Can Eau Gallie marriage counseling help my relationship? What are the benefits of working with a relationship therapist in Melbourne, Florida? Can we really get closer and improve communication? Can we have a better sex life? Yes, these are all benefits of working with a couples therapist at Wisdom Within. Additionally, you can talk about fears, anxiety, depression, your needs and wants. Couples may stop being emotionally close and that impacts physical intimacy. You are in the right place to build a healthier, more passionate, and amazing sex life. On video and in person, you can work together to build meaningful connection. Fighting, arguments, anger, resentment, and jealousy can get the best of couples.

What marital issues can Eau Gallie marriage counseling help with?
Lying, secret keeping, criticism, and anger leads to painful moments and fights.
Maybe, you found your partner lying and emotionally cheating. Lying of any kind leads to trust issues and betrayal. And, lying leads to major hurt. Or, you found your spouse having a physical affair. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help couples post affair.
To begin, click the button below to book a phone consult for Eau Gallie marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida.

Eau Gallie marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida can help you create a passionate, meaningful sex life
Perhaps, the sex in your relationship is just boring or nonexistent, and you need help spicing it up. Most often, romantic vibes are strong in the beginning of your relationship. However, as the respoibonsiblilties and stressors increase, sex may decrease. Even fun things, like getting pregnant, having a baby, or getting a new job and moving, can add stress. Also, going through loss and trauma like loss of a child, parent, or sibling can lead to a decrease in passion and desire.
Many times, couples do not have the tools to reboot their sex life on their own.
And, any stress, even good stress, dampens libido and sex drive. In most couples, after a few years, their sex life may need help. Some couples suffer form a sexless marriage and may be sleeping in separate beds. To note, talking with a couples therapist in Melbourne, Florida helps you prioritize making changes. Right now, it might feel like you are stuck in a rut. In counseling, each of you get a voice and place to be heard. Form there, you can share emotional intimacy, bond, and increase affection. Many times, couples need permission and some encouragement to express themselves to each other. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help couples who need sexual confidence.

Eau Gallie marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida can be a safe place to talk about the female orgasm.
You can also talk about sex life elements like the male orgasm, understanding sexual body anatomy, and increasing sexual pleasure. Often, couples do not have proper education on how to create positive, realistic sexual experiences. Plus, pornography can lead to unrealistic expectations of sex. Some couples dabble in kink, BDSM, and other forms of role play in the bedroom. These are all parts you can talk about in couples therapy. In relationship therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in Melbourne, Florida we are kink and BDSM friendly.
Each couples therapy session supports a healthy, emotional conversation about desires.
Often, couples do not feel safe exploring sexual desires and needs. For many couples, these sex conversations often lead to insecurity, fear of inadequacy, sexual pressure, and sexual anxiety when at home. Therefore, Eau Gallie marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida can help you have a safe place to talk about better your sex life. With a professional, you can your partner can lead from homework for intimacy.

LGBTQIA+ exploration and gender expression in Eau Gallie marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida
Maybe, you are learning about yourself and you want to come out to your spouse as bisexual. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling love helping same sex couples and are LGBTQIA+ affirming counselors. As well, you may want to talk about your sexual orientation or relationship status.

You can have a safe place to talk about shame or guilt about your LGBTQIA+ expression with family, parents, or in-law’s.
We help couples who have consensually open marriages and polyamorous couples. You may have questions about your gender expression, LGBTQIA+ identity. As well, you can talk about LGBTQIA+ and expressing sexuality. Building and LGBTQIA+ affirming family is possible through Eau Gallie marriage counseling.
Many times, partners come in for marriage therapy due to needing empathy. There is a lack of communication as a whole that leads to numerous issues for the couple.
To begin, click the button below to book a phone consult for Eau Gallie marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida.

Can Eau Gallie marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida help us improve empathy?
Empathy Skills For Conflict Resolution
Empathy is a feeling that allows us to put ourselves in another’s shoes. Aslo, we can understand on a deep level what our romantic partner is feeling and needing. And, where does empathy begin? Why do some people have more empathy skills? How can empathy skills be easier for some over others? Studies have found that the act of breastfeeding trains your newborn’s brain and teaches empathy! Many times, we do not learn about empathy until some one tells us we would benefit from learning about it. On that note, in Eau Gallie marriage counseling sessions, your therapist will talk about empathy skills. In general, empathy skills are a foundational part of couples therapy at Wisdom Within.
What prevents empathy skills in romantic relationships?
As adults, we tend to get stressed out easily with work, family, and relationship responsibilities. When you get more stressed, you may feel, “on edge.” As a result, conflicts are more easily started, words are taken the wrong way, and accessing empathy becomes more difficult. More so, counseling can help couples tune in to when they can and can’t access empathy. Then, couples can verbalize and communicate when they can’t give empathy and when they can. Likewise, empathy is also part of conflict resolution. Eau Gallie marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida helps couples learn how to empathize after a fight or argument.

How To Build and Grow Empathy Within Your Family?
All mammals are capable of empathy. However, trauma is typically the major predecessor when empathy is difficult for a child to develop. Empathy is also a feeling that can be learned about through books, stories, poems, songs, and movies. Your couples therapist can give you homework to watch certian movies and read books. Additionally, empathy is something that we can nurture, like a seedling, and intentionally and consciously grow. As therapists, we call this “Self-Work.” Eau Gallie marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida supports empathy skills.

To begin, click the button below to book a phone consult for Eau Gallie marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida.
Eau Gallie marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida can help you be an encouraging, positive role model
When it comes to conflict resolution, modeling this is the best way to teach your youngsters. So, if you are having blow ups in front of your children, or even not speaking for days, your children are leading avoidant skills or explosive skills.
When your child sees you resolve conflict with a calm, centered poise and in a respectful, caring way, that is huge.
Often, couples therapy that conflict is typically never one person’s fault and that conflict is okay. Eau Gallie marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida provides effective conflict resolution skills.
Instead, Eau Gallie marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida can help you model empathy skills.
From counseling tools, you can model conflict resolution and self-regulation. Your children look up to you and are watching everything you say and do. With this being said, Eau Gallie marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida teaches you how to model how to be a good friend. You can also learn how to compliment your partner, show affection, and be kind when angry.
It’s Okay To Have Conflicts, Simply Take Responsibility and Apologize
We all “fly off the handle,” here and there. When you do, own it, take accountability, and apologize in front of your family. Yes, you may be embarrassed. It is humbling to say, “I’m sorry. I over reacted and I was wrong. Would you forgive me?”

Empathy, a Life Long Growth Process
Is There a Family Pattern?
Oftentimes, in a family, disagreements get swept under the rug with the hopes of, “keeping the peace.” As a result, children inadvertently learn how to avoid conflict and never learn healthy, safe boundaries about speaking up. When family themes such as, “keep the peace at all costs,” are present, it makes negotiating boundaries to effectively get their needs met difficult. Commonly, children who grow up without healthy conflict resolution skills become adults who avoid conflict.

Eau Gallie relationship therapy in Melbourne, Florida helps couples understand generational trauma
With a therapist, you can better understand how conflict was handled for you as a youngster. Many times, couples do not realize they are carrying unhealthy patterns of communication in their own romantic relationship. Did you see your parent(s) argue and then no one apologize? Were apologies given, but in a mocking tone and without value or meaning?
Learning about your childhood and how parents handled conflict can be insightful and healing.
Did one person try to present gifts to another, still without a direct apology or acceptance of the fault? As well, were parents violent and aggressive, with the “my way or the high way,” theme? Then, when conflict occurred, did one or both parents turn to alcohol or drugs? Did you parents never fight in front of you? Or, did parents complain to you about their marriage?
The team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling
Finding your partner keeping secrets, lying, or cheating is heart breaking and angering. Additionally, you may want to talk about sexual pleasure and sexual difficulties. Losses and trauma emotionally impact you both too. Sometimes, you and your partner may run into anger or the silent treatment when you try at home. No matter the issues, we love helping couples gain togetherness. Often, learning about childhood patterns and deciding what didn’t feel the best is part of couples counseling. Couples in counseling can learn to reignite the passion, resolve conflict, improve their sex life, and have fun together again. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling are a group of Melbourne, Florida therapists who love helping couples thrive.