Are you questioning your romantic relationship and wanting marriage counseling near Melbourne, Florida?
Is your romantic relationship is not in a good place? Also, is your relationship with your romantic partner not going smoothly? Is you sex life is not satisfying, frequent enough, or boring? Intimacy therapy in Melbourne, Florida specializes helps couples who have a sexless marriage too. Couples counseling can give you space to address sexual issues, communication problems, repair self-esteem, and explore your gender expression and sexuality.
When you and your romantic partner are having a good time, you are laughing and kind to one another. However, when things are going down hill, like they are right now, you feel anxious, and confused. The high’s and low’s feel overwhelming and consume you. Sometimes, you both stay up late into the evening and early morning arguing. It feels like arguments and conflicts get out of hand and are never resolved.
Many couples are not having conversations about intimacy and sex after being together decades.
Couples in therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can talk about their ideal setting for sexual experiences and intimacy. For you, your ideal setting for sex and intimacy may be different than your partner’s. Our five senses and even temperature can play a large role in sexual expressiveness and intimacy. You might want to hear music in the background to get yourself in a sexy mood. However, your partner desires silence in the background. Some people like different environments for sexual play and intimacy. One person may want to be in bed, the other person may want to be in the kitchen pinned up against the wall. Or, you may want to sneak away to have sex in a family bathroom somewhere, adding a bit of suspense.

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How to prepare your space for the sexiest and best intimate experiences?
Smells can play a large role in sexual desire, orgasming, and intimacy. If your bedroom smells like dirty gym socks or body odor, it may be difficult to get intimate. Make sure your bed sheets are clean and fresh. Plus, put all dirty laundry in the washing machine to prevent your bedroom from having foul smells. If needed, light a sweet smelling candle or use an oil burner. Open your bedroom window to let some fresh air in and clean out putrid smells. Having a clean smelling space can make a huge difference when it comes to intimacy.
Remove clutter
Furthermore, some couples have a lot of clutter around. There may be stacks of old magazines, random boxes, a newspapers on your bed and dressers. Take the time to organize your bedroom so it looks clutter free. Don’t have any old items laying about your bedroom if you want to improve your sex life and intimacy. Your mind may have trouble staying present on sexual arousal and may try to tell you to start cleaning. To be able to be in the present moment and focus on sex and intimacy, clean out the space. Bring old boxes to you basement or attic to keep your bedroom space positive. Having a clean space allows to intimacy, deeper connection, and sexual expressiveness.
Marriage counseling near Cocoa Beach, Florida can have you feel confidence about your romantic bond and relationship.
You can get back to being your playful, funny, and loving self again from intimacy and marriage therapy.

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Intimacy therapy in Melbourne, Florida can help you and your partner overcome sexual issues and problems
Erectile dysfunction in intimacy therapy
Erectile dysfunction can lead to low self-esteem in male partners. If you are struggling with erectile dysfunction, you are not alone. Men of all different ages, nationalities, races, socioeconomic statuses, and locations can have erectile dysfunction. To note, erectile dysfunction is not a symptom of getting older. Older, more mature men can still have an amazing sex life. Instead of jumping to take a medication for erectile dysfunction, which can have side effects, Wisdom Within Counseling helps you make lifestyle changes.
Dealing with erectile dysfunction can be a cycle and a loop. If you are a man dealing with erectile dysfunction, you may have anxiety about pleasing your partner. That anxiety can make a man feel insecure. Sometimes, a man with erectile dysfunction also suffers from a porn addiction. Compulsive pornography use can contribute to erectile dysfunction. Getting an erectile dysfunction diagnosis can lead to low self-esteem. You may wonder if erectile dysfunction makes you less of a man or less masculine.
One thing that can help is to take the pressure off sexual performance. Instead of all kissing and touching needing to lead to penetrative sex, just focus on enjoying making out. Just give your partner a back rub, and not put pressure on it needing to lead to penetrative sex.

Men who suffer from erectile dysfunction may suffer in silence.
Growing up as a boy, a man may have learned sex was a taboo subject. He may have faced extreme punishments for asking his parents about sex. As well, a man may have learned to keep sexual thoughts to himself due to a struct religious upbringing. To note, growing up with religious fear, shame, and guilt can also lead to erectile dysfunction. At Wisdom Within Counseling, in Melbourne Beach, Florida, men and their partners can start talking about sex, intimacy, and erectile dysfunction.
A man may need help talking with his romantic partner or spouse about his anxieties due to erectile dysfunction. Couples counseling in Melbourne, Florida can help men learn he can confide in his partner. Notably, a man may already be feeling insecure about his sexual performance. He may feel afraid or nervous to share his inner thoughts with his spouse. Therefore, marriage counseling with an intimacy specialist can support overcoming erectile dysfunction by fostering communication.
Your Wisdom Within Counseling marriage therapist can help you gain playfulness and confidence again after erectile dysfunction.
Many times, men with erectile dysfunction feel insecure sexually. They don’t know if they will be able to maintain an erection, so that anxiety can be crippling. He may fear his partner will leave him or abandon him as a result of erectile dysfunction. Talking about these fears in couples therapy can create a deeper bond and connection. Working with an intimacy therapist can help men understand the other pressures they face, besides sexual pressure. To note, erectile dysfunction can occur from lack of stress management skills too. A man may feel very overwhelmed with responsibilities, which can lead to erectile dysfunction. Part of treating erectile dysfunction means gaining mind body connection and relaxation skills.
Identifying and releasing anxiety and stress is a part of overcoming and treating erectile dysfunction
Stress and anxiety from other areas of life can cause a man to develop erectile dysfunction. A man who is struggling with erectile dysfunction may be having financial stress, stress with in-laws, child care stress, parenting stress, and career stress. If a man is worried about his job or being able to provide financially, this can contribute to erectile dysfunction. When a man is worried about his parents who have cancer, he may have issues with erectile dysfunction. As well, if a man doesn’t want to have a child when his partner does, this can lead to erectile dysfunction.
Stress as a whole can cause a man to mentally feel torn, upset, and have anxiety in the bedroom.

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The mind and body are important parts of treating erectile dysfunction.
Medication just treats the body, and may come with negative side effects. Learning to talk about these stressors can help a man with erectile dysfunction feel relaxed in all parts of his life. Gaining stress management tools can be a part of marriage and intimacy counseling at Wisdom Within. Talking about anxiety and stress as a couple can help partners know they can trust each other.
As a result of marriage and intimacy therapy, couples can release anxiety and gain positive coping tools and strategies.
So, working with an intimacy specialist in Melbourne, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can help men and their spouses bond. Men with erectile dysfunction can learn to express emotions in a healthy, calm, and emotionally aware way. As a result, couples can develop a more positive, passionate, and diverse sex life. Kissing doesn’t have to lead to penetrative sex. Instead of focusing on sex being the end goal of all touch, couples can start to enjoy the playfulness of sexual activity. Learning about nutrition, sleep hygiene, being in nature, exercising, and relaxation tools can help men overcome erectile dysfunction. In general, males and their partners can overcome erectile dysfunction by making holistic lifestyle changes.

Female orgasming issues can be a great topic for intimacy therapy in Melbourne, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling
When a female wants to to orgasm, but feels she can’t, this can be a sexual issues couples face. A female may have had amazing orgasms with past partners, but feel like it is impossible with her current partner. If a female hasn’t orgasmed for a long time, it can be like working a new muscle. As well, some females carry shame, guilt, and fear around masturbation and self-pleasure. Some females have been taught by a strict religious upbringing to fear pleasure.
The influence of a strict, religious upbringing on intimacy and your sex life
Other females have been taught by a strict religious upbringing that her body is her partner’s property, and not to have a say. Intimacy and marriage therapists help female gain self-confidence and sexual empowerment. Many times, females have been taught by a strict religious upbringing not to self-pleasure or masturbate. Some women feel that masturbation and self-pleasure will make them goto hell. Instead of these negative, patriarchal beliefs, intimacy therapy helps women take back power over shame and guilt. Looking at shame-based religious influences can help women define their own authentic sexual identity.
Commonly, male partners receive their sexual education from pornography.

One reasons couples have a sexless marriage is because sex is not satisfying for the female partner.
Male partners lack proper education on the female pleasure and orgasmic system. A female partner may continually reject her male partner’s sexual invitations. This may be because she finds sex an obligation, boring, or a chore. Lengthening foreplay can help a female partner feel desired and build sexual desire as a whole.
As well, using sex toys, vibrators, and nipple clamps can bring playfulness and pleasure. Learning about the female sexual pleasure system and orgasming can support more satisfying sexual experiences. When partners work together to create more positive, orgasmic, and erotic sexual experiences, they build meaningful connection.
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Part of orgasming can also mean supporting a female’s partner in gaining proper, accurate sexual health education.
Many times, males especially, get their sexual health education from pornography. Though pornography can be erotic and sexually arousing, it is not educational material. Just like you don’t watch a Hollywood movie and think that is real life, pornography doesn’t portray loving realtionships. Therefore, the team of intimacy and marriage therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling help couples gain education around foreplay.
The male and female sexual arousal systems are very different. Men can become sexually aroused and orgasm in 5-7 minutes. On the other hand, women need about 45-90 minutes to become sexually aroused and orgasm. After a female experiences one orgasm, she can experience multiple orgasms. When a female experiences multiple orgasms, she tends to feel more close, bonded, connected, and safe with her partner. When a female’s partner can learn from intimacy and couples therapy how to lengthen foreplay, this can be very positive for their sex life.
Intimacy therapy can help you overcome physical sexual dysfunctions.

Female partners may feel sexually disappointed and dissatisfied, causing other relationship and marital problems.
Male partners can benefit from intimacy therapy to learn to lengthen foreplay, understand what a female needs in order to orgasm. Females can also have multiple orgasms. Many male partners think that a sexual experience has to end when they ejaculate or orgasm. Intimacy counseling can help male partners learn to lengthen sexual experiences and keep things spicy even after he ejaculates and orgasms himself.
Intimacy therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in Melbourne, Florida can help men better satisfy their female partner sexually.
Building desire, helping a female partner feel wanted can be big emotional components.
Some couples have mismatched libidos, where one partner has a low sex drive and the other has a high sex drive. If your partner is always rejecting you sexually, intimacy and marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida can support takling about these topics.

Emotional connection skills from marriage therapy in Melbourne, Florida supports a healthy intimate and sex life
If a female partner feels unwanted, criticized, or even negative energy, she may have trouble orgasming. Even if your partner is happy go lucky one moment and then accidentally takes work stress out on you, it can have lasting impacts. When partners use negative, toxic forms of communication, it can cause problems in the bedroom. When couples lie to one another, this breaks trust.
Now, I am not talking about lying about the birthday trip you have planned as a surprise for your partner. When they learn about your well thought out gift, they will feel joy, grateful, and happy. I am instead talking about lying that if your partner found out would lead to betrayal, hurt, and distrust.
When you or your partner are lying about where you have been or who you are spending time with, this can lead to intimacy issues. Intimacy therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in Merritt Island, Florida can help couples define honesty. Both people can practice authentic communication and start to live with integrity. Couples therapy can help you both look at the function and purpose of lying.
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The Wisdom Within Counseling intimacy specialists and couples therapists will say that lying can lead to intimacy problems
Why do people lie? Well, it is often a reaction and response that needs to be talked about to have it stop. When a child grows up, they are taught by their parents and caregivers how to behave. Couples therapy and intimacy counseling in Melbourne, Florida can be a place to learn about your partner’s past. Understanding your partner’s childhood can be very helpful in building intimacy.
As a child, your spouse may have learned to lie from their parents. If your spouse has a parent who had an affair or was unfaithful when they were young, lying may be normal. As well, lying can be normal in many families such as the motto, “lye to keep the peace.” “Keeping the peace,” is a dysfunction family motto that can be passed generation to generation. A parent may tell their child to “Keep the peace,” and “Stop crying,” so the family home seemed happy.

Being told to stop crying and stop showing natural emotions by your parent is a form of emotional abuse.
Rather than having a voice or speaking up, a child learns their voice doesn’t matter. When raised in emotional abuse like this, a child holds their emotions inside, essentially lying to their family members that they are happy. This behavior teaches a child to lie, and this has a ripple effect into adult years. Inside, a child may not be happy, but in fact they are grieving, hurt, or sad. Lying in romantic partnerships can be from one partner growing up with parents or caregivers that were physically or emotionally abusive.
As a result, you or your partner may continue lying behaviors into adult years, damaging romantic relationships.
If your partner is lying or not being fully honest, intimacy and marriage therapy can help you have a safe place to talk. Your partner can start to learn that honesty is healthy. From intimacy counseling in Brevard County Florida, you and your spouse can build closeness like never before. Instead of your spouse feeling like they have to keep secrets and lie out of fear of your reaction, they can learn to be honest. From intimacy counseling, couples can break the cycle of generational trauma.
When couples have arguments and use negative tones with each other, communication issues dampen sexual passion.
Anger that ends in explosions, door slamming, or name calling is very negative. Your spouse may have an explosive side that causes you to walk on eggshells. Feeling emotionally unsafe is not a good feeling and doesn’t create sexual safety or foster passionate sexual activity.
There are many emotions underneath anger explosions that couples can talk about. Fear, anxiety, concern, loss, sadness, grief, betrayal, and more are present under anger. So, learning to talk about these can be very beneficial. If when you are yelling, couples therapy in Melbourne, Florida can support healthy communication. Sometimes, one person has a fear of abandonment. Other times, one spouse has a fear of failure or not being good enough. Some spouses need help appreciating one another instead of looking at all they want to change or fix. Intimacy therapy can help you and your partner better communicate your emotions.

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Many partners are not aware they are using negative forms of communication that create a sexless marriage
Often, partners are not conscious of that fact they are being belittling or condensing in their communication. Learning to identify when you may be speaking in a hurtful way can help you create a better sex life. When you are your spouse are talking in couples therapy, your therapist can help you find better ways to talk.
Your Wisdom Within Counseling marriage therapist can point out when you are being negative in any way, and pause you. Partners often need help gaining self-awareness to learn to communicate in healthy, kind, and clear ways. After you say something, you might be wondering why your partner seems to shut down. Or, you may be wondering why your marriage is sexless. Instead of putting your partner down, you can learn to speak from your heart. Your marriage therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Merritt Island, Florida can help you communicate what you are trying to say in a calm way. From saying your feelings calmly, your spouse can better understand your deeper needs and wants.
Couple therapy can help you break unhealthy patterns like being negative, defensive, hurtful, and critical.
Your couples therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Brevard County, Florida can pinpoint exactly what you and your partner need to do to be better communicators. For one, positive coping skills can help you both reduce anger and foster bonding. In Melbourne, Florida, you and your spouse can have a safe place to learn healthy forms of communication. When couples start understanding each other emotionally, they can build a healthy, satisfying intimate and sex life. Marriage counseling near Cocoa Beach, Florida can help you and your romantic partner become more emotionally close.
Intimacy and marriage therapy near Cocoa Beach, Florida can teach couples positive ways to communicate beside explosive anger
Talking about how anger looked growing up can be a positive way to develop a more intimate connection. You can better understand why anger is triggering and learn ways to share intense emotions calmly. Rather than yelling, name calling, or high conflict fights, couples can improve communication.
Gaining emotional intimacy skills can help you emotionally validate your partner. They can feel safer, and then open up more sexually and intimately. Improving communication skills can help increase your sex life due to increasing emotional safety. Emotional validation skills can help improve your sexual passion, sexual expressiveness, and sexual safety.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, intimacy therapy you can improve communication skills in your romantic relationship.
From intimacy counseling, you can feel like yourself again. Couples get a safe place to talk about all different aspects of sexuality and intimacy. Intimacy includes emotional, physical, and sexual intimacy. From a place of self-love, you can extend that to your romantic partner. Mind body therapies can help you handle stress better and reduce conflict in your relationship. Intimacy counseling in Melbourne, Florida can help couples learn positive coping strategies and communication tools. Therefore, your couples therapist can teach you mindfulness meditation skills, yoga, and relaxation tools.
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Couples therapy in Melbourne, Florida can help couples talk about their sexuality, gender identity, cross dressing, feminine gender expression, bisexuality, and coming out
Couples may be married for decades without talking about their sexuality. Talking about sexuality can be a breath of fresh air for couples. You may be dealing with your sexuality and wondering about how to explore your sexuality more. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with your partner can help deepen your intimacy. You are afraid of your partner rejecting you or making fun of you for talking about your sexuality. Sharing about your sexuality is something you can do in the safety of your marriage therapist’s office.
Gender identity exploration
Some people identify as transgender, bi-gender, cisgender, and more. At Wisdom Within Counseling near Cocoa Beach, Florida, you can talk about your gender identity too. In addition to questioning your sexuality, you may be thinking about your gender.
You may have begun your marriage identifying as a female, but not consider yourself gender fluid or gender queer. Being in a marriage and identifying as transgender can be a great topic for LGBTQIA+ affirming marriage therapy. As a result, you don’t know if you can talk to your romantic partner or spouse. Gaining intimacy, trust, and deepening love can mean talking about your gender together.

Cross dressing and feminine gender expression in LGBTQIA+ affirming intimacy and couples therapy in Melbourne, Florida
In addition, you may have found your male partner cross dressing. When your spouse is cross dressing, you may benefit from couples and intimacy therapy. You can talk about the emotions and feelings you have in the confidential space of your marriage therapist’s office. For one, you may have found your husband trying on your bras, make up, glitter, wearing high heels, or nylon stockings.
When a wife finds her husband cross dressing, he may feel guilt, embarrassment, fearful, or insecure. He may be worried his life will separate or divorce him due to cross dressing.
LGBTQIA+ therapy can provide proper education on cross dressing and men who express themselves in feminine ways. Cross dressing is a rather normal behavior for many men of all ages. And, cross dressing doesn’t mean your husband is gay, transgender, or anything specifically. Couples counseling can be a safe place to talk about your husband’s history of cross dressing. Many times, men keep cross dressing in feminine clothing a big secret for most of their lives. A spouse may have her own feelings of shame, guilt, embarrassment, fear, confusion, and anxiety.

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Feminine gender expression is a great topic to being to LGBTQIA+ affirming marriage therapy.
Couples counseling in Melbourne, Florida can help you both talk about being an LGBTQIA+ queer affirming family. Often, partners can talk about the limiting, fear-based religious views from their childhoods. These limiting beliefs are negative and perpetuate prejudice. LGBTQIA+ marriage therapy can help you be more comfortable talking about gender, cross dressing, and your husband’s feminine gender expression.
As well, LGBTQIA queer affirming couples therapy can help you break negative thought patterns from a strict, religious upbringing. You can start to be closer as a result of talking about cross dressing, gender expression, and gender identity. If you found your husband cross dressing in feminine clothing, intimacy therapy can help you be accepting and supportive. You can learn about what it means to be LGBTQIA+ affirming and even goto a drag show. As humans, our gender identity is separate from our sexual orientation.
Your therapist won’t judge you, but instead offer you a safe LGBTQIA+ affirming space.
Many people never know about their partner’s bisexuality. One person may be identifying as gay or lesbian and want to explore opening the marriage you have and starting a same sex relationship. You may want to explore ethical non monogamy or opening your relationship with the guidance of an LGBTQIA+ therapist.
When you want to explore ethical non monogamy, polyamory, or opening your relationship, a couples therapist and intimacy therapist in Melbourne Florida can ensure you do it safely.
When one partner wants to explore ethical non monogamy or opening your relationship, but the other partner doesn’t, this can create power dynamics. In the same way, power dynamics of any kind can cause intense feelings. Rather than feeling overwhelmed and alone, work with an intimacy therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling. Our team of LGBTQIA+ affirming therapists can help you explore ethical non monogamy, or opening your relationship. Couples therapy in Melbourne, Florida can be a safe place to talk about your gender, polyamory, sexuality, and the coming out process.

Wisdom Within Counseling in Melbourne, Florida supports couples in creating meaningful connection
Gottman marriage therapy is a form of traditional talk counseling that the therapists at Wisdom Within socialize in. As well, couples can do holistic, mind body therapies in marriage therapy. For instance, you can do couples yoga, breathing, and mindfulness meditation to gain relaxation skills. You may just like the idea of something different or non-traditional, and we specialize in alternative therapies.