Do You Experience Any Of These Symptoms Daily? If so, consider PTSD treatment.
- Trouble thinking straight and brain fog
- When triggered you go from 0 to 100 very quickly
- Anger, frustration, and unstable mood swings
- High anxiety and fear of being alone
- Guilt, shame for being a person
- Self-blame
- Withdrawing from social events
- Feeling sad, experiencing loneliness, or hopeless.
- Feeling disconnected from yourself, like feelings are too much
- Difficulty sleeping or staying asleep
If you experience any of these symptoms, PTSD treatment can help you feel confident and like yourself again. In general, our team of holistic, creative therapists would love to help you through trauma therapy in Niantic. Likewise, learning to work with these challenging feelings will help you through your whole life.
To start, click the button below to start in holistic PTSD and trauma therapy.
Looking for psychotherapy for PTSD in Southeastern Connecticut?
To get started, you are feeling down, out of balance, and memories of the past flood your brain. And, you have a new IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) diagnosis. Even healthy, romantic relationships seem far away and out of grasp. And, you desperately want to feel close to a partner. Especially at night, when you have to sleep, your mind feels like it is hijacked by past, bad memories. When it comes to friends, no relationship seems to work for you. And, these traumatic memories are unpleasant to say the least. Recently, the panic attacks feel overwhelming. Don’t worry any longer. Lastly, trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut can help you.
What are some benefits of trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut?
Right now, you are in survival mode. Further, trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut helps you let go of limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Moreover, you have developed protective mechanisms that are actually holding you back. Likewise, creating long-term relationships seems like something other people, who did not experience trauma, can do so easily.
Art therapy alongside trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut
And, trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut will help you emotionally connect with others, while also maintaining your self-respect and self-worth. Lastly, trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling includes the mind-body approach of yoga therapy.
To begin, click the pink button below for a phone consult to start in PTSD and trauma therapy.
What Is Trauma? Trauma Therapy in Niantic and East Lyme
To note, trauma, a deep loss and wound, is not something you decided to go through. Rather, trauma happened to you, and now you are looking for highly specialized complex PTSD treatment along the shoreline of Southeastern Connecticut. Right now, you are a mix of anxious alongside depressing thoughts. At night, falling asleep is almost impossible. In the morning, your panic attacks scare you.
Why would someone need PTSD treatment?
First, if you have flashbacks to negative memories. To add, holistic PTSD treatment can be healing if you experience panic attacks, loss, grief, abandonment, guilt, or shame. To note, trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut helps you overcomes trauma and take back your personal power. Really, PTSD treatment helps you understand how to nurture your inner child. At one time, you didn’t get he love you needed. In your sessions, our team of trauma therapists offer your positive coping skills to manage panic attacks holistically. For example, you can learn a peaceful, guided meditation. To begin in healing from your past through psychotherapy for PTSD in Southeastern Connecticut, call 860-451-9364.
Trouble Sleeping? Think about holistic trauma treatment in Niantic, Connecticut
At night, when you close your eyes, the memories of what you went through plague your mind. And, you want to overcome what happened to you. Also, you want a mental health profession, such as a complex PTSD treatment specialist, to nurture you and help you grow. To add, the team of holistic PTSD specialists in Niantic offer unconditional compassion as you let go of your past. For instance, you can choose painting, art, music, and yoga therapies as part of PTSD counseling in Niantic.
Would you like to feel empowered and let go of what happened to you?
In PTSD counseling in Niantic, you’ll learn mind-body coping skills to release memories and handle flashbacks with calmness. Therefore, you’ll learn techniques to put your traumatic memories in a safe container.
And, in PTSD counseling, you’ll feel stronger, healthier, and empowered after session. Further, in complex PTSD treatment in Niantic, the team of therapist help using holistic treatment, creative therapies, and positive support. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, we offer specialized, holistic, creative PTSD therapy in Southeastern Connecticut.
Survivors of Trauma, we are glad you are here.
First, trauma therapy in Niantic is a journey of transformation, self-discovery, and building a connected relationship with yourself. Anxiety happens to all of us. But, trauma and PTSD is another animal. To work with complex PTSD, a therapist needs extensive trauma training. And, the team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling are trauma specialists. We offer mind, body, spirit techniques for you in sessions. To get effective, PTSD therapy, you’ll need to see a specialist, such as a holistic trauma therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut.
Holistic PTSD therapies support inner peace

Are you unsure if what you went through was actually trauma?
To begin, you may not realize why you have anxiety when you are falling asleep at night or why certain traumatic memories pop into your head at the worst times. Also, you may even have a great job and are an organized perfectionist. But, still have a underlying level of high functioning anxiety and worry. Furthermore, gentle, strength-based trauma therapy in East Lyme can take many forms including art, yoga, music, and outdoor therapies.
How is complex PTSD therapy in Niantic different than traditional psychotherapy?
So, working with a complex PTSD treatment specialist, such as one of our team members at Wisdom Within Counseling, you’ll get support understanding your past. Right now, a part of you is angry, frustrated, and wants revenge. Another part of you feels so sad, lost, and disheveled. And, another part of you feels hurt, abandoned, and used. However, many therapists that only do talk counseling don’t understand the depth of trauma. Talk therapy can help anxiety, but not trauma.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for specialized PTSD and trauma counseling.
So, what is different about holistic, creative PTSD treatment?
Now, effective PTSD treatment involves your body, mind, and spirit. When you think back, your body, mind, and spirit were impacted. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you learn how traumatic memories can be set free. Also, you can gain a spiritual practice for freeing loss and grief. Further, you learn acceptance and self-love for a confident body image. Lastly, you and your therapist can do yoga in PTSD treatment session. To begin with a phone consultation, call/text 860-451-9364. In conclusion, specialized trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut can help you feel self-confident and develop healthy self-esteem after trauma.
Why does someone need specialized trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut?
So, trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut helps you take back your confidence. Plus, trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut helps you reconnect with your self-worth, and create healthy relationships. Often, victims of trauma fall into codependent relationships. Or, victims of trauma tend to be too care taking in relationships. Overall, when it comes to PTSD therapy in Southeastern Connecticut, the holistic team at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic is here to help you thrive again. Finally, psychotherapy for trauma is highly specialized when compared to traditional talk counseling.
Schooling Years and College Was Challenging To Say The Least
Prior, in young adult years or college you had experienced some unwanted touch, but thought nothing of it at the time. Now, all you know for sure, is that you are anxious, can’t sleep, and need professional help. And, deep down, you know that the feelings of anxiety you currently have are related to trauma. Moreover, trauma therapy in Niantic at Wisdom Within Counseling is supportive, nurturing, and helps you feel balanced again.
Relaxing and calming your nervous system in trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut
Below, you’ll see a picture of a guided meditation practice. So, in trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut, you’ll learn ways to build a relationship with your negative thoughts and inner critic. Instead, of giving in to your self-sabotaging voice, you’ll have loving kindness meditations to self-soothe.
Yoga Therapy, Art, Painting, and Creativity Express In Niantic PTSD Treatment

Holistic trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut
And, in your therapy session, you get to choose if you want to receive relaxing healing touch. On one hand, many therapists avoid touch. However, when a victim of trauma gets to choose healthy touch, it is empowering and invokes leadership skills. Further, trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling with Katie Ziskind and her team is healing on a deep level. To add, you don’t have to talk unless you want to.
What are the holistic therapies you can choose from when it comes to PTSD treatment?
For some, painting and doing art can release subconscious memories of trauma. Also, for others, trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut includes yoga poses and breathing skills for handling flashbacks and panic attacks. Additionally, victim of trauma learn about Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, to bring about transformation. Overall, trauma therapy in Southeastern Connecticut is holistic, creative, and focuses on helping you get back to your best self again!
What do most therapists do wrong when it comes to PTSD therapy?
First, PTSD therapy in Southeastern Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling includes mind, body, and spirit healing. Unfortunately, at other counseling agencies, talk therapy is the only trauma treatment. And, talk therapy alone is not effective trauma therapy. Often, talk counseling for trauma can cause regressions in progress and re-traumatize a victim.
Beyond just talk therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling
Now, if you talk about your trauma history, you’ll feel sad, immense guilt, shameful, neglected, and seriously upset. And, talking may even re-victimize you. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, PTSD therapy in Southeastern Connecticut includes art, yoga, music, animals, and outdoor therapies to help you feel balanced and nurtured to thrive again.
Why do we offer healing touch as a choice in PTSD therapy in Southeastern Connecticut?
First, healing touch can offer a sense of control back to someone who has survived trauma. Also, healing touch supports deep nervous system relaxation and teaches your body, mind, and spirit how to relax. Often, after trauma, your relaxation response actually stops working.
As a result of trauma, your body is living in flight, fight, or freeze mode all the time. Through yoga therapy, we help you rewire your brain to be less reactive, calmer, and more easy-going. So, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, PTSD therapy in Southeastern Connecticut, includes holistic counseling. For example, you can elect outdoor walk and talk therapy sessions. Likewise, going to a walk by the shoreline, beach, and smelling the salty ocean air offers relaxation, inner bliss, and peacefulness. And, if you can’t make it in, we offer phone and video counseling.
How can outdoor walk and talk therapy sessions help depression related to PTSD therapy in Southeastern Connecticut?
Often, survivors of trauma experience depression, lethargy, and low mood. Therefore, PTSD treatment includes creative art, painting, yoga, and relaxation skills. And, depression and withdrawing socially are major roadblocks when it comes to confidence. So, going outside for a walk and talk therapy session can be a great way to get present. Breathing fresh air, walking, moving outside, and seeing nature can be a healing PTSD treatment.
To start, click the button below for a phone consult for PTSD and trauma therapy in Connecticut.
How can outdoor walking and movement be a skill in PTSD treatment?
Further, the Niantic Bay Boardwalk is a beautiful location for an outdoor walking therapy session. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we offer holistic, creative PTSD treatment. Right in therapy sessions, you can learn skills to move stuck energy, and practice self-care. So, next time you feel like sleeping in until 2pm, you can implement your new skill of walking, for a natural boost of energy.
And, next time you feel guilt or shame, you can express it confidently. Moreover, art, yoga, music, and outdoor therapies teach you positive coping skills right in PTSD therapy sessions. Or, PTSD therapy in Southeastern Connecticut may include yoga therapy, relaxing meditation, breathing for anxiety management, and Ayurveda for better digestion.
Walking therapies support PTSD and trauma healing

Trauma: What you have been through doesn’t have to define your future.
Additionally, sexual trauma can impact men and women as well as the LGBTQIA+ community. Read more about LGBTQ support, here. And, you may have been young when it happened. Remember, no matter what you’ve been through in terms of sexual trauma, it was not your fault. In trauma therapy in Niantic at Wisdom Within Counseling, we remind you that you are not to blame. Often, abusers have a tricky way, narcissistic way, of flipping the situation to blame the victim. Read more about gaslighting, here. Know, the shame, self-blame, pain, worries, and anxieties are something you can share with your East Lyme therapist.
To begin in PTSD and trauma therapy, book a phone consult using the button below.
Similarly, we are a team of therapists who are passionate about helping you feel safe in the world again. Together, we can use yoga therapy, a compassionate, healing practice, to help you heal from your past. Then, in trauma therapy in Niantic at Wisdom Within Counseling, you get to re-discover yourself and create a healthy relationship with even your most overwhelming feelings. Above all, your Niantic therapist will help you manifest a safe, positive, and confident future and help you build healthy relationships again.
Personalized For You: Trauma Therapy in East Modified ACE’s Questions
Thus, begin by using the adapted ACE’s questionnaire below. And, learn about how different, adverse events have had an impact on this present moment and your current mental health. So, in trauma therapy in Niantic, you can learn skills to reach your goals and embrace the wonderful future ahead of you.
Self-Inquiry and Life Reflection Questions
Thus, your childhood experiences may have a bigger impact on who you are today than you may even realize. And, by pinpointing major event, that can give you and me an understanding of events from your past that are holding you back from creating a life worth living. However, when answering these questions, only think about what happened prior to your 18th birthday.
Did a parent or other adult in the household often or very often swear, insult you, or humiliate you; or act in a way that made you afraid that you might be physically hurt?
Did an adult or person at least 5 years older than you ever touch or fondle you or have you touch their body in a sexual way; or attempt or actually have oral/intercourse with you?
Did you often or very often feel that no one in your family loved you or thought you were important or special?
Did you often or very often feel that your parents were too drunk or high to take care of you?
Was a household member depressed or mentally ill, or did a household member attempt suicide?
Now add up your “Yes” answers: _________ This is your ACE Score
Next, if you answered yes to any of these questions, as an East Lyme psychotherapist, we clinically recommend seeking therapy to help support yourself. In conclusion, all the moments of trauma you have experienced impacted your mind, body, and spirit. Let us help you heal from complex PTSD through holistic, creative therapies today.
To get started in PTSD and trauma therapy, click the pink button below.
The Many Forms Of Trauma and Holistic Therapies To Support You
For one, growing up and living with a parent who drank alcohol daily is hard. For two, it seemed normal at the time. But, this memory impacted the person you are today. Read more about support for adult children of alcoholics, here. And, trauma can take many forms, and sexual trauma is just one of the forms. Read more about yoga therapy for trauma, abuse, and PTSD, here.
The team of holistic, creative therapists in Niantic would love to help you heal from trauma, care for your wounded inner child, and create a safe, loving, sustainable relationship with your body, mind, and spirit.