Do you and your life partner desire to reconnect and build affection again?
As well, do you miss and desire the intimacy and closeness that you felt at the beginning of your relationship?
Do you want to desperately replace hurtful communication patters with positive, loving interactions?

At Wisdom Within Counseling, attend couples therapy in Old Saybrook to rekindle your love for one another.
Couples therapy in Old Saybrook will help you cherish your life partner and see the beauty in each other again
First, recall the first time you realized that you were falling in love with your partner. What characteristics stood out to you and made you think, “Wow, I want to live the rest of my life with this person.” Maybe the way they could make you laugh on the cloudiest of days. And, what made you fall in love was that they lived life like it was their last day on Earth. Possibly, taking the time to go out to your favorite restaurant every week and curl up on the couch afterwards formed a strong bond. But, if you are here, you are probably not feeling so good. Maybe, you are wondering how you can save your marriage or what you can do to grow lovingly together again. Couples therapy in Old Saybrook can help you create the meaningful relationship you desire.
If you are struggling anger, anxiety, loss, Old Saybrook marriage therapy helps with togetherness.
Build closeness, laughter, and emotional bonding after trust issues and time apart or a long distance marriage.
One of our marriage and family therapists that specialize in working with couples identifies weaknesses. From there, your therapist will walk you and your partner through the strengths. And, we assess the weaknesses and strengths of your relationship. Your therapist will want to know why you decided to marry each other. Overall, at Wisdom Within Counseling, you and your partner can cherish each other again. With stress, it is easy to prioritize other things besides each other. Sometimes, friends might be giving you bad advice. And, your parents are giving you advice too. Deep down, you want a professional marriage counselor to support you. Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in marriage and family therapy.
So, with counseling, your therapist supports your marriage being a priority.
And, you can identify ways and skill to maintain a close bond. Essentially, couples therapy in Old Saybrook, CT is a playful space. Marriage counseling helps release negative moments and trauma. From counseling, you have the power to create positive memories. Marriage therapy can help you reconnect after being physically apart. Maybe, you are in a long distance marriage. Or, you and your spouse work in different places.
No matter your struggle, marriage therapy builds a strong foundation for your children.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, learn to share needs and desires with each other.
And, learn to feel emotionally close even when there is marital or parenting stress.
Often, couples have difficulty sharing their needs and desires with their partner. Sometimes, stress of parenting, career goals, and family stress add up. Couples therapy in Old Saybrook can create a space where you and your partner can be open and honest with each other. So, you can talk about your needs and what you want out of your relationship. Lastly, one of our marriage and family therapists will guide you both during this discussion and support you in helping each other meet those needs and desires.
Our Gottman therapists will create a safe holding space for you and your partner to heal and reconnect.
Do you feel doubtful and want to have a calm dialogue about your marital issues?
If you struggle with anger or tension, holistic couples therapy can give you tools. So often, couples argue about money, children, sex, and parenting. And, without help from a professional, conflict lead to resentment. Anger, frustration, and tension build up and it. creates chaos for your entire family. So, our marriage and family therapists utilize the Gottman Method to alleviate tension.
Furthermore, you and your partner can discuss your relationship issues, fears, and pain points.
And, your Old Saybrook, Ct couples therapy can give you skills for meaningful conflict resolution. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we support your relationship by helping you develop shared goals and identify ways to manage conflict. Couples therapy in Old Saybrook will assist you and your partner in building coping skills to use during turmoil.
Couples therapy in Old Saybrook will support you in creating intimacy, emotional connection, trust, and commitment in your relationship
Often, couples may lose grasp on the deep connection and trust that they once had in their relationship. Luckily, there are ways to develop the skills to rebuild that connection and trust! Our marriage and family therapists have years of experience in supporting couples. So, from premarital counseling to long-term married life, we can help. We help on you on your journey of reconnection and creating intimacy and trust.
Couples therapy in Old Saybrook will allow you to heal past hurts.
Therapy helps you overcome barriers to achieve a meaningful and fulfilling relationship.
Often, couples run into intimacy problems in their relationship due to past hurts and trauma. Overtime, trauma snowballs leading to tension, fearfulness, sadness, and distance. Our Old Saybrook, Ct marriage and family therapists help you heal past traumas by talking, art, and yoga! Essentially, your therapists helps you both in identifying where your wounds are. And, you learn how you and your partner can connect, you can more easily show affection. We help you love each other despite those wounds is part of the healing process. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we can walk with you and your partner towards a more fulfilling and affectionate relationship. We teach you skills for communication as you heal these pain points together.
Wisdom Within Counseling is here to walk along your path of healing with you
To add, at Wisdom Within Counseling we can create a fulfilling holding space for you and your partner.
Right now, does it fell like emotions are being swept under the rug?
At times, you can talk as well as connect through creative art, music, and yoga. Sometimes, it can be difficult to find words or verbalize. Often, yelling happens when words are hard. So, if you want ways to handle conflicts calmly, therapy can help. In general, if you fight or yell, therapy supports better communication. Therapy helps you identify emotions like anger and anxiety. And, give you tools for when these emotions are challenging and intense. This way, your marriage and family life can feel calmer and closer.
Talking or creative art therapies are available for expressing intense emotions in marital therapy
So, creative art and painting can be parts of couples bonding and trust building in counseling. Our therapists fuse holistic interventions such as the Gottman Method and art therapy. To add, holistic therapy can strengthen emotional connection for you and your partner. Our therapists specialize in going beyond talk counseling after trauma, divorce, or grief. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn to love your partner through intense emotions like anger and jealousy. Lastly, if you are looking for creative couples or family counseling, we would love to connect with you!