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Animal Therapy Group In Niantic, Connecticut in June 2024

For Children, Teens, and Families Friday, June 28th 2024 5:30-7pm – To Reserve A Spot Text Katie 860-451-9364 Animal Therapy Group at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut Improve mood and social confidence in animal therapy group in East Lyme, Connecticut Lower social anxiety (lower the stress hormone, cortisol) Improve social emotional skills in animal therapy An hour and aContinue readingAnimal Therapy Group In Niantic, Connecticut in June 2024

Creating A Fulfilling, Satisfying Sex Life: Emotional Security and Sexual Intimacy with Katie Ziskind

Do you want a fulfilling love and sex life but find yourself in never ending fights and avoiding intimacy altogether? Listen to “Creating a fulfilling, satisfying sex life: emotional security and sexual intimacy” – Episode 63 on the “All Things Love and Intimacy” Podcast This is episode goes over CRUCIAL conversations you need to get your sex and love lifeContinue readingCreating A Fulfilling, Satisfying Sex Life: Emotional Security and Sexual Intimacy with Katie Ziskind

“All Things Love and Intimacy” Podcast with Katie Ziskind – Episode 62: Attachment Injuries Unveiled: Healing Emotional Wounds in Relationships – Just Released!

In episode, “62: Attachment Injuries Unveiled: Healing Emotional Wounds in Relationships,” of “All Things Love and Intimacy,” we delve deep into the intricate world of attachment injuries within romantic relationships and explore how relationship coaching can help address and heal these emotional wounds. To add, the “All Things Love and Intimacy” Podcast with Katie Ziskind helps couples develop emotional intimacyContinue reading“All Things Love and Intimacy” Podcast with Katie Ziskind – Episode 62: Attachment Injuries Unveiled: Healing Emotional Wounds in Relationships – Just Released!

Infidelity specialists and marriage counselors help couples in therapy rebuild emotional intimacy – Marriage counseling after betrayal and trauma creates a more secure bond than ever before

Has your partner cheated? Or, have you cheated and betrayed your spouse? Wanting an infidelity specialist and marriage therapist who understands the complexity of affairs, cheating, and secret keeping? Do you feel emotional intimacy has been lacking in your marriage? Wanting skills to feel more secure, close, attached, and playful together after loss, betrayal, and trauma? Did you come fromContinue readingInfidelity specialists and marriage counselors help couples in therapy rebuild emotional intimacy – Marriage counseling after betrayal and trauma creates a more secure bond than ever before

Why Isn’t My Teen Talking To Me Anymore? Young Adult and Teen Therapy in Lyme, Connecticut and Young Adult Therapy For Confidence and Coping Outlets

Is your teen disconnected, depressed, and seeming much more anxious than usual? Have you noticed your teenager is withdrawn and disconnected? Is your teenager struggling academically in school, and you notice something is wrong? Has your teenager or young adult been more snappy, irritable, moody, and tearful than usual? Do you wish your teenager had a safe place to processContinue readingWhy Isn’t My Teen Talking To Me Anymore? Young Adult and Teen Therapy in Lyme, Connecticut and Young Adult Therapy For Confidence and Coping Outlets

Date Ideas for Couples In Addition To Infidelity Couples Counseling in Niantic and the Southeastern Connecticut

You may be wondering how to reconnect with your spouse after cheating, infidelity, hurt, and all trust has been shattered. Prioritizing time together is a key to a healthy, long-term, meaningful connection. However, when you look back on when you first met, you felt excited, both emotionally and sexually. Years have passed and martial resentments have built up. Right now,Continue readingDate Ideas for Couples In Addition To Infidelity Couples Counseling in Niantic and the Southeastern Connecticut

Do you have a narcissistic, emotionally abusive mother or father? Counseling for narcissistic abuse from your mother or father to rebuild self-worth and set boundaries

Is your mother or father emotionally abusive, selfish, highly critical, and pushes over your boundaries? Do you feel blamed and scrutinized by your mother or father who has narcissistic personality disorder? Have you felt hurt, betrayed, guilt-tripped, or gaslit by your narcissistic mother or father? Do you have memories of emotional abuse, manipulation, and invalidation from your childhood? Did youContinue readingDo you have a narcissistic, emotionally abusive mother or father? Counseling for narcissistic abuse from your mother or father to rebuild self-worth and set boundaries

Rebuild Sexual Intimacy in Marriage Counseling Through Emotional Bonding, Communication, and Conflict Resolution Skills – Sex Life Therapy

Do you feel frustrated with your sex life? Constantly sexually rejected by your partner? When you reach out to touch them, do you feel them pull away? Are you afraid to talk to your partner because you want to avoid conflict? Do it feel that every time you and your spouse talk, it escalates and gets too overwhelming and intense?Continue readingRebuild Sexual Intimacy in Marriage Counseling Through Emotional Bonding, Communication, and Conflict Resolution Skills – Sex Life Therapy

Low Sexual Desire Counseling – Couples Therapy For Disinterest In Sex and Low Libido

Are you feeling sexually frustrated and rejected because your wife has a low desire for sex and isn’t attracted to you? Or, are you as a female, yourself, struggling because you have a disinterest in sex and you see how this is hurting your partner? Is your sex life not where you want it to be? Do you have pastContinue readingLow Sexual Desire Counseling – Couples Therapy For Disinterest In Sex and Low Libido

Intimacy and Sex Focused Couples Therapists in Melbourne, Florida – Marriage Counseling for Sexual Playfulness and Confidence

Wanting more sexual pleasure in your relationship, but not sure how to get there? Struggling with sexual challenges like erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation? Are you disinterested in sex because it hurts and is painful? Do you wish sex could be fun, enjoyable, and pleasurable, but right now, it is painful? Or, do you feel sexually rejected by your partner?Continue readingIntimacy and Sex Focused Couples Therapists in Melbourne, Florida – Marriage Counseling for Sexual Playfulness and Confidence

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