Why seek out child therapy in Old Saybrook, CT?
First, children who have anxiety need specific coping tools through play therapy to have an outlet for stress. Children show they need counseling in various ways. For instance, yelling, lying, biting, selective mutism, or autism impact family life. Also, adolescents and teens in therapy get a professional outside of their family to help with releases. Often, children and teenagers have social problems with friends that cause inner conflict. And, teenagers may not feel comfortable going to a parent about drugs, sex, or self-harm in peers.
Is your child or adolescent getting referrals from school? Are you getting calls from their principal or teachers about poor behavior?
Does your teenager have low self-esteem and need help making healthy choices?
Is your child hitting, punching, jealous, in competition, or getting frustrated with their siblings?

Children and teens benefit from creative, holistic child therapy in Old Saybrook, CT when needing healthy outlets for worry, loss, and sadness.
At times, peer drama can lead a teenager to feel guilty, lonely, and then isolate themselves. So, if anxiety and depression don’t get better on their own, children may need therapy. Without therapy, children can develop serious emotional disturbances as teenagers. In Old Saybrook, CT, play therapy and holistic psychological counseling can help with many of these issues.

How is a child therapy in Old Saybrook, Ct at Wisdom Within Counseling different from adult counseling?
Now, children don’t feel their emotions the way adults feel them. So, a child’s brain is not fully developed. In a sense, brains begin to grow to their full size around 29 years old. Because, their brains are not fully developed, play therapy is different. Parents often benefit from having a child therapist to email or to meet with. Furthermore, the additional support from a child and family therapist can help you navigate divorce, separation, blending families, and loss of a loved one.
If your child has a diagnosis of autism, ADHD, or anxiety, child therapy helps parents know how to support their whole family.
A child therapist, such as one at Wisdom Within Counseling in Old Saybrook, Ct, is focused on connecting with little people. In holistic, creative, playful ways, the child therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling offer children play therapy. A therapist can help ease childhood anxiety or loss of a grandparent. Child therapists are trained in better understanding and teaching children to comprehend their emotions. Play therapies, art, yoga, movement, and dance are available at Wisdom Within Counseling in Old Saybrook, Ct. Children use a variety of methods to express anger, anxiety, and grief. Your child’s therapist can help them healthily convey their challenging emotions.

Or, does your adolescent have anxiety, fixation, rigid behaviors, and panic attacks? Would your adolescent benefit from an outdoor, movement, art therapy approach when it comes to anxiety therapy?
Generally, holistic therapy for children is creative, incorporates art, yoga, music, and outdoor therapies. If your child or teenager has anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or conduct disorder, book a free phone call for child therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling.

To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for play therapy and child therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut
What are signs of behavioral problems?
Also, according to Boston Children’s Hospital research, emotional behavioral problems can include getting annoyed, anxious, angry, or nervous easily. At times, when confused, children may appear angry. Overall, child therapy in Old Saybrook, CT can help children develop emotional tools. From having outlets for intense feelings in child therapy, self-esteem increases. Then, social and friendship skills naturally improve. Also, children who putting blame on others or who refusing to follow rules or questioning authority benefit from counseling. To add, repetitive arguing is a sign a child needs healthy coping tools. Throwing temper tantrums and having difficulty releasing tension and frustration are also good reasons to get child counseling.

How is what children learn in school different than learning emotional coping tools in child therapy in Old Saybrook, CT?
In school, children are not taught social emotional skills. Children are taught about math and science. But, as children, we don’t learn skills for how to be in healthy relationships or to nurture ourselves. And, children don’t learn skills to navigate anxiety. Just like you go to the doctor when you’re sick, your child’s therapist helps them move forward and feel calm.
Does your child have concerning behaviors that cause you to worry as a parent?
A play therapy listens in ways beyond words to what makes your child feel sad, scared, and worried. Then, your child’s therapist uses art, yoga, music, and nature therapies to help them release. Morning routines may be chaotic and frustrating right now. Essentially, child and family therapy can help reduce family conflict and make family calmer and clearer. Child and teen therapy allows for a foundation of lifelong emotional confidence.
Through child therapy in Old Saybrook, Ct goals can evolve and change over time.
Perhaps, at the start of therapy, dealing anxiety from peers is a goal. Then, six months in, your child’s best friend moves away. Then, a loved one gets sick and passes away. Your child’s creative therapist can support them no matter what family conflict or stress comes their way. Periodically, parenting sessions can be a part of your child’s counseling to help you understand tools to help them when they have emotional meltdowns. From child therapy, emotional coping tools are available. Furthermore, children and teenagers often need help when social problems affect how well they do in school.
Book a free phone call for child therapy in Old Saybrook, Ct using the pink button below.

At Wisdom Within Counseling in Old Saybook, Ct, we are unique and different.
Generally, the child and family therapists teach children life skills for emotional confidence. Help from someone outside your child’s family can make a positive impact in their future relationships and life. Wisdom Within Counseling in Old Saybrook, CT offers skills for your whole self, your mind, body, and spirit. In counseling, your child has a safe space where they can learn calm, confident outlets.

How do you share about child therapy in Old Saybrook, Ct with your child who may be feeling sad, loss, grief, anger, or depression?
Well, it can help to normalize therapy and share that therapy is a positive thing. Mostly, all kids are familiar with the doctor, but not all children like it. So, you can tell your child that going to therapy will be a special type of doctor, for feelings.

Start by sharing that a therapist is a feelings doctor. Also, children know what it’s like to feel sad, distress, and anxiety. So, your child will often feel relief and reassured knowing they can talk to someone. Tell them seeing a child-specialized, creative therapist will help them talk about tough times. Your child will have a safe, nurturing place to let go when they feel hurt, angry, sad, blamed, or mad.
What is unique about creative child counseling in Old Saybrook, Ct?
For one, your child with anger, anxiety, or going through divorce can pick from traditional talking, creative art, yoga, music, outdoor walking, or a combination. For emotional expression and release, your child has choices of creative art and music therapies. Also, child counseling in Old Saybrook, CT offers art therapy including paints, glitter gel pens, watercolors, and clay.

To add, your teenager in therapy can go for an outdoor walk-and-talk session by the beach in the sun. Nature walks on the Niantic Bay Boardwalk help depression coping skills. Holistic therapy supports emotional and social confidence.

Your child can choose to sit on a couch in an office, or talk outside at the picnic table in the fresh air. After loss and trauma, your child and family can do mind-body therapies. For example, yoga and mindfulness meditations help you feel stronger, clear your head. Your child or teenager can build a self-care toolbox in Old Saybrook therapy.