Trauma therapy is a journey of inner connection, creating a life you love, and better self-esteem.
PTSD yoga therapy in Connecticut is available at Wisdom Within Counseling. Build nurturing relationships and positive coping tools through holistic therapies.
You are amazing, but trauma memories require mind-body, expressive arts alongside talking for release.
You are more than what happened to you.
You are good enough as you are in this moment.
You are seeking health and in healing, we give you the tools to get there.
-Confidence Awaits-
Do you have memories that keep coming back? Or do you feel really sad and cry? And, are you trying to figure out the past?
Well, trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut can help you overcome what happened to you. Also, through Niantic trauma therapy you’ll learn skills and tools to handle even the worst memories and regrets. You can learn ways to turn your regrets and losses into healing and transformation. Overall, holistic trauma therapy with Katie Ziskind, licensed marriage and family therapist in Niantic, Connecticut helps you heal.
Learn skills to positively cope through creative art, yoga, music, and outdoor therapies for empowerment and inner resilience
From a holistic approach, you can do art therapy, yoga therapy, and outdoor walk and talk therapy. And, trauma therapy I’d about giving your live purpose and beautiful meaning. In trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut, you’ll develop healthy ways to cope using animal therapies and creative counseling. From painting, drawing, and movement, you’ll breathe into the present moment. There is a healing journey ahead of you.
Holistic trauma therapy helps you get back to being your strongest, best self! Take back your power. Are you feeling like your trauma is holding you back?
First, you are in the aftershock. And, you can’t sleep at night. Further, romantic relationships and making lasting friendships are really hard. They just don’t seem to work out, but there is a part of you that wants a long-term, healthy relationship. Because, when you do try to fall asleep, your mind is flooded with memories from your past, loss, and regrets.
Were you afraid and didn’t know what you do at the time? Holistic trauma therapy in Connecticut using the outdoors, yoga and art
Also, even as a survivor of sexual abuse, you got through it, but you have survivor guilt. Sometimes, you feel gross thinking back to what happened to you. But, when it comes to complex PTSD treatment in Southeastern Connecticut in Niantic, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize with trauma victims.
Yoga helps back pain, which leads to inner peace, confidence, and contentment. So, if you are looking to feel better physically, yoga can stretch your spine and is better for you than taking pain medication. Yoga is an alternative to pain medication. For example, one study shows back pain was significantly reduced by yoga more than use of pain medication.
Interview with Katie Ziskind, LMFT, RYT500, Trauma Specialist
On June 21, 2019, Katie Ziskind, the owner of Wisdom Within Counseling, licensed marriage and family therapist, and yoga therapist, was asked to be on the radio. Listen below for the full recording to hear Katie Ziskind’s interview on yoga for stress relief and yoga for PTSD treatment. Enjoy!
So, listen to Katie Ziskind’s full interview on the radio, here.
What does complex PTSD treatment and trauma therapy look like?
And, trauma can be a loss of a loved one, or it can be childhood sexual abuse. Trauma, a deep wound, needs to be handled with care, support, and nurturing energy. As a group of holistic trauma therapists in Niantic, Connecticut, we help people who have experienced trauma feel empowered again. When it comes to PTSD treatment in Southeastern Connecticut, you’ve found the right place. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, when you work with your trauma therapist, you can choose from art, yoga, music, and outdoor therapies. And, these holistic, creative therapies help you feel powerful, stronger, and healthier in the present moment. Therefore, when it comes to complex PTSD treatment and trauma therapy in Niantic, your treatment is highly specialized and personalized based on what you went through.
Are you looking to express lingering emotions from your past from trauma in holistic ways?
Wanting support, resilience, and confidence around creating positive, meaning relationships? We know you want to feel balanced, stronger, and resilient. Moving trough trauma, anxiety, and loss takes more than just talking. So, highly specialized, creative holistic therapies help your inner child feel nurtured and safe letting go. And, you now have a safe place to learn self-awareness, self-love, and inner wisdom– lifelong skills and techniques for success physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Want to feel stronger, healthier, and more confident? Love and feel powerful in your life!
The team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic would love to help you feel healthier, stronger, and self confident through holistic counseling. And, you want something specialized and creative- something holistic and more than just talk counseling. At times, we can’t find words to talk it out, so you get to have options! Below is a picture of a relaxing, guided mediation. After a trauma, you can start to feel rejuvenated, restored, and more peaceful from the inside out.
At Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, Katie Ziskind, practice owner, Integrates Yoga Therapy To Help You Heal From PTSD
Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Therapy is a technique Katie Ziskind LMFT, RYT500, offers as a clinical treatment for victims of trauma to restore balance. Further, yoga therapy for trauma has proven to be a time efficient, comprehensive, evidence-based therapy which helps an assortment of issues from violence, worries, fears, and loss.
Therapy for Trauma and Abuse Recovery
Also, yoga therapy has helped victims of sexual abuse to rebuild feeling into numb areas of their bodies. Additionally, it also benefits those who have not found relief from other traditional “talking” or thought-based analytical therapies and those with chronic conditions such as eating disorders, low self-esteem, and depression. Teenagers and young adults have greatly benefited from yoga therapy for trauma and abuse.
Why Is An Experiential, Holistic Approach to PTSD More Effective For Healing?
As Wisdom Within Counseling, a holistic, integrative practice for marriage and family therapy in East Lyme, Katie Ziskind knows that it can be very difficult to talk after a trauma happens. More, a trauma may be severe, such as sexual abuse in childhood, or may be more contextual, such as a recently car accident. Read more about each of these effective, evidence based therapies for healing complex PTSD below.
What to look for when seeking complex PTSD treatment?
When looking for PTSD counseling in Niantic, it is very important you seek a trauma specialist. Traditional talk counseling can help, but often leaves victims stuck in the past. Instead, you can choose from art, yoga, music, and outdoor therapies at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Yoga Therapy for PTSD at Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, CT
Additionally, yoga therapy for trauma and abuse can incorporate slow body movements. As a trauma informed yoga therapist, Katie Ziskind teaches you how to release information, memories, and smells from your past. Therefore, yoga therapy for trauma and PTSD frees people from disturbing, re-traumatizing images held inside. Finally, yoga therapy for trauma releases and relaxes your memory, body sensations, emotions, and insecurities.
Yoga To Support Stress Management and Relaxation
In the town of Niantic, Katie Ziskind teaches vinyasa yoga classes at a number of local studios surrounding Niantic. Katie models wellness, mind-body connection, and she encourages her clients, to engage in prosocial activities in addition to weekly therapy, such as yoga classes.
Highly Specialized Psychotherapy for PTSD in Southeastern Connecticut
As a complex PTSD specialist in Connecticut, Katie Ziskind combines talk counseling with yoga therapy. Also, psychotherapy for PTSD in Southeastern Connecticut is available at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic. When it comes to complex PTSD treatment in Southeastern Connecticut, the team of creative therapists in Niantic offer you art, yoga, music, and animal therapy. Furthermore, the team of therapists here at Wisdom Within Counseling offer specialized, personalized, mind-body PTSD counseling in Niantic, Connecticut. As a specialized trauma therapist, Katie Ziskind, is a licensed marriage and family therapist and yoga therapist.
What To Yoga Create Meaningful Relationships In Your Life?
Overall, Katie Ziskind, marriage and family therapist, and yoga teacher, uses yoga as a mind-body gateway that allows a person to move on from trauma. In addition to facilitating compassionate-based trauma work, yoga fosters a safe place to create meaningful, genuine, and supportive relationships. And, Katie Ziskind, LMFT, RYT500, uses ancient spiritual techniques including meditation, positive affirmations, yoga poses, and yoga nidra alongside traditional talk counseling. Moreover, when looking for PTSD therapy in Southeastern Connecticut, we are a highly specialized holistic group where you can get all the benefits of talk counseling and more, when needed.
How Can You Use Creative Art and Yoga For PTSD Relief?
In my therapy sessions, Katie Ziskind combines talk therapy with integrative yoga and art therapy to support mind-body wellness. Complimenting traditional therapy with yoga and art is highly effective and yields exceptional results with worried, anxious children and angry, frustrated teenagers. Read more below about how Katie Ziskind, holistic therapist in Niantic, can help you recover from PTSD integrating yoga therapy into your plan for success.
Right and Left Brain Stimulation- Mind and Body Influence Each Other
In yoga therapy for trauma and PTSD, you take an active role in right brain and left brain stimulation. This helps to rewire your brain to experience the memory in a new positive way, without the pain that was once attached.
Childhood Memories Are Stored In Our Bodies
To supplement, each person’s life experiences are uniquely based on their personal upbringing, life, and values. Hence, there is no wrong and no right way to do yoga therapy for trauma and PTSD. Together, at Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, we adapt yoga therapy for trauma and abuse for you and your child, adolescent, or teen.
For Survivors To Overcome The Past, Complex PTSD Treatment, Connecticut
We work together to gently care for all of you, your whole self, helping you to feel safe and confident in your abilities. Then, we work to let go of the anxiety, worry, and fear through yoga therapy.
What Does Yoga Therapy Look Like?
Yoga therapy for PTSD is an opportunity to practice self-acceptance and compassionate healing. Sets of light exercises and physical movements linked with conscious breathing. Then, we processes together. Sessions are continued until the memory or feeling becomes less severe and is associated with wellness and empowering beliefs.
Integrative Marriage and Family Therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut
Remember, you have come to the right place for this holistic and highly effective therapy. For instance, Katie Ziskind, LMFT, RYT500 often guides meditation at the end of your sessions to close. For another session, you may ask to use your session that day for Yoga Nidra, restorative practice.
Yoga Therapy Fact: Did You Know?
Forty-five minutes of Yoga Nirda compares to eight hours of REM sleep! Keep reading below about Why Yoga Therapy is so beneficial.
Therapy for PTSD in Niantic, CT
When working together, a typical therapeutic plan is three to ten sessions performed weekly or every other week interchangeably with traditional talk therapy. Yoga therapy may be used with to “talk” therapy.
Yoga Alongside Talk Counseling in East Lyme
For instance, Katie Ziskind of Niantic may be your primary or secondary therapist as I am highly skilled in yoga therapy. And, it can be used with a separate therapist, as an adjacent, supplemental component of your overall therapeutic success, or as a treatment by itself.
The Need To Go Beyond Talking For Effective Mind-Body Healing
Traumatizing events can have a variety of physical effects of your body. These physical symptoms are often overlooked as your body’s normal trauma response. They can be complex leading to decreased immune function (you feel sick all the time), unknown pain, digestive issues (stomach aches), headaches, and problems concentrating. Even ADHD!
Complex PTSD Treatment In Niantic, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling
Furthermore, as a trauma therapist in Niantic, Connecticut the team at Wisdom Within Counseling offers specialized PTSD therapy. And, when it comes to PTSD counseling in New London County, Connecticut, you get to feel supported holistically and creatively through mind, body, and spirit. And, Katie Ziskind, licensed marriage and family therapist and yoga therapist, is a PTSD specialist and trauma specialist. By combining the healing, ancient benefits of yoga therapy with traditional talk counseling, Katie Ziskind has created highly specialized complex PTSD treatment.
A Background About Trauma
When we talk about going to “the source” and beyond the symptom, the process is gentle, compassionate, and nurturing. Trauma can come in many forms, shapes and sizes. Since only some forms of trauma are validated and ritualized openly, society does an injustice to other survivors of trauma.
Trauma Comes In Many Experiences
Sexual abuse is considered a big “T” trauma, because more legal ramifications are involved, whereas being bullied on the playground may be considered little “t” trauma, but both can be equally distressing and everlasting for the survivor.
How Does My Childhood and Past Impact Me Today?
First, start by thinking back to your earliest memory from your childhood. Present day feelings and triggers are often times an old memory. As an expert in yoga therapy for trauma and PTSD. Katie Ziskind helps you understand how your past experiences may still have a hold on you.
Can I Change My Pattern? A New Beginning
And, lingering stuck energy from these memories may be holding you back from creating meaningful relationships with yourself and others. A child who is abused from a young age feels these memories for years later.
What Is A Trauma Blueprint?
First, the experience of abuse creates a blueprint or video recording in and on the body. Even years after the experience has passed, a person may have a family of their own. Any touch that passes over this old blueprint of trauma can trigger a host of emotions. Furthermore, Katie Ziskind teaches you skills to handle flashbacks and triggers. So, when these old parts surface, you’ll be more confident in taking back your power over your past.
Survival Mode and Your Immune System
Most of the time children go into survival mode when they experience trauma. And, mind-body disconnects. In order to survive, the brain is intelligent and thinks of something wonderful instead.
A New Self: Trading Negative Skills For Positive Ones
Katie Ziskind helps people who disassociate, learn to be present in this moment. Also, disassociating is self-protective and a positive coping skill in the midst of trauma. Through yoga therapy for trauma at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, we work together to release negative skills and build positive ones.
Now, You That Are Safe and Supported, What You Used To Do Doesn’t Work Anymore
Further, fantasizing becomes a negative coping skill once you are free and safe from trauma. Since the traumatic experience is so intense to take in at the time and so upsetting, the person’s mind automatically leaves their body. Holistic therapist in Niantic, Katie Ziskind, helps memories of trauma leave the muscles, nervous system, organs, and mind. For complete healing, She integrates body, mind, and spirit in yoga therapy for trauma, PTSD, and abuse recovery.
Let’s Consider Your Mind, Body, and Spirit Connected
Therefore, your whole self can feel fully healed and safe from what you’ve experienced in your past. You mind, body, and spirit are all impacted in a different way from going through a difficult situation. In your therapy sessions for trauma and PTSD, you’ll learn positive coping skills to reconnect your mind, body, and spirit for whole person healing. And, people are often diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD because of living through scary, intense, horrifying, sad, and distressing events.
Old “Talking Only” Therapies: The Problem & Why They Don’t Work
Many ineffective, old-mindset therapists hold the perspective that in order to heal, a person must retell every detail their trauma story over again. The opposite of yoga therapy for trauma, this old approach often re-traumatizes a victim leading to Complex-PTSD. Instead, Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme allows you to share only as much as you are comfortable.
Katie Ziskind, holistic therapist in Niantic, helps people who have tried therapy before, but now need a expert on trauma.
- People with PTSD were 23 times more likely to develop depression.
- People with PTSD had higher levels of sympathetic nervous system activation. (Think freeze, retreat, fight, flight).
- After six months, 45% of people with PTSD remained significantly symptomatic (meaning treatment didn’t do anything and the treatment didn’t treat the root cause).
Essential aspects to healing and beginning your recovery are learning ways, coping skills, and present-moment/present-mind techniques to calm down, foster resilience, and self-regulate.
The Need for Compassionate Yoga Therapy
When a person experiences trauma, their nervous system automatically shifts from a calm, relaxed state to a hyper-aroused state. So, imagine a person always on the lookout for the worst, fearing it will happen. Then, when trauma to your body happens over time, the relaxation response within you known as the parasympathetic nervous system, forgets how to work.
Learning To Relax Again
Therefore, learning to relax after trauma is like learning to ride a bike for the first time. Think of yoga therapy for trauma like re-learning how to walk again. So, it is important to be compassionate and gentle with yourself along the way while also having an expert therapist.
Evidence-Based Research On Yoga For Trauma
More recently, evidence-based research by Emmerson, van der Kolk, Streeter, and many other trauma sensitive yoga therapists have shown that yoga practices including meditation, relaxation, conscious breathing, postures, and the spiritual connection can reduce muscle tension and lower blood pressure, improve hormonal activity, uplift mood, and increase quality of life.
What Is Your Parasympathetic Nervous System?
Also, Katie Ziskind, yoga therapist, uses her expertise in yoga therapy for trauma to help to soothe mind, body, and spirit, so you feel better in your body. As you work with your trauma sensitive yoga therapist, emotional aspects of returning to live in your body may arise. Healing means being open to changing your physical blueprint, as well as your mental attitude about the events.
Want To Build A Life Worth Living?
This may be one of the most difficult parts of the process of yoga therapy for trauma, PTSD, and abuse. Seeing the past an old chapter, something that helped you become the amazing being you are today, is vital for moving forward.
What is Yoga Nidra?
Katie Ziskind, of Niantic, teaches yoga nidra, which is a deep, divine, conscious, and restorative sleep. A regular practice is a healthy habit that rests, nourishes, and renews the body, mind, and spirit. In addition to traditional talk therapy, she integrates yoga nidra with other holistic therapies at Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme.
Release Stress and Feel Like Yourself Again
Initially, Katie Ziskind began offering yoga as an opportunity to help my clients process and release much of their accumulated stress and tension that was causing physical pain and mental fogginess.
Yoga Nidra Meditation: It Is Very Simple
All you do is lay down, listen to Katie’s voice guiding you, and receive the positive-psychology-focused benefits. Katie Ziskind gently speaks to the layers of your being beginning with a body scan meditation. This technique, one of the many healing yoga therapy skills for trauma, is to unwind your worries and heal emotionally wounds within.
Deep Relaxation After Trauma, PTSD, and Abuse
Also, yoga nidra help you build healthy relationships and rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit by closing off your senses for self-reflection. We use pillows and blankets to help you feel cozy and to support you. Know that all feelings are welcome when you practice yoga nidra. This a caring, supportive, gentle experience, just for you.
For You – In Your Session with Me
Clients who attend weekly can choose to add in yoga therapy for PTSD, trauma, and abuse. Then, we pick an upcoming session to do yoga nidra. We begin by using use one, 45 minute session a month to guide you into a 30-40 minute yoga nidra.
Benefits of Yoga Nidra
- Experience a release of muscular tension
- Increase emotional relaxation and peace.
- Bring your parasympathetic nervous system back in balance.
- Construct new neuropath ways in your brain, which lead to healthy habits routines.
- Increase quality and amount of sleep you get each night.
- Improve creativity.
- Enhance your mental focus and attention.
- Reduce any suffering from chronic pain.
- Create more ease, presence, and peace of mind in your life.
- Decrease your impulsive, emotional reactions such as anger.
Breathing: Your Valuable Tool
Yoga Nidra is a spiritual tool for all people to incorporate regularly into their self-care routines for deep relaxation and self-awareness. Classes, CD’s, and YouTube are great for this. Sometimes, children enjoy yoga nidra before bed.
A Soothing, Safe Tone of Voice
When you are guiding a loved one, take the time to find a soothing, calm, and even tone of voice. Even when searching for a yoga nidra recording and practice on YouTube, the voice of the guide make a difference. I would love to help you overcome trauma through yoga therapy alongside talk counseling.
Mini Mind Break
Enjoy this short meditation. “A Calming Meditation: Jennifer Reis at Kripalu” (Four Minutes)
We offer in person and video counseling to Connecticut towns including Fairfield, Cos Cob, Darien, Colebrook, Woodbridge, Old Greenwich, Rye, Watertown, Greenwich, Southport, Cornwall, Easton, Darien, Byram, New Canann, Essex, Weston, Barkhamsted, Fenwick, Hamburg, East Haddam, Norwalk, East Lyme, Simsbury, Westport, Redding, Greenwich, Middletown, Bloomfield, Stamford, Washington, Madison, Monroe, Glastonbury, Ivoryton, Washington, Danbury, New Haven, Bethlehem, Morris, Middlebury, Sharon, Kent, West Hartford, Colchester, Columbia, Milford, New Milford, Griswold, Guilford, Tolland, Stonington, Goshen, Salisbury, Killingworth, Bloomfield, Rye, Plymouth, Enfield, Lyme, Madison, Clinton, Litchfield, Warren, Avon, Wilton, Bridgewater, Chester, Deep River, Hartford, Colchester, Old Lyme, Deep River, Mystic, Ridgefield, Shelton, and West Hartford. We also offer counseling to residents of Massachusetts and Florida.