What Does Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Look Like?
In my marriage and family therapy practice, Wisdom Within Counseling, in Niantic, Connecticut, I offer specialized therapy for PTSD. Wisdom Within Counseling, offering marriage and family therapy, is a special type of holistic counseling center, offering supports that are unlike other therapies offered in the Southeastern Connecticut area.
When it comes to post-traumatic stress disorder, it can take many shapes and forms. Holistic counseling in East Lyme for PTSD can help you feel calmer overall and more balanced.
Someone may have nightmares, flashbacks, and panic attacks. If someone has gone to war, their PTSD may look different than someone who has been through sexual trauma or was raped. Another person may have under eating or over eating issues, food issues, restriction, binging, and body image issues as a result of PTSD. Moreover, children can develop PTSD from being in intense car accidents. Or, from loss of a sibling, a child may need play therapy. On a smaller scale, children can get nightmares from seeing rated “R” movies that traumatize them.
How To Help A Loved One With PTSD?
It is beneficial to be patient, kind, and understanding towards a friend or family member. Everyone has their own process and takes their own time. In my practice, I offer safe and supportive therapy for PTSD in Niantic, Connecticut. I teach couples how to understand each other’s triggers. I also help parents understand their child or teen’s trauma history and their triggers. On the topic of triggers, it can be helpful to be aware of triggers. For instance, a combat veteran who was in the military may become startled and triggered by the sound of a helicopter or airplane flying overhead.
Counseling in East Lyme for PTSD
If they are near an airport, that could be a trigger for a panic attack or flashback. On the other hand, if a woman experienced sexual abuse from an older male, she may become very scared around older males. She may also feel attracted to older males and be promiscuous and attention-seeking around older males because of her trauma. Yoga therapy, one of the positive coping skill based therapies for PTSD I offer in Niantic, can be very healing and transformative.
Call or text 860-451-9364 for PTSD therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut using art, yoga, and music therapies.
What Are Ways To Help PTSD?
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a holistic technique that involves cognitive function, creating and visualizing a safe container, and healing from trauma. EMDR can be very helpful because it stimulates both the right and left hemispheres of your brain through vibrators that you hold in your hands. They vibrate and alternate, so on hand gets a buzz and then the other hand gets a light vibration. This helps process flashbacks.
Call or text 860-451-9364 for holistic counseling in East Lyme for PTSD.
Yoga Therapy For PTSD: Creative Counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut for Trauma Recovery
Also, another amazing and evidence-based technique to help PTSD is yoga therapy. Also, yoga therapy promotes bilateral stimulation, which is a fancy way of saying mind, body, and spirit get connected and unified. Therefore, the idea is that by breathing into the present moment and into the body, the mind arrives in the body. Read more about yoga therapy for PTSD and sexual trauma, here. Then, stories the mind has experiences and sensation the body has experienced get processed and moved through by breathing consciously. There is a deep, spiritual connection the evolves through yoga as well, which is very healing for PTSD.
Call or text 860-451-9364 for counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut for PTSD.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
An older, more outdated model for PTSD is cognitive behavioral therapy.
Cognitive behavioral therapy was thought, at one time, to be helpful for PTSD. However, research now shows that body-based techniques are very important for full trauma healing. In cognitive behavioral therapy, the therapist teaches a client how their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors often are connected and create a negative cycle. However, for someone with PTSD, they don’t have conscious control over their behaviors or flashbacks. Sometimes, cognitive behavioral therapy can be re-victimizing and a person with PTSD would instead benefit from movement-based therapies like EMDR and yoga therapy. I offer yoga therapy, connecting with mind, body, and spirit, which provides you with self-awareness, positive skills, and breathing techniques for helping heal your PTSD symptoms and trauma triggers.
Call/text for your 15 minute phone consultation 860-451-9364. Read more in book your session online and WisdomWithinCt.com!
Written By
This article was written by Katie Ziskind, Licensed Marriage Family Therapist, 500-hour Registered Yoga Therapist, is the owner and clinical director at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut. To add, Katie and her team offer special types of therapy for PTSD in Niantic. Finding a PTSD therapist in Niantic has been very difficult until now. Also, Katie offers teletherapy and distance counseling. Katie Ziskind LMFT, RYT500 combines her specialties of art, yoga, music, and animal therapy with talking. She is an expert with children, adolescents, teenagers, and the young adults. Plus, she offers parenting sessions and couples therapy for parents. Wisdom Within Counseling is affirming and open to the LGBT community. She specializes in yoga therapy for trauma.