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3 Tips for a Relaxed Nervous System

As A Holistic Anxiety Therapist in East Lyme, Connecticut, How Does Your Sympathetic Nervous System Work?

Did you know you have two halves of your nervous system? To start, one half is called the sympathetic. Now, this half helps you handle stress. And, your adrenaline and stress hormones are sent into your bloodstream. Also, if you are often in stress mode, you may even have high cholesterol. The more stressed you are, the more your body tells your adrenal glands to send out adrenaline. And, adrenaline is made from cholesterol. And, the stress response part of your nervous system is only meant to work for 2-3 hours at a time. So, even checking your work email and arouse your sympathetic nervous system! Therefore, it is best to avoid stress before bed if you are looking to fall asleep easily. Learn more about when and why to seek a holistic anxiety therapist in East Lyme, Connecticut below.

How Can Lavender Aromatherapy Help Anxiety Symptoms?

To start, most therapists don’t use essential oils or even art. They just talk. But, talking isn’t enough for everyone. Many times, if you seek counseling for anxiety, you will be told to take anxiety medication too. Instead, at Wisdom Within Counseling, we step outside of the box and look holistically and your mind, body, and spirit. It is always okay to cry and we teach you how to express yourself. And, aromatherapy has a huge impact on mood and relaxation! For instance, smelling lavender is known to calm and balance mood. And, it can relax your muscles, lower anxiety, promote a deep sleep at night. Overall, as a holistic anxiety therapist in East Lyme, Connecticut, I teach people about natural anxiety management. Lastly, lavender naturally calms your parasympathetic nervous system. In transition, this is the other half of your body that calms you down.

As A Holistic Anxiety Therapist in East Lyme, Connecticut, How Does Your Parasympathetic Nervous System Work To Relax You?

Next, I’ll share about your relaxation response to balance anxiety. Now, the other half of your nervous system is your parasympathetic nervous system. And, this part helps you relax again after danger is gone. If you are chronically stressed out and on edge, even over working out, your parasympathetic nervous system has trouble relaxing again. And, learning to relax takes practice. It is just like learning to ride a bike. As humans, we have to teach ourselves how to relax and train our minds to think before reacting. Therefore, seeing a holistic anxiety therapist in East Lyme, Connecticut can help you learn positive anxiety coping skills. So, next time you feel a panic attack coming on, you can use a skill from your counseling session.

What are three tips for balancing your nervous system and stopping anxiety?

Do Yoga Regularly and Socialize For Anxiety Management

Now, when you goto a yoga class, you are being social, which studies show positively impacts mood and balances stress. Also, get to your yoga class 15 minutes early and chat with the yogi on the mat next to you. That way, you can make a new friend through a healthy activity. Additionally, you’ll be breathing all of your worries, muscle tension, and fears away. Overall, as a holistic anxiety therapist in East Lyme, Connecticut, I frequently recommend yoga.

holistic anxiety therapist in East Lyme, Connecticut, holistic trauma therapist in Niantic, Connecticut

Develop a Meditation and Yoga Nidra Practice For Anxiety and Panic Attack Management Skills

First, yoga nidra is an ancient technique for transformation, healing, and self-acceptance. Really, all you do is lay down on your bed or the floor and hit the play button. Did you know? Forty five minutes of yoga nidra compares to eight hours of REM sleep. Overall, this meditation style teaches your brain how to produce brain waves specific to relaxation. Every time you listen to yoga nidra, you are teaching your brain how to relax and reinforcing your positive coping skills when it comes to your tolerance for stress.

How Can Meditation Help With Panic Attacks and Anxiety?

In general, meditation can be sitting or even walking. But, it is time to center in on your mind, body, and spirit. And, setting aside time for yourself calms your mind. In general, guided meditation can be helpful for anxiety because it gives you a tool to observe your thoughts. Also, you can feel spiritually connected to all living beings through meditation. Then, you can get clear on rational, confident or irrational, fearful thoughts. Anxiety can be hard to deal with on your own. So, let one of our professionals on anxiety and panic attacks help. Lastly, if you are looking for a holistic anxiety therapist in East Lyme, Connecticut, call/text 860-451-9364.

Take Baths To Calm Your Anxious Thoughts

Furthermore, the act of taking baths has been down for centuries and promotes relaxation. And, it promotes a balanced, healthy nervous system. Add 1/4-1/2 cup extra virgin coconut oil or yellow sesame oil to your hot tub. Further, adding oil promotes extra moisturizing, skin-softening benefits in the winter. Also, try adding a cup of epsom salt for magnesium absorption. It is most easily absorbed through your skin by soaking for twenty minutes. Did you know? Magnesium is something many are deficient in, and it helps balance mood.

Looking for more anxiety support?

Katie Ziskind runs a group of holistic anxiety therapists in East Lyme, Connecticut. First, you can learn skills to understand where you anxiety comes from. Then, you can start to stop panic attacks and anxiety attacks in their tracks. From therapy, you can learn ways to express your negative feelings rather than self-sabotaging. Instead, you can use painting, art, yoga, music, and outdoor walk and talk therapy for confidence. Simply, contact us today for a phone consultation 860-451-9364.

Written By Katie Ziskind,

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

PTSD and Trauma Specialist

Child, Teen, and Young Adult Therapist

Couples and Relationship Therapist

Yoga Therapist

Katie Ziskind, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, RTY500 provides experiential therapy in Niantic, CT. At Wisdom Within Counseling, Katie helps frustrated teens and young adults build confidence by integrating art, yoga, music, and animal therapy with traditional talk therapy- so they can love themselves! Furthermore, the animal therapy groups teach skills such as self-regulation, trust, and social emotional learning. Call Katie for a free consultation to talk about how she can help your teen or young adult build confidence today (860) 451-9364 or email

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