The Problem
First, lets say you are a family of five living in East Lyme, Connecticut. You have three children, ages 7, 5, and 3, and it is you and your partner. Your two youngest are boys involved in East Lyme play groups. Your oldest, your 7 year old daughter, has recently developed anxiety and low self-esteem. She is worried about playing, eating, and has become shy. She was enjoying reading programs at the East Lyme library, but now doesn’t want to go. As a parent, you are concerned. She is now the oldest of three and the only girl, so she is feeling isolated.
Why Young Struggling Daughter Can’t Speak Up?
She can’t tell you this (because she is confused herself). But, now she isn’t talking much, is getting into issues at school, and isn’t cooperating at home with her siblings. Relationships are so important, especially with siblings. I would clinically recommend that your 7 year old get started in play therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme right away. Her symptoms are only going to get worse as she grows up, if she doesn’t get the support that she deeply needs now. Play therapy in East Lyme can bring out the best in your child, help him or her feel self-confidence and improve her self-esteem. Call or text to get your child started in play therapy today (860)-451-9364.
What Is Play Therapy? How Does It Work?
Simply, child play therapy is a way of stepping into your child’s world. Rather than forcing your child to be in an adult world (in talk therapy), play is a way of being with a child that also honors their developmental stage. Play is the language of the child! So, licensed mental health professionals integrate play therapy to help a child feel safe, secure, and nurtured while releasing feelings. Read more about how I work with children, here.
What Ages Can Benefit From Play Therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme?
Furthermore, play therapy is a method often used with preschool age clients as young as 2-3 years old all the way into adolescents, to about 12-14 years old. Play therapy is what creates a safe place for a child to overcome their anxiety and worry about new siblings, a recent move, or a parent’s divorce. Yes, young toddlers know what is happening and have emotions related to divorce.
A Common Misconception About Young Children and Divorce. And, What You Should Know.
Many parents think that if their child is young enough, it won’t effect them. This simply isn’t true. Children are living and feeling everyday, so children of any age absolutely need therapy when their parent’s separate. Or, you will have issues later from your child’s unresolved feelings about a parent’s divorce! In play therapy, children will freely and naturally express both what pleases and bothers them. And, play gives a child power and a voice in a changing world where they are feeling helpless and powerless. Read more about the power of play therapy, here.

Call or text to get your struggling child started in play therapy (860)-451-9364.

–Behavioral problems, such as anger
–Frustration management
–Grief and loss (pet loss)
–Divorce/separation and abandonment, adoption
–Crisis and sexual trauma
–Behavioral disorders, such as child worry/anxiety, depression,
–Attention deficit hyperactivity (ADHD)
–Autism or pervasive developmental issues
–Academic and social developmental, physical and learning disabilities
–Conduct disorders/explosive disorders
Need parenting skills? Want to understand your child’s feelings better? Read more about parent support sessions, here.
How Do Children Build Empathy?
Children build empathy through play therapy in Niantic at Wisdom Within Counseling. It is about parenting, modeling positive responses, and showing empathy. For instance, say, “I know that with really hard.” Enjoy playing without distraction. So, for parents, when playing, don’t be on your phone. And, don’t do anything else except for focusing on your child! Being present in play is the best gift. Be present for your child, adolescent, or teen. Look at their body language and see how they feel without asking.
Art, Movement, Dance, Games, Creativity, and Play Therapy To Build Trust In Child And Teen Therapy In East Lyme
Simply playing a game of monopoly, Jenga, Milebournes, or scrabble can bring playfulness and fun into time of stress caused by a serious divorce. If you child has been through sexual trauma, don’t keep asking them about it. Just get them focused on how safe they are now through healing play therapy. Instead of being upset about winning or losing, just learn to be flexible and child-like with your mindset.

A Parenting Tip: Stop Asking Questions To Your Young Child
Stop asking questions to your young child. Asking questions can raise and increase anxiety in children. And, children will give you all the answers you want through play! The secret is that you don’t even have to ask verbally. So, get on the flow, play with puppets, use play dough, and look for answers and feeling sin their behaviors. When you don’t require an answer, children will talk more openly. Instead of saying, “How do you feel? How was your test today?” try, “I was thinking about you during your test today. The sunset reminded me of you.” This allows for more open communication. On the other hand, when you are talking with a fellow adult, ask questions! Questions in adult conversations build empathy, presents and help adults feel wanted and important. But, when you ask a child a question, it can feel confusing and provoke anxiety.
Why Are Children Natural Leaders? How Does Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic Embrace Your Child’s Unique Needs?
In play, always follow the lead of your child. Don’t go for video games all the time. Get outside with your children. Goto McCook’s park in East Lyme and swing on the money bars together. By helping your son or daughter feel safe through play, they will open up. But asking your child to “talk” verbally about his or her anxiety, they will close up. Instead, your child will create scenes through play that will show you their emotions. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, the child and expert therapists notice and assess the speed and place of your child’s play therapy. And, children play at different paces, rates, and speeds that show their inner landscape and inner world.
What Is Outdoor Therapy in East Lyme? And, Walk and Talk Therapy?
I love moving around, so I just check what you are wearing on your feet for foot wear and then say, “Would you want to go for a walk to the beach? It’s sunny out!” I love walking in the local neighborhoods near my office in Niantic with teens. And, with parents and children we often go down to the Niantic boardwalk by the beach. Sometimes, with adults or in parent-only sessions, we walk with more intention to help depression. Furthermore, I love art, walking and yoga. So, you and your family can do these in sessions! Also, with children and parents, when it is beautiful outside you have the option to go on an outdoor therapy walk to the local park. So, your child can play outside while you and I talk about parenting skills, behavior tips, and watch.

Walk and Talk Therapy and Outdoor Time Are Holistic Therapies That Boost Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem
At Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, I focus on your child’s strengths, art, yoga, music, play therapy, and outdoor time. Similarly, some teenage boys love walk and talk therapy sessions. Because walk and talk therapy is less confrontational, it gives a teenage boy a sense of leadership and freedom. So, when they sit and listen all day in school, a teenage boy looks forward to walking off the stuck energy and breathing in fresh air. What’s Even More Beautiful? Some teenagers take pictures on our walk and talk sessions for their Instagram of the pink and purple beach sunsets. Holistic counseling is all about bringing out the best in your child or teen and helping them feel beautiful and positive.
Why Do Some Children Stop Playing? Is This A Problem?
Furthermore, children that don’t organically play aren’t playing for a few reasons. For one, children can feel concerned that others are judgmental. A child who has been judged for playing in the past will be hesitant to play. But, children feel good and safe playing. This is because a child has been forced to live in an adult world. However, children need to play it out through puppets, cards, crafts, art, and coloring to feel safe and process.
Just like you get coffee or tea and talk with a friend, children process emotions through playing them out.
Playing through therapy in East Lyme will lower child anxiety and provide positive skills to emotional expression. Similarly, children don’t play because they are afraid of what the playing will bring up. Finally, children displace their story in their behavior through play therapy in Southeastern Connecticut. Play is essential for your child to overcome what they are feeling in order to grow.

How Do Children Learn Resiliency Skills?
First, children don’t learn resiliency through talking and through adult conversation. Focus on your child’s unique and natural strengths. Your child may be really good at legos. This doesn’t mean your child will be diagnosed with autism. However, some children who play with legos also have autism. So, focus on the positives of their engineer brain because one day, they will probably be an engineer with a great, professional job! Who knows, they may even work at Milestone Power Station just over the Niantic and East Lyme border in Waterford.
Play Therapy In East Lyme For Children with ADHD
On the other hand, if your ten year old daughter can’t sit still, she will be a perfect fit for movement and yoga therapy. Your daughter may be diagnosed with ADHD and you may have been through lots of therapists before that aren’t a right fit. However, she won’t do well in talk counseling alone. Because, she needs a personalized approach that lets her feel empowered and special in order to build trust with a therapist. Therefore, I use music, movement, yoga, art, and play therapy to help your child feel comfortable, accepted, and build confidence. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we are experts with children and teens!
What Is Different And Unique About Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme?
At Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, we are a group of child and teen experts that embrace your child’s uniqueness. What we offer is different than any traditional counseling you will find in this local area. Resiliency in children grows and develops because of play. If a child is brought to talk therapy to be fixed, their symptoms will only worsen. However, if a child is brought to therapy in East Lyme and allowed to explore creatively, they will naturally feel safe and supported. In time, negative behaviors, trauma behaviors, anxiety, worry, eating issues, frustration, anger, and tantrums will decrease. I am confident I can help you child build confidence and positive coping skills for lifelong success. Call or text for more information (860)-451-9364.
Use the orange “schedule button at the top or bottom of this page to book your child’s play therapy session today!