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Two Real Life Tips For Heartbreak and Loss

Looking For Tips For Heartbreak and Loss? Hopefully, these can make life a little easier as you transition and turn a new leaf. Remember, you’re closing one door and opening another. For instance, think about turning a chapter in a book. Just think, a whole new, amazing, beautiful journey awaits! Perhaps, this was not your choice. But hey, it can be your choice to get healthy and back in the game. And, you can attract an even healthier, more caring person through self-love! Self-love and self-care are the foundation for any loving relationship you have with another person. So, here are some tips to help you heal after heart break and love yourself more fully.

Tips For Heartbreak and Loss, couples therapist, niantic, connecticut, east lyme, wisdom within counseling, marriage counseling, grief

Tip 1: Remember to be gentle with yourself. First break ups are hard. And, any break up can be no matter how many, or what age. Let the tears come. And, let crying be totally okay. Remember, all feelings are totally okay. Well, what does being gentle with yourself through a break up and depression look life? For some, this can be getting into a local yoga studio, booking a class, and going! For one, there is no way to be depressed in a hot power yoga class. On the other hand, you may want rejuvenation, to take a hot bath, and to cuddle with your pet cat. Did you know that hearing your cat’s purr can be very healing? Yes, thats right. A cat’s purr can help to calm you when you’re sad or anxious!

How can yoga help and why is it a tip for heartbreak and loss?

Well, yoga can be a great way to focus on your breathing and learn skills to think in the present moment. Further, yoga helps your body get more flexible and your mind release. Also, yoga therapy can help you gain a greater spiritual connection through meditation, mudras, Ayurveda, guided breathing, and poses. Looking for yoga therapy alongside talk counseling? Call Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut along the Southeastern Connecticut Shoreline 860-451-9364.

What if I go back to my ex? Is that bad?

First, do not judge yourself. Now, if you go back to your ex partner, that is okay. Some people feel attachment easily. And, it is a natural weening off process, so to speak. For a fast break up, you may choose to block your ex, and never speak again. So, one way is not more right or more valid. All of your feelings are valid. Going back to your ex partner may feel comfortable, safe, and what you know. And, you may end up rekindling a relationship all over again. Or, you ex may already be involved with someone else. Most importantly, don’t judge yourself for your loss and process. To note, everyone processes grief and loss differently, so just keep giving yourself compassion! Try journaling about your habits and patterns. Finally, realize you have the wisdom within you to get through this!

For more professional help with healing from your break up and gaining self-confidence, call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation.

Tips For Heartbreak and Loss, lgbtq counselor, cognitive behavior therapy in Niantic, Connecticut

Tip 2: Eat nourishing meals. For one, you may eat a ton more and be hungry. Or, you may not feel hungry at all. But, regardless, it is important to eat nourishing foods. Go for grass-fed local meat, and try your local organic food store. Also, see if you can get raw organic local milk. Think about eating a rainbow of veggies and fruits per day. As you treat yourself well through food, you will gain a deeper, loving relationship with yourself. Also, think about the seeds, the farmers, the growers, and the journey this piece of fruit took to get to you!

Call/Text Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut for a phone consultation for confidence, strength, and courage to overcome heartbreak and create the relationship you want.

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