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3 ways marriage counseling in Waterford, Ct builds trust

Do you wonder if your spouse is still in love with you? Maybe, there are conversation topics that you avoid talking about? And, do you have important life topics to talk about that only cause marital conflict? Do you feel like distant roommates with your spouse, but deeply wish to fall back in love again with each other? After anxiety,Continue reading3 ways marriage counseling in Waterford, Ct builds trust

Marriage counseling for depression and trauma

To start, depression and trauma are big words, for major life events that can change emotions, family life, and safety. Now, a couple who are best friends can still have various challenges around depression. Even in marriages where there are no affairs or betrayals, depression and trauma are another set of marital stressors. For instance, having a family pet dieContinue readingMarriage counseling for depression and trauma

How has the coronavirus impacted couples staying together?

The coronavirus has impacted couples staying together. Everything is being put to the test in the time of COVID-19, including love. Every couple has conflicts, but new and prolonged stresses caused by the coronavirus can cause them to fight more. Or, just as problematic, go to the other extreme: bottle their feelings and not fight at all. You’ll be happyContinue readingHow has the coronavirus impacted couples staying together?

Gottman couples therapy in Old Saybrook, Ct: What issues put a marriage at risk for divorce?

Do you feel insecure in your marriage or relationship? Or, do you wonder if your spouse has a mental health issues like PTSD, bi-polar disorder, anxiety, depression, or gender dysphoria? Do you wish you had your best friend back, to be your teammate in life again? We help distant couples who have a long-term friendship recreate a nurturing, loving, happyContinue readingGottman couples therapy in Old Saybrook, Ct: What issues put a marriage at risk for divorce?

What Is A Gottman Couples Therapy Specialty All About?

Do you struggle with sleeping in separate bedrooms from your spouse? Or, do you feel sad, unloved, or feel like elements of your marriage are missing? Have you stopped finishing each other’s sentances? And, do you desire a better marriage with playfulness and fun? To begin in couple’s therapy, our team would love to talk with you on the phoneContinue readingWhat Is A Gottman Couples Therapy Specialty All About?

Trauma bonding in couples therapy and yoga therapy

Are you stuck in a distant cycle where you feel confused and lonely? Holistic marriage counseling can help! Have you and your spouse begun sleeping apart in separate beds? Do you feel like there are certain topics that you can’t talk about around your spouse? Stuck in a cycle of anger, hurt, and walking on eggshells? The team at WisdomContinue readingTrauma bonding in couples therapy and yoga therapy

Ways to improve your sex life – Intimacy, sex, and marriage therapy

It can be argued that the most critical things in a relationship are communication, respect, boundaries, trust, and support. Intimacy, sex, and marriage therapy can support those qualities. Also, through sexual pleasure, you can improve trust, excitement, and passion. Often, sexual pleasure can come from role plays, BDSM, and spicing it up in the bedroom. When talking about “connection,” itContinue readingWays to improve your sex life – Intimacy, sex, and marriage therapy

The autism spectrum and dating challenges

Can you tell us a little bit about the autism spectrum? Children and adults on the autism spectrum have challenges with communication. For one, children don’t know how to read body language. Reading emotions is very challenging with an autism spectrum diagnosis. Lack of social skills can lead to dating challenges. Often, adults with autism have challenges reading facial expressionsContinue readingThe autism spectrum and dating challenges

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy [DBT therapy in Connecticut] for anxiety and depression

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy can help if you have depression and anxiety, and help you create a beautiful, healthy life worth living! Learn to feel confident, communicate in calm ways, and attract nurturing, positive friendships through DBT therapy in Connecticut. Depression therapy using DBT therapy skills for confidence Do you feel afraid and worry about leaving your house? And, do youContinue readingDialectical Behavioral Therapy [DBT therapy in Connecticut] for anxiety and depression

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