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Adult Children of Alcoholics


Are you looking for healing from verbally abusive parents in trauma counseling in Southeastern Connecticut?

First, adult children of alcoholics often experience depression, anger, and mood swings. Did you feel disappointed growing up? When you were growing up, you feel neglected? Like you had to parent yourself? Fortunately, you aren’t alone. And, if you had parent who drank alcohol excessively, you missed out on your childhood. When you were younger, your childhood friends looked forward to going home after their school day. But, you had to walk on eggshells in fear. Often, adult children of alcoholics report chaos was normal. Therefore, our team of marriage and family therapists can help you heal from your verbally abusive parents in trauma counseling.

Call/Text for a phone consultation 860-451-9364.

Do you feel like you can’t ever find a healthy partner? Were your parents verbally abusive? 

For one, adult children of alcoholics end up dating partners who need care taking. Growing up, you became very good at keeping the peace and care taking for your parents. Often, you took care of you siblings. And, you can learn skills to heal from verbally abusive parents in trauma counseling in Niantic, Connecticut. Did you know, adult children of alcoholics tend to pick narcissists for partners. Call/Text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for self-confidence, clear thinking about relationships, and self-worth.

verbally abusive parents in trauma counseling, alternative anxiety medication in Niantic, Connecticut

Are you an adult child of an alcoholic?

Do you pick narcissistic partners? Verbally abusive romantic partners? Alcoholic partners?

Unfortunately, this leads to a verbally abusive relationship. But, really this is because verbal abuse is normal from your childhood. Overall, counseling in Southeastern Connecticut helps adult children of alcoholics express emotions from the past with confidence. Also, you can process traumatic memories from your verbally abusive parents in trauma counseling in Niantic, Connecticut. Lastly, adult children of alcoholics can learn positive coping skills through holistic, creative therapies. We teach you how to thrive confidently and attract a healthy relationship that serves you!

Connecticut phone, video therapy, and online therapy, phone, video therapy, and online therapy in ConnecticutDo you feel like you are not good enough? Well, remember, you are amazing, magnificent, and beautiful!

And, if you had to be an adult as a child, you may have some perfectionist traits. Growing up, you were told you had to be perfect. Because, if you didn’t, then your parents became angry. Back then, being organized, focused, and disciplined helped you survive. But, your children and partner seem put off by your perfectionism. But, being perfect is what you had to do as a child. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, our team can help you feel good enough after having verbally abusive parents in holistic trauma counseling. Call/Text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for confidence, calmness, and self-esteem.

Time for a change? Healing from verbally abusive parents in trauma counseling in Niantic, Connecticut

Being local, East Lyme holistic trauma therapists, we understand how daily life, past generations, and the seasons effect your mood. And, the winter is exceptionally tough because of less sunlight. And, since we offer help for  adult children of alcoholic parents, you’ll be in the hands of holistic specialists. To add, you can choose from art therapy, yoga therapy, music, animals, and outdoor therapies. Sometimes, healing from verbally abusive parents in trauma counseling means going beyond just talk counseling. One day, you may want to talk. But, another day, you may want to express your emotions in healthy ways through art, dance, movement, or being outside. Call/Text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for trauma healing and the courage to be yourself.


Are you looking to be more motivated and have more energy?

At the same time, the winter months remind you of the darker times of your childhood, when your parents drank more. Additionally, when your partner drinks alcohol, it triggers you back to when you were a child. In your childhood, you are remembering feeling alone. Now, you are worried by your own rigid thinking. Sometimes, you are your own worst enemy.

Help for adult children of alcoholics

In your childhood, you constantly were let down by your parents. And, many other adult children of alcoholics couldn’t rely on their parents. This makes it hard to trust and date, or even make new friends. When depressed, adult children of alcoholics tend to isolate and withdraw. So, in holistic therapy for adult children of alcoholics, you will learn how to love yourself and nurture yourself. In Niantic, Connecticut, adult children of alcoholic parents receive alternative, complimentary, and holistic support. Call/Text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for confidence, depression management skills, and positive self-talk.

Looking for a holistic self-care plan, positive body image, and therapy for adult children of alcoholic parents

From a strong, nurturing self-care plan, we help adult children of alcoholic parents to feel confident and have better self-esteem. Further, if you grew up with belittling criticism, and feeling unimportant, you may be an adult child of alcoholic parents. Lastly, to creative positive change in your life take professional mental health guidance. To begin feeling better, call/text us at 860-451-9364.

Want to change your story and feel self-confident through holistic counseling in Niantic? 

Thinking back, you have trouble remembering your childhood. For so long, you have pushed away those memories, because they are too painful to focus on. And, you life is better now, but the bad memories still feel like dragons when you turn the lights off and try to sleep in the evening. Further, growing up was really difficult. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, your holistic, creative therapist will help you learn positive coping skills for sleeping better, being more confident, and kind to yourself.

Was growing with alcoholic parents something you never want your children to experience? 

Also, growing up was challenging. As an adult child of alcoholic parents, you spent many hours alone. But, when they were home, they were verbally abusive and now you are considering holistic trauma counseling. Sadly, you parented yourself as a young child. Now, is the time to step into power and lovingly nurture your inner child! Looking back, as an adult children of alcoholic parents, you saw dysfunctional patters. Your parents paid for you, but weren’t not emotionally there.

Where you parents verbally abusive? Well, you may benefit from holistic, creative trauma counseling in Niantic, Connecticut.

After work, you parents drank and drank. Alcohol, as an adult children of alcoholic parents, has been causing issues your whole life. Let’s work together to get you healthier and let go of your verbally abusive parents in trauma counseling in Niantic, Connecticut. As a team of holistic East Lyme therapists, we are happy to work with your others providers, psychiatrists, naturopaths, and doctors to support you more effectively. So, to get started in counseling for adult children of alcoholic parents, call/text 860-451-9364.

Where your children are in life is re-triggering your inner child’s unresolved memories

Now, parenting your children is starting to bring up some of your unresolved emotional work. And, you know that your children will benefit from their own emotional support to process friendships, peers, school anxiety, and feelings. Furthermore, you know that you want to change your story for your children and that black and white thinking no longer serves you. But, you know you need and want professional mental health support through holistic counseling. You know you want more than just talk counseling.

verbally abusive parents in trauma counseling

Wanting help to feel more carefree and relaxed?

Now, you may be a perfectionist. But, this part of you is what helped you get though drunken fights your parents had. As a child, you remember walking on eggshells, not knowing if your parents would be happy or angry. Moreover, your fight, flight, and freeze responses are often triggered in fights with your partner now. As a result, you feel safe being in control now, in your adult years. But, you deeply desire for a more relaxed, carefree, and calm life. You want to be able to let go of your past, your pain, and love openly.

How has being a perfectionist helped you succeed? 

Let’s be real. First, you are a natural leader. You are organized and tidy! But, you missed out on a playful, fun-loving childhood. In Southeastern CT, we help you be the heart of your own life. You gain a coping skill tool box for reducing conflict and managing anger. For example, you can learn to handle the holidays with your family with confidence. Also, your type A personality is what has gotten you this far. Further, you love your i’s dotted and t’s crossed. Call/Text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for self-respect, mind-body-spirt connection, and social confidence.

Do you want to heal after having verbally abusive parents in trauma counseling in Niantic, Connecticut? Our team would love to help you feel stronger and learn to nurture your inner child with gentleness.

But, when it comes to loving your children, your find it difficult to be truly supportive. And, your marriage is distant because you can’t seem to open up and trust. But, is it you? Or, is it your spouse? Well, let one of our expert marriage and family therapists help you get clear! The verbal abuse your experienced sometimes gets projected onto your children and partner. You can see it pushes your loved ones away, and you want professional therapy help changing, being more gentle, and softening. Call/Text 860-451-9364 for holistic trauma healing in Niantic, Connecticut.

Do others see a perfect person, but inside you are feeling small, sad, and angry?

To add, you are great at making your life look perfect. Well, you’ve had to for survival for so long now. Do you feel like you are holding it together for everyone? As a child, you learn that you had to uphold your family’s image. Now, you know you do a great job “holding it together.” But, at the same time, you want a safe place where you can “let it all go.” In Niantic, holistic counseling supports your mind, body, and spirit. To add, you can learn to feel naturally happier through yoga, eating well, and getting good sleep. When you come to Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, we help you feel stronger, nurtured, and release your past through creative, holistic therapies.

Call/Text 860-451-9364 for help feeling vibrant and healing after having verbally abusive parents in trauma counseling.

Yoga, a practice of self-love. Dabbling, you’ve tried yoga in Southeastern CT and you may have even found yoga by knowing you needed to stretch and relax. Now, it has become your safe place. However, even still, you’ve always felt like something isn’t right or something is missing.

Did you feel uncertainty as a child growing up?

Additionally, couples therapy in Niantic, Connecticut or via TeleTherapy can be helpful because you feel unhappy in your partnership. When you are feeling far from content, it can help to talk with one of the holistic therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Southeastern CT. No matter how tough you past was, you don’t have to handle it alone anymore. To get started in holistic counseling in Southeastern CT, text/call 860-451-9364.

Katie Ziskind, In The Media

At times, news reporters ask experts for their opinions and experience. Katie Ziskind, LMFT, RYT500 is featured in the article below. Topics Katie Ziskind has been mentioned in vary including, exercise, nutrition, family life, wellness, self-care, couples therapy, children, and connection. Enjoy reading about the: How To Be Less Critical of Others

Southeastern CT, emotional confidence in therapy

Therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut: Adult Children of Alcoholics 

And, you have a committed partner and children, so everything seems fine and happy from the outside. However, your children are growing up and you feel deep underlying unhappiness. More, you also have started reading books and now identify as an adult child of an alcoholic.

In Southeastern CT, Katie Ziskind and her team help adult children of alcoholics let go of shame and fear.

To get started in holistic counseling and your personalized journey of healing in Southeastern CT, call 860-451-9364 today for a phone consultation.


Want to believe in yourself again, feel peaceful inside, and feel stronger?

Also, changing your family pattern takes the support of an expert on families. For one, the team of therapists in Niantic at Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern CT support creative, holistic growth using art, yoga, music, and outdoor therapies. And, you’ll learn positive coping skills for better communication with your partner and children. And, from building a nurturing, loving relationship with your inner child through therapy, your relationships with your children and partner will deepen. For instance, Katie Ziskind LMFT, RYT500 is a licensed marriage and family therapist and yoga therapist in Southeastern CT. Katie Ziskind loves helping using yoga therapy in Niantic. And, our team of holistic East Lyme therapists can help you feel confidence from the inside out. To get started in holistic therapy for self-confidence, call 860-451-9364.

verbally abusive parents in trauma counseling, PTSD therapy, holistic, creative, LGBTQ, trauma counselor, marriage and family therapist, yoga therapist, relaxation, calming, self-care, loving kindness meditaiton

How can yoga therapy help after having verbally abusive parents in trauma counseling?

Do the feelings of abuse, neglect, shame, and abandonment linger? Well, the holistic marriage and family therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic use mind, body, and spirit techniques. Furthermore, these are positive coping skills to help you feel stronger and centered. So, next time a panic attack comes on, you can call on your coping skill toolbox. From holistic counseling, you can handle distressing memories with ease. Call/Text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for holistic yoga therapy and to heal naturally from verbally abusive parents in Niantic, Connecticut trauma counseling.

How can you use yoga to overcome memories around verbally abusive parents in trauma counseling in Niantic, Connecticut?

As a group of holistic East Lyme therapists, you can learn yoga therapy skills for traumatic memories to use when you are alone, to help you sleep at night. Moreover, yoga therapy helps you lay a healthy foundation of emotional expression for your entire life. And, a relaxing, a meditation practice, can be a great way to let go. Lastly, healing from your past and trauma makes the future better for your children.

Holistic therapy in Niantic can help you feel safe, handle anxiety in a positive way, and feel confident!

What is unique and alternative about Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic?

Additionally, Wisdom Within Counseling offers holistic therapeutic specialities in East Lyme, Connecticut. Also, we are here for you as your holistic East Lyme therapists. Moreover, we are an LGBTQIA+ therapy practice. First, you can choose to use art, painting, glitter gel pens, and clay to process your feelings and feel more calm. Or, you may use movement therapies such as yoga therapy or walk-and-talk sessions outside by the Niantic Bay Boardwalk, shoreline, and beaches to release stuck energy.

Alcoholic parents? Did you have verbally abusive parents and are thinking about trauma counseling? Finally, your holistic therapist in Southeastern CT will help you create a bright future where you feel curious, calm, and empowered after trauma. 

adult children of alcoholic parents, holistic counseling, yoga therapy, niantic, connecticut

If you answer yes to any of the questions below, we recommend calling for a phone consultation. Call/Text 860-451-9364.

Did your parent(s) have? 

  • Functional Alcoholism (going to work daily)
  • Full Blown Alcoholism (couldn’t hold a job)
  • Drug Use
  • Sex Addiction
  • Gambling
  • Aggressive Religious Views
  • Anger and Blame Addiction (Aggressive fights where you felt scared)
  • Mental Health Issue (Bi-Polar Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder)
  • Hospitalizations for Suicide Attempts

Get started in holistically healing after having alcoholic, verbally abusive parents and gaining confidence and clarity. 

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