Are you wondering if you are bisexual? Does the term gay or lesbian just not fit for you? Do you identify as a bisexual person and you would like to be in a relationship with someone who is the same gender as you and someone who is opposite gender as you? Are you looking to explore polyamory or open relationships? As a result of being bisexual, have you faced bullying, hatred from peers, and have even struggled with self-harm? Do you worry about what it would be like to come out to your parents and friends bisexual, or queer? Are you struggling with other parts of your identity like identifying as transgender or nonbinary? In addition, do you experience depression, anxiety, trouble eating, or OCD? Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in LGBTQIA+, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming therapy in Satellite Beach, Florida.
During adolescent years, our sexuality and gender identity develop.
Growing up, we are told that boys wear blue and have short hair. And, girls wear pink and have long hair. However, gender expression and sexual orientation can be so diverse. No matter your age, race, ethnicity, or gender, it is normal to question your sexuality. Growing up in a strict religious home, you may not have felt safe to be yourself. You may have received messages that anything besides being a man or woman was evil. Perhaps, you received messages in a strict, religious upbringing, that you would be physically punished if you were different.
One or both of your caregivers made fun of gay people. If you had homophonic parents, you may have felt it was safer to stay in the closet. Other negative gender stereotypes may be that men don’t cry, and it’s acceptable for men to show physical aggression or be violent when angry. In reality, it is okay to boys to wear pink and grow their hair long. And, it is totally okay for girls to like blue, like stereotypical masculine things, and kiss other girls. As well, in reality, men should not be allowed to be physically abusive. All genders should be able to express their emotions in healthy ways.
If you grew up in a home that was strict or very religious, you may not have felt safe to be yourself at home.
There may be traumatic experiences you’ve had from punishments from parents or caregivers for being different. Maybe, you experienced conversion therapy, which is not evidence-based and can cause PTSD symptoms. Being told that you will go to hell if you are gay is very traumatizing and scary. If you grew up in a strict, religious home, or in a culture that shamed you for being you, you may have post-traumatic stress disorder as a result.
Maybe, you felt you had to hide parts of your gender or sexuality in adolescent years from your family. Now, you may be in a safer environment to explore your gender and sexuality. Even though you may not be an adolescent anymore, you want to take some time to figure out who you are. The team of LGBTQIA+ affirming therapists can support you.
Right now, you may be wondering if you are bisexual or questioning your identity.
You might want tot talk about your gender and sexuality with a professional therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Coming out doesn’t have to be done overnight. As well, the coming out process might be really easy for some who are part of an LGBTQIA+ affirming family. And, coming out may be difficult for others who are bisexual, lesbian, or gay and don’t know anyone in their family who is either.
When you identify as part of the LGBTQ community, you deserve an LGBTQIA+ specialist and counselor who truly understands the challenges you are experiencing.
In counseling, you can talk about your fears about coming out. Coming out can be exciting because you can tell people about yourself. However, you may also feel anxious about facing bullying and rejection. Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in LGBTQIA+, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida. Working with an LGBTQIA+ queer affirming therapist can give you confidence around coming out. You can talk about which family members you want to come out to first. As well, you can talk with your therapist about worries, that your family will reject you or criticize you. It is normal to feel anxious about coming out as gay, lesbian, queer, bisexual or transgender.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling along the Space Coast of Florida.
Talking about your safe people is a part of LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy
As well, one of your parents might be more LGBTQIA+ affirming and understand gender, identity, and sexual orientation. So, you might decide to come out to that parent first. However, you fear rejection or even abuse from your other parent. Your other parent may be more republican, close minded, and make fun of gay people. You can talk with your therapist about if it is safe to come out to this parent. You may fear this parent would reject you if you came out as bisexual or transgender.
As well, anxiety is often present before and during the coming out process.
When you have overwhelming anxiety, it might prevent you from eating, sleeping, and even going to school or working. Anxiety about coming out and your sexuality can be debilitating. You might find yourself anxious about what other people might think of you. Additionally, you might be afraid of what other people will say in the school hallways, or at your place of employment. Maybe, you worry about how your cousins and relatives will think of you. It may be hard to cope with the internal challenges you are facing regarding your gender expression, gender, identity, and being transgender or bisexual.
You may want transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida because you struggle with anger, anxiety, confusion, jealousy, and even self hatred.
Self-hatred can develop from bullying. As a result of bullying, you may have low self-esteem. Sometimes, a person will start to believe the mean, hurtful things the bullies have said. You might be beating yourself up emotionally as a result of bullying.
Identifying as transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay means you may feel angry at the bullies. You may feel angry or jealous with other people who aren’t struggling with their gender and sexuality.
LGBTQIA+, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida can help you build yourself back up and believe in yourself again. Specific positive coping tools can help you speak positively to yourself.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to explore identifying as LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay in counseling.
Working with an LGBTQIA+, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counselor in Melbourne, Florida can help you love and accept yourself just the way you are.
From self-love, you can create healthy relationships romantically. Yelling, put downs, name calling, criticizing one another are negative and toxic in relationships. When you catch yourself yelling out of anger, your therapist can provide you more positive ways to communicate your needs. In therapy, you can develop healthy relationship skills. You can gain healthy communication skills to develop long, lasting friendships. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you learn positive communication skills to improve romantic relationships that you might be in.
How can LGBTQIA+, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida support me?
LGBTQIA+, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida can help you handle stress better and learn relaxation tools. Might want to talk with your LGBTQIA+ queer affirming therapist about bullying you faced. There may still be residual anxiety from those traumatic experiences. As well, you can share stories of negative things that have happened to you as a result of being a part of the LGBTQ community. Your therapist can help you feel confident advocating for yourself.
Whether you are in a same sex relationship, coming out as bisexual, or identify as transgender, Wisdom within Counseling is your safe space. Your LGBTQIA+ affirming therapist can offer you emotional support and emotional coping strategies for anger and anxiety. You can release anger, anxiety, jealousy, fear, and loss in healthy ways. From counseling, you can learn to enjoy your life, and embrace yourself as a bisexual, gay, lesbian, or transgender person.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with an LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Melbourne, Florida.
Wisdom Within Counseling gives you a safe place to better understand your LGBTQIA+ identity, social orientation, gender, identity, gender expression, and alternative romantic relationships.
Open relationship styles for bisexual people
Some bisexual people want to have an open relationship. This is because you feel attracted to both females and males. As a result, you don’t want to just date one gender or one person.
Working with an LGBTQIA+ therapist, who understands polyamory and open relationships, can help you express your bisexuality. Being in an open relationship may come with challenges.
You may be dealing with multiple emotions, needs, and conflicts from having more than one partner. A part of you may find it challenging to navigate an open relationship.
However, you may find that you are also enjoying having a polyamorous or open relationship. Within a polyamorous or open relationship, you may also face communication challenges or toxic relationship behaviors. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling in Melbourne, Florida can help you speak up, set boundaries, and not let yourself get walked all over.
As you navigate romantic relationships and identify as bisexual, you can talk with an LGBTQIA+ specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Brevard County Florida.
Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in LGBTQIA+, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida and can provide tools for break ups, relationship challenges, and losses
You may feel caught off guard if one of your partners breaks up with you. It might seem easy to turn to negative coping strategies to numb out the pain. However, you don’t have to turn to self harm, or other negative behaviors like alcoholism and drug use. When your family rejects you when you are gay, bisexual, or lesbian, it can be devastating. Internalized shame and guilt are common emotions for gay, lesbian, queer, and bisexual people who deal with lack of family acceptance. As a result, it is more common for negative, numbing behaviors to evolve. Working with a therapist can encourage creative, lifelong, and holistic self-care tools.
Instead of turning to self-harm, drugs or alcohol, you can learn to love yourself.
Your LGBTQIA+, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counselor in Melbourne, Florida can help you practice self loving behaviors. Loving yourself is such a gift to yourself. It means pushing aside judgment from others and embracing your unique talents. Working with a therapist can help you let go of self-hatred and instead know you deserve your own love. From therapy, you can more clearly know yourself and have conversations with others about your needs and wants. From self-love and acceptance, you can foster healthy, positive relationships with friends, family, and coworkers.
Talk about what you want to get out of your relationships with the team at Wisdom Within Counseling, who specialize in LGBTQIA+, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida
Sometimes, you want only a platonic relationship. You may just want to have emotional bonding with friends. However, you may have romantic, sexual, and intimacy needs or desires too. You can talk about your friendship needs, and romantic intentions and needs in LGBTQIA+ counseling. When you are in an open relationship, you might want to talk about what this looks like.
If you are in high school or young adult, your relationships may be more emotionally focused. When you are in college, or in young adult years, you might want to talk about sexual expression, intimacy, and what it means to have sex with your partners.
You can talk about intimacy and your sex life in counseling. As well, you can talk about what it means to have safe sex with multiple partners with an LGBTQIA+ specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida.
Gain self-confidence after bullying through working with the Wisdom Within Counseling specialists who offer LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida
When you are bisexual, transgender, or lesbian, you may need help overcoming self-hatred. Negative things that peers have said to you during bullying you can really affect you long term. One of your classmates, even years ago, said some thing really painful. It has stuck with you. On your bad days, you want positive coping skills to think positively about yourself. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling can help and specializes in LGBTQIA+, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida. Dealing with the impact of bullying is some thing that you can talk about with your LGBTQIA+ specialist and counselor. You can learn to overcome any negative believes and limiting beliefs that may have developed from bullying.
Heal from trauma
As well as emotional abuse, you can talk about any physical and sexual abuse you have experienced. There may be instances of physical or sexual abuse that have influenced who you are. Bullying, sexual abuse, and physical abuse can cause major emotional issues in your life. Working with an LGBTQIA+ specialist can help you overcome any negative beliefs you have about yourself due to abuse from others.
You can learn positive self talk skills at Wisdom Within Counseling. As well, with a LGBTQIA+ specialist, you can embrace your gender identity and gender expression as amazing parts of who you are. Instead of feeling ashamed, for being who you are hating parts of yourself, you can learn to be yourself confidently.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming therapy in Melbourne, Florida.
Learning to be the most authentic and genuine version of yourself can be done through the help of an LGBTQIA+ specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling.
You can talk about getting involved in different support groups that are LGBTQIA+ affirming as well. Your Wisdom Within Counseling therapist can recommend books to support you in what you are going through. Working with an LGBTQIA+, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming therapist in Melbourne, Florida can help you feel empowerment.

What is unique, creative, and holistic about the team of LGBTQIA+, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in in Melbourne, Florida?
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we offer, nontraditional, alternative, and creative therapies. These offer a language beyond words. So, in addition to traditional talking, you can take part in using art, painting, watercolor, and clay. As well, you can go for a walk and talk therapy sessions in nature by the beach.
Smelling the salty ocean air can be very calming when you suffer from anxiety. In addition, we offer music therapy with a variety of different drums, shakers, and musical instruments. You and your therapist can write a guitar song together. And, you can pick from a variety of holistic and creative therapies, which improve your emotional coping tools.
These holistic, creative therapies support recovering from trauma, bullying, and painful emotional experiences in the past. Your LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming therapist in Melbourne, Florida can teach you meditation. Learning mindfulness breathing skills and mediation can provide inner peace. You can learn to relax in even the most challenging moments using meditation and yoga.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming therapy in Melbourne Beach, Florida.
LGBTQIA+ affirming counseling helps you develop healthy outlets for stress and anxiety, rather than turning to alcohol, drugs, or self harm.
As you build your holistic coping toolbox, you can step back into being a funny, confident, and social version of yourself. You don’t have to hide a part of yourself away due to your sexuality or gender identity. If you identify as LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay, you are not alone. LGBTQIA+ queer affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida can support you in being your authentic self.
When people have been unkind to you, they can be very difficult to get over past painful experiences. You might lay wake at night with anxiety and ruminating thoughts. Your romantic relationships may be stressing you out. Identifying who you should come out to can cause a lot of anxiety. Instead of feeling torn or in conflict when it comes to relationships with friends and family, you can learn healthy relationship skills from counseling.
Learning to talk about what is going on in your romantic relationship can be a stress reliever. Your therapist can be a safe place to process what is going on with your romantic partners. Another benefit of LGBTQIA+ counseling is having a healthy outlet. LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida supports positive coping strategies. You don’t have to keep all of this to yourself or deal with it alone.
Loss and trauma can be parts of LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida
In addition to identifying is part of the LGBTQIA+ community, you may be struggling with other complex emotions. Loss and grief can be heavy. In addition to identifying as bisexual, transgender, lesbian, or gay, you might be suffering from grief and loss. Maybe, you have lost a sibling, or lost a parent to a sudden illness.
Losing a loved one is devastating. When your parent suddenly has a heart attack or gets cancer, this can be a huge traumatic experience. It might seem easy to turn to a bottle of alcohol, drugs, or seek refuge in unhealthy, toxic friendships. Instead, you can cope with loss and grief in positive, holistic ways at Wisdom Within Counseling. LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy can help you deal with different grief experiences and loss in positive ways.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Cocoa Beach, Florida.
Depression coping skills
In addition to being bisexual, transgender, or questioning your gender, you may suffer from depression. You might find yourself feeling numb and isolate yourself socially. The hobbies you used to enjoy no longer seem fun.
Maybe, your doctor recommended therapy to gain positive coping tools before trying depression medication. It is common for people who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community to suffer from depression. Depression can come from bullying experiences too. You might not know who you are, and need help creating a strong and healthy identity. LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida can provide you coping tools for depression. lastly, you can develop positive strategies to get through depression and overcome negative beliefs.
Eating disorders are common in LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay people
You may suffer from disordered eating behaviors, and eating disorder, or challenges around food and feeding yourself. Maybe, you feel you need to change your body shape or weight in some way. As a result, you have a challenging, frustrating, and anxious relationship with food. After eating a meal, sometimes, you feel self-hatred, shame, or even guilty. Sometimes, you find yourself skipping meals to lose weight. LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida can help you have a healthier relationship with food. Body image issues are very common in people who, identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender. You can talk about building a healthy, loving relationship with food with your LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming therapist.
To begin, click below for a phone consult for LGBTQIA+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida.
In counseling, you can process emotions in healthy ways.
Sometimes, people who are bisexual, transgender, gay, or lesbian, may also suffer from ADHD, OCD, and other concentration disorders. You can talk about obsessive and impulsive, thinking, and obsessive behaviors with your therapist. As well, you can understand how you can cope with ADHD and OCD in holistic ways from counseling.
No matter what you are going through, your therapist can be a source of support. Your LGBTQIA+ queer affirming therapist can help you gain positive tools to cope with anxiety, OCD, and PTSD in healthy ways.
If you are transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay, you are in the right place for support.

Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in LGBTQIA+ affirming, bisexual, lesbian, and gay affirming counseling in Melbourne, Florida.
Wisdom Within Counseling supports couples in Viera, Orlando, Palm Bay, Melbourne, Rockledge, Palm Shores, Malabar, 32950, Grant-Valkaria, Melbourne Beach, Satellite Beach, Cocoa Beach, 32931, Indialantic, 32903, Cape Canaveral, 32920, West Melbourne, 32904, Patrick Space Force Base, 32925, Indian Harbour Beach, Florida 32937, USA. Couples can meet for video counseling in Naples, For Meyers, Bradenton, Jacksonville, Homestead, Key West, Key Largo, Sarasota, Tampa, and Ocala, Florida. We also offer LGBTQIA+ affirming counseling in Connecticut.