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Gottman couples therapy in Old Saybrook, Ct: What issues put a marriage at risk for divorce?

Do you feel insecure in your marriage or relationship? Or, do you wonder if your spouse has a mental health issues like PTSD, bi-polar disorder, anxiety, depression, or gender dysphoria? Do you wish you had your best friend back, to be your teammate in life again? We help distant couples who have a long-term friendship recreate a nurturing, loving, happyContinue readingGottman couples therapy in Old Saybrook, Ct: What issues put a marriage at risk for divorce?

What Is A Gottman Couples Therapy Specialty All About?

Do you struggle with sleeping in separate bedrooms from your spouse? Or, do you feel sad, unloved, or feel like elements of your marriage are missing? Have you stopped finishing each other’s sentances? And, do you desire a better marriage with playfulness and fun? To begin in couple’s therapy, our team would love to talk with you on the phoneContinue readingWhat Is A Gottman Couples Therapy Specialty All About?

Trauma bonding in couples therapy and yoga therapy

Are you stuck in a distant cycle where you feel confused and lonely? Holistic marriage counseling can help! Have you and your spouse begun sleeping apart in separate beds? Do you feel like there are certain topics that you can’t talk about around your spouse? Stuck in a cycle of anger, hurt, and walking on eggshells? The team at WisdomContinue readingTrauma bonding in couples therapy and yoga therapy

How help for infidelity in marriage counseling in Niantic, Connecticut positively impacts a whole family

EMOTIONAL IMPACT OF INFIDELITY ON THE UNINVOLVED PARTNER First off, infidelity can greatly impact all parties in a relationship. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. And, these negative effects of anger and betrayal often extend to others, such as children. So, if your children watch you fight or shut down, that’s how they’ll be when married too. Or, if your children whatContinue readingHow help for infidelity in marriage counseling in Niantic, Connecticut positively impacts a whole family

After infidelity and betrayal in marriage counseling

Sometimes, do you find it hard to trust your partner? Read more below to learn about marriage counseling in New London County CT at Wisdom Within Counseling. Have you recently discovered secretive text messages and an affair? Right now, you may feel broken down. To note, infidelity can severely strain a relationship, a marriage, a friendship and the people inContinue readingAfter infidelity and betrayal in marriage counseling

Anger Management Skills in Couples Therapy in Niantic, Connecticut

Wisdom Within Counseling Family and Marriage Therapists Teach Anger Management Skills in Couples Therapy in Niantic, Connecticut  Likewise, are you in a negative pattern of holding in your feelings, or getting explosive? For example, do you feel pushed to an edge and yell with anger? Feel like the only way you can be heard is to yell? Right now, itContinue readingAnger Management Skills in Couples Therapy in Niantic, Connecticut

What is narcissistic personality disorder?

First, narcissistic personality disorder causes some one to only think of themselves. And, someone with narcissistic personality disorder can’t show empathy. Often, this disorder develops from experiencing severe childhood trauma. For some children, they don’t get the emotional connection, affection, or attention they need. Unfortunately, narcissists and gaslighters make being in a relationship with others very hard. Often, narcissists andContinue readingWhat is narcissistic personality disorder?

What is EMDR therapy in Niantic, CT?

When you have trauma symptoms, you can’t sleep, may eat a lot more than you usually would, or you may eat very little. Often, victims of trauma experience recurring nightmares or flashbacks. Also, depressing thoughts fill your mind. At times, these flashbacks or nightmares can occur at work or during the day. Yoga therapy is like EMDR therapy in Niantic,Continue readingWhat is EMDR therapy in Niantic, CT?

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