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What is sensory processing disorder (SPD)?

Sensory processing disorder can mean that you or your child are more sensitive to noises, lights, and textures. Also, a person with sensory processing disorder may bump into things or be clumsy. Many times, children and teens with sensory processing disorder may be more sensitive emotionally. They cry and become tearful more easily. For some children, sensory processing disorder can look like autism. But, these two diagnoses are separate. So, working with a sensory processing disorder therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can provide specialty care.

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How is sensory processing disorder different from autism?

A child with sensory processing disorder may be able to make and hold eye contact. On the other hand, a child with autism will not be able to maintain eye contact. Often, children with an autism diagnosis also receive a sensory processing disorder diagnosis. But, not all people with sensory processing disorder also have autism. In general, working with a sensory processing disorder therapist can help you and your child find accommodations.

To begin, click the button below for a phone consult to work with a Wisdom Within Counseling sensory processing disorder counselor today.

An example of how working with a holistic sensory processing disorder therapist can offer support

Essentially, if florescent lights are too bright, a therapist can help a family work with school to implement accommodations. Maybe, it means having a calmer, low lit room for a child to goto in their school day. Or, a child with sensory processing disorder may need an accommodation to go outside for a sensory break. For adults with sensory processing disorder, loud noises at work may feel overwhelming emotionally. Or, having a loud air conditioner can cause mental tension.

Often, adults with sensory processing disorder choose to work with a therapist in a holistic way.

Essentially, working with a sensory processing disorder therapist can help adult learn to verbalize their needs when overwhelmed. Also, a combination of art therapies, drama therapies, yoga therapies, and nature therapies are available. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can work with a sensory processing disorder therapist and build inner strength.

Often, children and adults with sensory processing disorder also experience high levels of anxiety and mood swings when their senses are over stimulated.

Frequently, a child or adult with sensory processing disorder may run out of a room, hold their hands to their ears, or yell when noises are too much for them. And, usually children and adults become non verbal in some ways when overwhelmed by loud noises.

To begin, click the button below for a phone consult to work with a therapist who is an expert in sensory overstimulation and sensory processing disorder.

So, working with a holistic sensory processing disorder therapist can help provide positive coping tools and communication skills.

Lastly, children and adults with sensory processing disorder frequently choose to work with a therapist who focuses in this area. Not every therapist understands sensory processing disorder.

Why is it important to work with a sensory specialist?

Sometimes, therapist who don’t understand sensory processing disorder may tell you that the sensitivity is not real. However, working with a creative, holistic sensory processing disorder therapist can provide outlets for sensory stress. And, therapy outlets can be holistic, integrative, and creative like using art, play therapy, or painting. Also, therapy can help parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers know what steps to take to offer support.

Often times, sensory processing disorder it means that a person will not be able to verbalize what they are feeling.

Instead, you might notice behaviors that are concerning that signify sensory processing issues. For instance, some sensory processing behaviors are more extreme and others are more mild. For instance, when a child has difficulty integrating sensory information, they might have temper tantrums. Also, emotional meltdowns or a sign that your child or teenager is not able to process their emotions. Therefore, children and adults who have sensory processing disorder may experience traumatic mood swings and tearfulness.

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As well, sensory processing disorder therapy can help a child learn coping tools such as going to a calm adult in school.

Or, sensory processing disorder therapy can help a child learn about which environments are more triggering. For instance, noisy fireworks or a crowded grocery store can be triggering. Maybe, a cafeteria is more overwhelming for lunch than a quiet classroom.

To begin, click the button below for a phone call to work with a therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling who specializes in empaths and sensory processing disorder.

How can therapy help?

As well, sensory processing disorder therapy can help parents understand what to do. Often, parents feel anxiety when their child is having an extreme emotional tantrum or meltdown. Frequently, both children and parents become anxious and it can be very terrifying to watch a child be in such auditory overwhelm. Essentially, an overload of visual, sensory, snails, and auditory stimulation can lead to intense meltdowns. Often times, sensory issues mean that your child is highly sensitive.

What is a highly sensitive person?

Sometimes, when you feel more confident, a strong smell or odor will not impact you as much. But, when you feel more anxious or there is a lot happening in your life, certain sounds, tastes, or smells might be more significant. Sometimes, for people with sensory processing disorder, certain tastes can taste extremely bad. On the other hand, to someone without sensory processing disorder, taste doesn’t matter much. So, to someone without sensory processing disorder, they don’t feel on such an extreme level.

As well, if you or your child is hypersensitive, it’s important to understand how mind body therapies can help.

In counseling, mind-body holistic therapies that can help people with sensory challenges feel calmer. So, next time you feel overstimulated emotionally or anxious, you can use coping tools to build body awareness. At Wisdom Within Counseling, creative art, yoga, music, and nature therapies are available. Plus, video counseling is always an option. Also, pen pal therapy is available.

Overtime, children and adults with sensory processing disorder can learn to cope and live a happy and healthy life.

Also, being a highly sensitive person means you may be more empathetic. Someone who has sensory processing issues may also taken more emotions than someone else.

What is an empath?

For instance, someone who identifies as an empath can truly feel all the emotions in the room. And, someone who is empathetic feels a much greater sense of empathy than the average person. As well, people who identify as impacts recognize emotions more accurately in others.

As well, an empath is more likely to recognize sadness, tearfulness, or the variance in emotions. 

Partly, this is because an empath feels emotions more deeply within themselves. Additionally, being an empath means he may also have a sensory processing disorder because you feel so deeply. Furthermore, being an empath means that you may be more impacted by someone who has negative emotion or trauma.

To begin, click the button below for a phone call to work with a Wisdom Within Counseling sensory processing disorder therapist.

Essentially, if you are an an empath, you will deeply feel someone else’s pain and that pain becomes part of your body.

When you are an empath, you might be more impacted by sounds, sights, smells, and emotions from others. As well, being an empath means you have an emotional sensitivity. So, that means you need to have holistic coping tools to release the emotions you have absorbed. At times, working with a sensory processing disorder therapist can help you refine your coping tools. And, you also refine your empathy skills, so you can separate from negative energy.

sensory processing disorder therapist
Do you identify as an empath?

Essentially, empaths are truly aware of other people and emotions they have.

However, empaths need extra coping tools to process these emotions and release them. At Wisdom Within Counseling, the therapists specialize with highly emotional people. Essentially, empaths had to take on the emotions of others and tend to be natural caregivers. Literally, an empathic person will feel the emotional pain others are in. But, taking on other peoples’ emotions lead an empath or sensitive person to feel sad, tearful, or angry. Being an empath is hard work!

To begin, click the button below for a phone call to work with the team of sensory processing disorder therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling.

Releasing these stuck emotions from other people can make a big difference in the life of an empath.

Working with a sensory processing disorder therapist can provide coping tools and holistic outlets. So, Wisdom Within Counseling recommends empaths work with a therapist who specializes with sensory challenges. And, working with a specialist in sensory processing can make a big difference in providing emotional validation. Now, both children and adults can identify as highly sensitive people. Empaths are highly emotionally intelligent and need help learning how to release feelings of loss and sadness. Essentially, empaths have a big heart and tend to find themselves caring the emotions of others.

Would you like pen pal therapy, video therapy, or in person counseling?

In counseling, you can learn to release negative emotions and healthy ways. Plus, you can use holistic yoga therapy, art therapy, walking by the beach, or even drama therapy. Often times, mind body therapies are not available at a more general practice. For instance, you might want to do drama therapy expressive arts to overcome trauma and PTSD.

To build coping tools for sensory processing disorder, you might want to do a mindfulness meditation or yoga therapy that involves laughter.

Also, laughing yoga therapy can be helpful for empaths to boost your mood and release negative tension. So, if you identify as a highly sensitive person or you have a child who has sensory processing disorder, our team of marriage and family therapists can help. Often, people with sensory processing disorder need creative outlets and min-body options.

Wisdom Within Counseling puts a creative twist on traditional counseling.

For instance, your child can go outdoors for a play therapy session to release anxiety or rambunctious energy. As an empath yourself, you can take part in a variety of coping tools, nurture your emotions, and learn to practice self-care. We look forward to working with you and your family.

To begin, click the button below for a phone call to work with a Wisdom Within Counseling sensory processing disorder therapist.

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