Ayurveda counseling, a way of restoring your innate balance state, is a playful practice.
Also, Ayurveda is a lense to observe yourself with love and compassion. Then, you’ll learn an ancient tool guide and framework to restore balance in mind, body, and spirit. Overall, if you are feeling stuck, negative, or have tried it all, Ayurveda counseling in Southeastern Connecticut can help you. Yoga therapy teaches calmness.
Five Tips For Ayurvedic Self-Massage
Try these tips, have fun, be creative, and be amazed at the possibilities surrounding your new perspective and relationship with your true, authentic, spiritual self. More Resources: WisdomWithinCt.com.
đź’śThink Benefits & Routine When Life Gets Busy
Reduces stress and anxiety, calms your parasympathetic nervous system, improves digestion, improves circulation, balances energy, enhances longevity, heals cracked feet/dry skin, soothes and restores your mind. Remember, your skin is how your mind meets the world.
đź’śPick Your Oils Based On Your Constitution & Seasons
Vata: Choose organic, cold-pressed sesame oil (it is yellow in color, like canola oil), almond, or avocado. Sesame is warming for Vata.
Pitta: Choose organic, extra virgin coconut oil (it is solid below 70 degrees and white in color). Coconut has a cooling quality.
Kapha: Choose organic, cold-pressed sesame oil (it is yellow in color, like canola oil). In addition to sesame oil, almond oil, olive oil and corn oil are all warming.
đź’śWarm Your Oil & Be At Home Within Your Body
Think cozy and comforting. Warm your oil by placing the container in a mug of hot water for ten minutes, so it is similar to your skin’s natural temperature. You’ll be using about ¼ cup of oil for your whole body and a dime-sized amount each time you use some.
đź’śMagnificent Marma Points
Spend a couple of minutes slowly massaging your entire scalp. Perhaps close your eyes and soak in the healing touch. Your scalp is home to many marma points, similar to acupuncture points, which are concentrated points of your vital energy or prana.
đź’śGentle, Loving Touch All The Way To Your Toes
Start with your hands then work from the top of your head to your feet (5-10 minutes). Use nurturing, long strokes on your bones and circular motions of your joints. Spend extra time on the soles of your feet, having a moment of gratitude for your healthy body, mind, and spirit. Remind yourself how beautiful you are. Wait a few moments, then shower using minimal soap. This practice allows for relaxation, stress-reduction, and calmness on so many deep levels.
To begin, click the button below to book you Ayurvedic phone consult.
Specialized Holistic Therapy
Read more about creative therapies for positive coping skills for mind, body, and spirit wellness and self-confidence.
We help tired, busy professional people have long lasting energy and inner balance through the day.

Niantic, Connecticut Ayurvedic Counseling, Yoga Therapy, and Spiritual Connection
First, you’ve been learning about yourself and still left wanting more. A few years ago, you became an avid yoga student. After trying hot yoga for months, you felt alive and exhilarated. Ayurveda counseling Allows you to take your practice deeper. For one, you can learn ways to love yourself more intimately and deeply than ever before. And, you want to talk about your yoga experiences with a yoga professional.
Have you recently had a sports injury?
However, shortly after you began loving yoga, you learned about an injury. And, this injury has transformed your yoga practice into a spiritual, more than physical journey. But, it’s hard not being able to do what you used to do. And, not being able to use your body as you once could is depressing. So, Niantic Ayurveda counseling is all about self-care and building a genuine relationship with your true self. And, Ayurveda counseling in Niantic helps you step into your personal power and attract healthy relationships.
Ayurveda counseling along the Shoreline of Southeastern Connecticut
Further, yoga therapy in Niantic is similar to personal training, where you meet one-on-one. But, Niantic yoga therapy is holistic, spiritual, and all about loving self-care. Yoga Therapy with Katie Ziskind, LMFT, RYT500, is about healing past wounds of trauma holistically. So, you can feel your best and create the genuine, meaningful relationships you’ve always desired. Further, Ayurveda counseling incorporates your mind, analytical thinking, and self-talk. Also, Ayurveda counseling in Niantic supports self-awareness and deepening spiritual connection.
To begin, click the button below to book you Ayurvedic phone consult.
Are you looking to create a positive, healthy, resilient life?
Often, yoga therapy and Ayurveda counseling are amazing, effective therapies for healing past trauma and holistic PTSD treatment. So, if you feel negative and depression from talk counseling in the past, yoga therapy and Niantic Ayurveda counseling can be a breath of fresh air. Instead of rehashing guilt from the past, you get to focus on the positive future that you want to create! In holistic therapy, you’ll have a chance to cleanse your senses and feel rejuvenation by taking your session outside in the sun. Or, alongside your Ayurveda counseling session, you can paint in art therapy. To note, Niantic art therpay supports release of deep emotions through creative expression.
How can Niantic holistic counseling and Ayurveda counseling offer healing and empowering support?
First, Ayurveda counseling in Niantic, Connecticut supports your mind, body, and spirit. From improvements in digestion to flexibility gains from yoga therapy poses, you’ll leave session feeling stronger. Plus, in your East Lyme Ayurveda counseling session, you’ll gain specific tools that you can use outside of session for balance and centering yourself. Moreover, Ayurveda counseling sees balance through three doshas, Ayurvedic constitution, and holistic therapy.
What makes Ayurveda counseling in Niantic, Connecticut so special?
In Ayurveda counseling in Niantic, Katie Ziskind, LMFT, RYT500, helps you better understand your true nature and the origins of what causes your discomfort. From looking at the source of your pain verses treating a symptom, you’ll feel like the leader of your own life and health again.
Also, in Ayurveda coaching, Katie Ziskind, teaches you about Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, the three doshas.
From learning about your doshas and Ayurvedic constitution, gently, compassionatly, and soothingly, you can restore balance.
Ayurveda, is it a way of practicing self-care and loving yourself as you are?
Yes! Further, Ayurveda is a way of life where you give yourself loving kindness rather than listen to your inner critic. In Ayurveda, you’ll learn how to be authentic in your self and to love yourself just the way you are. Rather than comparing yourself to others, we teach you how to embrace your strengths! Over time, you’ll learn how your doshas work and how to compassionatly rejuvenate your mind, refresh your body, and surrender to Devine spirit. To begin feeling more balanced and loving towards yourself through holistic yoga therapy and Ayurvedic counseling in Niantic, call/text 860-451-9364.
Why Would I Want To See A Therapist In Niantic, Connecticut With Ayurvedic Knowledge?
To start, seeing a licensed mental health practitioner with Ayurvedic training will allow you to have a more spiritual therapy experience. Rather than labeling behaviors as good or bad, you will receive mind, body, and spirit support and guidance. In Ayurveda, your symptoms, say anxiety and sleeping problems, are seen as signs of a deeper, underlying issue. So, instead of prescribing sleeping medication, an Ayurvedic therapist will offer methods and techniques to balance your Ayurvedic constitution.
Katie Ziskind shares about Ayurvedic teachings and the ancient science from India as a holistic marriage and family therapist
And, you will feel more fully grounded, centered, and deeply balanced from treating the source instead of the symptom. Lastly, having a trained yoga therapist as well as a mental health therapist allows you to get the best, highest quality teachings from both the Eastern and Western worlds.

I Feel Like I Have Tried Everything. How Is Ayurveda Different?
Further, if you have tried diets, various doctors, and still feel sick and out of balance, Ayurveda is exactly what you have been looking for. And, Katie Ziskind, licensed marriage and family therapist and yoga therapist in Niantic can help you today. Over the course of weekly sessions with Katie Ziskind, you’ll learn specific methods for balancing yourself. Because one technique doesn’t suit everyone, you plan will be personalized around your Ayurvedic constitution and dosha imbalances. First, Katie will help you understand the root cause of your discomfort and then teach you ways to reset your mind, body, and spirit back into balance.

What Is Ayurvedic Knowledge?
First, Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga, an ancient eight thousand year old practice. To note, Ayurveda is the science of balancing your inner energies or constitution. And, it is gentle, compassionate, and free from judgment. So, the three doshas make up a percentage of each person.
Ayurvedic counseling in Niantic, Connecticut: What are the theee doshas?
So, each person is a combination of three energies, or doshas. In Ayurvedic practices, you’ll learn a whole new language for understanding your true self, authentic self, and restoring balance organically. Many words you’ll learn will be in sanskrit, but are easy. Now, Ayurveda counseling in Niantic helps you feel authentic being you!
Ayurvedic Therapy In Niantic, Ct supports your healthy mind, flexiable body, and open spirit
Most importantly, Ayurvedic therapy in Niantic is about self love and building a positive relationship with yourself. To note, there are three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. In expert holistic counseling, you’ll learn how to restore balance when feeling off and ways to feel centered and clear in your mind, body and spirit.
To begin, click the button below for an Ayurvedic phone consult and appointment, and move toward a new, healthier, more balanced you.
What Is The Main Focus Point In Ayurvedic Teachings?
To add, the main point in Ayurvedic teachings is the idea that discomfort comes from dis-ease. And, dis-ease comes from an overload on the senses and imbalances in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body. However, first, you will notice discomfort and dis-ease within your physical body such as back pain. And, because of an imbalance in your body’s energy, you’ll still feel pain.
So, to restore balance through Ayurveda May include food, spices, massage, meditation, poses, and more. In Ayurvedic medicine, there are three energy types or doshas. Finally, once you understand your doshas, you can then implement ways to release energy in positive ways. Then, you can use specific Ayurvedic techniques almost like a prescription to ease and soothe.

Yoga Therapy Sessions with Katie Ziskind and understanding Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
Again, the doshas are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, which Katie Ziskind, yoga therapist and licensed marriage and family therapist explains in basic detail below. Further, everyone has a combination of the three doshas as a part of their physical appearance, appetite, tendencies, and even habits. When your dosha constitution and energy centers are out of balance, you won’t fee like yourself. Instead, Ayurveda, helps to restore balance to your body, then mind, and spirit. In Niantic’s only Ayurveda counseling center, you’ll learn specific skills personalized for your Ayurvedic constitution to restore inner balance and feel confident.

What Is Vatta? Ayurvedic counseling
To begin, Vata is the quality of air and ether. Furthermore, vata has a balanced state where you may be more musical, creative, flowy, bubbly in your personality, and easy going. For instance, one way that vata individuals tend to be imbalanced is through too much rough food such as raw foods, pictured above. Also, when imbalanced vata tends to have trouble sleeping, anxiety, constipation, talk too fast, and too many thoughts.
What are Vata’s tendencies?
Now, each person has some vata qualities. So, if you have more vata, you are more prone to trouble sleeping. So, think of clouds passing through the blue sky. Sometimes, white clouds move faster and other days clouds more slower. Therefore, a cup of coffee with caffeine will make your thoughts move faster. And, coffee leads to Vata aggravations. To note, coffee causes vata digestive pain, gas, and moves thoughts too quickly to the pint of panic attacks. So, fast thoughts mean that we would work to restore balance to vata, so you can slow down and sleep through the night.
What is one way to balance a vata dosha?
For example, in Niantic, Connecticut Ayurveda counseling sessions, you learn special techniques to balance your vata dosha. Right now, if you have a vata aggravation, or trouble sleeping, do a warm oil massage. Lastly, in Ayurveda counseling in Niantic, Connecticut with Katie Ziskind, you’ll learn the best techniques for Ayurvedic self massage with warm oil. Overall, you’ll learn ways to nurture yourself, shine brightly, and embrace you’re beautiful self rather than hiding behind insecurities.

What Is Pitta?
Secondly, Pitta is the dosha of fire and a little water. So, think of fire, when there is too much fire, Pitta individuals will be angry, be aggressive, work too much, have a sharp tongue with words, have more hot, red skin, and even have a tendency towards alcoholism. However, when a pitta individual is balanced, they are transformative, get a lot done, are powerful, motivated, and tend to have high power positions such as a CEO or successful entrepreneur.
Ayurveda counseling with Katie Ziskind in Niantic, Connecticut
Further, Ayurveda counseling also explains that the dosha, pitta, is fire. First, fire is most prone to being uncontrollable. So, many people with pitta develop negative tendencies for addiction, infidelity, and aggression. So, hot summer days also aggravate pitta. Therefore, to balance the pita dosha, we would implement cooling practices. Also, pitta individuals do best is non competitive sports. Now, Ayurveda counseling teaches that inner balance is possible consciously.

What is one way to balance pitta?
Simply, to cool yourself on a hot summer day, mindfully enjoy a cool cucumber or freshly sliced strawberries. Sit in the shade, rather than the sun. On a hot day, avoid spicy foods, fried foods, and anything too hot. To note, to many hot foods can lead a pitta individual to be mean, say harsh words, be too quick with sharp words, and overall be too firey. To learn specific ways to cool your fire dosha, call or text for Ayurveda counseling in Niantic, Connecticut 860-451-9364
What Is Kapha?
Last by not least, kapha individuals are prone to sluggishness, tiredness, and depression. And, they are earth energy with a little water. So, when Kapha individuals are in balance, they can be very romantic, thoughtful, loving, caring, and nurturing. And, some basic things that can balance kapha include raw foods to stimulate digestion, salads, spicy foods to also stimulate digestive fire, and daily exercise.
Where Is Ayurveda From? A Brief History of Ayurveda
To note, Ayurveda is a mixture of two words. First, ayur means longevity in life. And, the second part of the word Ayurveda means science and knowledge. Essentially, Ayurveda relates to the science of living a long and healthy life. And, by learning from past teachings and knowledge, you too can live a truly balanced, organic, smooth and relaxed life.
Southeastern Connecticut Ayurveda counseling integrating mind, body, and spirit
From India, Ayurvedic practices teach how to live in harmony in mind, body, and spirit and how to love and accept yourself. Lastly, Ayurveda teaches awareness. So, you can perceive when you have become imbalanced. And, then you can use a specialized technique learned from an Ayurvedic teacher to restore yourself to a balanced state of being.

To begin, click the button below to book you Ayurvedic phone consult.
TeleHealth, Video and Phone Sessions
Far Away? Choose Distance Phone and Video Sessions
Furthermore, modern medicine is of course very positive. However, considering the root surge of an issue or ailment is the main fallback of modern medicine. So, symptoms are not the issues themselves. Unfortunately, treating symptoms with medication leads to more clouded vision and discomfort. So, Ayurveda naturally and intuitively counters ailments without side effects.
Distance Ayurvedic counseling sessions with Katie Ziskind, yoga therapist in Southeastern Connecticut
Therefore, this has made Ayurveda a main complementary, alternative medicine and therapy. In conclusion, Niantic, Connecticut Ayurveda is perfect for those seeking other health and wellness options, deeper self-awareness, and knowledge to live a balanced life. Finally, if you want more than just talk counseling, Niantic Ayurveda counseling supports a healthier you!

Distance Ayurveda counseling sessions over phone or video
Phone and video Ayurvedic sessions are available, here. Within her yoga therapy training, Katie Ziskind offers holistic therapy sessions with Ayurvedic knowledge to people in all states. Here is a link to an article all about rituals and routine. Yoga therapy and Ayurveda teach that stabilizing and centering your mind, body, and spirit involves creating routines. For some, brushing your teeth, using an eye wash cup, nedi pot, and drinking warm lemon water serves as a relaxing morning routine.
We offer in person and video counseling to Connecticut towns including Fairfield, Cos Cob, Darien, Colebrook, Woodbridge, Old Greenwich, Rye, Watertown, Greenwich, Southport, Cornwall, Easton, Darien, Byram, New Canann, Essex, Weston, Barkhamsted, Fenwick, Hamburg, East Haddam, Norwalk, East Lyme, Simsbury, Westport, Redding, Greenwich, Middletown, Bloomfield, Stamford, Washington, Madison, Monroe, Glastonbury, Ivoryton, Washington, Danbury, New Haven, Bethlehem, Morris, Middlebury, Sharon, Kent, West Hartford, Colchester, Columbia, Milford, New Milford, Griswold, Guilford, Tolland, Stonington, Goshen, Salisbury, Killingworth, Bloomfield, Rye, Plymouth, Enfield, Lyme, Madison, Clinton, Litchfield, Warren, Avon, Wilton, Bridgewater, Chester, Deep River, Hartford, Colchester, Old Lyme, Deep River, Mystic, Ridgefield, Shelton, and West Hartford. We also offer counseling to residents of Massachusetts and Florida.