On that note, he can look forward to releasing his energy in positive ways that afternoon in creative therapy.
Boost in self-esteem and positive energy from adolescent counseling in Niantic
And, instead of feeling inadequate or not good enough, you adolescent can feel resilient, strong, and know him or herself on a deep level. So, East Lyme adolescent therapy is highly specialized using creative, holistic therapies. Therefore, your middle school girl or adolescent son can have a foundation of coping skills for lifelong success in mind, body, and spirit. From Niantic adolescent therapy, your son or daughter can feel supported emotionally. To get your daughter started in adolescent therapy, call.text 860-451-9364.
Does your adolescent need specialized, creative counseling for anxiety?
To note, in the past your adolescent has diagnoses of ADHD, anxiety, and depression. As a result, he or she struggles with keeping friends and making lasting relationships. And, you are now seeking adolescent counseling that different because he or she might be really quiet and not want to talk. In this case, your middle school son with ADHD or adolescent daughter can choose to use painting and art therapy to release emotions beyond words. In adolescent counseling, your adolescent’s therapist will offer art, yoga, music, and outdoor therapies. But, if your son or daughter has a lot of energy, that works for us too. In that case, adolescent therapy in Niantic includes outdoor or walk-and-talk therapy. From body image issues, to school discontentment, adolescent therapy can help support self-esteem and positive self-talk. Overall, Niantic adolescent therapy supports mind-body wellness techniques for anxiety management in high school years.
Does your middle schooler need help taking accountability, rather than blaming others?
To add, when it comes to adolescent therapy, you want your son or daughter to learn accountability. Right now, he or she blames everyone else around her. And, this frustrates you as a parent. On day, your growing adolescent will need to take accountability in high school course work, at a job, and in college. In adolescent therapy in Niantic, your son or daughter can learn skills to take accountability. And, adolescent therapy can teach skills to process difficult emotions and situations in positive ways.
Is your middle schooler worried about dating? Or, are you worried about who they have chosen to date?
And, with middler schoolers these day, dating and relationships are starting sooner and sooner. First, your adolescent’s friends starting to date. So, your middle schooler may have the beginning feelings of liking someone too. However, your adolescent may not want to talk about these feelings around sexuality with you as a parent. So, having a creative therapist in Niantic can really help support self-confidence and healthy dating skills. Plus, your adolescent can learn how to set healthy boundaries before getting into a sticky situation in high school.
Also, from highly specialized adolescent therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, your middle schooler can have a toolbox of positive coping skills to implement for success psychically, emotionally, and academically in high school years.

Is your adolescent jealous of siblings?
In addition to changing classes, studying, friendship issues, and school anxiety, your middle schooler shows jealously towards his or her siblings. And, a brother or sister who is better at sports, is bossy, and gets good grades easily can be a source of resentment. Not to mention, going through break ups and navigating friendships is stressful enough. Plus, your adolescent’s internalized feeling of needing to be better, seeking approval, needing attention can be challenging for your whole family.
If your adolescent’s poor behavior choices are exhausting, we can help teach him or her healthy ways to let go of feelings, and positive coping skills for self-confidence.
Likewise, if you adolescent always tries to get attention from peers by being a joker, this can push friends away in the long run. Often, these immature behaviors root in insecurity and low self esteem. At home, jealousy towards siblings can be exhausting for you to manage as a parent. So, these confusing feelings released through creative adolescent counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic. Therefore, holistic adolescent counseling in East Lyme can be a great outlet for self-acceptance and self-confidence. Finally, in adolescent therapy in Niantic, your tween can choose from art, yoga, music, and animal therapies for self-expression.

How does the team of adolescent therapy specialists help in unique way beyond just talking?
First, we know that anxious adolescents need more than talk therapy at times. Therefore, your adolescent can learn how to release negative feelings in positive ways. For instance, in adolescent counseling, your middle schooler can use art, yoga, music, and animal therapies to develop self-confidence. And, as a result of having a trusted Niantic therapist and weekly sessions, school motivation improves. Further, you may find your adolescent feels more confident making lasting friendships. Currently, your adolescent jumps into friendships too quickly due to insecurities. However, these friendship behaviors will only be more problematic in high school years and when dating. From adolescent therapy in Niantic, your middle schooler can learn healthy friendship techniques, self-confidence, and ways to create meaningful relationship with others.